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Page 34

by Mary Wasowski

  “Not everything, Ms. Falcone. Take that ring you are wearing,” he called out as I looked to my ring and then back to him. “It belonged to my mother. I want it back. Now, hand it over.”

  “Like hell I will,” I shouted.

  “I am done playing games with you. I know what Carter has in his possessions, and mark my words, I will get them back, but for now that ring will have to do.”

  He lunged toward me, and that’s when I screamed at the top of my lungs to stay away from me. Of course, he wasn’t deterred from my screams and lunged again. This time I was ready and pulled out my can of mace, took my aim, and fired.

  “Stay the hell back!” I screamed, as his hands went to his eyes, and he lost his balance with being temporarily blinded.

  I didn’t stick around after that. With quick strides, I made it out to my car and passed a curious neighbor on the way out.

  “Yeah, thanks a lot for the help,” I called out as I got into my car and sped away. “Fuck!” I screamed as I hit my steering wheel with my good hand.

  I think I was in shock. This would be my second time seeing his father, and what a moment it was. I can’t believe he physically came at me. What was he going to do? Snatch the ring right from my hand? Well, fuck that. This ring belonged to Carter, and he had every right to give it to me.

  I kept driving and ignored my phone and the persistent caller on the other end. I promised Carter that I would come back to the office, but his father showing up unexpectedly changed my original plan. I saw the exit coming up for Cedars-Sinai hospital. Just perfect. A trip to the emergency room was just what I needed right about now, but I had no choice.

  I think I broke my fucking hand.

  It had been more than three weeks since my attack, and today was my first day back to work. I was back at the only place I ever felt whole, that is until I opened my eyes and started to really look at Karen as the woman in my life who handed me her broken heart to put back together again. Maybe she did that for me more than I did it for her. It didn’t matter who was the conquering hero, because I got the girl in the end. Well, make that three girls, and I have never been happier.

  What I had with Karen seemed like a dream. When I was younger, I never thought I could love anyone beyond Thea. I didn’t want to be a half a man to Karen, or any woman for that matter who wanted someone else, something more. It wouldn’t be fair, certainly not to her girls. They had been through enough, and I would always honor my promise to Karen before we moved forward with our relationship.

  Her ex-husband was still an imminent threat. He was out there somewhere and vowed to get what he believed I took from him. Knowing all of this was not going to keep me and Karen from getting what we wanted, which was to become a family. In my eyes, we already were and became one the minute she told me that she loved me. My mother would disagree, but I wasted too many years of my life being alone, and now those days were over. The excitement I felt just doing homework with Gigi and Trinity was the best feeling ever. Nothing in my past even came close to what I had now in my present. These girls changed my life. How did I get so lucky?

  My accident was hard on them. It would be days before I was strong enough to hug them the way I wanted to, to horseplay like we did, and Gigi doing her famous pile driver on me. I wanted to be fully healed and strong again. I forced my physical therapist to go twice as hard on me, and then when I wasn’t working out with Josh, I had Tony and Spinelli helping me out.

  I was determined to not allow what Alex did to stop me. After he called that night, and then telling him off, he had become radio silent, and the trail to locate him went cold. McCarthy was keeping in contact and because it was a viable threat, it was now on the record. McCarthy was taking charge of the investigation. I had no choice but to tell Karen, but I waited a few days to feel better physically and just enjoyed some downtime with Karen and the girls.

  She was angry and confused. She hadn’t heard from Alex for the longest time, and then out of nowhere, he appeared back in her life. Why was this happening, she questioned. I wish I had the answers to put her mind at ease, but I didn’t, and we were not any closer to locating him.

  I talked with McCarthy about my plan. He was hesitant at first but believed it could work with the right planning. We had to draw him out, and what I wanted to do, I knew Karen would never consent to.

  “No, how could you ask this of me?” she cried out and paced my living room in frustration.

  I asked Veronica to take the girls out for ice cream while I took some time with Karen to have a much-needed conversation with her. Unfortunately, even with positive thinking, she reacted the way I expected her to. I wasn’t giving up, and as long as I kept her talking, there was hope.

  She said, “Nick, you know I love you. The girls love you, and aside from walking down the aisle to become your wife, I have done everything you have asked of me, but this request? No way. Have you lost your mind? Maybe Alex kicking your skull in has affected your rational thinking.”

  Yeah, that still fucking hurt like a kick to my balls. I hated to be reminded that a weasel like Alex took me down. He was a coward that got in a few sucker punches on me. Being reminded of it was the last thing I need to hear.

  “Karen, do not mention his name, not ever. He is out of your life and out of the lives of the girls. How many times do I have to tell you this? He is fucking dangerous and will come at us again, one way or another. I am just trying to protect you. You fight me every step of the way, and it is downright exhausting. I can’t properly protect you if you are not willing to believe how much in danger you truly are. Do you think I was kidding when I told you about his phone call? He hates me and wants me gone.”

  “But why, Nick? Why does he hate you so much? He never did before and has been gone and out of my life for so long now. I just don’t understand why this is happening. Damn, I feel like such a fool for believing he cared about his daughters, or me, for that matter.”

  “Baby, this is happening because he knows you have finally moved on from him, and guys like Alex do not like to be left behind. When he left you and the girls, he held all the cards. And knowing he left you penniless, well, that was more control over you. You slowly rebuilt your life from the ground up, and you and the girls have been better than ever before. He hates that. You giving your heart to someone who loves you back, well he hates that too. And, knowing I’m your guy making you smile, twirling the girls around the living room on a Sunday morning, well, that’s where he is so blinded with hate, he has to take away the source of all these wonderful things happening in your life. This is not me making this up in my head. This is real, and it’s a classic sociopath behavior of an ex. If he can’t have you, then no one else will.”

  “Do you really believe that, Nick?” she asked.

  “Yes, I do. I am not the only one who believes this. I have an entire police force on my side, and we are all in agreement that he is dangerous and needs to be found as soon as possible.”

  “Please give me a few days to think about it. I can’t do this right now.”

  She used my words against me, but I didn’t challenge her anymore and gave her what she had asked from me.

  Downstairs, cheers and applause resonated throughout the entire firehouse as my team welcomed me home. Leslie was front and center, along with Chief Thomas Michaelson.

  “I don’t know what to say, but thank you so much for this. Okay, back to work.”

  Boo’s followed with robust laughter from Tony, followed by Spinelli. One by one, my guys all came in for a hug and weren’t shy about it. Thank goodness my ribs were healed, or I would be one hurting guy by the time my welcoming committee was finished.

  “Chief, how are you?” I asked as Michaelson followed me in through my office.

  I placed my things down, and Leslie brought my coffee in and closed the door behind her, leaving me alone with my boss.

  “Don’t you think I should be asking you that question?”

  “No, because you have
been asking me for weeks, and my answer is the same. I am fine and ready to work.”

  “Good, because this house and your team need you. Roberts has worn out his welcome and is now back uptown where he belongs. Don’t get me wrong, the guys liked him and all, but there is only one Chief Bartelli.”

  I smiled hearing his words and remembered my reason for doing all I did in my life: my father, Chief Bartelli. His spirit flowed through this house and me. He was the toughest man I would ever know in ten lifetimes, and I was honored to call him dad. I wish he would have survived on that day, but keeping him close to my heart and memory got me through the challenges I faced in my professional and personal life. He was my guide.

  “No, you are wrong, Chief. I pale in comparison to the man my father was. He was the true leader of this house, but I still try every single day.”

  He smiled but knew how I felt and said nothing more. He gestured to Leslie through the blinds, and then my door opened with Leslie pushing my father’s chair into my office.

  “Wow, I was so excited to be back, I hadn’t realized I wasn’t sitting in my chair,” I said.

  I took the chair from Leslie and gave her the replacement. Sitting in it again nearly brought me to tears because Michaelson knew how important this was to me, and how I always vowed for only a Bartelli to sit in this chair. When I walked out of this house and handed over control to Roberts, I wasn’t even thinking of what I was leaving behind.

  “Thank you, Chief, for everything,” I said.

  “You are welcome. Now, I trust all is well, or you wouldn’t be back, right?”

  “Correct. I can do the job and will not let anyone down, least of all my crew.”

  “Nick, I trust you with everything I have, but even in that truth, I still have a few reservations. You have an imminent threat hanging over your head and a family to protect, and you still need to effectively run this house. Just promise me that if you find yourself in over your head, you will call me and not take on the world by yourself?”

  “You have my word.”

  He pulled me in for a hug, and then we spent the rest of our time bringing me up to speed on all that I had missed. My team was solid, and I had no worries about their leadership skills while I was away. After I finished with Michaelson, I took a few minutes to myself before calling a meeting with my guys.

  My life did not look the same way it did a few months ago, and I was happy about that. Seeing Thea again after so many years apart gave me the biggest head trip ever. I believed for a nanosecond that my world was spinning apart, but in truth it was finally coming together. Finding closure with my past needed to happen. It was long overdue. Admitting my feelings for Karen, yeah, that was another thing long overdue, and the best decision I had ever made. Now that we were together and committed to our future, I was not going to allow anyone to fuck with it, least of all Alex Mancini.

  “Hey, boss, time to greet the troops,” Tony called out before he came into my office.

  “Yeah, I’ll be right there.”

  “Heads up! The boss is back!” Spinelli called out, and more applause followed.

  I addressed them, “Okay, settle down, team. You know, the last time I stood at this podium it was for a very different reason. We had just got through a tough day with one of our own falling. I never thought that when I left this house on that day, that I would fall too, but my circumstance was different than Dawson’s. I was blindly attacked and badly injured. I’m back and fully healed, but there is still a threat out there, and what I am facing is not over yet. I want you all to be aware and be on alert until Alex Mancini is apprehended by the authorities.”

  I looked out to my men to wait for a reaction, but they remained quiet and hung on to my every word.

  I continued, “Our house is being watched, and as far as the threat goes, it is directed at me, but that doesn’t mean I am less concerned for you. This house and the safety of its members are my first priority. Just stay focused while out there doing what you do best. You know the saying: If you see something, say something. Thank you for the support you gave to acting Chief Roberts in my absence. I know it wasn’t easy, but nevertheless, thank you. The normalcy we know will return, I promise you. Okay, I am going to give the floor to Lieutenant Fiore and Captain Spinelli to continue with the rest of today’s agenda.”

  Once again, Tony led the applause as I left the meeting room. I knew whatever I was facing outside of this house, I could not allow to affect my team. My guys were beyond loyal to me and would not hesitate to take a bullet for me. I promised my boss, I promised McCarthy, and I promised Karen that I would not go rogue and take on Alex on my own. This was why I felt so strong about the plan I devised to draw him out. The only way it would possibly work is if I had Karen’s total support. I knew it was a risk, and a dangerous one too, but I had to try.

  McCarthy met me down at the house as my shift came to a close. We were going to discuss the plan to bring Alex out in the open.

  He asked, “So is your girl on board?”

  “No, not yet. She asked for a few days to think about it, so I gave it to her.”

  “I’m going to need an answer, Nick, and sooner rather than later. You say this daddy-daughter dance is happening next Friday night?”

  “Yes, at the school gym,” I told him.

  “Okay, we can work with that. I know that school well. I think my only concern is the many exits it has. I am going to have to have a man at every door. It would be a lot simpler if we could lock them down and just keep the main one open, but hey, look who I’m talking to. I don’t think you approve of that idea.”

  “Yeah, neither would the Fire Marshall, so let’s go with a man at the door. My hope is that if Alex was keeping tabs on Karen and the girls before he attacked me, then he probably still is now.”

  “It’s our best shot we have right now, so let’s hope for the best. We have your back, Nick, and nothing is going to happen to Gigi or Karen.”

  “Matt, I keep thinking back to that night. If I hadn’t allowed him to provoke me, maybe I wouldn’t have hit him first. I thought he was down, and that was my mistake. I don’t know about this big plan of mine. Maybe it’s a bad idea.”

  “Listen, nothing has been put in motion yet. It’s okay to have second thoughts. I just want you to know that if you choose to not go through with your plan, then you are a sitting duck until he strikes again.”

  “Matt, I will not live my life in fear because of some asshole that has a beef with me. I just don’t think using his daughter is the best outcome. If anything were to happen to Gigi because of me, Karen would never forgive me. No, I can’t do it. Matt, I need to find another way.”

  “Okay. Whatever you want, Nick. Just be careful.”

  “No worries there, I have a lot to live for these days, and I will not let them down.”

  After I wrapped my meeting with McCarthy, I hung back at the house until I cleared my mind enough to go home and face Karen. I hadn’t heard from her all day and wanted to call her a hundred times, but this was me giving her space. I fucking hated that.

  I closed my laptop and turned the lights off to my office. My phone buzzed from the inside of my jacket, and when I saw who was calling, I was relieved. It was Karen.

  I answered, “Hey, babe, how are you?”

  “Missing you. When are you coming home?”

  “Walking to my truck now.”

  “Good. I missed you today.”

  “I missed you more. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  “Nick, I love you. Everything is going to be okay.”

  “I love you too.”

  I let out a deep sigh, allowing the stress to fall away. She made it better with just one call. I hurried home as fast as I could. When I walked in, I was greeted by the sweetest sounds of Gigi and Trinity running toward me.

  “Finally, you’re home Nick. What took you so long?” demanded Trinity.

  “Do you always work these hours, Nick? It’s almost seven o’cloc
k, and we have to go to bed soon,” Gigi stated.

  “Okay, since Trinity asked first, I will answer her question first.”

  I kneeled down, and Trinity gave me a hug, followed by Gigi. They were all smiles, and then I looked over to where Karen was taking it all in. She was holding a kitchen towel and smiling from cheek to cheek.

  I explained, “I’m sorry I was late. It was my first day back in a long while. I needed to catch up on everything I missed, and then I almost fell asleep in the many boring meetings I had to go to. And to you, Miss Gigi, I don’t usually work this late unless there is a fire. I promise not to miss too many dinners with you, okay?”

  “Okay,” they both said together.

  “Girls, why don’t you run upstairs and show grandma your artwork while I have dinner with Nick? We will be up soon to read and tuck you into bed.”

  Once the girls were upstairs and out of earshot, Karen walked over and properly greeted me by saying, “Welcome home, I missed you.”

  “I believe we already covered that part. Why don’t you show me how much.”

  Our mouths connected with each other, and I felt as if I could come undone at any moment. Her fingers found my hair, and she lightly pulled on my thick strands, deepening our kiss and making me give back quiet moans of pleasure. My dick was hard and tenting against my zipper.

  I blurted, “I want you so much, baby. Please let me have you.”

  “Okay, laundry room?” she said.

  That’s my girl! I love how her mind works so well with mine.

  I locked the door behind us and lifted Karen up onto the washing machine. She wrapped her arms around my neck and then began unbuttoning my shirt, running her nails up and down my chest, sending chills all through me. Gaining access to her was easy. She was wearing a skirt tonight. I placed my hand under her skirt and slowly slid her panties down her long, slender legs. Her skirt was up and over her hips, and she had my belt unbuckled and pants down in a flash, springing my dick free.


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