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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

Page 2

by A. L. Kessler

  "She's lucky to be alive. Did she tell you what was going on?"

  I nodded and sat in a recliner. "She said she had no control."

  "Lucius controls her beast."

  And that confirmed what she had told me. Great. "So what now?" I leaned back on my hands and looked at him.

  "We hide and lick our wounds until we can either fight back or run."

  "How strong is he?" The wheels started to turn in my head. I could use this to my advantage and get to Lucius.

  "Too strong for you to handle, unless-" He shook his head, and I caught a glimpse of sadness in his eyes. "Never mind."

  "Unless what?"

  "Nothing. Thank you for letting us stay." He turned back to Kass.

  I noticed his stiff movements, unlike the fluid vampire he had been at the bar. "Do you need patching?"

  "No, I will heal." He kept his back to me.

  I stood. "There’s a leftover steak in the fridge for her."

  "Thank you."

  I stretched and started back to my room, but paused. "The second room has blackout curtains, you'll be safe there." I didn't wait for a response. After going to my room, I locked the bedroom door and went back to bed.

  "Mae," Josh's voice was distant, a whisper on the wind.

  I tried to open my eyes, but nothing happened. My heart pounded as panic started to build. Bile rose in my throat when I realized that not only could I not see, but also I could not move.

  "Run, Mae!" His voice still sounded so far away.

  My vision came back to an unexpected view of Lucius. His dark hair was tied at his neck with a leather rope. His black eyes held my gaze. The panic grew as I realize that he was controlling me and I couldn't break his gaze. I couldn't remember how he got in the house or my room. Trying my best, I still could not shift my gaze.

  "Bare your neck to me." His voice moved through me and caused tingles to march down my spine.

  My head moved to the side and my hand pulled my hair away from my neck. I knew what he wanted. My trembling body refused to listen to me when I tried to stop.

  His cold lips pressed against my neck and I felt nothing as his fangs pierced my skin. Not until he slowly started to draw blood from me.

  With each pull I started to feel weak, but part of me wanted more. My body shook as a little noise escaped my lips, part sigh of pleasure and part protest.

  Josh was right. Lucius was strong, powerful, and I wanted him to do this.

  "Stop." This time Josh's voice bounced off the walls as he yelled.

  Lucius pulled away and then shoved me away from him. I found that I could move again, but there was a firm arm around my waist as another vampire pulled me against him. I tried to struggle until I saw Josh. He had been forced to his knees with a cluster of vampires behind him. Silver chains glinted in the light, wrapped around his wrists and leading to another vampire who held the end in his hand with a leather glove.

  "You fear for her?" Lucius turned his back to me to face Josh.

  I could see the pain in Josh's eyes as the silver chains burnt his skin. He bowed his head when I tried to meet his eyes. "Yes, it's my fault she's involved, leave her out of it. Please."

  Lucius shook when he chuckled. "She was involved long before you joined me. She has killed many other vampires and animals. She has jeopardized my lands, slaughtered my people, and you want me to show her mercy?"

  I could see Josh's eyes widen. I licked my lips and tried to keep my voice steady. "They were killing people. It's what I do, Josh."

  He gave me the slightest nod. Lucius laughed. "Take these two back to the mansion. I'll deal with them after I find Kassity."

  Well, at least I knew she was alive and running. I was the person holding me jerked me towards the front door and led to the back of a black SUV. Another vampire grabbed my wrist there and slid a needle in my vein. The last thing I saw was Josh breaking free of his guard and screaming for me as he ran for the SUV. When the others tackled him to the ground my vision went black as I slipped into a blissful sleep.

  England 1800's

  "So you are the girl the village is talking about, the witch." Josh's voice was lighthearted as he watched me feed the chickens. "Is it true?"

  "No, and keep talking like that and you are likely to get me killed." I spread some seed on the ground and watched as the chickens pecked.

  He laughed. "This village has yet to convict anyone of witchcraft."

  "And I do not wish to be the first. What are you doing here anyways?" I finally looked up.

  He gave me a cheeky grin, and I was instantly taken with his looks. "I wanted to see what the fuss was all about."

  "And is it what you expected it to be?"

  "You are a lot prettier than I had expected. I thought most witches were ugly old women." His voice told me that he was joking, but I gave him the answer he wanted.

  I met his eyes. "That is only a rumor, most of us are young and pretty. We blend in well."

  Present Day

  I woke, my ankle trapped with a shackle and a long chain. My panic and fear took my breath away. A soft bed cradled me, the only warm thing in the concrete room. I hesitated as my eyes swept the room and took in the grey walls. "He plans on changing you." Josh's voice made me turn to look at the other side of the room.

  Chains held him to the wall. His face looked pale and sunken and his eyes were tinted red. Hope drained from me when I realized we were both trapped.

  "What happened to you?"

  A small smile formed. "I fought for you. As much as I could after they drugged you."

  My heart pounded and my breath seized as I remembered what I saw before I passed out. Images of him hanging flashed in my mind and caused bile to rise in my throat as my heart stopped. "He's going to kill you."

  "After he makes me watch your change. Tell me something, Mae. Why did you come looking for me? Truly?"

  "I was called in for one of Kass' murders. I was told that she was the only suspect and I learned that she was supposed to be dead, but you were her family. I had been dreaming about you. I knew I had to find you."

  "When did the dreams start?" Something brightened in his face, just a bit.

  I touched the arm that had the burn scars. "When I got caught in a fire."

  "You remember me." A statement.

  I nodded to confirm it.

  "When I saw you enter the bar I knew it had to be you. After all these centuries you've finally come back to me." Blood tinted tears dripped down his cheeks and my heart sank.

  I slid off the bed and I moved to him, thankful that the chain was long enough to let me reach him. "I saw you hanged."

  "The night before, my maker offered me eternal life, promising me that you too would be offered it. It wasn’t until you were gone that I realized he'd lied."

  I remembered that night. Images of the stranger coming to me filled my mind. He made me no such offer, but told me he planned on stealing my lover. I gave a sad smile. "You were always too trusting. Just my luck that I came back as a human." I rose on my toes and gave him a kiss.

  To my surprise he welcomed it. As his tongue parted my lips and heat ran through me. My body ached to be with him and I swore my toes curled as I melted into his kiss.

  "Touching, truly. Shame I'm going to kill him." Lucius' voice filled the room.

  I fell to the floor as he yanked the chain and then proceeded to drag me to him. My hands scrambled against the concrete, but did not hinder my movements.

  "She'll make a great vampire, don't you think?" He pulled me up by my hair and forced me to face him.

  His eyes captured mine again and I relaxed. He moved my hair to the side and I tilted my head for him. No pain again as he drained my blood and with each pull I felt my life leaving me. He lowered me to the ground as my body gave in. He placed his wrist to my mouth and something warm dripped on my tongue. Blood. His blood. Without my command my mouth locked over his wrist, hungry for his life source.

  My body jerked with pain as I
felt fire make its way through my muscles and bones. My voice echoed off the walls and Josh's screams followed mine. He called my name while I lay dying. When the pain faded and I came back to myself I stood, wobbly, as my body didn't seem to be my own. I tried to run to him, but Lucius grabbed the chain and pulled me to him. I swallowed and I met Josh's eyes. "A life without you is no life."

  I felt, more than saw, Lucius rush past me and slam a dagger into Josh's heart. I closed my eyes as Josh's body turned to dust and crumbled into a pile on the floor. An unearthly wind swept around us and carried the particles away. Lucius touched my cheek. "Welcome to your new life."

  I opened my eyes and looked at the empty chains. Something wet dripped down my cheeks as my heart shattered. I touched the back of my hand to my face and it came away with red tinted tears. Emptiness filled me as I realized there would be no return for Josh. Turning, I faced Lucius and tried to come to terms with my new reality.

  In the Light of the Moon

  DWC #1

  Chapter One

  Her body shook from side to side as a panicked voice growled at her. “Kassity, wake up.”

  Kassity’s eyes shot open as she recognized the voice. Her gaze met Josh’s black eyes as he shook her again. “You need to run.”

  Her confusion didn’t help push through the drowsiness. She rubbed her eyes, trying to focus. “What?” She sat up and her body protested a little. The muscles in her back tightened and her bones seemed to creak as she recalled losing a fight against Lucius. “Where are we?” She sniffed the air and then she glared at him. “Mae’s?” The name trickled out of her lips as a growl. As her heart pounded against her chest, she couldn’t fathom why he would have brought them here.

  He gave a subtle nod and then his eyes shot to the door. “Lucius is coming. Go.” He moved away from the couch, giving her room to stand up.

  She stretched her stiff body; to her surprise everything seemed to be in working order and energy coursed through her. “How long have I been unconscious?” She could sense his panic, but she couldn’t rush off without knowing the entire situation.

  “Almost twenty four hours, the sun’s not up yet.”

  “I need food.” Her stomach rumbled as it always did after shifting.

  “Go, please.” Josh shoved her towards the back of the house.

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll find you. Promise.”

  She knew he would keep his promise to her. He always did. Lucius’ power crashed over her and sent tingles down her spine. She gave him a quick hug before running out the back door.

  A familiar rumble started in her body, a beast feeding off of her panic and wanting out. She could taste freedom, they both could. She slinked into the shadows of an alley, pulling on the panic and feeding it inwards, stroking and coaxing the beast to come out. Snapping, wet sounds filled the night and fur covered her human skin as her body bowed to all fours, her hands and feet turning to powerful paws with claws. There would be no more master. Tonight she would have her freedom.

  Jaxon tapped his fingers against the table. He agreed to meet his client here and see what they had to offer. The little bell on the cafe door rang as a towering man walked in and caused the attending waitress to look up.

  “Welcome, take a seat and I’ll be with ya in a moment...” The words died in her throat when the man pegged her with a stare and then moved to Jax’s table.

  Jax stood and extended his hand to the man. “You must be Quinn.” The moment the other man’s hand met his, energy shot up Jax’s arm and through him, letting him know that his client was also a shifter.

  “I am.” The man sat across from Jax. “I’ve heard good things about you, Jaxon, they say you are the best tracker in the states.”

  Jax sat back down and shrugged one shoulder. “High praise. What can I do for you?”

  “My daughter’s been kidnapped and I want her home.” Quinn crossed his arms and met Jax’s eyes. “She was taken from our clan’s territory by a vampire.”

  Jax leaned back and watched the man. Quinn’s breathing never hitched, his pulse didn’t stutter, and no nervous tick showed, all the usual signs of lying were absent. “What clan do you belong to?”

  “The Black Moon Clan.”

  A ping of realization went through Jax. The stories of the Black Moon Clan were told even in Europe. The last panther clan in North America, rumor said they had gone insane. He raised his brows. “Interesting. Do you have any leads on where she might be? You said she was taken by a vampire.”

  “She was, one named Josh. He lived at the edge of our territory for a while, but disappeared with her. My sons have caught her scent outside of Lucius’ territory, but that’s as much as we know. We hope to move in, but we need to know what the situation is.”

  “And that’s where I come in? Locate her and what? Bring her back here?”

  Quinn shook his head. “I’ll have my sons in the territory after you go in. You get Kassity to them, and they’ll handle it from there.”

  “I want half the money up front. I’ve got friends in Lucius’ territory, but it’s going to be a bitch to get in there.”

  “Name your price.” Quinn said as a grin appeared on his face.

  “Two million,” Jax steepled his fingers as he waited for a reaction from Quinn.

  The other main just raised a brow. “Steep price. A half a mil should be plenty.”

  “You are sending me into vampire territory during a war. One point five mil.” Jax lowered his hands and met Quinn’s gaze. “As a rogue I’ll draw suspicion and my chances of being killed on sight are high.”

  Quinn snarled, his eyes flashing to yellow. “A million and no more.”

  Jax kept his face blank as he considered the price. A million would be enough to allow him a nice lifestyle, assuming he didn’t die the moment he stepped into Lucius territory. “Deal.”

  Quinn stood. “I’ll have one of my boys drop the money off to you tomorrow night.” The man left without another word and Jax leaned back in his chair. After a few minutes of planning he pulled out his phone to call one of his contacts in Lucius’ territory. “Kaden, how nice of you to actually answer the phone. I need to know what’s going on in the territory.”

  Chapter Two

  One paw in front of the other. Forcing herself to concentrate so she could stay in control, she couldn’t let the panther take over. Her tail flickered back and forth as she paced the cold cage. Each path taking her closer to the solid bars cast in silver. The box closed her in, teasing her delicate skin, singeing it as her fur brushed against the metal. The beast pushed against her and thoughts of blood filled her mind as images of flesh.

  Kass’ eyes fluttered open and she cringed as the soreness of a forced shift settled over her body. She had managed to be free for a week, but she ran that entire time. Then he caught up to her. She growled as the memories flooded her mind. Her body remembered the power that pulsed through her and the pain of a forced shift when Lucius found her.

  She sat up slowly, bracing her arms under her to insure she’d stay vertical. Her heart echoed through her head, making her head pound. Her stomach churned as her bedroom spun and her body shook. She let out a curse as she lay back down, feeling the cold concrete against her cheek.

  Bastard didn’t even have the decency to put me in my own bed.

  “That’s because you don’t deserve such a luxury right now.” His voice slid through her body like silk and sent a chill through her. Brushing against the beast inside her, making it stir. Recognizing him as master.

  She threw an arm over her eyes and huffed. “How did you find me?”

  “It wasn’t hard, Kassity. You ran from Mae’s house. I simply had another shifter track you from there. You know better than to run from me.”

  She swore she felt the burn of a silver collar around her neck as the panic of being punished ran through her. Her body cramped at remembering sitting at his feet in front of other vampires, trapped in her animal form. She mov
ed her arm and nailed him with a cold look. “Where’s Josh?”


  “He’s a vampire, of course he’s dead. Where is he? You normally make him clean up my messes.” She paused and rolled over to give Lucius her full attention. When he didn’t answer her, a sinking feeling claimed her stomach. “You killed him. You truly killed him?” The anger fed the already stirring beast and Kass called on the instinct of her beast. She still retained some control. Her jaw locked as her hands formed into claws that she used to swipe at him.

  He moved too fast for her human eyes to follow, snatching her wrist and using the momentum to twist her arm behind her back and shove her to her knees. “He served out his purpose and I could not have him ruining my plans.”

  Her dyed red hair fell in waves and spilled over her naked breasts as she held her head down. She forced her breathing to even out and her muscles to relax. She knew her beast would take over if she did not control her anger and then he’d have full control. Tears started to form in her eyes, grief swiftly overtaking the anger.

  “You didn’t have to kill him.” Josh acted as a buffer between her and Lucius and kept her in Lucius’ good graces. He had rescued her from her family and did everything he could to keep Kass safe. Her chest tightened when she imagined never seeing him again.

  “He wasn’t really your family Kass, he adopted you to save you.” Lucius pulled her up and tucked her hair behind her ear. He placed his hands on her bare shoulders. “Now you have nothing left. You have no choice but to stay here.”

  The power in his voice left a cold trail in her head and through her veins, her body relaxing at his touch. Her eyes fluttered shut. “I had no choice to begin with.” She tried to fight the helpless feeling that started to spread. Something in her mind seemed to click into place, but she couldn’t place the sensation.

  “That is true, but remember why you and Josh came to me. To be safe, to live.”

  “To get away from my family.” She swallowed and pulled away. The moment his hands left her, the anger started raging through her again. Her body hummed and tingled with the desire to change, but she felt a block. Snarling, she realized he’d placed that block. She spun, giving the vampire her back. “So you killed Josh, now what?” Clenching her fists she tried to coax the beast in her to calm down, but the block between them seemed to prevent it.


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