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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

Page 20

by A. L. Kessler

  Coran held his ground. Having been around this vampire for centuries threats had become familiar. "Because that doesn't make us any better than those who attacked her. Not to mention we don't know if they are rogue or if they are actually under the Circle's rule. Don't you think it’s best that we play by the rules?"

  "You care for her."

  "She is human."

  "Answer me honestly, wolf, you are governed by me and mine. You care for her?"

  Coran swallowed. The memory of Renee and his dream about her sent heat flooding through him. "It seems fate has dealt me a difficult hand, and help me gods, I do care for her as an innocent human, but I will not let it go further this time.” He said it more to convince himself than Lucius. “I don’t think force should be used to bend her to your will. She should have a choice in giving up the stone."

  "A human." Lucius let out a dark chuckle. "You and humans." He shook his head. “I must have that stone back. If you don't get it for me, I will send Kassity." That Kassity would kill her was a silent statement both men knew to be true.

  "What is this stone?”

  At those words, Lucius' power filled the room. Coran clenched his jaw against the pressure pushing against him, a physical manifestation of what Lucius could do if he really tried. "I just asked a simple question. Tegan had mentioned how bad she screwed up and you were upset about it."

  Tegan entered the room and went to Lucius' side, touching his hand. "I confided in him, but I did not tell him exactly what it was."

  The moment Tegan touched Lucius the power died down and he glanced at her. Coran held his breath, hoping this spell of calm would last. Only Tegan held this power over Lucius and her timing always seemed to be perfect.

  "I ask again, what is this stone? What could be so important that we risk an innocent being exposed to our world?" Coran met Lucius' eyes when he turned.

  "You remember the old legends about the Originals?"

  Coran nodded. "There were five Original vampires that locked away their creator in order to save mankind. They were fledglings of the first vampire, the Father. It is said that one of the Originals was able to trick the Father, and with the help of a witch they trapped his soul and put him in an eternal slumber. That's just myth though, vampires don't have souls."

  "He did." Tegan whispered. "My brother was the one who helped capture it and Lucius and I were in charge of protecting the stone that held the Fathers soul. Then...then." She started shaking and her hands flew up to her head. The trembling woman in front of him didn't resemble the fierce fighter he knew Tegan to be.

  "And that's the stone." Coran eyes widened. "You have to be kidding me. No wonder there are people after her." Now he was even more convinced that he needed to keep Renee safe and why Tegan panicked about sending the stone away.

  Tegan nodded. "Whoever has it can bring him back if they can provide the other two items needed."

  "Which are?"

  Tegan shrugged. "We know they are living beings and that is it."

  He sensed a tremor in her pulse, and a difference in her breathing, but he couldn't tell if she was lying. "Okay, well I'll figure it out, but I don't want Renee hurt. I don't want her any further into this world than she has to be."

  "Just remember, if you don't get it from her I will give Kassity permission to kill if it’s needed to get that stone back." Lucius pulled Tegan closer to him. "We can't allow it to fall into anyone else's hands."

  Because it would end in disaster. Coran nodded. "I got it. I'll see you two later." He grumbled and turned to leave the great room.

  Once Coran left, Lucius turned to Tegan. "I want you to go stay with them and make sure that Coran listens to me. If you get a chance, take the stone back."

  "I doubt she keeps it on her. I wouldn't wear a necklace that was just randomly sent to me." She pulled her hair over her shoulder and started playing with the ends—a nervous tick that hadn't gone away over the centuries. "And if she does, I don't think I can be that close to it."

  "I need you to keep an eye on them. I don't want Coran getting any ideas about this human. I need him unmated with a clear mind. Do you understand?"

  She clenched her fists and glared up at him. "Yes, I do."

  "Good. Stay safe and check in with me." He waved a hand, dismissing her. Having Tegan there would be best for everyone. She could keep her head clear in tough situations and could be his eyes and ears should anything happen. And if all else failed, he'd send Kassity.

  Renee lay on the bed looking around Coran's room. Typical of a male, a pile of clothes claimed one corner of the room, running shoes took up another, making Renee wonder if he used his closet at all. Shaking her head, she got off the bed and examined the bookshelf to the left of the door. A range of paperbacks took up the top two shelves and hard covers took up the bottom two in stacks. Everything from classics to history, many of the bindings worn from being well read, but the antique one on top of the bookcase caught her attention. She went up on her tippy toes and reached for it.

  "Coran puts it up that high for a reason." Orion's voice caught her off guard and she stumbled to catch her balance.

  "I didn't see you standing there." She grumbled and tried to gain her composure. "I was just curious as to what kind of books he reads."

  Orion’s green eyes sparkled when he smiled and he tossed his black hair out of his eyes. Crossing his arms, she noted that he was a little more slender than Coran. Too slender for her taste, and though handsome, he had nothing on Coran.

  "He'll read anything he can get his hands on, he's collected books for most of his life. He’d much rather read than watch television."

  "Oh wow." She smiled. It wasn't every day that she found a man who liked to read. "What’s he like?"

  Orion laughed. "I don't know, he's fierce and loyal. He sticks to his convictions. He protects what is his."

  Renee’s heart swelled with pride, did Coran consider her his? She tried to push the thought away, but she recalled his burning eyes and how he protected her. It didn't strike her as an obligation. "Is he military? Or was he?"

  "Why do you say that?"

  "Because he knows how to kick ass and he's in amazing shape." She blushed as she said it. "Not that I've been looking or anything." No, she just devoured him with her eyes at every opportunity.

  "No, he's not really military, but he is a type of warrior." Orion said. "It's just the way he is. You know, we don't have to talk in here, we can go to the kitchen, have a drink."

  "From what I hear, having a drink with you can be dangerous. Isn't that how Tegan ended up without her shirt?"

  "No, she made a bad move in chess, and that's why she lost her shirt. Don't worry; we won't be playing any strip games. You have questions and I have answers, it's simple as that." He led her to the kitchen. “What’s your drink of choice?”

  Renee gave one more glance at the book on the top shelf before going downstairs. She sat at the table and watched Orion fix drinks. "Rum and Coke. So what about you? How do you know Coran?"

  "Isn't that a fucked up story." He shook his head. "Coran saved my life back when...I was in a bad place. He helped get me back on my feet and was willing to give me a place to stay."

  "You two are close then."

  "Like brothers. He means a lot to me and there isn't much I wouldn't do for him." Orion smiled and sat down with their drinks.

  Renee took her rum and Coke and took a sip. "Does Coran have any family?" She wanted to take advantage of Orion's willingness to talk.

  Orion took a moment, studying his drink. “No, he doesn't have any blood family left. That doesn't mean he's not surrounded by family though." Orion took a sip of his drink and laughed. "He's just not willing to admit it."

  Renee played with her glass. "Why not? Of course he does seem like the type that would rather be left alone. It's like he's suffers from a great grief."

  Orion sighed. "He has, he’s lost a lot of people he's loved and there are some things he’s done that he's not pr
oud of. Though people have forgiven him, he can't move past it himself."

  "How bad can it be?" She asked, her mind spinning as worst case scenarios popped up in her mind.

  He leaned forward on the table and met her eyes. "I have to tell you, Coran comes from a dark past that not everyone understands."

  "Why are you telling me this?"

  "Because you're attracted to him."

  Renee opened her mouth to protest, but Orion cut her off. "Don't. I know it's true and don't ask me how. I know you desire him, you can't keep your mind from wandering to him when he's not around."

  She blushed, but shot a question at him. "What about you and Tegan? What's going on there?"

  His face closed down and he studied the table. "Nothing."

  A bitter tone tinted his voice. "Nothing? You two seem so comfortable with each other. Hell, you play strip chess with the girl."

  "Yeah, well that's as close to her as I get. Lucius, for lack of better word, is extremely overprotective. Though I'm wondering if she's not fucking him."

  Renee made a face. "Who would screw their guardian?"

  "It's a complicated situation." He shrugged. "But nothing will ever change between us. Her, Coran and I all grew up together." Pausing, he tapped his fingers against the table. "We're all like a family. That being said, you hurt Coran, you're going to have issues."

  She blinked. "I'm sorry, what?"

  "I know he's fond of you or he wouldn't be going through all of this for you. Therefore, you throw his kindness back in his face I will make sure that your life becomes a nightmare." He downed his drink and his eyes flashed to a purple color so fast that she gasped.

  Shivers crawled over her skin. "I have no intention of hurting him or throwing his kindness in his face. Why would I?"

  Orion shrugged and played with his empty glass. "Coran has had issues in the past with people who don't belong with our kind."

  "Your kind?"

  He shook his head. "Never mind, don't worry yourself about it." The front door clicked open and Orion flashed her a smile. "He's back."

  Coran stormed into the townhome. Lucius' words burned inside him and the only thing Coran could do was try and get the stone from Renee. He rubbed his eyes as he walked into the kitchen, ignoring the two at the table and going straight to the fridge looking for something to eat.

  "You look like someone ran over your puppy." Renee glanced up from the table.

  Orion choked on his drink. "Bad choice of words."

  Coran shot him a nasty glare. "My errand didn't go as well as I planned. What are you two up to?"

  "Well, I'm off to work. I'm on stage tonight, so I need to go to get fitted for costumes." Orion winked at Renee as he left the room.

  She laughed slightly. "Where does he work?"

  "Strip club." He said with a straight face and sat down in the vacant chair. "You guys have a good time?" He started to doubt if she could remain innocent with how talkative Orion could be.

  "We just talked for a little bit. I wanted to ask you about something. You know when I mentioned I could see animals?” Coran nodded. “What if I told you that I saw a shadow of wings on Orion?" She studied her glass, trying to disappear; worried he would think she was crazy.

  It didn't surprise him, but what could he tell her without pulling her further into their world? He wanted to stroke her hair and comfort her. He wanted to hold her against his chest and hug her while he spilled the secrets of his world to her. To kiss up her neck and drive her wild, to have someone to share his life with again and someone who could make his body stir. That was Renee; he wanted all those things with her. He rubbed his eyes. "I would say that it isn't out of the question, but I can't say much more than that."

  "Why not?"

  He shrugged. "To put it in terms that you can understand, 'You can't handle the truth'."

  "You dare to quote movies to me? I bet I could handle anything you throw at me." She teased him with a grin.

  "Not this. This is your life that’s in danger and I won't allow you to put it at any more risk." He turned when the door slammed shut again. "Fuck, now what?"

  Tegan walked into the small dinning room with a bag slung over her shoulder and a long slender case clenched in the other hand. "Hi honey, I'm home." Her locked jaw told him everything he needed to know. Her lips pressed tight and she crossed her arms. "Lucius sent me."

  "Why?" He asked, his eyes sliding to Renee then back to the woman in front of him.

  Tegan shrugged and threw her bag down by an empty chair. "Hell if I know, I was just told to come and here I am." She spread her arms out wide.

  "Lovely, he sent you to watch me." Coran shook his head. "Well I guess it's better for Renee to have another female here anyways, maybe you two can bond or whatever it is that you do." He waved a hand between the two and let out a sigh.

  Renee laughed. "He always this moody?"

  "You have no friggin’ idea, give him a week and you'll see more mood swings from him than you'd see from any pregnant woman."

  Coran’s eyes snapped to her and he snarled, his beast stirring. "Careful.” A phrase in Latin flew from his lips before he could stop it. Blood whore, something only used when Tegan pushed his limits too far. He went silent, waiting for her reaction, his eyes trying to meet hers through the sunglasses.

  Tegan's face fell and she clenched her fists. "I'm going to bed." She stomped out of the room.

  Coran closed his eyes, knowing he would have to apologize to her later after she was done hiding in Orion’s room.

  "Was that Latin?" Renee's gentle voice broke his guilt.

  He nodded. "Yes, all three of us, Orion, Tegan and I speak it. I just called her something kind of nasty."

  "Get your ass out there and apologize to her." Renee snapped. "You don't just call a woman a nasty name because she upset you. Gosh, and here I thought you were a gentleman."

  He blinked a few times at her. "Trust me, she needs to gather herself before I go try to play nice." It was rare that he lost his temper with Tegan enough to call her a whore and it would eat at him all night. He forced himself to laugh, admitting to himself he loved the fact that Renee had the guts to push him around. "You know something? I think I'm going to enjoy having you here."

  She smiled but the light didn't quite reach her eyes. The forced expression on her face made him reach across the table and cup her hand with his. He savored the touch of her skin, the gentle rhythm of her heartbeat against his hand calmed his beast from the earlier uprising. Well, isn't that interesting. "What's wrong?"

  "Other than there's some psychos out to get me and I feel like everyone is hiding something from me? Nothing. Oh wait, I lied. I'm terrified." She glanced down at their hands and a subtle tremor shook her body.

  He smelled tears in the air. No matter what century or species, he couldn’t stand a woman crying. It made him feel helpless. Scooting his chair closer to her, he wrapped his arms around her and held her. Breathing deep, he took in the scent of her hair. The precious human and soap smell that he loved, with no undertone of a beast like a lycan, no smell of blood or death like a vampire, and no reek of magic like the Fae. She smelled perfect to him.

  "We're going to get through this. I won't let them get you." He whispered, running his fingertips through her soft hair. Even if he regretted the words before, now he knew he would fulfill them. He needed to figure out a way to protect her without letting his past get in the way. "As for us hiding something, everyone has their secrets. I bet even you do."

  She titled her chin up to look at him and he met the tear glazed hazel eyes behind her glasses. Before he realized what he was doing, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. A feather light kiss, but when she relaxed against him he couldn’t keep from pushing further. Her lips parted slightly and he explored her mouth with his tongue.

  Renee pulled back, flushed.

  Coran grinned at her. "Let's just call it a night, yeah? You're tired, I'm tired, and Tegan is going to be b
itchy until tomorrow."

  "Yeah, yeah, good plan." She giggled and stood with him.

  He watched her go upstairs and listened to the sounds of her moving about, probably going through her usual bedtime routine. Trivial, normal things for her, he was sure. By the sound of running water, she was probably washing her face and brushing her teeth. At some point she would be dressing for bed. He moaned at that thought, please let the fates be kind and not have her sleep naked. She didn’t strike him as the lingerie type, but that didn’t mean she didn’t sleep naked.

  He closed his eyes, trying to figure out what fate was doing by tossing Renee into his path. Opening his eyes and taking a deep breath he headed up the stairs and into his room. Desire hit him when he saw Renee lying in his bed, the covers pulled up to her waist. He could see the white cami she wore and he relaxed a bit, but stood there unsure of what to do. All he wanted was to hold her close. His wolf tried to push him to the bed, wanting the same thing.


  He glanced at the bed and then the ground. “Maybe it’s best I sleep on the floor again.”

  She looked confused for a moment, but then smiled. “Don’t be silly. I don’t bite.” She patted the bed. “Come lay down.”

  He wanted to come back with a witty remark, but his words failed him. He kicked off his shoes, scooted under the covers, and stared up at the ceiling.

  “I want to thank you.” Renee’s voice made him turn to look at her. She lay on her side, watching him. “For everything.”

  His breath caught as he studied her. She was beautiful and the warmth of her body next to his made everything feel perfect. Even his wolf was curled up and fast asleep. This was what he wanted every night, but he couldn’t. Not with her. “You’re welcome, Renee.” He rolled back over to continue staring at the ceiling. Listening, he could tell she started to fall asleep as her breathing evened out. Soon she was deep into the dream world and he let himself drift off.

  A whimpering noise woke him close to dawn and it took him a moment to remember that the warm body beside him was Renee. He rolled over and rubbed her back in soft soothing circles, saying her name gently, hoping to wake her. Instead she rolled over and flung an arm and a leg around him. She nuzzled his neck, burying her face in his hair and calming instantly. He took a deep breath and reveled in her scent. He should have pushed her away, but he couldn’t. She felt like heaven in his arms and he was content with that for now. Later he would deal with the consequences. For now he held her and slept in her embrace.


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