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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

Page 29

by A. L. Kessler

  Tegan would be a whole different challenge. If she didn't leave her master willingly, Markus would have to take drastic measures that would be against all the rules. He sat down at his desk and pulled a waiting notepad and pen closer. He didn't have any contacts in Lucius' territory and if he sent in a rogue he'd give Lucius another reason to accuse Markus of breaking the rules.

  He set to work on a letter to Lucius, taking care to leave out the details on what exactly he wanted. When he finished he took it to the club his rogue wolves had located.

  He certainly turned heads walking into the club, all except one of the busy bartenders. Red hair fell past her shoulders and her blue eyes observed everything going on around her. She froze when they finally landed on him. The locking of her jaw told him she knew what he was and wasn't fond of his kind. Perfect, it probably meant she worked for Lucius.

  He stopped at her side of the bar and smiled, showing enough fang to cause her to sneer at him, but the reaction he got was more. Her eyes flashed, marking her as a shifter. Perfect.

  "I have a message for Lucius."

  She snorted and crossed her arms. "I'm not a messenger, find yourself someone else."

  "You have quite the attitude for a shifter with little control. I could pull that beast right out of you and cost you your job and your life in this little hell hole of a safe place."

  The woman stiffened, and though Markus didn't hold the ability to force a shift, he bet her panic and fear of it kept her from sensing the truth. He slid the envelope with his letter across the bar when a man came up behind her.

  "Is there a problem, Kassity?"

  The red head took the envelope and kept her eyes trained on Markus. "No Derrik, just some business for Lucius."

  But the man behind her didn't move. Markus chuckled. "You deliver that to him tonight. Make sure you tell him that Markus sent it."

  "Of course." She growled. "Now get out. You aren't welcome here."

  Markus glanced at the man behind her, who nodded and confirmed her demand. Chuckling, he walked through the crowd. It seemed like it wasn't only the vampires on edge in Lucius' territory, but the shifters as well. Perfect. Civil war always made take-overs easy.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Renee walked into the great room, noticing how her shoes clicked against the shiny tile of the floor and the subtle glow of the fireplace lighting the room. Lucius tossed a leg over the arm of his throne while he lounged and studied them.

  "Took you two longer than I was expecting." He motioned to Tegan and to the floor. "Your place."

  Tegan shuffled to him, but Lucius stopped her. "You were bitten." He snapped as he picked up a piece of black fabric from the arm of the chair. "I'm assuming that will be covered in your explanation?" He glanced at Renee who could do nothing but nod at the small outburst.

  Lucius removed Tegan's sunglasses and replaced them with the black fabric. Tegan remained perfectly still while he did it and didn't flinch when Lucius touched the bite mark. Again, Renee found herself questioning Tegan's humanity as Lucius guided her to the side of the throne.

  Renee frowned when Tegan knelt on the floor at the side, head bowed. "Why do you demand that of her?"

  "Because this is an official meeting and her place is at my side. It's called politics and you will learn them in time." Lucius sat back in his chair, placing an elbow on each arm of the chair and folding his hands together. "Tell me what took you so long." Tegan started to speak, but he placed his hand on her head to stop her. "Renee must find her voice, Tegan."

  Tegan nodded and went silent. Renee took a second to explain it. "Tegan and I had a few things that we needed to discuss in regards to Coran, then there was—" She frowned her mind going fuzzy. "Someone came to visit, I can't recall his face."

  "Markus." Tegan whispered. With the name Renee's mind cleared up and she recalled the face.

  "Yes, Markus. He wants me and not just the stone. He bit Tegan when she attacked him after he threatened me." Renee nodded, confirming her own recollection of what had happened. "Tegan took a little while to talk to the doctor, then I had to sign paperwork. After that I rushed to get out of there."

  "Why?" Lucius' voice rumbled through her. His hands gripped the arms of the chair in anger.

  "Because something felt off. Tegan said that it was a vampire messing with my head. I really wanted to follow what I thought was a whisper."

  Lucius leaned back and nodded. With a slender finger he motioned for Renee to come forward. "Let me block your mind from him. Markus is a nasty piece of work and the fact that they are still after you means there's something special about you. Tegan already told me about your ability, but I doubt that's what Markus is looking for. There must be something he knows that I don't." His carefully guarded voice slipped and Renee heard a bit of worry.

  She came to stand in front of him and he put his hands on her head. Pain flooded her, but then the pressure and the strange voices faded. With a deep breath she remembered more clearly what happened at the hospital when Markus came, and what she’d heard Coran say.

  She put a hand against her head. "My blood can open the tomb of the Father apparently." Renee sighed. "All I know is I want to be safe."

  "Well, you're my responsibility since I brought you into this world, even if it was indirectly. I will protect you as far as your safety is concerned. I do recommend waiting another night until you seek Coran out though. You will be staying on my property, either here or at the townhome. Coran, Tegan, or Orion will be with you at all times no matter where you are."

  "Demanding, aren't you." She felt the need to push against him. Maybe if she did he wouldn’t try to control her like the others.

  "It's the only way to keep you safe. Markus must play by the rules and reach out to me if he wants a meeting." Lucius placed a comforting hand on Tegan's head when she visibly cringed. "And once he does, we will get things settled."

  Renee nodded. "Where are you keeping Coran?"

  "He's in the lycan wing, left out the door, you'll see the murals and the statues of their kind. His bedroom is the green door, his...chamber is the one with the black door, but he’s more likely to eat you than greet you. I suggest staying in his room."

  Her eyes slid to Tegan and Lucius shook his head. "I need to speak with Tegan so she will be unavailable for the night."

  "Must be one hell of a chat." Renee raised a brow, but shook her head. "I'll see you around then." She headed towards the door with no intention of going to Coran's room.

  The gray paint on the walls gave way to massive murals, wolves howling at the moon, half man, half wolf mourning at a grave, and a panther, sleek and proud standing over a kill. Renee was in awe of the way the artist managed to catch the moods of each creature, but when the murals gave way to white walls she shook her head.

  "Strange." She followed the row of doors, passing right by the green one. She ran her hand along the walls as she continued down the hall. The spacing between the doors became greater, all darker shades of the colored doors she saw before, until she got to a black one. Placing an ear on the door she listened. Snarling and scratching greeted her, followed by a loud howl, causing her to jump back. She calmed herself, taking a few deep breaths before turning the knob. I've always wondered what a werewolf looked like.

  Renee peeked in after she cracked open the door. Her eyes fell on a wolf tearing into a bone. Breath catching when his amber gaze met hers, Renee froze and studied the massive beast. She wanted to run her hands through the reddish fur to see if it felt coarse or soft. His muzzle pulled back in a snarl, flashing teeth at her as he crouched and stalked towards her. She stood her ground and held out her hand, palm down, treating him like a domestic dog.

  He sniffed her hand when he approached, a growl still rumbling through his chest and echoing in the empty, concrete room. She could see the tremor in her hand from fear and panic curled in her belly. Another sniff and the growling became soft; his muscles loosening as he sat down and licked her hand. Something
inside her burst, a feeling of welcome and knowing crashed over her when she touched his fur. She savored the feeling of it, both coarse and soft to the touch when it slid through her fingers. There was a blend of colors on each strand giving the beautiful red look to his fur. She knelt in front of him and met his amber eyes.

  "You are beautiful, bigger than a normal wolf I think, but beautiful none the less." She kissed his muzzle and he licked her face. "Friendlier than a wolf too, but that's beside the point." She placed her hand on his chest and felt the rapid heartbeat below. When she focused her gaze behind the wolf, she could see the hazy outline of the man he could become.

  "I have something I want to tell you." She wrapped her arms around the great beast and he rested his muzzle on her shoulder. "I love you." The words were a mere whisper, but she knew he would sense the truth in the words. "I was wrong to send you away and I know there are things that must be worked through and issues that we both have, but I love you. I want to be by your side even if I must grow old. I want you to be the one to keep me safe and the one that I come home to after class and work. If you'll still have me."

  Part of her felt silly for talking to an animal, who had gone still under her touch, but the other part of her, the part that was accepting this world, knew he understood what she was saying. "I'm under Lucius' protection now, whatever that means, but I know I can't make it in this world without your help. You calm my fear, my panic, and my worries. I'm starting to believe in that fate you told me about."

  He nuzzled her neck then stood, backing away from her. In a whimper, something started to happen. The body of the wolf started to bend and blur as the sound of popping bones and sick slimy sounds filled the room. Renee put a hand over her mouth as the breaking sounds continued. She hoped she could stomach this change. Unsure of what was happening, she wanted to rush to him, help him, but she was frozen in place. The fur started to disappear, and the bending of bones and the melding of flesh started to form the shape of her love. Coran. With a final creak, he stood in front of her in all his glory then collapsed to the ground.

  Renee rushed to him, and pulled his head into her lap. Smoothing away his hair, she met his green eyes and sighed. "Coran? Are you okay?"

  "Forced myself to change back, fought against the beast." His voice was rough and he reached up to stroke her cheek. "My brave human, coming into a room with a werewolf."

  "Something told me that you weren't going to hurt me, even though I was scared." She kissed his forehead, happy to have him in her arms.

  He closed his eyes. "Your touch calmed him. He was still pissed about Lucius forcing us to change."

  "You talk about the wolf as if he is a part of you."

  "He is and he's not. I share a soul with him. The change is both a blessing and a curse from the gods. They allow us the abilities, but we must share a soul with the animal. Those who fight against the nature are truly two separate beings, but those who accept the animal are one soul. He and I, we have accepted each other." He found her hand and placed it on his heart. "You calm us both."

  Coran kept his eyes closed, concentrating on the feel of Renee's hand in his hair and the one on his heart. The words she spoke to him while holding him in wolf form echoed through his head. He pulled her hand up from his heart and kissed it before opening his eyes. "Thank you."

  "For?" Her big hazel eyes beamed down at him.

  "Your words." He lifted his head up and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. "I know you meant every one of them."

  She nodded and sighed. "So where does that leave us?"

  "Together, which brings me to ask you. If it was possible, would you become immortal?" He met her eyes waiting for the answer.

  She shook her head. "No, I like being human and I think it would allow things to be somewhat normal for us. I know it's selfish sounding because you'll have to watch me grow old and die, but at least it'll be that way and not a sudden death."

  "Don't promise things you can't keep." He whispered, images of Trisha flashing in his mind.

  She kissed him, her sweet lips lingering on his for a moment before she smiled and pulled away. "Think positive Coran, that's all I ask."

  "So no immortality for you. That's good, I rather like you human and can't imagine you as one of Lucius' fledglings." He laughed when her eyes widened. "He offered it, but honestly it would give him more control over you than I would be comfortable with."

  She nodded and continued to run her other hand through his hair. "I'm already under his protection—"

  "Which is completely different than being under his control, trust me, but it'll make our lives easier and it means I can always be with you." He grinned up at her. "My fated mate, always by your side."

  "That sounds a bit daunting, but I guess I'll get used to it." She laughed and he sat up to face her.

  He captured her lips and savored the taste of their kiss. No longer having to worry about it or fight against fate, he knew he should have given in a long time ago.

  His hands ran over her curves, learning each little shape of her body. When he came over her hip and to her leg, Renee made a pained noise. It pulled him back to reality and the fact that his mate was injured. The beast inside him howled at the idea that she was still hurt. He glanced around the cold concrete room and back to her. She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. The bloody clothes were torn from the attack and apparently no one had thought to bring her clean clothes in the hospital. He grumbled before standing. Scooping her up in his arms, he pressed an innocent kiss to her lips before carrying her out of the room.

  Renee studied the serious look that creased Coran’s brow as he carried her down the hall. Something felt different and he was naked. Very naked. She pressed her hand against the toned muscle under his tattoo and could feel the flex in his arms as he held her, even though he seemed to be having no trouble carrying her. He shouldered open the green door once they reached it and carried her inside. Setting her on her feet in front of the bed, his eyes wandered over her and shame filled her at the thought of how she must look. He didn’t need any reminder of the attack and yet she hadn’t thought to change out of her bloody clothes. She turned to face the bed as he went to shut the door. His arms wrapped around her from behind, holding her against him as his mouth ran up and down her neck. A thrill went through Renee when he nipped at her ear. There had been other men, few and far between, but none had satisfied her. With one nip, her body instantly grew wet.

  She could feel tightening below her waist as his hands slid over her hips, hooking his thumbs in the band of her pants. The barest skin contact sent shivers through her and she wanted more. She took his hands away from her body and turned around to face him, hesitating when she met his green eyes and he grinned. Replacing his hands at her hips, he moved them upwards an inch at a time, under her shirt, and let his palms sit on her ribs.

  She licked her lips and nodded to let him know to continue. Her face flushed with heat when he removed her shirt in a quick motion, leaving her standing in front of him in her black bra. He ran a finger over the lace trim and grinned.

  "Cute." He cupped a hand to the back of her head and pulled in for a demanding kiss. His tongue pushed at her lips, forcing her to let him in. Her lips parted and she stroked his mouth with her tongue, letting him lead.

  She whimpered when he pulled away. She studied the tribal tattoo covering his chest in black ink. They both watched her run her fingers over the line and a wicked thought crossed her mind. She lowered her lips to his chest, kissing and licking in long strokes over the ink. He gasped as she ran her tongue over a nipple then glanced up at him. His eyes were half closed and head thrown back at the pleasure of her touch. She wanted to beam with pride, but didn't have the chance because he pushed her back on the bed.

  Not registering the plush bedding beneath her, she felt as if she was floating when he removed her torn jeans and tucked a finger on each side of her thong.

  "Ah, they match." He whispered, his lips right at the to
p of her panties, before he slid them down. His hot breath on her skin made her close her eyes, as her body grew wetter. He was careful of her wounds as he cupped a hand against her core and grinned, slipping a finger inside her, moving it in and out in a teasing rhythm.

  She tried to raise her hips, but he put his other hand on her hip and pushed her back down to the bed. "Now, now, love. Stay still." He kissed her, nipping at her bottom lip before pulling away. Running his hand over the length of his cock, he watched her. Renee could see the scorching heat in his eyes as they slowly wandered over her body. She blushed again. He leaned on his hands over her, keeping himself from touching her in a push up-like motion. He kissed her cheek.

  "I love that color on you." Pressing his lower half against her, he kept her from wiggling. She moaned when his member pressed against her core, teasing her and refusing to enter her. His lips found her right nipple, sucking and licking it. Moaning, she arched her chest up. The delicate bud puckered for him and grew harder when he left it to the mercy of the cold air as he tantalized the other.

  Her body tightened at the attention and she tried to push her hips up, to force him in. He shook his head and captured her lips. "Not yet." He moved, dipping the tip of the head into her wet center, and pulling back out.

  Renee growled in frustration, wanting all of him and everything he offered. Coran chuckled and repeated his motion. "Are you sure, mate?"


  He pushed into her a little further and drew himself out again. "Oh?"

  "Please, Coran." The hint of begging caught her off guard, but she didn't care, her body ached for her mate to fill it. "Please." She said again, and he shoved into her. Her wet folds accepted him and her body adjusted to the sheer size of him, swallowing his cock until his balls pushed up against her.

  Almost too soon, he pulled out and shoved into her again. Renee cried out, the pleasure already building within her. Coran kissed her, swallowing her next cry while he moved in and out of her. She dug her nails into his biceps and he snaked one hand over her stomach and between her legs. There his finger found the most delightful nub between the tender wet folds. He stroked it with the same rhythm as his thrusts.


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