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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

Page 49

by A. L. Kessler

  He stood up from her leg and gently started feeling the back of her head. No pain came with the physical touch and she realized she needed to elaborate. “It’s only painful if I try to remember what’s happened. It’s not like a concussion.”

  “Okay, let me see your back, please.”

  She shifted and pulled the blanket in front of her, slowly turning herself on the bed, being careful of her knee. She heard Lucius hiss. Whips always did horrendous damage and Markus knew how to wield one expertly.

  His fingers traced over some of the healing marks. “Some of these may actually scar. It looks like they took a knife to your back.”

  “A whip...a cat of nine tales. You know, the one with barbs. It is Markus—“

  “Pride and joy, but this is different. I promise you, this is the work of a blade.” He pulled his hand back. “I’ll get you some clothes.”

  Her mind spun. She didn’t remember a knife of any sort, but of course she couldn’t remember all the damage that Markus had done. All she could recall was the pain. Turning back she watched as Lucius went to the dresser and pulled out a large shirt and pants made of something super soft. Little skulls and crossbones decorated the fabric and made her smile.

  He turned away from her. “I’ll let you be. Like you said, you need to rest. Victoria will probably be the one to come in to help with that knee.” He left, closing the door.

  She slowly got dressed while she tried to recall the name, but nothing came to her.

  Tegan laid down on her bed and studied her ceiling. Markus was involved, but she couldn’t remember what she told him and any time she tried to remember, the pounding headache returned. She rolled over on her side and closed her eyes.

  Kaden stood in his room, looking in the mirror. He didn’t like leaving Tegan alone. The demon in him called to stay with her, to protect her, because they failed once already. To let his mate be tortured was beyond forgiveness, but it’s not like he could have stopped it, not with Lucius keeping him at arm’s length. Just far enough that Tegan wouldn’t notice something was wrong, but not close enough so she became suspicious.

  He prayed to any deity who would listen that she didn’t mention to Lucius what he’d said. Of course with the memory loss, he was sure they had more than their fair share to deal with. The memory of holding her in his arms while she slept hit him hard. Every one of his nights for the last few centuries should have been that way, but Lucius took that from him, and now Kaden was going to lose Tegan all over again. As her bodyguard he’d be so close to her and yet couldn’t touch her. It would be torture...but he could have a chance to win her over.

  He slammed his fist into the mirror, cursing the vampire. A soft feminine chuckle filled his room, one he hadn’t heard in many years.

  Spinning around on his heels, he stared at the woman in his doorway. Her long blond hair hung past her waist, pulled back in a tight braid, her slender body swaying as she walked towards him. Her blue eyes met his gaze. She favored her father more than their mother, but she was beautiful and strong...and the last time he’d seen her, he had decapitated the demon king to save her.

  She pressed her hand against his cheek and he took a deep breath. “What are you doing here, Cael?”

  “I had to see if what they said was true. That you were living in the human world, as if you were one of them.” She looked around his apartment and her lip lifted in disgust. “Which I see you are.”

  “I can’t go back home, not after doing your mates job and saving you.” He stepped away from her. “Your mate has a price on my head, last I heard.”

  She balled her hands into fists. “He wants to meet with you, about what happened.”

  “It’s been five hundred years, seriously? Tell him no. I’m happy where I am and who I’m under.” He didn’t have to worry about Lucius turning around and killing him.

  “With the vampire? You do know war is coming, don’t you?” She gave an exasperated sigh. “Lucius is going to lose the territory and so will all other vampires who oppose the Circle.”

  He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. His sister always had a knack for war tactics, something else she’d gotten from her father, but the vampires and the Circle shouldn’t have concerned her. “What aren’t you telling me? That part of the war shouldn’t even interest you.”

  “It does because it is war. We are trying to call our people back so that the Circle does not believe we ally with weak vampires such as Lucius.”

  If they thought Lucius was weak, they couldn’t be more wrong. The vampire was ridiculously strong and carried the backing of an Original, even if the bastard wasn’t awake. “What aren’t you telling me, Cael? Because I feel like you’re hiding something. Aristides hates me since I killed the king, even though he should have been the one to do it. Not me.”

  “He couldn’t have gone up against him without betraying our people.” She snapped at him. “Now is not the time to go through this argument. I’m trying to bring you home under an offer of peace and you are refusing to come with me.”

  Because he liked his head attached to his body and he couldn’t leave Tegan, not now. “Why don’t you start with the truth and then I’ll consider coming home. The vampire part of the war shouldn’t concern you, normally the Fae is who the demons go up against.”

  “The Fae have a new king who has allied with Lucius’ people. The Circle has managed to bring the Father back to life—“

  “Impossible. There are too many precautions in place to keep him there, they are lying to you.” He kept his voice even and tried not to panic. There was no way that monster could be back. Kaden was a young demon when the Father was alive, but even he remembered his cruelty and desire to rule all supernatural creatures, simply because he believed he was given the gift of vampirism from the gods. “They have to be lying to you.” He said again.

  Cael shook her head. “They aren’t, you can feel the power shift as much as I can. There is something big stirring and the demons are in on it, but they will kill anyone who is found on Lucius’ territory and that means you. I don’t want to see you dead.”

  Yet, if he went home he would meet the same fate plus he wouldn’t be here to protect Tegan if shit went down. No, he couldn’t leave. “I can’t come home. I don’t believe that they have raised the Father, it’s not even a possibility.”

  “They had this creature...this woman that could feed his blood lust.” She shook her head. “I can’t protect you if you don’t come with me.”

  Her story didn’t match up. From what he understood more than someone to feed the Father’s blood lust was needed to raise him. “It’s not your job to protect me.” He snapped. “Now go before your mate realizes that you’re here.”

  She snarled at him, her eyes flashing red, before opening a portal and disappearing into the black swirling hole. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath at the relief he felt when his sister left. He looked around the empty apartment. He didn’t want to be here right now, he wanted to be with Tegan, making sure she was safe.

  Chapter Two

  Markus paced the foyer of his mansion, trying to decide on the next step. They had failed to locate any of the Keepers though his list of humans continued to be culled, there had been no progress. They would only have so long to continue until the Hunting Society realized that something suspicious had caused the deaths, a connection he couldn’t afford them to make until he found the keepers. The Father was working on winning over the Circle, but he would soon have to move against Lucius if he wanted to make any headway. The Circle saw Lucius as a threat and Markus couldn’t agree more, but they needed to play their cards right. Tegan returning would put a crack in Lucius’ guard, but not enough to get through the defenses and now that the girl was home, Markus couldn’t use her as a pawn. He hoped burying her memories would keep them distracted and give the Father adequate time to regain most of his power and to locate some of the Originals.

  If only Markus could still feel Zaaren, but no, the
Original held enough power to block anyone from sensing him. Lucius had been closer to Zaaren than Markus, meaning Lucius held Zaaren’s favor and could be backed. The territory would be hard to take if the Original woke up. He needed other people in Lucius’ territory, someone he could control. Cody wouldn’t be able to slip in under the radar. Someone else was in place, but she couldn’t act. Not now. His mind turned to the number of humans they kept in their trade...what if? No. Humans couldn’t be trusted and could easily be swayed. He pushed the idea out of his mind.

  “What has you in such deep thought, Markus?” The Father’s heavy accented voice came from behind him.

  Markus turned to face him. The tall vampire looked better every day. His black hair was pulled away from his tanned skin and his black eyes held more life. He towered over most people and power rolled off him in waves.

  “Just trying to think of the best way to take out Lucius. He has Tegan back now, so it will be hard for me to control him that way, but I erased her memories. She believes she’s three hundred years in the past.”

  “She’s a strong creature, do not put all your hope into your mind games.” The Father crossed his arms. “That woman has always been stubborn. That is one of the reasons I chose her.”

  Markus nodded. “I’m not putting all my hope into it, just hoping it buys us some time to figure out what crime we can charge Lucius for.”

  “We can’t kill him without killing Tegan. I cannot make any more of her kind, so she must live.” He growled. “Had I not lost favor with the gods, I wouldn’t have lost that ability.”

  Maybe he should have played nice then. Markus snorted. “Then we simply take his territory, or set him up as a puppet master. There are things going on there that show that he has his own agenda.” Like every other vampire. “There have been a number of political people, both those in the spotlight and behind the scenes that have been killed.”

  “Do we know what he is planning? Did Tegan give us any information on that?” The Father paced a few feet. “If she was with me, I could get her to tell me everything. I’m starting to regret telling you to give her back, but there are rules that must be observed.”

  Said the man who created most of the rules with the Originals. Markus shook his head, “I was too focused on getting her to admit what she was.”

  “I might pay her a visit.” Seemingly knowing his objections the Father continued. “Do not worry because Lucius will never know.” He promised, “but now is not the time, not when she’s first gone back to him.”

  Markus agreed visiting was a dangerous idea. He also didn’t like the idea of the Father visiting her and possibly screwing up everything they’ve worked so diligently to keep hidden. “Whatever you wish to do.” However, one did not fight against the original vampire.

  Kaden needed to make sure Tegan was all right and knew the only way he could do that was through her dreams. He lay down and closed his eyes; once he slipped into the dream world he could sense that Tegan was asleep. It would probably be a short stint and he didn’t want to run the risk of missing her, so he took himself to her dreams. He hid in the shadows for a moment, watching the dream play out. Two woman, one Tegan and the other a dark haired woman with short hair, walking through an old market place. Tegan didn’t have her eyes covered. She wore a simple brown dress and black shoes, her hair was tied back out of her face. Something behind her startled her and she jumped.

  “It is all right, Tegan, just a villager.” The woman’s voice soothed and Tegan ran a nervous hand down her dress.

  “We are not supposed to be out and the sun is going down. As soon as we get my trinket, we are going back. I should not have asked you to come with me, we should not be out here.” She hurried to one of the vendors as the setting sun started to cast shadows over the market place. Picking up a small butterfly statue, a beautiful smile curved over her lips. One Kaden never seen before. He treasured how it lit up her whole face and he realized it was a true smile, not the forced one she always wore as a mask. She dug out coins from her pocket and handed it to the merchant. She cupped the butterfly with gentle hands despite the sturdy metal of the figurine. “We can return now, Trisha.”

  The dream followed the two into a forest where shadows and trees surrounded them. A figure appeared and Kaden found himself calling out to warn Tegan even though he knew he couldn’t affect the past through dreams.

  The moment the figure stepped in front, Kaden knew it was Markus. Black hair and black eyes, a sharp jaw and the finest clothing of the time. Tegan recognized him. She froze and closed her eyes the moment he approached her. “Trisha, run.” She growled, her hands in fists as she forced herself to bow to the Circle member. “Lord Markus.”

  Kaden noticed the lack of fear and more anger to Tegan’s voice than she held when she spoke of Markus in the present and he realized what she must be dreaming of. When he first took her to be tortured.

  “You are on Circle property without your master and without your eyes covered. Is he trying to use your powers against us?” Markus’ eyes slid over to Trisha who took off, but ran into another vampire. “And with a human companion.” He chuckled. “You both will be coming back with us.”

  Kaden expected the dream to continue along the path, but the world around them crumbed and Tegan looked up at him, her eyes sewn shut and her mouth opened in a silent scream. He cursed, knowing the dream started to crumble because she was waking.

  He gasped and shot up in his bed. He couldn’t get the images of Tegan with her eyes sewn shut out of his mind. His stomach churned at the sight. The doctor said that had happened, but words were completely different than seeing the results. He glanced at the clock. Time in dreams passed differently than in the waking world, and he’d only been with her a few short minutes. He needed to get solid rest before he went back to Lucius and started his new job of protecting Tegan. He rolled on to his side and willed himself not to dream of her.

  Tegan woke screaming with a whole new pain and fear running through her. She’d dreamt about walking through the marketplace with Trisha and Markus finding them. The butterfly had taunted her and in her selfish greed she’d gone to the village for it. He’d picked the figurine up and let her examine it with her fingers, explore the curves of the wings and the fine soft lines of the metal, but he hadn’t purchased the butterfly. She wanted to go back and get it, to add it to her collection, but it had never made it back.

  Her hands went to the small healing bumps on her eyelids, but she knew Markus hadn’t sewn them shut that time. No, that had happened in the recent memories she’d forgotten. Cursing, she couldn’t stay in bed anymore. She needed to walk around to clear her mind, explore her not new, her home. Just her home. She grabbed the glasses Lucius had mentioned and put them on. She gave herself a moment to get used to them. She found the tinted world much more pleasant than being blind.

  She used the wall to help keep her balance as she became accustomed to the pain in her leg and back again. Her stomach growled, and even though she didn’t have to eat, there were less hunger pains involved if she did. There had to be a kitchen somewhere around, she vaguely remembered throwing a fit when they got the place because the kitchen was out of date. The stove was still a wood burning one instead of coal, something silly. Something so trivial now.

  Someone entered the foyer, making her pause. An immortal wolf she knew too well and hate welled up inside her at the thought of him being here in Lucius’ territory. After everything he put her through. She could still hear his voice echoing in the chamber Markus kept her in, screaming at her over and over about Trisha. Her stomach dropped as she remembered the kicks and punches he’d given her and the poison he force fed her in hopes she would die.

  “Tegan.” She’d never forget his voice, or the few times she saw him. His red tinted hair and brilliant green eyes. Coran.

  He started towards her and she froze, not sure what to do. When he was within arm’s length she reached for the dagger he always carried at his
side, but found her grasp empty. She let out a strangled cry of pain the lunge caused her and fell against the back wall. Coran reached out to her and she snarled at him.

  “Do not touch me, you monster!” Pressing herself against the wall, she tried to make herself disappear. “Why are you here?”

  Coran’s brow creased and she saw the concern in his eyes, but couldn’t believe it. “Lucius told me you were back, I wanted to assess the situation before I let Renee come and see you, but I don’t think you’re up for visitors.” He touched his waist. “You went for the dagger again, I haven’t carried it since the day you stabbed me with it. When you—“

  “Returned from Markus.” She whispered and closed her eyes. “That doesn’t explain why you are here.”

  Lucius walked in from the door behind the throne. “Because I allowed him to stay. He was acting as a mate should, doing anything to protect his endangered mate.” His voice was even and calm. “Little did he know at the time, they were going to kill Trisha anyway. The Circle never did approve of having human mates.” He stopped when he was closer to her and met her gaze through the sunglasses.

  “He tortured me.” She couldn’t hide the pain from her voice and tried to better explain. “Sir, Lucius...he held my jaw open and poured—“

  “Tegan.” Lucius’ tone turned sharped. “It’s been taken care of. You must trust me.”

  That was easy for him to say. She clenched her hands and turned to go back down the hall, ignoring the two people behind her. Coran made her angry and she couldn’t afford that right now. She couldn’t deal with this. Everyone else knew what was going on, everyone but her. Everything was different and she couldn’t keep up with all the changes.

  “Wait up.” A female voice called from behind her and she turned to see a tall woman running after her. A face and voice she didn’t know. The woman offered a crooked smile, more of a smirk. “I’m Victoria. I promised Lucius I’d wrap your knee.”


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