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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

Page 56

by A. L. Kessler

  “I simply came to see if the rumors were true, that an Original has woken.” Markus’ eyes flashed to Zaaren. “I see they are.” He bowed his head. “So it is only right that I have come to pay tribute to the return of my maker.”

  Lucius bowed his head. “It is only fair that I allow you that honor. Shall I leave you and Zaaren to chat?”

  “Oh no, I’m also interested to see how your human—or should I say Blood Human is faring.”

  Lucius clenched his hand, but then stood, taking Tegan’s hand and helping her up. “As you can see she is doing well.” He twirled her to show off how she was healing and she followed his lead making the movement graceful and curtsying for the vampire. Though Lucius could feel her anger and hate for the vampire in front of them, physically she showed nothing but respect.

  “Healing well, she always seems to do such after torture.” Markus chuckled and Zaaren growled.

  “If you have come to pay your respects, let us talk.”

  Markus tutted. “I have one more thing, something I wish to tell Tegan about what I learned while she stayed with me.”

  Everyone froze and Lucius dropped her hand. “Other than she’s a Blood Human, what could you possibly have learned?” But a sinking feeling claimed him. Markus knew something that would drive a wedge between him and Tegan.

  Tegan stood next to Lucius and ground her teeth as Markus’ laughter echoed through the room. She had no way to guess what was coming.

  “Your master and brother have been hiding things from you, Tegan.”

  She could hear his footsteps against the tiled floor of the foyer. The urge to reach for Lucius overcame her, but she kept her fists clenched at her side. Lucius froze beside her, so still that she wished she could look at him just to make sure he didn’t disappear on her. “There are no secrets between us.”

  “Cute that you believe that, but let me enlighten you. They stole memories from you Tegan, ones you deserve and ones that would have changed your life.” His voice was closer now, within arm’s length of her she would guess.

  That couldn’t be, he was the one who took her memories. Markus and her brother were the only vampires who could steal memories, but Zaaren would never put her through the torment. She locked her jaw, refusing to rise to his bait.

  “Enough, Markus.” Lucius’ voice startled her, but the pressure of his hand on her shoulder helped calm her.

  Markus laughed. “She has the right to know what you are hiding from her. The demon who found you, he wasn’t lying when he said that he was your mate. Zaaren took those memories from you, I found them hidden in your mind while I took your memories. While you bled on my table, I found your secret.”

  Her stomach dropped and she couldn’t catch her breath. He had to be lying, there would be no reason Zaaren and Lucius would keep that from her. None.

  “Shall I tell you how it happened?” Markus continued, his footsteps suggesting he paced the floor.

  Lucius growled next to her. “Don’t believe him, Tegan.”

  “You ran from Lucius one night, just a few nights after he took you from the Father. You were wrapped in nothing but a robe, because neither of the vampires had purchased you clothes yet.”

  The tone in his voice mocked Zaaren and Lucius, but she listened intently, recalling the night he spoke of. She’d passed out in the middle of the road and had been lucky that Lucius came to find her. There was no memory of Kaden being there.

  “You found your way to the main road of the village, the cobblestone freezing under your bare feet, but there, in the middle of the road stood your savior. It wasn’t your fault, you thought he was a human. You approached him, then your body gave out, causing you to stumble. Your hand pressed against his bare chest and he caught you around the waist, his hand curling over your hip. The touches left a branding, a mark proving fate chose you. It only happens to demons and their mates.”

  Her hand started to rise to her hip where the mark was, but she forced it to stay down. When he’d finished his description she could see the scene in her mind, but if Markus was messing with her it could have been false memories again. Him using the burn scar against her, but then again...she’d seen the mark on Kaden’s chest and she doubted Markus had.

  Kaden said Lucius was in denial about them being mates, but Tegan had pushed it off. She couldn’t react. Not now. Right now she needed to hold herself together until Markus left. Lucius put a hand on her shoulder and she calmed despite the anger she held for him right now. She couldn’t speak to Markus without directly being asked a question and she was too shocked and panicked to do anything other than tilt her head down.

  “Now that your news is given,” Zaaren’s voice cut through the silence. “Come, let us take a walk outside and become reacquainted.” Zaaren brushed past her and for once she was glad that he stepped up.

  Markus made no move to follow. “I just need to know one thing. Will you be backing Lucius’ Territory in this war?”

  Without hesitation Zaaren replied. “Yes.”

  “Very well, I’m sure we will see each other again soon.”

  The room went silent until the doors closed. Once she was certain Markus was gone Tegan ripped the blindfold off. “Is he telling the truth?” Is that why she felt all those things for Kaden? Why sleeping with him felt right, perfect even. She met Lucius’ eyes and knew the answer. She turned to her brother. “Tell me the truth.”

  “Sister of mine—“

  “Use my fucking name! In over five hundred years you have not used it once. I have a name.” She growled and threw the blindfold at him. “It may not be my original one, but it is my name.”

  Lucius put his hands on her shoulders and she shrugged him off. “Don’t touch me right now.”

  “Tegan,” Lucius’ voice was low, the tone he used to warn her if she pushed boundaries.

  She spun to face him. “Both of you hid this from me. After everything I’ve gone through did you not think I deserved a mate? Why would you hide this from me?”

  “You’d just been rescued from the Father,” Lucius started. Tegan could feel his remorse, which eased her anger a little. “Kaden...Kaden had taken you into his house when you collapsed and kept you there until night fall. He knew what the marks meant, as did we. Zaaren thought it was not the right time for you to mate...not after being with the Father so long.”

  Tegan swallowed. “Why did you go along with his plan?”

  “Because I thought I agreed at the time. As things heated up with the war, it became clear that it would not be safe for you to have a mate, until after the Circle tortured you. I considered letting Kaden mate you after you proved you could go through so much, but it would break my vow to Zaaren.”

  She shook her head. “You two are unbelievable.” Turning back to her brother she snarled. “I want my memories back, all of them.”

  “There are things I locked away you do not need to remember.” Zaaren folded up the fabric—a nervous habit from so long ago. “Sister of mine, I took some of your memories of the Father also.”

  She tensed at his continued refusal to use her name. “I don’t care. Give them back to me, give me back what you stole, what Markus stole, the memories are mine.”

  “Not while you are angry.” Zaaren shook his head. “Nothing good will come of it.”

  Tegan resisted stomping her foot like a child; instead she took a deep breath. “I want them back tonight. Kaden can hold me as I weep through whatever it is.”

  “I will have to feed from you.” Zaaren handed the blindfold to Lucius.

  Of course he did, because that’s how Markus stole the memories. “Want to tear another hole in my collar bone?” She threw at him and he flinched. “Or shall I be chained to a table for your feast?”

  “Tegan.” Lucius’ voice cut through her and she clenched her fist and held her head down. “You are stepping out of line.”

  She ground her teeth. “Then punish me. Zaaren made it clear that you are to still act as a master and I’m
sure you’ve punished me before.” She was lashing him and she knew it. She’d reached her limit, the pain pounded in her head adding to her anger. Lucius grabbed her wrist and spun her around.

  “I know you are angry, but you must not lash out. You know how to control yourself, do so or I will punish you. I will blind you until you understand how you are to act as my human.”

  She knew the threat in his voice and she looked up at him. “Would you rather I fall to your feet like a beaten dog?”

  Several things passed through his eyes, hurt, anger, remorse then his face went blank. “Never a beaten dog. But you are my human. I saved you from the Father, I’ve taken care of you, nursed you back to health, sheltered you and protected you. Without me you would have been chained at the tomb of the Father. Or under the Circle.”

  The words sliced through her and she knew he spoke the truth, she owed him everything and had stepped out of line. She knelt and held her head down, knowing what was coming.

  Lucius bent down and kissed her head. “This punishment is a reminder of what life could have been for you.” He tied the fabric back around her eyes and she tried not to fight. “You must learn to control your temper and to respect those who saved you from that life.”

  “Forgive me.” She whispered.

  She heard Zaaren walk up towards her and she took a deep breath to control herself when he placed a hand on her shoulder. “I will return your memories. I will drink from your wrist to make it less terrifying for you.”

  Feeding alone terrified her, no matter the place. She nodded. “Thank you.” Though the anger still flowed through her, she knew she needed to rein it in to get her memories back and prove to Lucius she knew how to control herself.

  He brother took her hand and his fangs pierced her skin. Suddenly, the pressure in her head disappeared and memories came flooding back. Her head spun at all the images and faces, the rush of names and knowledge she had lost. She saw the night she’d met Kaden and Markus had been correct on everything. Her heart warmed at finding the happy memories she made with Lucius and the others in the territory, but then the darker ones flooded her mind. Her first few years with the Father, when she used to fight him tooth and nail.

  Her stomach churned at the pain and memories, the world around her spun until she fell into darkness.

  Tegan passed out and Lucius caught her. He gathered her in his arms and cradled her against his chest. Even unconscious he could feel her anger towards him and her brother. “Markus did this to drive a wedge between us.”

  “I have no doubt about that.” Zaaren said, standing and checking Tegan’s pulse. “Her temper has grown over the years and Kaden is her weakness. I should kill the demon—“

  “She’d never forgive us. Not at this point. She feels we have stolen a chance of happiness away from her. She knows when he’s gone, he’s done mercenary work for me and the moment he leaves the territory her attitude changes. That was without her knowing who he was. We never should have taken those memories.”

  Tegan groaned and her back arched. Her brow creased as if she was in pain. Lucius kissed her head and whispered comforting words to her. Even unconscious nightmares plagued her and he couldn’t stop them. He never could.

  “I did what was best.” Zaaren snapped. “You keeping him around didn’t help the situation.”

  “Ah yes, but had he been killed the situation would have been worse. You weren’t here, Zaaren, I had to do what was best for me, my human, and my territory.” Lucius turned around to take her to her room. “What memories of the Father did you hide from her? I wasn’t aware there were some missing.”

  Zaaren followed him. “Her first few years with him, before she learned to quit fighting him. They were dark times for her, painful, torturous and when she found out what being a Blood Human truly meant— being the Father’s play thing, being owned by him, body, blood, and soul.”

  Lucius growled. He’d worked so hard to get Tegan past her time with the Father and now his hard work could be undone. He’d hope her more recent memories would help her, but with their luck she’d freak out and lock herself away, physically and emotionally. He shouldered Tegan’s door open and found Kaden sitting in her chair.

  The Demon rushed up to take Tegan from his arms. Lucius met his gaze and relinquished her. “Let her rest, Zaaren unlocked her memories.”

  Kaden nodded and laid Tegan in the bed, pulling the covers over her. He reached to remove the blindfold.

  “No, that stays for now.” Lucius stated. “She’s being punished.”

  Kaden turned around. “You just put her through a meeting with Markus and released all her memories, what on earth could she need to be punished for. She’s not a child.”

  “No, she’s not, which is why she is being punished.” Lucius sighed. “She can explain what happened when she wakes. She will not want to see Zaaren or I for a bit.”

  Kaden snorted. “She won’t be able to see anything.”

  “This is how it works around here Kaden, if you don’t like it go back to your world and leave Tegan to hers.” Lucius snapped. He would not have the demon trying to undermine him even if he let him stay to be with Tegan. If he was honest with himself he knew that Kaden would be staying now that Tegan knew the truth.

  “I’d do anything to stay by her side.” Kaden whispered and kissed her cheek.

  Zaaren snorted. “You know nothing about her, demon.”

  “And you do? You’ve been asleep for how long? And even when you were awake, I’ve seen you in her dreams, you sheltered her, treated her like a broken woman. Lucius is the one who brought her out of that shell, turned her into the strong woman she is.”

  “You know nothing.” Zaaren snarled.

  Lucius stepped between the two. “Tegan needs rest. Let’s let her be.” Lucius put a hand on Zaaren’s shoulder and urged him out. Lucius looked over his shoulder. “Call for me if I am needed.”

  “Of course.” Kaden settled next to the bed and took Tegan’s hand.

  Lucius took a deep breath and closed the door behind him.

  “I do not want him near her, I did not realize he was a dream demon.” Zaaren snarled. “He’s putting her at even more risk, what if his people believe the rumors about her?”

  “I’m pretty sure all those rumors were put to rest the moment that Tegan told Markus what she was.” Lucius continued down the hall and Zaaren followed him. “I will speak with her tomorrow, but honestly I don’t think we are going to be able to keep them apart.”

  “Make him leave your territory.” Zaaren stated. “You hold the power here, not him, not Tegan. She’ll forgive you over time.”

  Zaaren clearly didn’t understand how much of a grudge Tegan could hold. Lucius shook his head. “I’m done talking about this. I will deal with it tomorrow. For now I need to go make sure Mae’s got closing handled for the bar tonight.” It would be a welcome distraction.

  “Fine, I will be around.”

  Lucius waited until Zaaren disappeared before he took himself to The Disappearing Act. Tegan would wake angry and hurt. He’d be surprised if she didn’t lash out at Kaden. Zaaren needed to learn how things had changed or he would end up pushing Tegan further away and Lucius couldn’t afford her being distant. She added to his power with her bond. This had to have been Markus’ plan, to push everyone further apart.

  Chapter Eight

  Tegan stood in the middle of a field and the wind swirled around her. She didn’t understand, this wasn’t a place in any of her memories. Her hair and cloak whipped around her as another gust of wind came up. She could hear someone calling her name, but she saw no one.

  “Kaden?” She turned around, trying to find the source of the voice. The cloak disappeared and she found herself naked and bleeding from wounds she didn’t remember the source of. The field disappeared replaced by the marble floors of the Father’s temple. She wrapped her arms around herself to hide her breasts and looked around. Panic filled her as the old memories welled up, the ones Zaar
en took from her. She could not go through this again, she would not let the Father break her again.


  Kaden’s voice came to her, but it was too far away. She tried to hold on to it as chains appeared around her wrists and ankles, they dragged her to the ground and the light faded from the room. The Father stepped in front of her and her vision went dark. The blindfold kept tightening around her head.

  “Tegan, think of something happy. Please come back to me.” Kaden’s voice begged.

  Fangs pierced her neck and hands roamed her body and pain flooded through her veins. Happy. Something happy. She dug for the memories and the first that came to mind was laying in Kaden’s arms after they’d slept together. The way he held her when she asked him to. How she felt when he was with her. The chains faded and the presence of the Father disappeared. Her vision came back and Kaden appeared in her dream, standing in front of her.

  “I’m drowning in all of this.” She whispered.

  He held his arms out and she sank into his embrace. “We’ll work through it all. I promise. I will chase these nightmares away.”

  If only she could believe his promises. She had to deal with her past alone.. Lucius would send Kaden away, he wouldn’t be around forever to make everything in the dark go disappear, but for now she’d let herself believe he could. “Wake me up, please.”

  “You need rest.” He insisted.

  Shaking her head she motioned around them, the temple of the Father surround them. “Not here. I can’t rest when I know he’s awake.”

  “Tegan, we don’t know for sure.”

  She took a deep breath and conjured up the memory. Ripped from Kaden’s arms her dream threw her back into the darkness, pinned to a stone ground with a vampire feeding from her. The voice belonged to the Father, the power, the feeling. “I know it was him.” She whispered and the dream started to crumble around her.

  She jumped with a gasp and cursed the stupid blindfold. Darkness, always darkness, but at least now she didn’t panic. Now she remembered the last three hundred years again and the torture from Markus. Her stomach churned, she deserved this punishment more than Lucius realized. She’d betrayed what she was and had raised the Father.


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