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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

Page 58

by A. L. Kessler

  “It doesn’t matter, if I have to lock up my sister just to keep you away from her I will.”

  The door opened again and Tegan walked in, her eyes still covered and the small smile on her face fading at her brother’s words. “I am not a child and for your information Lucius is allowing Kaden to stay. So back off.”

  “Sister of mine—“

  “Don’t start. Tonight Kaden and I are staying here, tomorrow after the celebration we’ll be staying at my apartment.”

  “Lucius really has increased your freedoms, hasn’t he?” A look of disbelief crossed Zaaren’s face.

  Tegan shrugged. “As much as he’ll allow me, yes. As much as we can manage. I’m not the weak human that you rescued from the Father.”

  “You haven’t been human in a very long time.” Zaaren brushed his fingers at the edge of her blindfold. “This is why we’ve tried to protect you. Why I had Lucius bond you and why you were supposed to remain hidden guised as a Dream Weaver.”

  She jerked away from him and Kaden knew she was uncomfortable with the reminder that she was, in fact, no longer human. “We kept that up until Markus tortured me this second time around.”

  “And you surrendered the information.”

  Tegan’s fist tightened and Kaden stepped up to her defense. “She held out as long as she could.”

  “Do not—“

  “Get out of my room.” Tegan growled. “Brother of mine. You don’t know what I have been through and I am grateful that you gave me my memories back and that you want to protect me.” Tegan’s voice was even and she clenched her hands into fists. “But things are not the same as they were before. When you left me. I am not the same girl.” She snapped. “My blindfold does not make me weak and I refuse to cower behind Lucius or at his feet.”

  “Not what I saw when Markus came.” Zaaren shot back.

  “Leaning on Lucius grounds me without my sight, our bond calms me when I panic. That is how it works. It is a partnership and that is how Lucius treats it, a partnership.” She shook her head. “Now I told you, get out of my room.”

  Kaden snickered as Zarren left her room. Kaden pulled Tegan close and placed a tender kiss on her lips. “Oh Tegan, I do believe you have upset your brother.”

  “I don’t care.” She wrapped her arms around Kaden and sighed. “There was a time that I depended on him so much, but other than giving me my memories back I’m regretting that he’s awake.” She ran her hand over her hair.

  He toyed with the tip of her braid. “So your apartment, huh? Lucius agreed?”

  “Oddly, yes without a fight, which worries me.” She shrugged, “but I’m going to take it. Renee is planning a party tomorrow night.”

  “A party?”

  Tegan shrugged. “That’s all Lucius would tell me, probably because he doesn’t understand certain human traditions.”

  “Of course not.” He chuckled and just held her. For the moment all he could feel was joy and pride for his mate. He could bond with the woman he had been denied for centuries.

  “Zaaren has woken.” Markus snarled as soon as he entered the home the Father and him took over when they returned to the States days ago.

  The Father pushed off the wall and snarled. “When?”

  “Tonight, from what I understand. Which means Tegan has her memories back.” Markus paced the room. “We don’t know what she has told them, but I tried to offset some of it.”

  “How? I am sure that she has told them already.” His voice boomed through the room. “You messed everything up, Markus!”

  Markus bowed his head as the power flowed over him. “I told Tegan of memories her brother took from her, it should cause some issues there.”

  “I’m tired of depending on your playing with memories. I cannot appear to Zaaren right now because I am not at full strength yet.” The Father snarled, bearing fangs at Markus.

  Markus had screwed up and he knew it. It wouldn’t be long until the Father took matters into his own hands, but it was time that he could use to his advantage. The Father didn’t need to know about his plans, neither did the rest of the Circle. No, his plans were his own.

  Chapter Nine

  Lucius didn’t understand Renee’s need for crumpled colored paper, streamers she’d called them. She’d insisted on doing a party the moment she learned tonight was the anniversary of Tegan’s freedom from the Father. Coran had explained it when Renee asked when Tegan’s birthday was.

  Coran tried to talk her out of the party, but she said that they needed something fun to help the recent tension and it gave her something to keep her mind off her brother’s death. Lucius agreed to her requests and seeing the look on Tegan’s face when she walked in the room proved he’d made the right choice. Even now after the cake and what he assumed was a wonderful meal, she was still smiling. Kaden hovered over her, his eyes always scanning the room and Lucius found himself wondering if something was wrong.

  Zaaren hadn’t shown up to the celebration, but Lucius knew his presence would have killed the mood. Tegan took a bite of the cake left on her plate and laughed at something Renee said. Once he stopped and paid attention, Lucius realized Renee was retelling the story about Coran and Orion knocking the TV off the wall.

  “You should have seen the two of them! They were tangled together and boom! Right into the wall.” She laughed.

  Kaden snorted. “I think I would have done the same.” He looked back at Tegan. “You lived with a stripper?”

  “Um, no, I just crashed there once in a while. He was my bodyguard and a Fae.”

  “Not any Fae,” Orion’s voice caught Lucius off guard and he turned around to see the Fae and his blonde mate walk into the great room. “Sorry I’m late, there were matters in Court that I needed to handle.”

  Tegan’s face lit up and Lucius did not miss the flash of jealousy in Kaden’s eyes. Tegan jumped up and threw her arms around Orion in a hug then backed off. “Sorry, I’m just happy to see you. When Lucius told me that you’d taken the throne I didn’t think you’d come back.”

  She smiled at Danielle. “You must be Orion’s mate, I hear I have you to thank for what happened at the Hunter hospital. Well, you and Joey.” She held her hand out to the ex-Hunter.

  Danielle shook her hand. “It was nothing. Um, happy rescue day?”

  Tegan chuckled. “I think this is the biggest celebration we’ve ever had for it.”

  She spoke the truth, but Lucius thought it was a nice reminder for Tegan that she could at least pretend to be human. That was important for her. Unlike him, when she was stripped of her humanity she mourned it. Of course, what she’d been turned into...he shook his head. Now was not the time to think about that.

  “Orion, this is Kaden, my mate.”

  Lucius swore Orion paled, but then he and Kaden clasped hands. “Someone is going to have to fill me in on things, I didn’t think Tegan was allowed to have a mate.”

  Tegan shrugged. “It came as a surprise to me too. Come have some food and cake, there’s plenty.”

  Lucius put a hand on Danielle’s arm as she walked by. “I need to talk to you for a moment.”

  Orion turned around and glared at Lucius. “She’s not here to talk business.”

  “I know, but it’s for her protection.” Lucius nodded towards the party. “Go join them. Dani will be right there.”

  Orion raked him with a skeptical glare. “Fine.”

  “What, Lucius? I don’t want to ruin this for Tegan, it’s supposed to be a happy occasion and everyone will pick up on Orion’s mood.” Dani crossed her arms.

  He knew that, but he couldn’t keep the information to himself. “While you’re in the human realm, do not leave my property. Alexander is loose.”

  She paled, putting a hand to her mouth, and Lucius knew she feared the rogue vampire more than she let on.

  “He’s not welcomed in my territory and he knows, but I felt that I had to warn you.”

  Danielle nodded. “I knew there was something wrong
when we appeared here. I didn’t feel him calling me.”

  “I don’t think he’s in my territory anymore at all, but in good faith I could not let you go on thinking he was still captive.”

  “Thank you.” She offered him a smile before joining the others.

  Tegan welcomed her then caught his gaze. Lucius didn’t miss the sheer joy on her face. It made his heart melt. It had been too long since he’d seen that look on his human. Yes, human, no matter what she’d been turned into she’d always be his human.

  Tegan laughed. “No, I am not kidding. Coran is an awful cook. Renee’s cooked everything for tonight.”

  “Coran has always been a horrible cook.” Orion chimed in. “Tegan couldn’t cook because she was blindfolded all the time, so it came down to me. Thank the gods someone invented take out.” Though they knew it wasn’t entirely true when they had come to the States, Lucius started being more lenient about the blindfold when they moved.

  Tegan sat back in her chair, surrounded by her friends, and couldn’t help but feel content. They shared stories back and forth and Kaden always stayed close to her, giving her a comfort at her back. Everyone accepted him without an explanation for now. Kassity had managed to wobble out of her room with Jaxon to sit and talk for a while and Mae had gotten the bar covered. This was how it was supposed to be. Territory meant family to her, even the new comers like Victoria joined the celebration.

  Tegan missed this. Nothing had brought their people together for a while since the war became more serious, since Lucius had started sending Kassity out to kill. Part of his grand plan to help the supernatural creatures ease more into the human’s eyes and not be hidden by the government.

  After a few hours of chatting and harassing each other everyone took their leave. Kaden stood and stretched. “I guess we should get going too.”

  Tegan nodded. “Yeah, dawn will be here soon and I want to crash.” Her body still ached in some places, some of the pains were fading, but they were still bothersome. She kissed his cheek. “I just have to check in with Lucius real quick and then we can go.”

  He smiled. “Do what you have to do, I’m not going anywhere.”

  She went to Lucius. He’d spent most of the party leaning against a wall. He had yet to give her his present of a butterfly and she wondered if he’d forgotten or decided to forgo the tradition this year. She tried not to be hurt by the thought, but it was the one act of kindness that never changed from him. Maybe he decided not to do it because her brother was back and the gift would be a reminder of the night she’d been taken by Markus.

  Pushing the thoughts away she smiled at him. “Anything you need before I head home?”

  “No, be careful and check in at dusk. I still don’t like the idea of you being away from the mansion, but I don’t want to trap you. Not with the rampage your brother seems to be on.”

  She bristled. She hadn’t seen Zaaren since she kicked him out of her room. “Yeah, I don’t really want to deal with him tonight either.”

  “Go, enjoy your mate.” His brows drew together and there was something in his voice she couldn’t place.

  She bowed her head. “Thank you, for tonight.”

  “Of course. I’ll try to talk some sense into your brother.” Part of his mouth quirked up in a smile. “I left your gift in your apartment.”

  She laughed. “I thought you might have forgotten.”

  “I thought it best not to give it to you in a crowd. Call for me if you need me.” He pushed off the wall and walked out of the room.

  Kaden came up behind her. “He seems upset.”

  He did, but his emotions were locked down. “Something is bothering him, but I don’t know what.”

  “Don’t worry, maybe he’s just feeling nostalgic.” Kaden kissed her cheek. “Ready?” He raised his hand and a black swirling circle appeared.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Demon portal? Can’t I drive? I won’t freak out about the cars now.” She nudged him.

  “It’s a couple hours drive. Come on Tegan, I want to have some time to enjoy with you before you fall asleep.” He winked at her.

  She wanted that too, but she hated the demon portal. Taking a deep breath, she remembered how many times he’d taken her through the portal in the last few days. “Okay, demon portal.” She blew out her breath.

  He wrapped an arm around her. “Quick and easy, promise.”

  Yeah. She leaned into him and watched him summon it. Almost three months ago when she was taken the demon had dragged her through several of the portals until they were out of Lucius’ territory, leaving enough of a trail for Lucius to go crazy over.

  She’d trusted Kaden to do this before, she could trust him now. He kissed her cheek and walked them through. The sick feeling stayed only for a moment when they came through on the other side. He kissed her head. “See, no problem.”

  Tegan snorted and went to her bed to find a small box sitting on it. Lucius’ gift. She swept it up and sat on the bed to open it. Kaden made his rounds checking windows and her door before sitting next to her.

  “Lucius’ butterfly?” He asked and she nodded as she opened the package.

  Inside lay a red glass butterfly. She traced her hands over the delicate wings and smiled. “It’s beautiful.”

  “It is, do you have a place for it?”

  She nodded and went over to one of the display cases and set it on the shelf next to the one he’d given her last year. She looked over all of them and thought about how things had changed over the years. She hadn’t been lying to her brother, she wasn’t the same. Some days were better than others, but when you had centuries of bad memories that was the way it was going to be.

  Glancing over at Kaden laying back on the bed, she smiled. They were together now, all those strange feelings, all the guilt when she slept with someone else, it all made sense now. She had her mate, her master, and now her pain in the ass brother back. Everything would be fine.

  “Tegan? It’s getting late, come to bed.” Kaden’s voice was already sleep laden and she laughed.

  She stripped her clothes and crawled into bed. “I can’t express how happy this all makes me. I had a wonderful night.”

  “I watched how easily you fell into the life you’ve created.” He rolled onto his side and pulled her close. “How you’ve managed to overcome what you were.” He whispered and kissed her neck.

  She smiled and snuggled into him. He trailed the kisses down her neck to her shoulders, his arms wrapping around her. His hand trailed down between her legs and dipped between her folds.

  Tegan let out a sigh and pressed back against him. “I had no choice but to adapt, but that doesn’t matter now.” She turned in his arms, breaking contact with his hand, and kissed him. “None of it matters anymore because you’re here.”

  His tongue teased her closed lips and she let him in. He rolled over so that she was on top straddling him. She grinned down at him and splayed her hands over his chest. This was different than the other night. This was just them together. No panic, no Lucius, no Zaaren.

  Kaden reached up, tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled. His thumb brushed over her cheek and then her lips. “You’re right, everything is perfect now that we’re together.”

  She nodded and leaned down to kiss him. His hand found its way to the juncture of her thighs again and his finger gently stroked her delicate bud there. She moaned into his mouth as he inserted two fingers into her core and stroked. She grabbed his wrist and pulled it away. With a wicked grin she moved to the side and stripped him of his boxers, freeing his hard cock. She straddled him and lowered herself down onto him. She moaned as her muscles tightened around his cock.

  Kaden groaned and put his hands on her hips. She rolled her hips to move herself up and down. The pleasure started to build in her and Kaden’s fingers bit into her skin. He growled and flipped her over without missing a beat. He thrust into her and she cried out, arching her hips to meet his.

  They found a rhythm togeth
er and it pushed her to the edge of bliss. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest. With a final thrust she cried out and her body tightened around him. Starbursts clouded her vision and her breath caught in her throat. Panting, Kaden collapsed next to her with a smile. She rolled over and laid her head on his chest as they both rode out the fading pleasure of the orgasm.

  With a sigh she leaned up and kissed him. He smiled at her and pulled her close. She let her mind drift off to sleep, safe in his arms.

  Lucius found Zarren in the media room watching the DVD of Tegan’s torture. Why the Original insisted on watching Lucius didn’t know.

  “She betrayed you.” Zaaren said before Lucius even entered the room fully. “She gave over the information of what she is.”

  Lucius shook his head and turned the film off. “She went through torture and held on as long as she could. We trained and prepared her for this, but she’d been through too much. Markus knew every one of her weaknesses.”

  “She betrayed you. A bound human should not give in to torture. That information is what we were trying to hide from the Circle. They are within their rights to take her and take your territory if they so choose because you hid this from them.” Zaaren snarled. “My sister should have been stronger than this.”

  “Tegan did everything she could to keep the information from him. You forget that she is only human.”

  “No, she’s not and you need to keep from treating her as such. She is a Blood Human—“

  “Not anymore.” Lucius snarled. He’d forgotten how stubborn and single-minded Zaaren could be. “Look, I did not come in here to argue about her. I came in here to talk to you about what she fears has happened and to set up a plan with you.”

  “She fears that they have raised the Father, which is not a possibility. We went to great lengths to keep his tomb from being discovered, her hidden—which she failed to do— and his soul safe.”


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