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Temple of S.A.R.A.H. 4 Hard Wired

Page 3

by Ben Winston

  "Not intentionally, Sir. You see, the order sent very clearly stated that the working copy, and all design notes be surrendered to Order Fen. Unknown to me at the time, Doctor Cowan had finalized the code of Sarah, and had begun work on Susan using the same code as a basis as well as his design notes. Sarah is the original AI he designed. When that order arrived, he complied; under loud protest, but he did comply with the order as written."

  Hearlis nodded. "I'm sure there will be those that could argue that he intentionally mistook the order, but at this point, and with what has been uncovered, it's a damn good thing he did. I'm still adjusting to everything Susan has told me, so it's probably a good thing I woke up early. Continue as you have, I'd send more ships if I could, but at this point, I think that would be noticed. What I'm worried about is what the Veranorians are going to do once they discover their programming is no longer effective. Susan tells me the Veranorian Synod has amassed a huge fleet of warships. I think you will be pretty high on their list of targets, so build what you need and do it as fast as you can. They'll hit you, hard, as soon as they realize what's happened."

  "We have thought of that, Sir. We are working hard to be ready for that eventuality. However, I believe that once you get a chance to think about this, that the more probable target will be Fleet Headquarters where you are. Our entire war effort is coordinated through that station. If they take you out, our forces will be disorganized and demoralized. Attacking us will not give them the advantage that destroying Fleet Command would," Vance replied.

  "Yes," Hearlis said thinking about what Vance had told him. "Yes, I think you might be onto something there. Especially if they know all the weaknesses in our defenses." He snorted. "The Veranorians designed them!"

  "That's not good, Sir," Vance replied.

  "No it's not. Look, I'm going to try to send you some help. But they will be charged with building a separate base there capable of assuming command of fleet operations if this station is destroyed. I'd do it someplace else, but the bottom line is that there is simply nowhere else to send them. Susan just brought up a schematic of the sector. You have several dwarf planets in that system, and another star system close by. Figure out the best place for it, and get it built. I don’’t like having fleet operations that far from the core worlds, but we need to make sure there is a place that can go to if the worst happens here," Hearlis said. "My worry is that they'll have the Aracs infest the core worlds so they can hold them hostage. I'll send you what help I can, but chances are that none of them will be military."

  "I understand Sir, We'll do our best," Vance replied.

  "Vance, as a person, I've never liked you. To me, you were always too regulation bound, and too damn stuffy. I'm starting to believe I might have been wrong about you. If it were just me, I'd promote you to Admiral, and drop this whole thing in your lap. Well, I guess that's what I'm doing, except I can't promote you. There is a good chance you have saved the Alliance, but we're not out of hyperspace yet..." his eyes glazed slightly in thought. "Hm, hyperspace... Vance, did you know that this station has jump drives?"

  "Fleet Command can jump through Hyperspace?" Vance asked, surprised. "No Sir, I didn't know that. I thought it was just a normal station."

  Hearlis chuckled. "It was built at Galtar just like all of our ships were. It was piloted here and set to maintain its orbit. The 'bridge', if you will, has been sealed and is no longer used except for the occasional tech that checks on the equipment."

  "Sir, did you know that there is a most peculiar anomaly in this system?" Vance said, grinning. The sixth planet, a hydrogen rich gas giant, has these rings comprised of ice and various metals and minerals. Anyway, because of the composition of those rings, an area of space was created where scanners just don't function all that well. Comms and other electronic signals seem to pass through without distortion, but our scanners simply don't work in there. Our Earth born pilots call it the briar patch," Vance said.

  Hearlis smiled slyly as well. "Really? That is very interesting. It goes completely around this gas giant you said?"

  Vance nodded. "Completely, in fact, the effect is rather large, and extends well outside the rings. If the location of something in there wasn't known exactly, I doubt it could ever be found. Missiles are completely out of the question, they couldn't lock onto anything."

  "Very interesting, could you send me the coordinates of that, so I can do more research on it?" Hearlis nodded. "You know how much such anomalies fascinate me."

  Vance could see that Susan was already showing him the area in question and how closely a ship could get and still safely exit hyperspace. Hearlis nodded to her. "Well, we both have a lot to do. So, I'll leave you to it, but with one last thought. I can't send you any military aid, but I don't have total control over every military asset listed in the Alliance."

  "We have no method of payment to offer, Sir. I doubt they'd even consider taking a contract like that," Vance replied.

  Hearlis nodded. "Tell them about your advances in ship building, and mention that the Shallans and the Veranorians know nothing about it. I think you'll be surprised at what they'll do."

  Vance nodded. "Honestly Sir, I don't know how to even get hold of them. I guess I was a little too regulation bound."

  "Susan, please send Vance the file I have on Alliance Merc units," Hearlis turned back to Vance. "I know that we need to keep our distance from the planet there, and do our best to hide our existence, but that might not be possible. Just do the best you can, and I'll try to cover for you when the smoke clears. Good Luck, Vance."

  "Altuis Denay, First Admiral," Vance said.

  Hearlis nodded. "Altuis Denay, Commodore."

  Offices of the Base Commander

  Alliance Apollo Base

  Selene, Earth’s moon

  Sol System

  Although I was still pretty tired, I rushed to the meeting Vance had called. Sarah told me that it was very important I be there.

  I wasn't the first to arrive, nor was I the last. I also noticed that this was going to be a big meeting, as I recognized the heads of every department represented on the base. Vance had called the meeting for the largest conference room the base offered, and it looked to me like it would be mostly filled. I found Corhen Nori talking to Doctor Sparks and moved over to join them. I was stopped by a very large burly Simonian dressed in the battle fatigues of the Alliance Marines.

  "Doctor Cowan. I am Colonel Cren'lith. I am in charge of all Marine forces assigned to this sector. I have heard of your efforts aboard the Honor of Vengeance, and I wanted to thank you personally. It is a rare civilian that would go to the extent you did to assist my people. You are a credit to your race, your clan, and your family, Doctor."

  "Colonel, I thank you, but I do not see that I did anything extraordinary. I only did what was necessary at the time," I said. "I only wish I could have done more."

  The big Simonian nodded sagely. "I was told this as well. Still your contribution was great. I am sad to say that even civilians of my own race would have been3 simply too scared to take an active part in the battle. You did more than this, you thought of weapons that took the Aracnise by surprise, and affected the outcome of that battle. After which, you assisted in the care and recovery of the wounded. This counts for much to my Marines. You have restored their faith in what they are fighting for." He bowed low to me. "For that alone I would be grateful. I felt the need to acknowledge your assistance."

  "I understand, Colonel. Let us just hope that such contributions are not needed for much longer," I replied, and returned his bow.

  "From your lips to the ears of great Gaia, Doctor. Altuis Tenae," he said, and moved aside for me to continue to Corhen and Ced.

  "Altuis Tenae, Colonel," I replied and continued to my friends.

  "What was that all about?" Ced asked, nodding to the big ape.

  "He wanted to thank me for yesterday. I don't get it; I really didn't do anything unusual. Why is everyone acting like I killed the Queen
single handedly?" I asked.

  "Actually, you are credited with her death because of your suggestion to blow the air out of the landing bay," Corhen replied. "In the Alliance, combat is not a place for civilians. Those that are pulled there are usually far too timid to do anything. Your actions yesterda, are not those of a normal Alliance civilian. So they are praising you," Corhen Nori replied. "Perhaps you have set an example for other civilians to follow."

  I shook my head. "I was raised to believe it is the duty and responsibility of a civilian to assist and support those defending us in any way possible. I only acted as I was taught."

  "Such lessons should be given in the core worlds as well as the rest of the Alliance,” Corhen replied. "Do you have foreknowledge of this meeting, Doctor Cowan?"

  I shook my head. "No, not really. Sarah only told me it was very important, and I needed to be here. She seemed excited though."

  "Yeah, she told me the same thing. When I tried to get her to tell me what was going on, she only said I need to come to the meeting and find out!" Ced replied, slightly frustrated.

  Corhen nodded. "Discretion is an important aspect of an AI. AI Sarah is a very well written compilation."

  "It looks like we are about to begin," Ced said and pointed to the front of the room. Sarah had materialized and was looking around.

  "May I have all of your attention, please?" Sarah said, using the room's speaker system to overcome the low rumble of private conversations. "Forgive my interruption, but Commodore Vance would like to address all of you." She bowed to the crowd and turned to Vance as he walked up to her.

  "Thank you, Sarah." He turned to the crowd as we all found seats.

  "Thank you all for taking the time away from your projects to come here this morning. Last evening, First Admiral Hearlis from his office at Fleet Command contacted me. Admiral Hearlis has been freed from the Veranorian Synod's programming; however, he is only one of a very few at Command that have. Because of that, he gave us a few tasks we need to prepare for and execute." He went on and told everyone about the interview with the ultimate commander of the Alliance Military.

  "So, we have a few new tasks given to us that we cannot turn our backs on. First and foremost will be the defense of this system. Now, I plan on meeting again in smaller groups with most of you so we can work out how to go about attaining our goals. As I said earlier, we will be getting more assistance from the core worlds. However, we will also be receiving considerable ship building assistance. The Shallan Clan Therinate will arrive very soon. The entire clan is coming here to help us. They did not depart the Galtar system under ideal circumstances, but they did depart; and they are bringing three heavy warships with them." He paused to take a drink of water.

  "My Comrades, there is a strong possibility that the Synod will send their warships here once they discover what we've done. That is a very real possibility we need to come to terms with. However, keep in mind that this is the Veranorian Synod we are at war with, not the Veranorian people. The Veranorian people are just as much victims in this as we are. Our problem is going to arise from Synod spies and sympathizers. These people will not be just Veranorian, they could be from any race. How and why these beings decide to work with the Synod is a mystery to me, but some of them do.

  "Recently, we discovered a Synod operative we believed to be human, a Novan named Harclen Teece of Merak III. During our investigation, it was discovered that Harclen Teece of Merak III died shortly after birth. A virtual autopsy of Mr. Teece has shown that he is a clone. What all of this means, we cannot even guess at yet, but it is clear we are dealing with someone that has no regard for the sanctity of life, and has no respect for our laws."

  Vance paused to let everyone consider his words. "Now, the reason I called an all department meeting was to let you know that the coming effort will be one that will take all of our effort. This will impact every department. Over the next few days, I will be meeting with all of you in various groups to outline what needs to be done, and to find out from you what you will need to get it done. Now, before we all split up again, and go our separate ways, does anyone have any questions for me that they need an answer to right now?"

  Collaboration (meeting) Room

  Computer Sciences Department

  Alliance Apollo Base

  Selene, Earth’s Moon

  Sol System

  "Much work for the department is coming," Corhen said to her assembled department. "New projects coming, in addition to existing ones. Two new core crystals must be started. For Alliance Fleet Command Complex, a new, powerful AI will be created. A redundant Command Complex is to be built near us. One of the new, larger crystals will be installed there, and the other in the existing Command Complex. Single AI will inhabit both crystals, in order to maintain a safe back up of the system. Creating an undetectable, long distance connection between the two cores must be researched, as well as security methods for data stores."

  Corhen nodded at me to take over. "Okay, first issue, the new crystals. Grow team, these will be 'base class' crystals. They will be the largest we've ever grown, because of the expanded capabilities this AI will need in order to function affectively. Our data currently indicates we need to be creating an environment at least two hundred percent larger than our current base crystal. However, I would recommend attempting a four hundred percent increase. This war is going to get worse before it gets better, and this AI core will need the extra capacity to adjust to whatever situation will be required of her."

  "Another female AI then, Doctor Cowan?" Ced asked. Normally, Ced wouldn't have been at this meeting since he was in another department, but he had been invited since he would be involved in some of the projects.

  I grinned back at him. "Yes, Doctor Sparks, another female AI. Considering her duties, I was going to name her Athena, from a mythological Goddess of wisdom and warfare."

  "Seriously though, I believe we'll run a much higher risk of flaw in creating such a large crystal. We were able to reduce the chance of a flaw in the core we grew for AI Sarah by adjusting the pressure in the tank and using a light anti-grav field, but what you're asking for will have too much mass for that to work. If we try to increase the negative gravity field, that could undermine the formation of the crystalline structure," Ced replied.

  I nodded, "I thought that might be the case. We may have to relocate the growing facility to a micro or null gravity environment."

  "How?" a young researcher asked.

  "We load up the lab, haul it out to the edge of the system, and leave it in zero gravity," another person replied.

  "That might be a little harder to check on, but for the most part, we could simply set it up, turn it on, and leave it there. We can monitor its progress remotely, I said" Ced agreed and nodded. "That might work pretty well, especially if we can vary the atmosphere external of the tank."

  I nodded. "Lower the temperature as well, not all the way, but just enough to aid the formation of the structure. It'll increase the growth time, but if it helps prevent flaws, we'll save time in the long run."

  Ced was nodding agreement and taking notes.

  "Okay, lastly is a subject only those of us from Earth are going to be the most familiar with; computer hacking and prevention. If we wait for the Veranorian to develop computer and anti-AI hacking protocols, it can do nothing but hurt us. Besides, it might behoove us to develop our own electronic warfare strategies." I pause because a young Novan research assistant had raised his hand. I nodded to him.

  "Doctor Cowan, forgive my ignorance, but what is 'computer hacking'?"

  "No worries, I don't expect many of you have heard that term before, since the concept seems to be unknown to the Alliance. The art of 'hacking' a computer is creating or manipulating code in order to gain illegal or unauthorized access to a computer system. With an intelligent AI like Sarah, you might think such a thing is impossible; it isn't." I said, shocking most of the people in the room. "In point of fact, no computer or computerized sys
tem is completely safe from a skilled hacker, that includes Sarah.

  "I will be taking a few of you into my lab and teaching you what I know about this, I am also going to ask for the recruitment of a couple of friends of mine that specialize in this type of activity. I feel I should mention that, by definition, these people are criminals."

  "If they are criminals, why would we wish to recruit them?" Corhen asked. "Criminals could only hurt our cause, could they not?"

  "That is why I said, by definition, LE Nori. These people have never been caught, and to my knowledge, have never actually done anything criminal other than hacking into supposedly secure computer systems and networks, simply to prove they could. Among some hackers, that is all that really matters," I explained.

  "I do not mean to disagree with you, Doctor Cowan, but your planetary data net says that these 'hackers' are responsible for billions of your dollars of damage and theft every year," the assistant that asked what a hacker was replied.

  I nodded. "I did not say all of them were like those that I know, I can only speak for them, not the rest."

  "Would you trust them with this advanced technology?" Ced asked.

  I nodded. "Yes, but I would not tell them about Sarah. I would task her with monitoring them for a time, in order to make certain they are trustworthy. After all, it is not just my life on the line here."

  Corhen nodded. "That is wise, I will support your request to the Commodore. If I am understanding correctly what you are describing, it takes a certain mindset to become a really good... hacker, does it not?"

  "It does, I have been known to do a little hacking when I was younger, but I never developed the knack for it. I still remember most of the tricks, but I am certain there is a lot I simply don't know," I admitted.

  Office of the Base Commander

  Alliance Apollo Base

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  Sol System

  "Thank you all for coming. I know you are all trying to get ready for your own projects, but I need you to think about one more thing if you can. We have a problem with spy ships. There are an almost unlimited number of hiding places in this system, and we have little to no local space scanning ability. We do have a hyperspace detector for inbound ships, but that's about it," Commodore Vance said. "We need every idea you can come up with."


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