Finding Jaime

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Finding Jaime Page 4

by Dawn, P.

  I’m about to ask for more when the music lowers, and Madame speaks. “Darlings, our next display will be performed by our own duo, Jasper, and Thor.” The crowd cheers and claps. “Butterfly will bring in the props in a few short moments. Boys, you may begin.”

  The men stand in the center of the room, and Thor walks up to the frame they had fitted the straps to. He spreads his legs and lifts his arms so Jasper can secure him to it. I watch with interest at the alien, yet oddly arousing sensation, of watching the man being restrained.

  Whoa, sicko, this is not your thing remember? Oh, but it looks good, though, doesn’t it? Shut the fuck up before I leave and get the pink monster out of the drawer instead. Do you want that? My mind quietens, and I watch closely at everything Jasper’s hands are doing.

  The way he’s so gentle with the straps against Thor’s wrists and ankles, making sure they’re not too tight for him, is sweet. I watch how he speaks to Thor—his head nodding—and by his expression, it’s words of comfort and assurance.

  I blow out a breath and sit back. A movement from the archway catches my eye, and I focus on the figure coming through.

  A woman with long flowing black hair walks in as though floating on air, even though her heels are similar to mine. Her long legs are shapely, and the purple fabric of her skirt—longer than the others here—hides the tops of her thighs. The black fabric hangs below the two gathered sections of purple striped material that continue up over her waist and over her full boobs, hugging them. Her cleavage is perfectly formed above the cups of her dress. My eyes move with her, and I look closely at her face and the elaborate mask, one side the shape of a butterfly wing, adorned with dark purple lace and small feathers. She’s so beautiful, and I can’t take my eyes off of her.

  “That’s Butterfly, Madame’s daughter.”

  I snap my head to Fuchsia. “Her daughter?” I slowly turn back to the woman who’s handing a box to Jasper. “Does she do this stuff?”

  “I’ve never known her to take part, or to be involved afterward, but that’s not for me to find out,” she says, and then her eyes bore into mine, and I lean away. “Nobody has to do anything here. You can be a spectator, a regular at the bar, or just come here to ‘hangout’ with friends. Some do, just to keep their private life behind closed doors with other like-minded individuals.”

  “So, it’s basically like a huge party and if people want to go off and hook-up, then they can?”

  “Exactly, my dear Bunny. Let’s just call it an exclusive costume party…with optional extras.”

  Now it’s my turn to laugh, and I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my outburst. Way to go, foghorn! “Well, if you said that in the first place…” I say as I look back to the center of the room, and I stop because Butterfly is staring right at me.

  I can’t see her eyes or expression behind her mask but from her mouth curling up I guess she’s noticed my newness. I don’t look away; I can’t, because there’s something about this woman that has me transfixed. Don’t get me wrong; there are a bunch of physically gorgeous men in here, all different, some unobtainable, but not once have I felt the need to give them a second look. Now this woman… I haven’t stared at any other girl like this apart from Joss.

  I wonder where she is? I know she couldn’t go to Lux with us, but…fuck, I don’t know. I don’t know why I dressed like this tonight. I don’t know why I left Lux by myself. And I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing in this club.

  Oh, what the hell, just have this one night away from the norm. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show…whatever it is.

  So I do. I sit back and watch as Jasper runs his hands down Thor’s ripped back and Thor visibly shudders. His fingers reach the jeans that match his own and he circles around to the front and runs his hands up Thor’s stomach to his chest. Thor rests his head back on Jasper’s shoulder with his eyes closed. They fly open, and Jasper has his nipples pinched between his fingers and thumbs. I’m expecting Thor to cry bloody murder, but he moans—like, sex moans.

  This is hot!

  Letting go, he strokes back down his abs, and one hand continues south, and I find I want him to go for his dick. I want to shout ‘grab his cock’, but there’s no need. Jasper cups the front of Thor’s jeans and caresses his bulge.

  Jasper steps back and opens the box in Butterfly’s arms and, from what I can tell, I make eye contact with her again. Without thinking, I lick my lips and rub my thighs together. I’m hot and damp between my legs, and I don’t know if it’s what I just saw between the two men or the way this woman is staring at me.

  What the fuck, Jaime?

  Her chest rises and falls which make the tops of her breasts bulge above the corset and I can’t look away. With a quick movement, she closes the box and turns to walk out of the room. I want to follow her, to see why she was looking at me that way, but a hand on my arm draws my attention back to the sight in front of us.

  Jasper is holding a black object in his hand. A long ribbed handle with lots of pieces dangling from it. I’ve never seen one before, and I haven’t the first clue what he’s going to do with it.

  “That’s a flogger,” Fuchsia says into my ear as the music volume increases again. “The many long, flat pieces of leather are used to gently whip the skin.”

  “Fuck, does it hurt?” I see Jasper rotating the object in a figure eight with his wrist.

  “No, Bunny. The displays are not for pain, but merely a demonstration. Some like to make their fantasies a performance. Others watch, learn, and then take it elsewhere for their private pleasure.”

  I place my hand over my mouth as the movements quicken. “It looks like it does.”

  Fuchsia removes my hand and holds onto it. “Just watch, Bunny. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  The sounds of snapping can be heard faintly over the music, and Jasper is moving his hand up and down over Thor’s back; his wrist moving rapidly. Fuchsia’s right, Thor doesn’t look in pain, and I would say from what I can see growing in the front of his jeans that he likes it a lot.

  “I told you.”

  “Yeah, okay, Fuchsia, I get it. He’s not going to break out a full-on whip and gash his skin to bits.”

  “Not unless it’s what he likes,” she replies with a smile and my eyes bug. She grins and shakes her head. “We don’t allow that intensity in House. If our members desire that kind of play, where blood can be spilled, then they need to find elsewhere for that.”

  “Thank fuck for that,” I sigh, relieved that I’m not going to witness anybody getting brutalized in front of me.

  “It’s too risky,” she continues. “Blood can carry disease and infections. We don’t want to have any of that here. Protection is of the highest importance.”

  I nod my head in agreement and continue to watch. Thor’s moans grow louder, and Jasper moves around to the front of the frame and starts again on his chest. I prepare myself for what I think is going to happen, and Jasper flicks the flogger over Thor’s denim covered cock.

  “No more, Jasper,” he rasps. “Stop.”

  Jasper does as Thor asks and reaches for both of his wrists. He leans forward and kisses him on the mouth. Hot, tongue-lashing, French-kissing, and the crowd applaud. I join in, clapping my hands together, and I’m wondering what the hell I’ve been missing.

  “That was hot,” I say to Fuchsia, and she just grins at me. “What?”

  “See? No reason to be scared.”

  “Well, okay, but in my defense, I’ve never seen anything like this before.” Jasper releases Thor from his restraints, and I watch until they run off through the archway as soon as he’s done. “Where are they going?”

  “I assume to finish what they started.” Fuchsia licks her lips and chuckles under her breath.

  “Seriously? They’re going to fuck—right now?”

  “You saw the effect it had on him?” I nod. “Well, then, why are you surprised?”

  I can’t believe how I’m not more shocked at that, but I
know I need a minute or two to get my act together. And some fresh underwear.

  “I need a drink.”

  “That, you don’t need permission for.” Fuchsia stands and leads me through the silver beaded archway and into another room.

  This one is brighter with different colored lights shining in various directions. People are dancing in the center of the room and a bar, with six staff members, stretches along the length of the wall on the right. The lights underneath the counter are bright white and cast a glow down to the floor, illuminating the red-topped bar stools.

  “I have to leave you here, I’m afraid, but drinks are free for you tonight.” She waves over a blond, shirtless male, with leather pants, a bowtie and a mahogany mask with white swirls around the edges. “The bartender will ensure you get what you want, but he will refuse if you become too intoxicated.”

  “Hey, I’ve had a mother of a hangover this week already, I’m not about to get another.”

  “Well, then, I’ll check in with you soon.” Fuchsia walks away, and the guy stops in front of me.

  “Just soda, thanks.”

  “That’s not usually what people order for their first drink in here,” a sultry voice says behind me and my pussy clenches up at the sound.

  I slowly turn to look over my shoulder, and my mouth pops open when Butterfly is standing there with her arms folded under her chest. I look down and catch myself gawking at her round assets.

  “I’ve already been drinking,” I reply with a dry throat. “I’m better sticking to soda. If I have anything else I might embarrass myself,” I laugh.

  “How?” She cocks her head to the side, and her ebony tresses slide over her shoulder.

  “Fuchsia has told me the rules here,” I explain. “I don’t want to get wasted and break them now, do I?” I lift my glass as soon as the bartender puts it down, and I raise it. “Here’s to behaving.”

  I raise my eyes to hers, but I can’t see them in the darkened room even though the lights are darting about all over the place. I attempt to focus on them, and I see a thin layer of lace across the eye sockets on her mask, completely obscuring them.

  “Why are you here if you’re going to behave?” she asks with a crooked smile.

  Is she for real? “Because Fuchsia said I don’t have to do anything, and I don’t want to,” I snap, and she puts her delicate hand with purple nails over her mouth. “What? Why am I so funny tonight?”

  Chapter 5

  “Come with me,” Butterfly says and holds out her other hand. “I promise I won’t bite.” I almost choke on my soda when she finishes with, “unless you ask me to.”

  Visions of her sinking her teeth into me flash through my mind and my nipples fucking scrape the inside of my dress like daggers. “I…don’t think…” I can’t get my words out, and I feel like an idiot in front of this gorgeous woman who I’ve never met in my entire life, and she’s doing things to me without even touching me.

  She beckons for my hand with her fingers, and I slip mine into hers. Her palm is warm, and her fingers are gentle when they wrap around mine.

  “Let’s find a seat so we can discuss your membership. My mother likes you, Bunny, she thinks you’ll make an excellent addition to the club.”

  “About that,” I begin, but she keeps walking, leading me away from the bar. “This is my only night.”

  Butterfly spins around and steps so close to me I can feel the heat from her skin. “We’ll see.”

  Why are they so damn sure I’m going to sign up? I watch her hips swaying in front of me and once again I’m fixated. She’s a woman, she’s a woman. I tell myself that over and over, but it doesn’t lessen my confusion. It must be the outfit. Yeah, I see how good it looks on her, and I want it too—that must be it.

  No matter what I tell myself, I can’t make the heat between my legs cool down, and it’s only getting worse the longer she holds my hand.

  “Take it to the rooms, please,” she says to a couple on the sofa we stop next to.

  The two of them are eating each other alive, and the girl has her hand inside his pants, clearly jerking him off.

  “Sorry, Butterfly,” the guy says, not in the slightest bit embarrassed at being caught getting a hand job. “We got a little carried away.”

  The girl giggles. “Just a hand job, honey, nothing more for him.” She continues to pump his dick, and Butterfly looks away.

  “Rooms, now,” Butterfly demands. “We’re a tasteful club, guys. Displays aren’t permitted with this level of activity in the open, so neither are you.”

  “Of course, sorry.” The girl removes her hand from the guy’s pants, and they hurry out of a door to the back.

  Butterfly gestures for me to sit, and I do. She sits next to me and scoots closer to my side. “So, how did you find this place?”

  “Didn’t your mom tell you?” I assumed she would’ve already.

  “She did, but I want to hear you say it.”

  “Well…” I repeat the exact words I told Madame. Every shameful word and she doesn’t even react. “So?”

  “Okay, then.”

  “Is that all you wanted to ask me?” I immediately think of her asking me for other things and surprise the hell out of myself.

  “No. What do you want from this place?”

  “Uh…” I look around. “I have no fucking clue.”

  “Tell me what you see.”

  I take a breath and take in the area in front of me. “People having fun, I guess.” I shrug my shoulders. “Apart from the clothes, it looks like an ordinary club.”

  “It does, but it’s so much more.”

  I look back to Butterfly and see her looking right at me, as far as I can tell. She could be looking at my tits for all I know, and I’m not sure why I like that thought, but I do.

  “This is all a bit fucking cryptic, to be honest. Just tell me what it’s about, Butterfly, so I can stop having long winded conversations about what goes on. I get that it’s a giant secret party house where people can disappear to do God knows what, but I don’t see what I’m supposed to do here.”

  “Can I touch you?”

  My mouth hangs open, and I’ve forgotten how to breathe. “W…a…” I must resemble a fish out of water.

  “I’ll understand if you say no, Bunny. I don’t know your sexuality, so me touching you might make you uncomfortable.”

  I snap out of it and take a huge breath before I pass out. “Touch me how?” I ask, but that wasn’t what I intended to say.

  A small smile plays at her lips. “Nothing sexual, and nothing that I think you’ll run from.” She inches closer to me.

  “Why would I run?” I ask, and I know damn well that my ass is staying put. She just stares at me. “Oh, shit. Yes, you may.”

  “Really?” she mouths. I don’t hear her voice over the music.

  “Yeah, go ahead.”

  Butterfly’s tongue flicks out over her lower lip, and I watch as it moves along the flesh and back into her mouth. She raises her hand to my face, and I close my eyes. Her soft fingertips glide over the side of my jaw and to my chin. My skin tingles and my heart is pounding against my ribcage. She continues up and strokes her finger over my lower lip. I instantly part them, and a shaky breath escapes. All too soon, her hand disappears and I open my eyes.

  “Whoa, that was…” Butterfly’s expectant look catches me off guard. “Can I touch you?”

  She nods quickly and some part of my ridiculous inner teen surfaces. “I can’t promise it won’t be sexual, though,” I chuckle.

  “Bunny,” she snaps. “This isn’t a joke to me.”

  “Sorry,” I say and glance down. Fuck, fuck, fuck, Jaime. Give it a rest! I try again. “May I touch you?”

  “Touch me how?” she asks and smirks.

  “I don’t know, yet,” I reply and look down at her chest, then her legs. “But I won’t grab your tits, I promise.” I cringe at myself.

  “Yes,” she laughs. “You may.”

lift my hands and wiggle my fingers while she sits there waiting for me to do…whatever I’m about to screw up. Fuck, I feel like a dastardly villain about to grope the innocent damsel. Well, she has the heaving bosom so…

  I take a calming breath, and my shaking hand reaches out to touch her left shoulder, which is fine. I’ve gripped Sadie’s enough times that this doesn’t feel weird.

  “You’re shaking.”

  “I haven’t done this before,” I laugh nervously. “Just bear with me. I’m trying to hold it together and not fall into your cleavage.” Which doesn’t seem all that bad right now.

  Butterfly just smiles at me, and I feel better that she’s not ridiculing me for being an ass. I leave just my fingertips on her skin, and I move them as slowly as I can across her silky skin to her collar bone. I notice the pulse in her neck is pumping furiously, and I feel her quick breaths fan across my face.

  “Is this okay?” I stroke across to the other side when she nods her head. “Does this feel weird to you?”

  Her breath catches and her lips purse. “No, Bunny, it doesn’t.”

  Shit, I’ve offended her now, so I drop my hand to my lap. “I’m sorry, Butterfly, I didn’t mean that like it sounded.”

  Her fingers hook under my chin, and she turns my face to her. “Well, how did you mean it?”

  I swallow down my cowardice. “I meant me touching you. You don’t know me.”

  “Well, did it feel weird when I touched you?”

  No, I liked it, and I want you to do it again. I’m not about to admit that completely, not even to myself. “Actually, no. I…kinda liked it.”

  “Can I touch you again?”

  I don’t even think to ask how or where I just nod my head like she’s just offered me a tiny puppy wearing a blue collar and a ribbon.

  She raises both of her hands and places them on my shoulders. My stomach clenches so hard, and my pussy fires up as she moves her hands down towards my mine. They’re in my lap, but I don’t move them at all. I’m frozen to the spot, worried that if I move the tiniest bit, she’ll stop, and then somehow I’ll snap out of it and run screaming like a banshee out of the building. I’m so close to freaking out due to the way this stranger—and a woman—is making me feel as her hands run over my bare skin. I like it much more than I should and the way my heart is fluttering in my chest, maybe too much.


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