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Mob Boss Eleven- The Wrong One (The Mob Boss Series Book 11)

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by Mallory Monroe

  He stared at her as his movements fell into a groove. Katrina Gabrini, his wife. The love of his life. He never dreamed a man like him would find a woman like her. Even when he first met her at that strip joint, and he fought for her honor, he was doing it for her ass. He wanted her sexually.

  But it was so different now. Sex didn’t make their love work now, but love made their sex work. And as he put his hips into it, as he felt that tightness that was her trademark, it was the love that overwhelmed him. It was his love for her that heightened every sensual feeling he felt for her. For them, it was all about their love.

  And as he laid on top of her, and pulled her into his arms, and continued to fuck her with that passionate skill that was Reno’s trademark, she began to weep.

  It was all in that loving feeling for her too. Something about the way Reno made love to her that made her so emotional! Every inch of her vagina felt his power. Every inch of her vaginal walls felt entrapped by his power. Every inch of the deepest pocket of her pussy felt as if Reno’s dick was massaging it so sensually that it made her feel so loved, and so cherished, that it made her want to cum. It was too soon, and she didn’t want to cum this soon, but she couldn’t help it. He was loving her too hard. The emotions of the way he did her were too overwhelming. The way he stroked her, the way he pushed into her, was too much to bear.

  She came. She came with a burst of sensual awareness so heightened that she felt her vagina throbbing to the roots of her hair. It was total. She couldn’t stop cumming.

  Reno began to grunt from the tightening of her vaginal walls around his shaft that her cum created. He could barely move through the tightness. And it squeezed the sex out of him. His dickhead began to leak out with a small release, and then a trickle, and then, when her muscles collapsed around his rod so tightly it took his breath away, he poured into her with a downpour of white hot gold.

  “Tree!” was all he could say as he flowed. “Tree! Tree! Tree!”

  And when he overflowed her, and the wetness became messy, he continued to push into her with mighty shoves. Their cum together, the sloshing sounds of satisfaction, filled the silence within their massive room. Until even Reno, who could hang longer than any man Trina had ever known, could hang no longer. His still-strong dick finally eased up. And began its slow, prodding, reluctant retreat.


  Reno sat at the breakfast table in his bathrobe, with his legs crossed. He sipped more coffee as he looked at Trina help feed their baby, and his son feed himself. It was the morning after. Reno slept like a king after that fantastic round with Trina, but that kind of activity didn’t come without a price. He woke up as if he’d been poured out.

  His baby girl, whom he over-named Sophia Alexandria Victoria Gabrini, was known to him simply as Lexie, and to everybody else simply as Sophie. She was to his right, eating her food and watching big brother Dominic. She was a deep-brown-skinned baby with big, beautiful eyes and remarkable great looks like Reno’s cousin Tommy, and wavy dark hair and a button nose like her mother. She was going to be a handful. He knew it already. He would have to keep her under his thumb and those men of prey far, far away. His only wish was that she turned out to be a good person like her mother; that she turned out to be a person able to handle that bright spotlight that was surely going to be a part of her existence someday.

  And Dommi, he thought, as he looked over at his rambunctious son. Dominic Gabrini, Junior. Already a handful even as he spilled yet more cereal onto the tabletop. Reno shook his head. “It’s not that difficult, Dominic,” he said.

  “It keeps spilling,” Dommi said.

  “It won’t spill if you stop eating so fast,” Reno responded.

  “I hope he doesn’t eat that way in school,” Trina said. “Those teachers probably think we’re starving him to death, and have given him no home training.”

  But Francine Gabrini, who was also at the breakfast table, disagreed. Reno was her big brother and benefactor. She lived in a room in his hotel. He paid all of her bills. He gave her an allowance. But that didn’t mean she was meek and mild and prone to mind her own business. She was Fran. She didn’t know what minding her own business meant. “If you ask me,” she said, “I think he’s just fine. I think he’s a wonderful little boy making innocent, little boy mistakes. He’s absolutely perfect.” Then she smiled and looked at Dommi. “Aren’t you, sweetheart?”

  Dommi gladly nodded his agreement. “Yes, ma’am,” he said.

  “Yes ma’am my ass,” Trina said. “Go get a cloth and clean up that mess!”

  “But I’m not finished yet,” Dommi said.

  Reno looked at him, astounded that he would give his mother any backtalk. “Now!” he ordered.

  Dommi quickly moved to his father’s stern voice. Then Reno looked at Fran. “Don’t you ever reward his bad behavior. You hear me? My son will not go through this life spoiled and lazy. If he’s wrong, he’s wrong, and don’t you dare try to sugarcoat his mistakes. Understand me?”

  Fran frowned. “Why are you jumping down my throat?” she asked. “What did I do to you? I was just stating a fact. Dommi’s a good kid. He’s smart, he’s talented, he’s a dream child. You should be grateful I have your son’s back. Because I do. Just like I have your back, Reno. So don’t get on my case like I’m the enemy. I’m not the one who goes behind your back. I’m not the problem here.”

  Trina and Reno both looked at Fran. Trina knew those little sly words of hers weren’t sly at all. She was dishing the dirt. Trina didn’t know what it was about this time, but she knew it was going to be dirty.

  Dommi returned to the table with a dishcloth just as Reno was responding to Fran’s comment. “And what is that supposed to mean?” he asked his sister.

  But Trina wasn’t about to let her discuss anything negative in front of her children. She motioned toward the end of the table, where the older Miss Tucker and the younger Wilma, the nannies, were having breakfast. Both women immediately rose.

  “Dommi, go with Miss Tucker,” Trina said.

  “But I’m not quite finished,” Dommi responded.

  Reno gave him another harsh look.

  Dommi was disappointed, but he complied. “Yes, ma’am,” he said.

  Wilma took Sophia out of Trina’s hand, while Miss Tucker took Dominic by the hand, and they ushered the children out of the kitchen.

  When they were gone, Reno looked at Fran. “Tell it to me straight, Fran,” he said. “What the hell are you talking about? Who’s going behind my back?”

  Fran didn’t respond. She looked at Trina instead. Reno then looked at Trina. “What is she talking about?”

  “What are you talking about, Fran?” Trina asked her sister-in-law. “Because I sure as hell don’t know.”

  “You know,” Fran responded.

  Trina was offended. “If I knew I would say so, Fran. So spit it out.”

  “I don’t feel it’s my place to tell your business.”

  Trina shook her head. “You are so full of it that it’s not even funny. I declare if you weren’t family, I would have kicked you to the curb long ago.”

  “You would have tried,” Fran shot back.

  “Just tell me what you mean, Fran,” Reno said angrily. “Who’s going behind my back? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Fran exhaled. Contrary to her stated positions, she loved to tell the news and Trina and Reno both knew it. “Your wife is going behind your back,” she said to her brother. “Okay? Satisfied? But be it far from me to gossip about a man and his wife.”

  Reno stared at his sister. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about your beloved Trina, that’s who. You think you know her so well. You think she’s such an angel. But you don’t know a damn thing, Reno. I could tell you such things!”

  Reno dismissed her. “You’re full of shit, Fran.”

  “Thank-you!” Trina heartily agreed. She was pleased that Reno didn’t fall for Fran’s bull.

  But Reno’s dismissive tone only angered Fran more. And now she wasn’t pretending to be demure. “I’m full of shit?” she asked. “So I guess Trina didn’t have this secret meeting with the people who used to run Halperin House. I guess she doesn’t want to go behind your back and open a battered women’s shelter. I overheard them talking at Champagne’s. I overheard the whole conversation. Trina had to tell me what it was about because she know I heard it.”

  Reno smiled and shook his head.

  “As usual,” Trina said, “she got it wrong again. I told her not to tell you anything about it because I was going to talk to you first. And I have.”

  “You talked to me about it?” Reno asked. “Is that what you called that? I called it dragging me out to some abandoned building to tell me what you were planning to do.”

  “It’s something I want to do,” Trina said. “You’re right about that. And I was talking to you about it, but you shut it down.”

  “Damn right I shut it down!” Reno fired back. “You can’t be involved with anything else. You’ve got too much going on as it is. I’m too busy, you’re too busy. Who’s going to raise our kids? Some nannies? Fran?”

  Fran grinned.

  “I’m raising our kids just fine,” Trina shot back. “You speak for yourself. And Fran? Leave.”

  Fran’s smile left. “Why should I have to leave?”

  “Because I said so. Get out of my house, and get out now.”

  Fran looked at her brother, certain he wouldn’t stand for that.

  But he stood for it. “You heard her,” he said. “You don’t disrespect my wife at her own breakfast table. Leave.”

  Fran stared at her brother, and then she left angrily. But Trina didn’t care. She brought it on herself. As soon as Fran slammed the door behind herself, Trina made it clear. “I’m getting tired of her bullshit, Reno,” she said. “I can’t fart without her running to you to tell the news.”

  “Then maybe you should stop giving her news to run and tell,” he responded. “She wouldn’t know a damn thing if you didn’t tell her damn near everything.”

  Trina knew he was right, so she didn’t argue with him.

  But the conversation wasn’t over with him. He leaned back, his legs still crossed. “You don’t get it, do you?” he asked her.

  “Get what?”

  “The issue isn’t Fran. The issue is why do you have this constant need to add to our burdens?”

  “Burdens?” Trina asked. “Because I want to follow my passion, that’s burdensome to you?”

  “It’s too much.”

  “And when you keep adding bars and nightclubs to your portfolio, is that too much? What about your plans to open all of those smaller PaLargio hotels in the south? Are those passions of yours too much? But because I have a clothing store, and want to invest in a battered women’s shelter, I’m overdoing it. I’m burdening us down. That’s so not fair, Reno. You get to make all your dreams come true. I have to pick and choose mine!”

  “You’re my wife, gotdammit!” Reno shot back. “No wife of mine is going to be so overextended that she can’t be a mother to my children!”

  “I am a mother to your children,” Trina fired back, “don’t even try that, Reno! I’m here more than you’ll ever be so don’t even go there!”

  Reno exhaled. He knew the limits he placed on her wasn’t fair. He knew everything she was saying was true. But she was his wife. There were risks involved with being his wife. He couldn’t give her the kind of total freedom she wanted no matter how badly she wanted it. “You aren’t getting involved in anything else,” he said. “Do I make myself clear? You will not be opening any shelter for battered women, children, or pets. Do you understand me?”

  “I hear you,” Trina said. Then she smiled. “But I’ll never understand you.”

  Reno lifted the side of his mouth and gave a smile too. He couldn’t be upset with this woman for long to save his life. “You don’t have to understand me. But you have to do as I say.”

  His tone offended Trina. “You don’t tell me what I have to do,” she said. “Come on now. You don’t run me.”

  But Reno didn’t back down. “I run this household and your ass is a part of this household. You don’t have to understand me, but I wear the pants around here and you need to understand that.”

  “I never said you didn’t run this household. Or wear the pants. Did I ever say you didn’t run this? But that doesn’t mean you run me.”

  “That’s exactly what it means.”

  “Oh, so because I’m married to you now I don’t have any rights? I can’t do whatever the hell I want to do?”

  “That’s absolutely right. Your ass is mine now!”

  Even Reno had to smile when he said that. Trina smiled too. “Ah, kiss my ass, Reno, with that crazy talk.”

  “Crazy talk?” Reno asked, rising from the table.

  “Quit, Reno,” Trina said. “I’m not playing with you! I’m serious!”

  But Reno was coming for her. “I’ve got your crazy talk right here!”

  Trina, fully aware what he was capable of, jumped up before he could grab for her and made a run for it. She was laughing so hard she could barely run. Reno, smiling too, took off behind her, but didn’t catch up with her until she was in the living room, seemingly heading for the front door. He pulled her back, sat on the sofa and put her over his lap. She was squirming and laughing as he lifted her bathrobe, revealing her naked ass, and began to spank her.

  “Reno, okay,” she said laughingly as the first lick ripped through her backside.

  “I can’t have you constantly fighting me, Trina.”

  “I’m not fighting you.”

  He spanked her again. “I have to look out for this entire family, and that begins with you!” He was about to wail into her again, but then he looked at that ass, and how much he enjoyed fucking it, and his playful anger turned sensual serious. He began to rub it.

  Trina felt his rub, and the way it made her feel, and her laughter, and the sting of his hits, began to subside. And just as her vagina began to tingle to the feel of his rub, he lifted her up, sitting her on his lap, her back to his face, and quickly slid his dick inside of her. And just like that they went from a playful confrontation, to sexual healing. They were making love.

  Reno untied her bathrobe, wrapped his arms around her naked body, and pumped into her harder and harder. She rested the bottom of her feet on the top of his thighs.

  “You infuriate me,” Reno said as he fucked her. “But I love you.”

  “You infuriate me,” Trina said as she took it. “But I love . . . ooh, Reno . . .you too.” She leaned her back against his chest, opened her legs wider, and relaxed to the feel of his thick penis pushing into her.

  He placed one hand on her breast and squeezed it as he fucked her, and all she could do was arch and take the pounding with the passionate sensuality it engendered in her. And she took it and took it. She loved taking it. Until they were sloshing again, and cumming. Both of them, given where they were fucking, were holding back their grunts and groans as they came.

  But before they could catch their breath; before they could come down completely from the euphoria, their front door suddenly opened and Valerie Gabrini, Reno’s oldest son’s wife, walked in.

  As soon as they saw her, Trina jumped from Reno’s lap, his penis dropping out of her, and stood to her feet, tying her robe as she did. Reno, too, was tying his robe and standing to his feet.

  Trina made sure to stand in front of Reno when she did stand, but she was also pretty sure that Valerie saw some of him. And Val was obviously stunned as they all tried to regain their composure.

  “Oh, my goodness, I didn’t mean,” Valerie started.

  But Trina cut her off. “You’re fine,” she said. “We were just . . . Come on in! Close the door!”

  Valerie closed the door. But the flustered look on her small, pretty face remained.

  “Where’s Jimmy?” Trina asked.

>   “He’s downstairs. At work.”

  “I’d better get started too,” Reno said, glancing at Trina. “We’ll finish our discussion tonight,” he added.

  Trina didn’t respond, which Val found odd, but Val was still too uncomfortable herself to be concerned about Trina’s behavior.

  Reno noticed that faraway look Val now seemed to have all the time. “You’re okay, Val?” he asked her.

  “Yes, yes, sir,” she said. She already had a level of discomfort when it came to Reno. What she just witnessed wasn’t going to help their relationship at all.

  “So you’re feeling better then?” Reno suggested.

  “Yes, sir. Yes, I am. Jimmy sees to it.”

  “Good,” Reno said with a nod. “That’s how I taught him.” Then he headed for the back of the penthouse.

  Val continued to look at Reno as he retreated to the back. Trina looked at Val. “So what brings you up here?” she asked her.

  “Oh,” Val said, and then pulled an armful of neatly folded, newborn baby clothes out of her shoulder bag and handed them to Trina. “I thought Sophie might be able to use these.”

  “Sophie?” Trina asked, surprised. But then she caught herself. “Why thank-you, Val.” Sophie was far too old-and too big- for newborn baby clothes, but Val was still in that trauma stage and Trina knew it. Val and Jimmy suffered a miscarriage, and it was naturally a very jarring, traumatic event, and it was still affecting Val in every way. Trina knew she wasn’t thinking right.

  Trina held the clothes with one hand, and touched Val’s hand with her other one. “What about you, Val? Are you alright?”

  Val’s big eyes glazed over. She still had that faraway look to Trina too.

  “Jimmy seems to think I should be fine by now,” Val said. “It’s been three months. I should be over it by now.”

  Trina frowned. “Oh, darling, that’s nonsense! You shouldn’t be over it, not at all! You suffered a miscarriage, Val. An awful loss. It’s going to take time to get through this. You understand that, don’t you?”


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