Tales of Enchantment

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Tales of Enchantment Page 15

by Andersen,Kai

  And screamed.

  * * * * *

  It was the scream in his ear that woke him up, but the scream from the maid in the open doorway that brought the queen and a host of other servants into the room. The queen shooed them all out (thankfully!), and turned toward the bed with a triumphant smile on her face. And well she should, he realized, for today marked the culmination of all her schemes and devious plans.

  “Good morning, Serena.” The queen glided closer to the bed. “Had a good night’s sleep? Why, you’ve been a very naughty girl. Who’s in there with you --” A stab of pure satisfaction shot through him at the look of stunned surprise on her face. “You!”

  “Yes, me indeed.” Frederick uncoiled from the bed, after making sure that Serena’s modesty was protected. “Who’d you expect?” He ignored the avarice on the queen’s face as her glance slid downward. He pulled on his robe and had just tied the sash when Giselda burst into the room, her dress askew and her hair undone.

  The queen gasped. “Giselda, what happened to you?”

  “I just woke up. What happened here? Who screamed?”

  “No. I mean, what happened to you?” The queen directed a pointed glance at Frederick.

  “Let’s cut the pretending, Stepmother. I know all about your scheme.”

  The hard edge in his voice and the menacing look he aimed at her caused her to tremble, but the queen held up the pretense. No doubt she thought she could still pull it off. “What scheme are you talking about, Frederick? I don’t know anything about a scheme.”

  His mouth hardened and the flinty look came into his eyes. “I’m talking about the scheme to have Giselda seduce me so that I would be forced to marry her. I’m also talking about the scheme to ruin an innocent young woman’s life.”

  He saw the moment the queen admitted defeat.

  “How -- how did you find out?” She backed a few steps and stumbled a little. Finally, she leaned against the wall, sagging.

  “If you must know, it was your footman, Flamsey.”

  “Flamsey!” The queen heaved with anger.

  “Apparently, he was too cheerful when he went into the kitchen to get the milk you requested. One of my servants became suspicious and followed him, whereupon she saw you, my queen, slipping a little something into the glasses and instructing him to distribute the milk. With her help, we forced the truth from Flamsey. We were too late to prevent Serena from drinking hers, but since I had intended to be with her anyway, no harm was done. But what if we hadn’t discovered your plot, Stepmother?” His voice lowered dangerously. “Are you prepared to take all responsibility?”

  “Who is this servant?”

  “Mrs. Goode-Heart.”

  “Mrs. Goode-Heart!” Giselda gasped.

  For the first time, Frederick turned to his stepsister. “Ah yes, Mrs. Goode-Heart. She told me all about you, how you were practically dancing with glee as you readied yourself for the trip to my bedroom. But then, just as you stepped out of the room, you fell into a dead faint. She had to drag you back to bed all by herself. You might look thin, Giselda, but Mrs. Goode-Heart said you were a dead weight.” He smirked.

  “I remember now.” Giselda’s eyes widened. “It was her! Mrs. Goode-Heart cast a spell over me and caused me to fall asleep. No wonder I still feel so sleepy right now. It’s not natural!”

  Frederick snorted. “How could Mrs. Goode-Heart cast a spell? She’s just an ordinary woman. I’ve known her for years, and I’ve never once seen her cast a spell.” His eyes narrowed. “Such lame excuses don’t exclude you from the part you played in your mother’s schemes!”

  Giselda’s chin came up. “So what are you going to do about it, Frederick? Tell the king and have us executed? I don’t see why you’re so angry about this. You have your wish. You can go ahead and marry Serena. I don’t care!”

  There was a quaver in the queen’s voice as she turned to Frederick. “Will you ... will you tell the king?”

  “You could’ve ruined my life.” He wasn’t prepared to show mercy.

  “Please, Frederick, spare my daughter.”

  “I want your word on one thing.”

  The queen was quick to agree. “My word is my life.”

  “From now on, you’ll both treat Serena as a member of the family. You’ll not harm her, scheme against her or give her a hard time. If even one hair from her head falls prematurely to the ground, I’ll hold you responsible for it, both of you. Do I make myself clear?”


  Chapter Eighteen

  “Why did you make love with me, Serena?”

  The queen and Giselda had retired, and Serena had insisted on neutral ground for this conversation, so, after dressing, she and Frederick moved to the music room.

  She’d been standing by the piano, trailing her hand haphazardly over the keys. At Frederick’s question, she sat down on the bench in agitation. “You know the reason. I drank the milk ...”

  “So? If Flamsey had gone to your room, you would still have thought you were making love with me. Whether I did it or my hallucination did it, it was still me. Why?”

  “It was my choice.” Her lips were pursed tightly.

  “Your choice to lose your virginity. I hope you aren’t hoping I’ll be gallant and ask for your hand in marriage, despite what I’ve just said. It’s just for show, you know, to --”

  She whirled around and stalked toward him. “You don’t have to cut me any further. I know my place in your life. I’ll be on my way as soon as I gather my belongings. Then I’ll be gone and you-don’t-have-to-bother-with-me-anymore.” She punctuated each of her words with a jab of her finger on his chest.

  Frederick stared at her in admiration. She was magnificent in her anger, a startling combination of beauty and courage and wit.

  He felt strange -- and yet right -- at the tenderness coursing through him. His hands were gentle as he caught hers and interlaced his fingers with hers. “Of course I have to. Even right now, you might be carrying the future Crown Prince of Mithirien.”

  She drew herself up stiffly. “I assure you, that isn’t possible. This is not the right time.”

  “Then we’ll just have to try again, don’t we?” Laughter lurked in the depths of his voice. “Until we get it right.”

  He saw the moment his meaning got through to her. “What!” She screeched and tried to unlace her fingers from his. “I won’t be your mistress. No princess of Lazvinium has ever been anyone’s mistress.”

  Truth at last. “So, you’re from Lazvinium.”


  “Ah.” Understanding dawned. “That’s why you knew about the pea test.”

  “My mother read that story to me since I was a child. It was part of our legends.”

  “Does it have any truth to it, do you think?”

  “I don’t know and I don’t care!” She tried to tug her hand away.

  “You haven’t answered my question.” He prodded her, wrapping both arms around her and breathing in the scent of her hair. Spring and flowers.

  “It was my choice.” He loved that stubborn streak in her.

  “Why did you choose to make love with me then?”

  “Does everything have to have a reason?”

  Frederick considered. “Not really. But my question has an answer somewhere, I’m sure. Somewhere in you.”

  His arms around her felt wonderful, but her heart was breaking. Serena didn’t know why he didn’t just tell her to go, now that he’s had a taste of her. A whole night’s worth, in fact. Maybe he delighted in torture.

  “All right!” She burst out. She was tired of the game. She hoped that after telling him, he’d release her and she’d never have to see him ever again. “I wanted you so much, I decided to have you. I never planned on marrying you.” Tears were running down her cheeks. “The queen was right. A princess has a duty and obligation to her people. After I leave here, I’m going back home and will marry as my father wished. Now let me go!”

  “Silly gir
l.” His hands were gentle as he turned her in his arms and wiped her tears. “How can I let you go?”

  “Huh?” Serena was dumbfounded, her tears momentarily stopping at the shock. “Quite easily, I should think. Just take your hands away and I’ll let myself out the door.” She hiccupped.

  He laughed. He grabbed her and held her tight. “I can’t let you go. I love you, you see.”

  Serena sniffed. “You should have told me earlier, instead of breaking my heart like that. Such a waste of tears.” She punched his chest and then frowned up at him.

  “You’re not just lusting after my body, are you?”

  His blue eyes laughed down at her. “No, not just lust. I do love you. I love your intelligence, your courage, your ... everything that makes you Serena. But be warned, I do lust after your body too.” He leered at her. “So, you’ll probably be seriously occupied after our marriage -- in the bedroom.”

  She blushed. “Marriage?”

  “Marry me? I know the procedure is to ask permission from your father first, but I don’t want to force you into something you don’t want and --”


  He whooped for joy. Scooping her into his arms, he whirled her around until they were both dizzy.

  “Stop, stop!” Serena laughed, clinging tight to him.

  He held her against him and slid her down his body. Her eyes darkened, and she looked at his mouth. He gladly obliged her unspoken request.

  When they came up for air a few minutes later, he propped his chin on her head as she nestled against him. “I forgot to ask. Why’d you scream this morning?”

  She snuggled closer. “Oh, that. I thought last night was just a dream. When I realized it really did happen, I was so shocked and ecstatic that the scream just burst out.” Recalling the hatred and malice in the queen’s eyes, Serena shuddered.

  “Cold?” He held her tighter to his warmth.

  “I was just thinking how awful it would be if the queen’s scheme had been successful. What if it wasn’t you last night? I would have been ruined, but probably the old geezer wouldn’t even have noticed --”

  “It didn’t happen.” His arms tightened around her. “Don’t think about it anymore.” A moment later, he continued in a quiet voice, “The queen saw you as a threat. She probably thought that even if I had taken Giselda’s virginity, there was still a chance I wouldn’t marry her, if you were in the picture. She knew I never liked Giselda much. With you effectively ruined, it would be harder for me to take you as my wife, leaving me with no choice but to accept Giselda, considering the important responsibility of bearing the next generation of princes and princesses, as well as being the next queen.” He paused. “But what she didn’t know is that there’s no chance of that. Even if you had been with another man before me, I’d still want you. I’d still love you. And I’d still marry you.”

  Serena’s eyes watered. “But your oath --”

  “You’re a real princess, aren’t you?”

  “But what if I weren’t?”

  “I’d still marry you.” When she opened her mouth to protest, he beat her to it by saying, “Serena, I’ve realized something as I thought over my mother’s words.”

  “What is it?”

  “I’d always thought that by a real princess, she meant someone who was a princess by birth. But when I looked back over her life, I realized she’d never cared about a person’s station. In that, she was a lot like you, Serena.

  “That was when it hit me. My mother’s concern in my choice of a bride was in her qualities more than her blood, qualities that would make her a good queen, qualities which you have in abundance.” He smiled and caressed her cheek. “So you see, my bride doesn’t have to be a princess, as long as she has the qualities of a princess. In that manner, she is a real princess, far more real than any princess by blood.”

  “And the king? How would you convince him to give us his blessings if I weren’t a princess?”

  “I would’ve badgered him until he gave his consent. Believe me, I’ve always managed to get my way as a kid, and I don’t think I’ve lost my touch. At worst, I’d take both of you as my wives.” His eyes glinted mischievously.

  Serena smacked him. “Don’t you dare.” Then she frowned. “Palace maids?”

  “None of them ever meant anything to me, Serena.” He looked directly into her eyes. “Just a warm body to ease my ache.” He began kissing her lobe, tugging and sipping. “Only you made an imprint in my heart, in my soul.” He captured her lips, sealing his vow with a kiss.

  She was wearing her blue dress again, and his hands made short work of her vest and the ribbon on her bodice. In another moment, he was busy cupping her breasts in his hands. “Is it true that your father ...” He suckled at her nipple, drawing the tight bud into his mouth. She dug her fingers onto his shoulders for balance as she closed her eyes and arched. “... wanted you to marry an old lecher?”

  Serena felt the echoes, the vibrations of his voice against her skin. They danced along her spine, accompanying the rush of desire that swept through her. Her juices were soaking her panties, making her feel desirable and feminine. “Hmm?”

  Frederick repeated the question.

  Serena wondered how he could keep on a conversation when all she wanted to do was enjoy what he was doing to her and what he was making her feel. It was taking all of her concentration to focus on his words. “Yes.”

  “Do you think he’ll welcome ...” He sucked at her left breast, pulling and tugging at her nipple. “... an alliance with Mithirien?”

  “Yes,” she sobbed. She was aching and empty. She wanted to be soothed and filled. “Frederick ...”

  “Do you think ...” He tore her dress down to pool at her feet. His lips followed the downward movement, placing light nibbling kisses at her abdomen, on her navel. “... your family will come here ...” His fingers hooked around her panties and drew them down. “... for the wedding?”

  “Yes.” She wasn’t sure she knew what she was answering to, for his lips and his tongue were busy in her pussy, his hands having gone behind to cup her buttocks. She ran her hands through the softness of his thick hair, pressing his head closer to her throbbing flesh.

  “You’re so sweet, Serena, so wet and ready for me.” He quickly released her and disposed of his clothes. He led her to lie down on the couch, her legs open to his gaze. He dipped his finger into her wetness and brought that finger into his mouth, all the while holding her gaze.

  Her breath hitched. She held out her arms. “You know how I like it, Frederick.”

  He positioned himself between her and slammed his cock into her. Hard. Fast. Driving. Plunging. Pounding. Taking. No mercy. Their hunger for each other was intense and all consuming.

  Her body adjusted to his thick cock, her muscles quickly shifting to accommodate his fast intrusion. Each inward stroke of his cock caused his body to grind against her clitoris. She screamed, wrapping her arms around Frederick and holding tight. She didn’t know how he did it, but he held on to the hard, fast, driving rhythm for some time, sensitizing her clitoris almost to the point of pain. Finally, she was racked in convulsions and climaxed, feeling the mindless pleasure claiming her.

  He collapsed on top of her, breathing hard.

  She hugged him close, aware that he hadn’t had his climax yet. She kissed his neck. “I love you. So much.”

  He turned and kissed her. “I’m energized again.”

  She laughed.

  He pulled out of her and helped her to stand. His cock bobbing in front of him, he led the way to the piano.

  Serena wondered what he was up to now. But more, she wondered how he could feel so natural, so free with his nakedness. But then, he had an impressive body, all tight muscles topped with golden hair, and not an ounce of fat anywhere. Plus a most impressive, pleasure-inducing cock.

  She couldn’t resist. It was the first time she had seen his cock in full light. She dropped to her knees in front of him and held him, grasping him t
ightly, one hand going to cup his balls. He was still wet from her juices, wet and warm and hard.

  He sucked in his breath.

  She took him in her mouth, one inch at a time. She could taste herself and him as well, their juices mixing together into a potent combination. She sucked him in, stroking and caressing him with her tongue and lips, taking pleasure in his harsh breathing. She stared at him while she sucked, seeing his face flush and his eyes darken to a stormy blue.

  She loved looking at his responses to her loving. This was what she missed. In the darkened room, she wasn’t able to see his reactions; she could only feel and smell and hear. She felt his cock, hard and warm and thrusting into her mouth, felt his large hands massaging her head. She smelled his male scent. She heard his uneven breathing. But now, she could also see up the smooth line of his body, his hard muscled body, his strong neck, his flushed face, his tousled golden hair. She felt herself creaming even more.

  Their eyes met, and suddenly, the act became even more erotic. He thrust, moving in and out of her mouth in small urgent movements.

  “Stop, Serena.” He groaned. “This is not how I imagined I’d come.”

  Serena ignored him, and continued sucking on his cock, drawing him deeper, tighter into her hot mouth. Seconds later, she felt the jets of his seed hitting her. This time, she swallowed with each spurt, taking in as much of his essence as she could.

  She sucked him dry.

  * * * * *

  Frederick felt so drained of energy, boneless and satisfied. Though his cock was still semi-hard and semi-erect, he felt fulfilled and well pleasured.

  They were resting on the couch, his knees having buckled under him as soon as they had collapsed onto it. Lying side by side, it was a tight fit, but they managed.

  He still couldn’t get over the visually erotic sight of his cock in Serena’s small rosebud mouth. He’d been so inflamed that he’d thrust and climaxed without meaning to. If he’d known how exciting it could be, he would’ve asked her to give him a blow job ages ago in full light.

  Serena was now drawing circles on his chest, whirling his golden chest hair around her finger. “Hmmm ... you taste nice.”


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