Tales of Enchantment

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Tales of Enchantment Page 16

by Andersen,Kai

  “You taste nice yourself.” One hand reached out to cup her breast and play with her nipple. He moved and engaged her lips in a rather lazy, energy-less, kiss. “How many children do you think we’ll have?”

  Serena gave a weak laugh. “If we keep this up, we’ll probably multiply like rabbits.”

  “So long as the rabbits look like you and me, I don’t mind.” He teased.

  “All right. Just don’t be shocked if rabbits do come out of my womb sometime next year.” She said it with such a straight face that he laughed.

  “One thing I don’t understand though. How could your father give you to someone who’s probably as old as he is?”

  “He needed the alliance. You’ve seen a sample of our produce.”

  He nodded.

  “Well, some of the more ... shall we say, ‘barbaric’ kingdoms decided they don’t want to trade with us anymore. They also don’t want to pay for our technology. Instead, they decided to steal it from us. There’d been some small skirmishes, but nothing major. However, our army isn’t so well-prepared; many of them are but youths, trained but unpracticed in a real battle. So, my father had no choice but to ask for help.

  “Mother said Father could’ve given the old king other things in place of me, but then, Father never did see anything wrong with a man having a much younger wife.” Serena bit her lip and lifted her eyes. “For he himself was more than three times my mother’s age.”

  “I see.” And he did see. A lot -- even things Serena wouldn’t say. Maybe there was affection between her parents, but he’d bet there was no genuine love between them -- the kind of love that took lovers to the clouds, made them want to soar, compelled them to be better persons -- and, he realized, the kind of love they’d found with one another.

  “I realized now that I’ve made a mistake. In my willfulness and selfishness, I ...” She hung her head. “I almost sacrificed my people’s welfare.”

  “Then I’m also selfish,” his fierce tone forced her to look up, “because I’m glad you ran away and came to me.”

  Serena sniffed. “I’ll never forgive myself if my people --”

  “As soon as the storm lets up, I’ll ride to the castle and ask my father to send a contingent of soldiers to back up your army.”

  “You would do that?” Her eyes pooled with tears.

  “Of course. Your problems are my problems, your family my family, and your people my people.”

  “You’re so sweet. Those girls were fools to let you go.”

  “They never had me.”

  Their lips clung in a sweet kiss of promise.

  “Promise me one thing, Frederick.”


  “Promise me that our children will always be free to choose, that they won’t have to be forced into a corner because of the needs of the kingdom --”

  He took hold of both her hands and looked fiercely into her eyes. “I can promise you this, Serena. I’ll do everything in my power to give them that choice.”

  It would have to be enough. He hoped she heard what he wasn’t saying.

  Serena nodded slowly. “I understand.”

  A long silence ensued, wherein they communed without words. Then, Serena broke the silence with a laugh, immediately lightening their mood. “I just remembered something.”


  “You’ll have to give me a huge clothing allowance.”

  “Is that so?”

  “In just a few days, you’ve ripped two nightgowns -- one borrowed from Giselda, I might add -- and one dress. Pretty soon, I’ll have nothing to wear.”

  “Which is exactly how I like you.” He leered at her, smacking her buttocks lightly. “C’mon, get up.” He stood up on less than steady feet.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To our original destination before you distracted me.” He scowled mockingly.

  Reaching the piano, he placed her hands on top of the keys and said, “Bend over, sweet Serena. That’s right. I want to see your sweet ass cheeks when I take you next.”

  “Frederick! Are you sure this is ... legal?”

  He laughed. “It’s been done. You’ll like it, I promise.”

  He massaged her cheeks and kissed them, feeling her squirming. He laughed and held her steady as he stuck out his tongue and touched her little hole. She reared up even as her fingers crashed down on the piano. “Frederick!” The violent accompaniment to her voice lent gravity to her protest.

  “All right, sweet. Er, maybe we should rest your hands here.” He moved them the few inches necessary to stand in front of the bench that was situated in front of the piano. He placed her hands squarely in the center, with her face resting in the middle of the pillow that her hands had formed.

  His eyes then shifted to the enticing sight displayed before him. With her bending so low, her ass cheeks were really turned up toward him. Pushing her legs further apart, he could even see down to her pussy, to the red-gold curls covering her there. For some reason, the sight of her gleaming white cheeks inflamed him, caused the blood to rush faster through his veins down to his cock, which while still hard, grew harder and longer. He positioned it at the entrance of her channel and eased in, aware that Serena wasn’t used to this new position. He pulled out and pushed in, going deeper and deeper until all of him was inside her.

  She sighed in pleasure.

  He kept a steady rhythm, pushing in and out of her. He wondered whether he would ever get enough of her. Probably not. They’d spent the whole of last night making love, and even while they were in audience with the queen awhile ago, he couldn’t wait to get into her panties.

  She was so tight, she was killing him. Tight and hot and wet. He felt the tension thickening in his body, the upward spiraling pressure. He was so close now ...

  He changed the angle of his penetration from time to time, reaching a bit more of her core that he hadn’t had previously. Ah, there it was, that tiny space of rough spot. He worked his cock in that direction, rasping over it again and again even as the tension in him grew. Suddenly, Serena’s walls started contracting around his cock, clenching it tightly as she climaxed. The tight fit of her gloving him sent him over the edge, his rigid control gone as he gave in to his own release.

  She slumped against the bench. “You’re right. I love it.” Her voice was muffled against her hands.

  “I knew you would.”

  With his last bit of strength, he carried her to the couch so they could rest.

  They tumbled onto the couch, laughing weakly, their bodies thrumming with satisfaction and love. Frederick took up the entire couch, so Serena had no choice but to sprawl inelegantly on top of him. He ran his hand in smooth lazy circles on her back, loving the feel of her soft skin.

  “Since I’m to be your husband ...”


  “Surely, you can tell me the truth.”

  “What truth?” Serena lifted her head warily.

  “The truth about the pea. Did you really feel it through all those mattresses?”

  “What do you think?” Her voice held a gurgle of laughter.

  “I don’t know what to think.”

  “What would you like to hear?”

  “Hmmm ...” He pretended to think, but the answer didn’t really matter. He had Serena, and that was enough. “I’d like to have a wife with really soft skin, of course. The feel of that soft skin would be satin and velvet against my fingers, or even my body as we make love. As I can attest to right now, in fact.”

  Serena shrugged her shoulders unconcernedly, the movement sensuous against his chest. “So that answers your question.”

  “Yet, someone with really soft and sensitive skin wouldn’t be able to survive a hard tumble without bruising. And I don’t think I’d want that. I love going gentle with you, and I also love doing it hard and rough with you. Fortunately, you seemed to hold on pretty well. I don’t see any marks or bruise on your pretty skin.”

  Serena raised her head and laugh
ed. “Some girls bruise easily, but their marks only show up on successive days.”

  He looked worried. “Are you like that?”

  “I’ll leave it to you to find out.” She slid up his body and looked down at him. “We have more than enough time, I believe.”

  “A lifetime.”


  Three Months Later

  The palace always had well-kept grounds, which were maintained faithfully by the head gardener and his team of workers. But on this day, the workers outdid themselves. The grounds were festooned with tons of flower bushes and decorative shrubs, from the road right up to the entrance of the castle. High archways were placed in systematic intervals, between the bushes and shrubs. Two sets of thrones were placed at the end of the long archway right in front of the entrance.

  Noble lords and ladies in their finery milled about on the grounds, chatting and laughing. The King and Queen of Mithirien were garbed in their ceremonial robes with the long scarlet capes flowing down their backs. Their Majesties’ royal gestures were complemented by the Crown Jewels flashing on their hands and arms. On their heads, they wore the Mithirien Royal Tiaras. Not to be outdone, the King and Queen of Lazvinium were similarly bedecked in their kingdom’s traditional robes and jewels.

  The weather cooperated with the occasion of the royal wedding. The day turned out bright and sunny, with the sun playing hide-and-seek with the clouds. The sunlight bathed the surroundings in a golden glow and caused a mysterious shimmering mist to appear intermittently. A light cool breeze blew, teasing the elaborate coiffures of the ladies and the hats of the gentlemen.

  A herald sounded his trumpet, a series of short happy notes announcing the arrival of the wedding couple. The guests immediately rushed to their seats on both sides of the lined archway, stretching their necks for a glimpse.

  The band of musicians started playing the arranged music. Sweet, pure notes trilled through the air, accompanied by the chirping of the birds that flitted from tree to tree.

  Driving up the drawbridge, a white carriage drawn by six equally white and flawless horses pulled to a stop near the first of the archways. The footman riding at the back of the carriage jumped down and opened the door.

  Prince Frederick in his white wedding finery stepped out. He reached in and helped Princess Serena to emerge, who was dressed in a white off-shoulder gown with a long train at the back. Her pale hair was left to flow in long curly locks about her shoulders, a golden halo under the brightness of the sun. On top of her hair was a small diamond tiara that gleamed brightly. But it couldn’t match the brilliance of her smile or the radiance of her face. In her hands, she carried a small red stuffed pillow.

  The guests welcomed them with applause, even as they craned their necks in an attempt to see what the pillow held, as the couple walked slowly down the archway. It seemed to be empty.

  When the couple stood before their parents, Serena turned and summoned her little five-year-old sister with a smile. The little girl jumped up from her seat and ran to stand beside her big sister. Serena handed the pillow over to her as she whispered urgent instructions. The little girl nodded solemnly, her eyes big and intent. She clutched the pillow with steady fingers. At this exchange, the guests all became more curious about the pillow.

  Smiling, Serena turned back to the royal monarchs. All of them stood up from their thrones and embraced the soon-to-be-wed pair. The King of Mithirien then handed Frederick a ring.

  Turning to Serena, he slid the ring solemnly onto her finger as he said the words that he’d agonized over the entire three months of preparation, words that conveyed the thoughts and feelings of his heart, “With this ring, I, Prince Frederick of Mithirien, take you, Princess Serena of Lazvinium, as my wife, my future queen, the mother of our children, and my companion on the long journey ahead. I cannot promise that we will not have sorrow or anguish, hardships or trials in the life ahead of us. But what I promise is this: With sorrow, there will be joy. With anguish, there will be gladness. With hardships, there will be a helping hand. With trials, there will be hope. As long as I have breath in me, I will always be by your side.”

  He then took down the tiara she was wearing and crowned her with the tiara of the Crown Princess of Mithirien.

  Eyes misting, Serena took a ring from her father and, sliding the ring onto Frederick’s finger, she said, “With this ring, I, Princess Serena of Lazvinium, take you, Prince Frederick of Mithirien, as my husband, the father of our children, and my companion on the long journey ahead. I don’t ask for a lifetime of roses, but just you, all that you are and were and will be. Wherever you are, wherever you go, there I will be.”

  After the ceremony, the Chief Herald sounded the notes for merrymaking, and the guests swarmed up to the newlyweds and offered their congratulations and best wishes. They also partook of the excellent meal that the royal cook had prepared for the celebration.

  Heralds all over the land carried the proclamation that the crown prince had taken a new bride, who was crowned the crown princess this day. All throughout the land, the sounds of cheering and feasting were heard. In honor of the wedding, all villages in the kingdom were going to hold celebration feasts that were to last for twelve days and twelve nights. Later that night, fireworks lit up the sky as part of the merrymaking.

  Back at the castle, the little girl dared not move from her place, her hands held out stiffly from her body. She breathed a sigh of relief when her big sister finally retrieved the pillow from her. She ran off immediately to play with her newfound friends.

  Frederick was about to lead Serena into the castle when she stopped in her tracks. “Oh, look, there’s Giselda, and she’s talking with someone.” She squinted. “I don’t recognize him.”

  Frederick looked in the same direction. “That’s Prince Michael of Ermont.”

  “Maybe she’s finally found her prince.”

  “Maybe.” Serena could hear the lack of conviction in his voice. He tugged at her hand. “C’mon.”

  He led her through brightly lit hallways and elegant rooms. She spied a circular stairs running to the upper floors. “Is that where our rooms are?”

  “Shame on you!” Frederick scolded her, but his eyes were twinkling. “Is that the way for a crown princess to talk?”

  “Yes.” Mischief glinted in her own green ones. “When she’s talking to her crown prince.”

  “As long as you remember that.” He moved to kiss her, but she stopped him.

  “Stop that! We might spill this.” She eyed the pillow in her hand meaningfully.

  “All right.” He led the way to the castle museum. “Do we really need to do this?”

  “Yes.” The mischievous smile was still in place. “Think of the stories to tell our grandchildren, maybe even our great-grandchildren.”

  “Yes. Think of them wondering, ‘Did it really happen ...?’”

  “Yes.” Her eyes and voice held a dreamy expression. “Think of how much fun they could have --”

  He suddenly grabbed her. The pillow tilted precariously on her hand.

  “As much fun as we had?” His lips moved close to hers.

  “Yes.” She moaned as his lips met hers in a melting kiss, tender and thorough. “Maybe more.”

  The pillow fell from her hand to the floor, dislodging the tiny object nestled in the center. The object rolled a few inches and then stopped.

  It was a pea.

  The Quest

  Chapter One

  Rodin’s hands clenched. He controlled them with difficulty, for they ached to connect with the bounder’s face.

  Crown Prince Michael of Ermont and Princess Giselda of Mithirien were strolling in the massive castle gardens, laughing and talking. She appeared to be hanging on his every word, her eyes intent on his face. She smiled and laughed at everything he said, as if he were the wittiest man on earth. She didn’t even object when the prince’s eyes roved lasciviously over her body and lingered on her breasts. What was worse, she accepted his touch, a
llowing him to stroke her face or hold her hand for far too long.

  She’s a princess! Rodin thought in protest. She wasn’t supposed to allow any man but her husband such liberties.

  Or her betrothed, he admitted with a harsh sigh. Not that there was any formal announcement, but the princess’s every action screamed her preference.

  He saw red when the prince’s hand remained on her arm and his head descended toward that pink bow of a mouth ...

  A plump breast pressed against his arm. “Rodin? I thought we were ... you know ...”

  The low, husky voice jarred his concentration. Rodin looked down into inviting dark eyes as lips the color of blood turned up toward him. The urge to spy on the princess had had him dragging the nearest downstairs maid out of the castle and into a copse of trees, where overhanging branches had given him the perfect cover.

  “I’m waiting ...” The husky voice continued as she ran her fingers up his arm. “A kiss ... maybe more ...” The last word held a faintly questioning note.

  Rodin glanced once toward the princess. She was engaged in a full-blown kiss with the man of her choice. Disgust and fury and helplessness swamped him. With a smothered exclamation, he backed the maid against the sturdy tree trunk and his mouth crashed down on ruby-red lips.

  * * * * *

  Giselda came to her senses when Michael pressed his lips more insistently against hers. Not that it wasn’t pleasurable, but ...

  “The servants are watching, Michael!” She pushed against him.

  The predatory light in his eyes scared her. Excited her.

  “Who cares? They wouldn’t dare to say anything.”

  She dodged away from him. “They gossip horribly.”

  “What’s a kiss?” He lunged toward her and caught her in his arms. He bent her backward so that she had no choice but to grab on to his arms to keep from falling. “They’ve seen lots of that between your brother and his wife.”

  Her breath came in short gasps. His thumb was wreaking havoc where it caressed the underside of her left breast through her dress. Her skin was tingling, and she wasn’t sure if what she was feeling was right. She felt ... weird. Strange. Exhilarated. Confused. Moreover, so many eyes were on them. Her position also kept her at a disadvantage, and she didn’t like that.


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