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The Devil's Pride (Wild Beasts Series)

Page 7

by T. Birmingham

  “I can’t wait, Mindy.” Cam leaned into her, and his head fell against the side of the brick building as though he were trying to reign himself in. In fact, Mindy could feel that he was doing exactly that. Quiet street. Quiet town. Back alley with a man she loved and trusted. She was all in. She shivered, and when Cam looked at her again, she knew he had registered the shiver for what it was: absolutely filthy, yummy, loving desire.

  Cam caressed Mindy’s cheek before roughly pushing her back against the wall of the yoga studio building in town. Her smaller, curvy frame was covered in a silk black dress similar to the red Alexia had been wearing. The slit in her dress, though, was much more risqué, and if truth be told, she’d wanted to drive Cam wild with its tantalizingly high placement. Cam reached for that semi-revealed thigh first, making sure to sneak his hand up and down the slit even as his erection pushed against the fly of his jeans.

  She ached for him with such need that she was almost terrified by its intensity. Cam’s hand inched higher, his fingers finding that she wore very little covering under the dress. Taking his index finger, and placing it just inside her open slit, he slowly moved his wayward digit along her wet pussy. Back and forth. Mindy tried to move closer, tried to get him to find the spot she needed touched, but Cam’s urgency had quickly turned into teasing.

  His teasing finger became two and he caressed her gently at first, then faster and faster. Mindy panted heavily, whimpering. The closer she came, the more animalistic Cam became, and he growled at her pleasure, at her loss of control.

  While some women didn’t dig the take-charge, play by the rules even in the bedroom type, Mindy couldn’t get enough of Cam’s gentle but rough, tall but wiry and strong, clean but scruffy self. She wanted it all. She wanted everything he had to offer. His laughter. His pain. His joy. His anger. She wanted all of his emotions rolling around her as she came.

  But she let him touch her first. Cam knew her body intimately, though, and he knew she needed full body contact before she could come. He reached for her halter, and undid the clasp making sure to slowly kiss a trail down her neck, as he made his way to her full breasts and gave the dark nipple a little nip – just as she liked it. She could feel him against her belly, hard and ready for her. As his mouth and hand worked her breasts, the other hand picked up the pace. She felt herself opening, her body tensing, and then without ceremony, she fell into ultimate abandon, as she let go of the world.

  She loved this part of their lovemaking. When she was so free her mind almost felt connected to Cam’s.

  “Mindy, shit. Need to get in you now. Need to feel you. Need...need to love you.” Cam waited a minute and his breath caught. She looked into his eyes and felt what he was feeling as his dark brown eyes became the golden color she loved so much. Cam looked back, and it was as if he could almost sense her own feelings. In that second of complete connection, Mindy realized that she couldn’t wait another minute either. She would have told him to keep going, but instead she showed him.

  She reached down between them and undid the zipper of his jeans slowly, her eyes never leaving his as she drew his smooth erection into her hands. God, she loved the feel of him. The strength of him surrounding her. The catch in his breath whenever they were close. The slow – and sometimes rough – glide of his hard body against her soft curves.

  Cam didn’t wait a moment longer. As soon as her eyes had closed in pleasure at just the thought of him being inside her, he lifted her so her legs were wrapped around his waist, adjusted himself so he sat at the beginning of her entrance, and slowly slid home. She secured her legs more tightly around his waist, feeling the heat from his body keeping her body warmed and protected against the late winter cold, and she dug one hand into his hair as the other clawed at his upper chest. Cam’s shaft gently rubbed along every angle of her entrance, all the way to the end of her channel, as he moved slowly and then more quickly in and out of her.

  She could feel him everywhere now. He wanted her. She could feel the emotion behind his needs and desires, and the love as well. She could feel her orgasm building again, and she knew that with him inside of her, her orgasm would be even more powerful than the last.

  He shifted her, so that he was holding her with one arm. With some of her weight balanced in the legs around his hips, he could get a free hand to give her a little extra help. Mindy cried out as his fingers touched her clit again, making sure to keep the pace gentle over her sensitive spot. Within seconds, Mindy started her downward spiral into oblivion, and not long after, Cam too was coming deep inside her.

  Afterwards, he set Mindy down and they relaxed against the cold brick wall for a couple minutes, their breaths less labored as they came down from their mutual highs. They smiled and helped each other get cleaned up as best they could.

  “I love you,” Cam said suddenly, looking at Mindy with such a deep longing that she couldn’t help but lean into him, hold on tight, and reply in kind. She could feel his smile and his calm in response to her own whispered words of love.

  Mindy had always been able to feel others emotions. It was something she was used to. What she wasn’t used to was feeling the emotions on such a deep level during sex. It had never happened before Cam. There was no way to actually read his thoughts, but the feelings – those were real. She trusted her senses when it came to emotions.

  Her dress was fixed, Cam was zipping up his pants and tucking his shirt back in, and she couldn’t help it. She just looked at him. At his curved, taut jaw, his pale skin that looked so beautiful against her own dark, Indian tones. She watched his strong hands, and her stomach knotted at just the memory of him inside of her, and she knew now was the moment to tell him about her gifts. Caty was right. He’d love her just the same. He’d be frustrated at first because it just didn’t fit into his neat, little world, but in the end, he was the best man she had ever known. She opened her mouth to speak and heard a piercing scream.

  Her head whipped around, but Cam was already jogging toward the alleyway opening. “Stay here,” he ordered. Yes, because Mindy was the type to follow orders.

  “Oh my God! That’s Alexia,” Mindy said, as she joined him and they continued running around the corner. She flinched when another scream pierced the night air.

  They stopped short a couple blocks away when they saw the scene in front of them. Alexia lay on the ground and her neck was covered in blood that looked like it had been flowing out of her ears. Devon stood not too far away, an expression of concentration on his face, his hands outturned and open wide by his sides. And over Mindy’s best friend were—

  “Shadows,” Cam whispered as if the sight of the creatures in front of them not only answered a question he had, but also scared him to death.

  She registered Cam’s answer, but she was more concerned about Alexia. Mindy’s skin crawled with fear as she watched these…Shadows…or whatever they were, move back from one of the only people Mindy loved in this world, and then they started to dissolve. She heard moaning and screaming coming from the Shadows, and she felt their physical pain, but also their hunger. A hunger she would have described as evil had she ever been asked. Mindy turned her head slightly, saw Devon spit on the ground in what felt like disgust, and then watched as suddenly, the Shadows were no more.

  “Well, fuck me,” Cam whispered, his voice colorless.

  Devon stood there for a moment, as though spent before falling to his knees beside Alexia’s prone and glowing form on the ground. After a moment, while Mindy and Cam stood silently by, Devon gathered Alexia in his arms, and stared down at her. He gently touched his lips to her forehead, and Alexia’s eyes closed for a moment. Mindy could feel that Alexia wanted to look. She wanted to see Devon’s approval. And something deeper too, something that felt like a warm fire on a winter’s night. Something that felt like home.

  As Devon and Alexia stared at each other, Mindy saw something beautiful happen. She wouldn’t speak it. She’d let them figure it out. But she smiled to herself before running tow
ard her friend and Devon.

  Cam was right next to her. But before they reached him, Devon’s head snapped toward them and his hold on Alexia became tighter, almost possessive. His eyes were deeper set in his skull than was normal, and he had what appeared to be large, animal-like fangs protruding from his mouth. His skin had a slight glow as well, similar to Alexia’s, which was now fading from her skin. And his eyes were feral black with a reflective layer like that of a wild animal. Mindy’s breath caught, and fear rolled through her.

  Good God, Mindy thought as Cam grabbed her and threw her behind him, but these boys sure have a lot of explaining to do.

  Alexia awoke slowly in a room she didn’t recognize. Before she could panic, she came face to face with Devon sitting next to her on the queen size bed she’d found herself in. His large frame took up most of the room, let alone the bed, and she worried about why that made her feel safe rather than frightened.

  The incidents from last night came crashing back, and she gasped at the intensity of the feelings she saw reflected in Devon’s gaze. He’d saved her. After treating her like a leper at dinner, he’d followed her and saved her. From what, she wasn’t sure, but she knew that the man she had come to know as Midnight in her fantasy world had more secrets than she was willing to delve into. But delve into them, she must.

  “What are you?” Alexia asked, partly ashamed that she’d asked the question as if he wasn’t human. Devon gave her a sad, resigned look, almost as if he was reluctant to let her into his world. She felt a pang in her chest. She couldn’t explain it, but she wanted him to like her. His reaction at the bar, though, was like everyone else’s before she’d found Mindy and the Martinezes. He probably still saw her as a freak, when honestly, it was quite apparent he had a lot of nerve feeling that way about anyone else.

  “We’ll talk,” he said. “Trust me.” He seemed to plead with her, as if he needed her to trust him more than he needed to breathe. Which was crazy. “Right now, Mindy is clamoring to get in here. I figured you’d want to see her before we all sat down to discuss what’s been happening in your town, and what happened last night.”

  When Alexia would have protested, he reached out for her hand in comfort, and she felt a zing throughout her body as his large hand engulfed her own. Not a bad feeling, but more like a little moment of pleasure. Creepy. If she only knew how much power she had, Alexia’s mind whispered in an unfamiliar voice. She must have hit her head. She was hearing voices, and she was attracted to a guy who thought she was…evil, if last night at dinner, and his resigned look now, gave her any indication of his feelings. Of course, Alexia had already established that she was going crazy.

  “Okay,” Alexia said acquiescing, even though she wanted to bombard him with questions. Maybe she’d get more from Mindy. Devon stood up, letting go of her hand, and she felt the loss of his touch immediately.

  He moved toward the door, slowly, his muscles taut and stretching like a big, burly animal – animal... His eyes from the night before...

  “Uh, Devon, did I imagine—”

  “No,” he said, gently cutting her off, as he opened the door. “You didn’t imagine anything. And I’m sorry.” Nothing else beyond that. Just a simple ‘I’m sorry’. A place inside of her warmed at his apology. She didn’t hold onto it long. He could have been apologizing for any number of things, and Alexia didn’t want to read too much into it. She couldn’t forget his attitude at Trappe’s no matter what had happened afterwards. Even if there had been a moment when she’d felt him brush up against her mind, a moment when he’d looked deep into her soul. And now she was getting sentimental. She pushed those thoughts aside as he walked out and Mindy walked in.

  “Lex!” Mindy said as she moved into the room and shut the door.

  “Hey, Mind,” Alexia returned, sitting up to give her a hug, but she hurt everywhere. Her body felt like she’d been touching a live wire and fried every nerve ending. Now, they were all coming back to life, and those nerves were very angry with the abuse she had put them through.

  Mindy plopped down on the bed in the super small room. Her jeans were old and worn, and she had on a t-shirt that screamed walk of shame.

  “What’s with the walk of shame t-shirt, girl? I’m all laid up in bed, and you’re getting it on in a—” Alexia cut herself off. “Are we in a double-wide?”

  “Cam’s place. It’s a souped-up double-wide.” Mindy laughed. “Really, wait until you see the rest of the place. He did such a great job with it.”

  Alexia looked around the small room. A private bathroom just big enough to take a shower. Just the right amount of floor space to put a small, sturdy, wood dresser. Judging by the view outside her window, surrounded as they were by the local and state forests, she really didn’t want to be anywhere else. A calm settled over her.

  She’d been afraid they might be at Devon’s place. She couldn’t help the lovely shiver that went through her body at the thought of being in his bed. Good god, there is something seriously wrong with me, she thought.

  “You feeling better?” Mindy asked tentatively.

  Alexia offered a smile. “Yeah, Mind.” She took a breath. “So, give it me straight, sister,” she said, stretching her aching muscles as Mindy sat on the bed. “What am I doing here instead of home in my own bed? And most importantly, what the hell were those things last night, and why did they come after me?” Mindy smiled. She’d always found the small flares in Alexia’s temper amusing.

  “First,” she said, ticking off her answer on her finger, “we’re at Cam’s place because we couldn’t bring you back to our apartment. Devon said it wasn’t safe.” Mindy took a breath. “And those things... Well, those things are called Shadows.” She shushed Alexia as she was about to ask more questions. “I know what you’re going to ask. I’ve asked all of the questions myself. How do they exist? What the hell are they? Why are they after you? How did Devon make them disappear? Was it…magic? And what do they eat for breakfast? When I asked Devon the last, he left the room. That man cannot take a joke. Extremely serious. He needs a good lay if you ask me.” Mindy smiled over at Alexia, her eyes never wavering as she gave her a knowing look.

  “Well,” Alexia croaked. She paused to clear her throat, but then garnered her strength, stood up because apparently that would help make her point clearer, and rolled her eyes. “Well, I’m not the ‘good lay’ he needs. Or wants. He can’t stand me. You know how self-conscious I am about my eyes, and the way he reacted last night was kind of extreme.” Alexia paused again as she felt the pain from her past experiences. She should have moved passed that pain, but state homes were harsh. “And then, what the fuck was that this morning? He runs all hot and cold. He’s rude. He judges people based on their looks. So, sex with the giant bear of a man out there? Absolutely. Fucking. Not.” Alexia had her hands on her hips and her chin held high. No way was she going to let herself fall for some guy who had hated her at first sight.

  “Okay, Lex,” Mindy said, reaching out to grab onto Alexia’s hand. Alexia let her. That girl and her gifts, she thought feeling the rush of comfort she knew she’d find from her best friend.

  “But Lex,” Mindy continued, when Alexia had calmed down and sat back down. “I think he’ll surprise you. I’m sure he’ll share his reaction to you last night when we talk, and maybe his later reaction as well.” Mindy shrugged and smiled slyly. “Give him a chance. Let him explain and you can take it from there.”

  “You’re being awfully forgiving about this guy, Mindy, but I… Fuck it all, girl… I just don’t want to talk about him anymore,” Alexia said, impatient for Mindy to continue onto important matters. “What are these Shadows?”

  “That’s the thing, Devon wanted to tell us all at once. Cam’s been brooding – and so sexy,” she added with a secret smile. “And we’ve just been waiting for you to wake up.”

  Alexia made a face, worried that Mindy didn’t sound worried. “Well, get me some coffee, some bacon, some eggs, and lots of cheese, and I’ll l
isten to whatever crazy shit that sexy asshole—” Alexia shut her mouth quickly and groaned. Mindy started laughing hysterically, and Alexia covered her face.

  “You know what I mean,” Alexia yelled, but Mindy couldn't stop laughing.

  “Okay, okay.” Mindy smiled as she stopped her hysterics. “Cam’s already in his super tiny kitchen making us breakfast, and we’re eating out back on his porch. It’s a heated porch because that guy thinks of everything. I can’t wait for you to see it. This is seriously the best place on earth, Lex.”

  Alexia just smiled at her friend’s enthusiasm. Who would have thought her Michael Kors-touting friend would like a double-wide trailer on ten acres of land?

  “We’re going to be okay, Lex,” Mindy whispered reassuringly. “Now, the bathroom’s fully stocked, and we grabbed a few things from your apartment.” Mindy showed Alexia how to run the shower and where her clothes had been placed in the small dresser. At the door, Mindy turned to face Alexia, who jumped up from the bed. “I’ll wait outside, Lex. Take your time, hon.”

  Alexia grabbed a towel and hopped into the small shower stall. Once inside, she realized it was actually much larger than she’d originally thought. And the jets of the shower were heaven. A timer sat at the top, letting her know that the water pressure wouldn’t last for long, so she scrubbed down, conditioned her hair, and washed her face quickly, all just so she could enjoy the last minute or so under the relaxing spray.

  She didn’t let herself think about last night. She figured she’d be spending a great deal of time thinking about the Shadows and Devon, so she let herself have these moments of ritual to calm her mind and her heart, which were apparently both on the fritz. When her shower was done and she was dressed in a pair of Rockstar jeans, her Aran Islands-made wool socks she’d ordered online, her hiking boots, and a hunter green U2 t-shirt, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, she felt refreshed. She looked in the mirror, smiled at her reflection, took a breath, and opened the door to Mindy, who’d been waiting outside.


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