Douluo Dalu - Volume 19 - Purple God Light

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 19 - Purple God Light Page 6

by Tang Jia San Shao

  “One chrysanthemum, one imp[1]. You dare harm my son? Fuck off.”

  A deep voice suddenly resounded, as if an explosion in the sky. The voice wasn’t loud, but its domination made everyone unconsciously shudder.

  Hearing this voice, holding XIao Wu, using his back to conceal her, Tang San sharply raised his head, his eyes revealing an astonished radiance. And on the other side, Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s expression also immediately became heavy, releasing the pressure on Dugu Bo, staring at the sky.

  With a muffled crack, Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan and Ghost Douluo Gui Mei, the two grand Title Douluo were suddenly blasted back like artillery shells. Their expressions changed simultaneously. As Title Douluo, actually meeting this result when the two of them were confronted simultaneously, in all their years, this was the first time.

  A black silhouette quietly appeared in midair, floating there calmly, as if he had been there all along.

  That was a middle aged man, appearing around fifty years old, his body tall and sturdy, only his style of dress was something people wouldn’t dare comment on.

  Wearing a torn robe, not even patched, exposing bronze colored skin, the originally considered proper features having a waxy yellow sheen, a sleepy-eyed appearance, hair a complete mess like a bird’s nest, a beard that had gone an unknown number of days without trimming.

  Seeing this person, the always staunch Tang San seemed to half collapse. Tears that hadn’t flown even when he had decided to die with Xiao Wu flowed from his eyes, with difficulty slowly spitting out two words,

  “Dad…… Dad……”

  Yes, appearing out of nowhere, hanging in midair, was Tang San’s father who left him eight years ago, Tang Hao. Compared to when he left, right now Tang Hao only seemed a bit older, without any change in other respects. And floating unsupported behind him, was an immense incomparably black hammer.

  “Tang Hao.”

  Bibi Dong shouted severely. Her eyes glared poisonously at Tang Hao in midair, almost spitting fire.

  Tang Ha confronted her calmly, without any fear. Figure flashing, he had landed in front of the Shrek Academy group.

  Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo each retreated to the Supreme Pontiff’s side. The three great Title Douluo released their full strength spirit power, the incomparably enormous pressure making the surrounding Spirit Masters back away in panic.

  But in front of these three enormous like mountain terrifying pressures, Tang Hao still stood unyielding, not even grabbing his hammer. Radiance suddenly shot from his yellow eyes,

  “Want to avenge your teacher? Bibi Dong, do you think you can beat me?”

  Supreme Pontiff waved a hand, the hand issuing a sharp whistle. As if in answer, within Supreme Pontif Palace, four sharp whistles rose simultaneously.

  “Calling for people?”

  Tang Hao smiled indifferently. He had a kind of special temperament, as if he would be indifferent even if a magnificent army of thousands of men and horses was arrayed in front of him.

  One after another, spirit rings rose from below Tang Hao. The spirit rings didn’t rise quickly, but with the appearance of each ring, standing there, Tang Hao became more and more serious. The three enormous pressures in front of him were unexpectedly pushed back by his own gradually rising aura.

  Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red.

  The ning spirit rings that appeared over Tang Hao were unexpectedly exactly the same as Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong, and the final spirit ring that appeared was astonishingly also a hundred thousand year existence.

  Despite the spirit rings being the same, at this moment, the aura Tang Hao revealed was something even Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong couldn’t compare to.

  Grandmaster was always haughty, but as he now looked at Tang Hao not far away, his eyes only held reverence. In the Spirit Master world, Tang Hao was his only idol. Before, as well as now. Daring to stand alone in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace to provoke three Title Douluo headed by the Supreme Pontiff, what kind of power was this?

  Tang Hao coldly swept his eyes across the Supreme Pontiff Palace behind the Supreme Pontiff,

  “Seven Title Douluo, Spirit Hall truly is worthy of being Spirit Hall. Unfortunately, even if there’s seven of you, so what? Watch carefully, this is the true Clear Sky Avatar.”

  Tang San’s mind shook. Tang Hao’s last sentence was clearly spoken for him.

  The seventh spirit ring brightening, that enormous black Clear Sky Hammer behind Tang Hao abruptly blossomed, intense black light surging, that tremendous Clear Sky Hammer turned windward, unexpectedly growing more than a hundred meters long. The gigantic hammerhead was just like a small mountain.

  * * *

  [1] Some wordplay here. First the familiar chrysanthemum-anus substitution. Second is “little ghost”, which refers to a mischievous demon or imp.

  Chapter 130: Clear Sky Battle Power, New Beginning

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  Red line after red line appeared from the gigantic Clear Sky Hammer. Tang Hao’s hundred thousand year red spirit ring abruptly flared, that black giant hammer suddenly turning all red in an instant.

  “Supreme Pontiff Palace, a nice Supreme Pontiff Palace. Hahahahahahaha……”

  WIth an arrogant laugh, Tang Hao’s right hand moved.

  The more than one hundred meter long supersized hammer abruptly dropped. Not towards the three Title Douluo, but rather to smash the Supreme Pontiff Palace behind them.

  Instantly, the air in all of Spirit City became distorted, each Spirit Master not a Title Douluo unable to even budge at this moment.

  “Tang Hao, you dare!”

  Bibi Dong was insanely furious. She and Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo soared up practically simultaneously, going to meet the enormous hammer in the sky. And at the same time, another four silhouettes shot out of Supreme Pontiff Palace like bolts of lightning. Altogether seven figures collided with the giant hammer in the air.


  Blankness. The minds of all Spirit Masters under the seventieth rank turned completely blank, fainting from that indescribably violent explosion. An enormous sound like the punishment of Heaven shook all of Spirit City.

  The seven silhouettes that rushed into the air were smashed back simultaneously, and the enormous hammer in the air also disappeared.

  Facing the sky and spitting out a mouthful of blood, Tang Hao laughed madly,

  “Bibi Dong, just wait. The debt that Spirit Hall owes me will be reclaimed in full. This day is not far.”

  Figure flashing, Tang Hao disappeared. And disappearing together with him were Tang San and Xiao Wu on the ground.

  Tang Hao’s deep voice gradually grew more distant,

  “Grandmaster, Flender. You have taught my son for many years, words are not gratitude enough, this Tang will owe you.”

  As Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong struck the ground, her face was flushed red. Drawing a deep breath, that flush gradually disappeared. Behind her, besides Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, were still another four people wearing the robes of elders, faces faintly shimmering from blocking. These four were all white haired, clearly not young.

  That hammer of Tang Hao’s had to be blocked. He didn’t attack the Supreme Pontiff, but rather a symbol of Spirit Hall, the Supreme Pontiff Palace. If the Supreme pontiff had attacked him together with Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo at that time, Tang Hao would inevitably have been seriously injured. But the Supreme Pontiff Palace would certainly also have ceased to exist. The true might of the Clear Sky Hammer being fully used by the Clear Sky Douluo couldn’t have been truly judged without experiencing it.

  Seven of them repelling the enemy, had also only hurt Tang Hao, and nothing more.

  “Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff……”

  Not only Bibi Dong was angry, the six people behind her were all furious.

  “No need to chase, it’s useless.”

  Bibi Dong’s voice was disappo
inted. For these past years, she had always done her utmost in training, finally reaching the Title Douluo level. The enemy she had always pictured in her heart, was Tang Hao. However, in her confrontation with Tang Hao today, she still discovered that even though their spirit rings were exactly the same, she was still far inferior in imposing manner. Tang Hao was in the end still Tang Hao, a Clear Sky Douluo, the Clear Sky Douluo.

  “That bastard Tang Hao is too rampant. Your Holiness, it concerns the dignity of Spirit hall.”

  The Ghost Douluo couldn’t keep from calling Bibi Dong’s attention.

  Bibi Dong’s eyes were blood red, her voice angry,

  “Shut up. Don’t tell me I don’t understand? If Tang Hao was so easy to deal with, could he still live to this day? It still isn’t the time to deal with him.”

  Yue Guan said:

  “Then what about these people?”

  The Golden Iron Triangle still stood there under the spirit fusion ability effect, but the remaining Shrek Seven Devils were all on the ground. Poison Douluo Dugu Bo was just loosing a breath, turning to grin at the Supreme Pontiff’s side.

  Seeing that smile brimming with satire, Bibi Dong almost spit blood. Sharply waving her hand, she left with a brush of her sleeves,

  “Let them go, leave Spirit City immediately.”

  Finished saying this, she returned straight to Supreme Pontiff Palace.

  The four elders that appeared at the end didn’t speak up, only following the Supreme Pontiff back to Supreme Pontiff Palace.

  A cold smile appeared on Bibi Dong’s face. The top of the character for ‘endure’ was a knife[1]. Right now, she had to endure no matter what. What she wished for the most was for everyone to underestimate Spirit hall. ‘Tang Hao, the hatred between us will be settled sooner or later. You just wait.’

  Everything gradually calmed down. Under the gazes of numerous Spirit Hall Spirit Masters, the Golden Iron Triangle slowly withdrew their spirit power.

  Ning Fengzhi reached them with Sword Douluo and Poison Douluo, and with the help of the several powers, the Shrek Five Devils gradually recovered consciousness.

  As Ma Hongjun opened his eyes, he couldn’t help saying:

  “Fuck me, too powerful. Third brother’s dad is so awesome! I’ve decided, from here on, third brother’s dad will be my idol.”

  The remaining five looked at each other. Right now each of their hearts held a lot of doubts, but this situation right now clearly wasn’t the time to ask them.

  Flender sighed. He suddenly felt somewhat disappointed, even if he was also a Spirit Sage level power, those true powers were still too far away. If not for Tang Hao’s appearance today, perhaps not one of them would have been able to leave.

  “School master Ning, you bring Rongrong away. The tournament is over, and these children have also graduated. You also saw that we offended Spirit Hall here, the later days might not be so easy.”

  Ning Fengzhi nodded, saying:

  “Rongrong has been gone for so long, she should return with me. However, Spirit Hall is unlikely to cause trouble for your Academy. As long as Shrek Academy keeps a low profile from now on.”

  “School master Ning, I don’t know if it’s possible for me to join Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?”

  Oscar took courage and asked Ning Fengzhi.

  Hearing his words, Ning Rongrong’s face immediately turned somewhat unnatural.

  She had originally planned to tell Oscar about the rules of the school after the end of the tournament, but as time passed, she had already become used to being together with Oscar, and almost forgotten about it. Suddenly hearing Oscar say he wanted to enter the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Rongrong’s heart immediately fell, and for a moment she was at a loss.

  It couldn’t be denied that Oscar was the most handsome among the men of the Shrek Seven Devils, and moreover, anyone with eyes could see the great effort Oscar had made since Ning Rongrong agreed to to temporarily go out with him.

  Even if he had also eaten the immortal treasure herb Tang San gave him, as a food system Spirit Master, that there hadn’t opened up a gap between him and his companions showed how much effort he had invested.

  Ning Rongrong’s heart had for a long time been nibbled away by him, bit by bit. Especially when Oscar, a support Spirit Master without any battle strength, had protected her whenever they were in danger. She wasn’t old, but this feeling of the first awakening of love had made her unwilling to explain the school rules.

  Because she was afraid to lose Oscar, lose this beautiful feeling.

  Hearing Oscar’s words, Ning Fengzhi revealed a moment of distraction, then immediately afterwards displayed a smiling expression,

  “Of course you can, if any one among you wants to enter the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the school will welcome you.”

  While speaking, his gaze swept across Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun.

  Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing immediately shook their heads, Dai Mubai said:

  “Many thanks for school master Ning’s kind intentions, but me and Zhuqing are from Star Luo Empire. We’ve been gone for so many years, and should also return home.”

  Ning Fengzhi’s gaze again turned to Ma Hongjun,

  “And you?”

  Ma Hongjun laughed out loud, saying:

  “Count me out as well. Me and third brother are the same, we both love freedom. Having finally graduated, I want to go strolling all over the Continent, increasing my experiences. Afterwards I’ll return to Shrek Academy to help my teacher.”

  Flender looked with some astonishment at this only disciple of his. Ma Hongjun had always showed a dim-witted appearance, never with any concern for matters other than his interest in women. He had never expected his disciple to actually say something like this, and couldn’t keep all sorts of feelings from welling up in his heart, feeling as if choking on something.

  Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, saying:

  “Since it’s like this, I won’t press the issue. But remember, no matter when, the gates of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will always stand wide open for you children. Dean Flender, we’ll take our leave. Rongrong, Oscar, we’re leaving.”

  Since the time the Shrek Seven Devils first gathered in Shrek Academy, it was finally time to separate. It was difficult to avoid a burst of reluctance. But each of them had their own lives and their own future. If the seven always stayed with each other, their reliance on each other would grow greater and greater, until it was harmful to their development.

  Even though Tang San was the most outstanding among the seven, which of the Shrek Seven Devils wasn’t an alarmingly talented little monster? As school master of one of the seven great sects, Ning Fengzhi couldn’t help but reveal a cheerful look at obtaining Oscar. After all, the Shrek Seven Devils were able to defeat the team dispatched by the holy land of Spirit Masters, Spirit hall.

  Moreover, their average age was at least five years younger. Describing them as geniuses among geniuses wasn’t enough.

  Before leaving, the five agreed that, after five years, if it suited everyone, they would return to gather at Shrek Academy. The Shrek Seven Devils, this combination of young talent, finally separated after victory in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament finals.


  Nighttime. The cool night breeze brushed the leaves, leaving behind uneven shadows of trees dancing in the moonlight.

  Xiao Wu slowly returned from unconsciousness. She practically subconsciously suddenly sat upright, looking all around.

  What was first reflected in her eyes was a fire, flames brightly burning firewood, issuing crackling sounds, each accompanied by a burst of sparks.

  Part 2 (TL by Bagelson)

  Next to the bonfire were still two people other than her. One was Tang San, still unconscious on the ground, the other uncle seemed extremely dispirited, his whole body worn out, Tang Hao.

  If she only looked at Tang Hao, Xiao Wu wouldn’t have believ
e that he dared publicly humiliate Spirit Hall in front of the Supreme Pontiff Palace, facing several formidable Title Douluo by himself.

  “You’re awake.”

  Tang Hao’s gloomy deep voice reached Xiao Wu’s ear.

  Silently nodding, Xiao Wu’s gaze was constantly fixed on Tang San,

  “Thank you.”

  Tang Hao waved his hand, saying:

  “Don’t mention it. From the point of view of a Spirit Master, I should lock you up until Tang San needs it and kill you then, giving him your spirit ring and spirit bone. But, from the point of view of a husband, I’ll pick another choice.”

  Raising his head, Tang Hao’s gaze fell on Xiao Wu. Tang Hao’s eyes seemed to hold a particular gravity, and Xiao Wu couldn’t help looking towards him. This moment, Tang Hao’s eyes were no longer muddy, but rather extraordinarily bright, even the stars in the night sky lost their splendor in comparison.

  “Is it because of my relationship with Tang San?”

  Xiao Wu asked in a low voice.

  Tang Hao shook his head, his gaze shifting from Xiao Wu to Tang San lying on the ground, his face displaying a faint smile. If Tang San saw this, he would definitely be shocked. Because in his memory, he had never seen Tang Hao smile.

  “Because of his mother. Before, I always believed he was more like his mother. Kindhearted, careful, stubborn. But when I saw him and you together, I suddenly discovered that he was actually more like me. Just as foolish as me. Girl, did you know? Tang San’s mother was like you, also a hundred thousand year spirit beast. But different from you, she was in the hundred thousand year level’s mature phase, and you’re only in the immature phase.”

  “You, what are you saying?”

  Xiao Wu lost her voice:

  “Tang San’s mother, was also a spirit beast?”

  Tang Hao nodded silently, but didn’t continue on the subject,

  “You should leave. If you stay at Tang San’s side, there will only be trouble for you.”


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