Douluo Dalu - Volume 19 - Purple God Light

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 19 - Purple God Light Page 7

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Xiao Wu despondently said:

  “You oppose us being together?”

  Tang Hao spilled a smile,

  “No. Why would I oppose it? Back then, didn’t I make the same choice? Only, comparing you with me and his mother, there’s still a difference. When me and his mother were together, my spirit power already surpassed the seventieth rank, and his mother was also a mature stage hundred thousand year spirit beast. But what’s your current level?”

  “You really have some guts. Don’t tell me your elders didn’t teach you anything? A hundred thousand year spirit beast before the mature stage will be the target of all Spirit Masters. If not for that flower, if the first Title Douluo to see you wasn’t me, I’m afraid you would’ve long since become the spirit ring and spirit bone of another.”

  “Are you always by little San’s side?”

  Xiao Wu shocked asked.

  Tang Hao shook his head,

  “No, but at least I will be for a long time. Go, return to where you should be. That’s the safest place for you. Wait until the day he can protect you, and you can also defend yourself. I won’t oppose you meeting, but that’s not now.”

  Xiao Wu bit her lip, gathering courage, and said:

  “Can’t I wait until he wakes, and leave then?”

  Tang Hao calmly said:

  “Do you believe that after he wakes up, he would let you leave like this? Go. We’re close to Start Dou Great Forest, if I’m not mistaken, your family should be there. If I can offer you a bit of advice, don’t leave that place before the mature phase. Originally, I though myself strong enough, but me and little San’s mother’s conclusion was still tragic. I don’t want to see you children experience the same tragedy.”

  Xiao Wu nodded silently, slowly walking to Tang San’s side. Squatting by his side, staring at that seemingly very ordinary face. A sparkling and translucent teardrop rolled from the corner of her eye, falling on Tang San’s chest.

  Raising a somewhat shuddering hand, she softly caressed Tang San’s face,

  “You are the first man to comb my hair, and also the only one. Forever and ever. No matter our future, in my heart, there is no gap in my heart for another.”

  Despite Tang Hao by the side, Xiao Wu lowered her head and softly kissed Tang San’s lips, leaving behind the salty taste of tears and her breath. Standing fiercely, she shot away, and disappeared in the distance in a few leaps.

  Looking in the direction Xiao Wu disappeared, Tang Hao’s aged face revealed an expression,

  “What about humans? What about beasts? The feelings of beasts are even more sincere.”

  Talking to himself, he raised his hand to pat Tang San. Tang San groaned, moved, and slowly opened his eyes.


  On seeing Tang Hao, Tang San immediately leapt from the ground with excitement. Even though his body was still weak right now, his mind was extremely excited. Eight years, a whole eight years had passed. Seeing his father again, how couldn’t he be excited?


  Tang Hao pointed to the ground in front of him. Different from when he faced Xiao Wu, confronting Tang San, his expression had turned as grave as before.

  Tang San hurriedly sat in front of Tang Hao. His gaze turned all around, and when he didn’t find the figure he was looking for, some of his excitement disappeared.

  “No need to look, she’s already gone. Don’t worry, she’s safe.”

  Tang Hao said indifferently.

  “Gone? Why would Xiao Wu leave?”

  Tang San couldn’t help asking.

  Tang Hao spoke in a low voice:

  “Because she had to. Let me ask you one question, in your present condition, could you protect her?”


  Hearing his father’s words, Tang San couldn’t help but inwardly remember the promise he once made Xiao Wu. Protecting her for a whole lifetime, yes, with his present strength, how could he protect her? When confronting those truly formidable Spirit Masters, his own speck of strength didn’t count for anything.

  Tang Hao looked at Tang San’s desponded appearance, and frowned,

  “She’s very safe, returned to where she should be. Only there will there be no danger to her. A man, a man of character, must adapt to the circumstances. There will come a day when you will be able to truly protect her, it won’t be too late to go find her then.”

  “Dad, you’re not opposing me and Xiao Wu being together?”

  Tang San astonished looked at Tang Hao.

  Tang Hao’s eyes revealed a trace of a perplexed light,

  “Eight years have passed, little San, don’t you hate me for throwing you aside for these eight years?”

  Tang San frowned,

  “No, I don’t.”


  Tang Hao asked.

  Tang San’s mood had already relaxed somewhat by now. Even though he couldn’t see Xiao Wu again, Xiao Wu was, after all, safe. To him, this was most important. His face revealed a natural smile,

  “Because you’re my father. My life was given by you. Without you, how would there be a me? Children never have the right to blame their parents.”

  Listening to Tang San, Tang Hao only felt his heart skip a beat. Looking at this fourteen year old son in front of him, he could no longer restrain his feelings, and fiercely pulled Tang San into his arms, his forceful arms hugging Tang San tightly.

  Ever since his birth, this was the first time Tang San felt Tang Hao’s love for him. Such a sincere feeling, despite having lived two lives, this was the first time he possessed it. Even the Grandmaster he’d always treated as a father, also couldn’t give him this feeling.

  Tang Hao’s actions were rough, the strength of his arms even making Tang San’s bones creak, but being pulled into his father’s steel-like embrace, Tang San still felt unprecedentedly relaxed. Family love, was this the feeling of family love?

  “I know you have a lot of questions for me.”

  Tang Hao pushed away Tang San, letting him sit in front of him anew. Tang San discovered that his father’s eyes were somewhat red.

  Tang San nodded.

  Tang Hao said:

  “When you used the Tool Spirit Avatar that day, the voice you heard was mine. There are a lot of matters that you still don’t need to know about. Because you still lack the strength to know about them. Starting from now, you will cultivate according to my arrangements. Until one day, after you’ve met my requirements, when I will tell you about everything. Cough cough.”

  At this point, Tang Hao coughed twice, spitting out dark red blood to the side.

  “Dad, are you injured?”

  Tang San wanted to stand, but was pushed down by Tang Hao.

  “It’s nothing, I just pulled open some old injuries today.”

  Tang Hao’s expression recovered its calm, as if he wasn’t the one injured.

  “Of the questions you want to ask, I can first answer two. First, the others from Shrek Academy are fine. Each of them will make their own choices. It was time for you all to part. The master can lead you through the door, but cultivation is individual. Grandmaster is undoubtedly an exceptionally outstanding teacher, but always following at his side will substantially hinder your improvement.”

  “Second, regarding Xiao Wu. Don’t you find it very strange that, as a hundred thousand year spirit beast, Xiao Wu isn’t particularly strong?”

  Tang San immediately nodded. This was something he had always wondered about. Even Grandmaster’s descriptions of hundred thousand year spirit beasts were very simple. After all, that community was far, far too small, and Grandmaster’s research had never reached deeply, because he didn’t have subjects to study.

  Tang Hao said:

  “I’ll give you a simple explanation, and you’ll understand.”

  Part 3 (TL by Bagelson)

  “Spirit beasts start to cultivate from the time they’re born, separated into ten year, hundred year, thousand year, ten thousand year, and hundred
thousand year levels. Crossing between each level, to spirit beasts, is a qualitative change. After a spirit beast’s cultivation breaks through ten thousand years, their intelligence will improve quickly, and after a certain point, they won’t be inferior to humans.”

  “In some sense, spirit beasts are linked to us Spirit Masters’ spirits, even though the cultivation age limit decides their strength, their own innate talent is equally important. Just like Spirit Masters with full innate spirit power like you, who are stronger than common tenth ranked Spirit Masters even at that time. The spirit beast’s species is like a spirit’s quality. But, this isn’t absolute.

  “As the spirit beast’s cultivation finally reaches the hundred thousand year level, any spirit beast will reach a remarkable stage. In practice there’s very little difference in strength between spirit beasts of this stage. Like your Xiao Wu, originally she was only a Soft Boned Rabbit, but after her cultivation reached the hundred thousand year level, she wouldn’t be inferior even to a Titan Giant Ape on the same level. However, having reached the hundred thousand year level, spirit beasts must also face a choice.”

  Tang San focused his attention on listening carefully. Tang Hao’s description of hundred thousand year spirit beasts was something not even Grandmaster had spoken about.

  To him, this was like an all new area.

  “The position of hundred thousand year spirit beasts among other spirit beasts is like that of Title Douluo among Spirit Masters. Having reached the summit, at this time, their strength is extremely formidable. In one against one, it would be very difficult even for Title Douluo to defeat them. They might even be killed. But, with intelligence not inferior to humans, they face a choice of two paths at this time.”

  “One path is to maintain their strength, and go on like that. Having reached the hundred thousand year level, they’re already an existence opposing Heaven, and even the most powerful hundred thousand year spirit beasts can at most only live for another thousand years. After a thousand years, they will inevitably die. And the other path, is nevertheless the risky path. That is to change shape.”

  “Change shape?”

  Tang San looked at Tang Hao with astonishment.

  Tang Hao nodded, saying:

  “That’s right. Changing shape. Taking the shape of a human. Because, among all organisms, humans have the greatest potential.”

  “After taking human form, the spirit beast has to cultivate anew. If they can cultivate to the Title Douluo Level, and again smoothly break through the hundredth rank pass, their lifespan will no longer be restricted, reaching eternal life. Becoming an existence like a god.”

  Tang San said:

  “Then wouldn’t all spirit beasts make this choice? Living forever, I think this is a goal all creatures pursue.”

  Tang Hao calmly said:

  “Among the small number of hundred thousand year spirit beasts, do you know how many take the second option?”

  Tang San shook his head.

  Tang Hao said:

  “According to the accounts of our Clear Sky School, among known hundred thousand year spirit beasts, less than one in ten pick the second choice.”

  Tang San astonished said:

  “Why? Didn’t you say that by choosing the first option, they can only live for a thousand years? With the second path they can live forever. Why wouldn’t they take it?”

  Tang Hao laughed coldly,

  “How would it be that easy? Spirit beast cultivation is an unknown number of times more difficult than for humans. After choosing to take human form, it’s irreversible. In other words, after taking human form, unless the hundred thousand year spirit beast is killed, it’s impossible to again take beast form. Their true form would change into the human form’s spirit, and all their previous abilities would disappear completely. Their spirit power must be regained bit by bit. Even though their cultivation speed is a lot faster than that of normal humans, and have no need to go killing spirit beasts to gain spirit rings, they must be in contact with humans during this cultivation process, must feel the aura of humans, or they will be unable to progress.”

  “Moreover, choosing this road, their lifespan will be the same as humans. If they can’t break through the hundredth rank within a human’s lifespan, then they will only be able to live for a hundred years. A thousand years and a hundred years, you should understand what the majority of spirit beasts choose.”

  “Even more, even though normal Spirit Masters won’t notice human form hundred thousand year spirit beasts, as long as a Spirit Douluo or higher level observes carefully, they will still be discovered. Especially in front of Title Douluo, they won’t have any way of hiding. The reason why Xiao Wu was never discovered, was because of carrying that flower. That bizarre flower concealed her aura, making her always safe together with you. It was because that flower left her side today that her identity was exposed in front of the Supreme Pontiff and those others.”

  “Consider, confronted with a hundred thousand year spirit beast, and moreover a weak little human form hundred thousand year spirit beast, would those people from Spirit Hall let her go?”

  “After taking human form, a hundred thousand year spirit beast’s cultivation will be split into three stages. Before their spirit power has reached the sixtieth rank is the immature phase, in this phase, Spirit Masters of the Spirit Douluo level and higher can discover them. After the sixtieth rank, they will become a lot safer, and will also require even closer contact with humans. This is called the mature stage. Even Title Douluo will be unable to tell what they are after they’ve gained sixty ranks of spirit power. Therefore, hundred thousand year spirit beasts can also be said to truly have become human at the sixtieth rank. By then there’s already no difference between them and humans in any way.”

  “And after reaching the ninetieth rank, a hundred thousand year spirit beast’s cultivation will enter the final divinization phase. Just like us human Title Douluo, they attack that undying eternity.”

  “Undying eternity.”

  Tang San repeated Tang Hao’s words. To him, this phrase wasn’t particularly meaningful. Undying? Could people truly not die?

  He didn’t want to think too much on this. Right now, his mood was already gradually recovering from the excitement of seeing his father and Xiao Wu leaving.

  At least, the original certain death situation turned into him and Xiao Wu being alright due to his father’s appearance, this was already a very good outcome. Or one might say, another beginning.

  “Then that means, Xiao Wu chose to change shape, and moreover, she’s still a hundred thousand year spirit beast in the immature phase?”

  Tang Hao nodded,

  “Just so. Even though she’s a hundred thousand year spirit beast, observation suggests that before she took human shape, she probably never left the place she cultivated. Her heart is as blank as paper. Consequently, she’s actually no different from any ordinary girl, just that if she dies, a spirit ring and spirit bone will appear.”

  Tang San nodded silently. Originally, after he saw that Xiao Wu was a spirit beast, his heart had also struggled. But just as Tang Hao said, in his heart, Xiao Wu was neither human nor beast, but his little sister, and there was also that hazy love.

  Tang Hao said in a low voice:

  “I’ve already told you what you want to know. From here on out, before you gain my approval, I will carry out a series of special training for you. Choosing the path of a Spirit Master, relying on high-sounding words to appear in front of Spirit Hall, you’re already without a way out other than growing more powerful. Otherwise, you will never be able to do more than live in the darkness like a rat. Rest. Recover as fast as possible, afterwards I’ll bring you somewhere.”

  Finished speaking, Tang Hao slowly closed his eyes.


  Tang San suddenly called out.


  Tang Hao didn’t open his eyes.

  Tang San clenched his teeth, but still as
ked the question he most wanted to know the answer to,

  “Was mom killed by Spirit Hall?”

  Tang Hao’s whole body jolted, his eyes abruptly opening, his strict gaze like two flashes of lightning in the night.

  The light of his father’s gaze on him, Tang San even felt stabs of pain.

  A fiercely fluctuating mood flashed across Tang Hao’s face,

  “I said, there are still many matters you don’t need to know about. If you want to learn everything, become strong as fast as possible, reach the level I require.”

  This was the last thing Tang Hao said to Tang San this night. Tang San also didn’t ask anything else, and father and son sat next to the fire like that and started to cultivate.

  Early the next day, having eaten some simple rations, Tang Hao brought Tang San away. After a night of rest, Tang San’s durable body had already recovered by more than half, only the itchy feeling on his back growing even stronger. He knew that the Eight Spider Lances were regenerating within.

  Tang Hao returned to his previous taciturn appearance, not speaking, only stepping forward with large strides. Following behind him, Tang San had to condense his spirit power to be able to keep up.

  Tang Hao walked in the direction of Heaven Dou Empire. On the way, he didn’t walk on roads, but turned to find complicated terrain to pass through. For the first several days, Tang Hao’s speed wasn’t too fast.

  But along with Tang San’s body recovering, Tang Hao’s speed forward began to accelerate. By the time Tang San had completely recovered, he had to condense all of his spirit power to be able to keep up with his father.

  Because they advanced so quickly, Tang San was already unable to tell where they were heading. By the seventh day, he no longer knew where they were, and could only approximately feel that they were somewhere within the borders of Heaven Dou Empire.

  The time Tang Hao stayed to rest was only four hours each day, and the remaining time was all travelling. Practically each day would bring Tang San close to the limits of his body.

  However, having once experienced Grandmaster’s hell training, along with his body recovering completely, he still managed to endure.


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