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Eleven Graves

Page 4

by Aman Gupta

“It’s him, for sure,” said Vik.

  “How did he die?” asked Eric.

  “There’s a gunshot wound, but no bullet,” said Vik.

  “He was shot?” asked Eric.

  “But not fatally. Cause of death is fire,” said Vik.

  “What about the second guy?” asked Eric.

  “Now that’s a curious thing,” said Vik.

  “How?” asked Eric.

  “I don’t think he died yesterday. Also, face is burnt completely, so difficult to get an ID. The body has signs of blunt force trauma to the back of his head,” said Vik.

  “So he died from a heavy blow to the head?” asked Eric.

  “Looks that way,” said Vik.

  “You look confused,” said Eric.

  “Something’s wrong with Anthony’s body though. I’ll need to check on something.”

  Eric looked disorganized too.

  Joey was canvassing the area, when he ran into Brian riding his bike.

  “Hey kid, do you know this guy?” he said, showing a picture of Jacob and flashing his badge.

  “No,” said Brian. He was already nervous, sweating a little.

  “Why are you so nervous?” asked Joey. “Something troubling you?”

  “No, just leave me alone,” said Brian.

  “I need you to come to the station with me,” said Joey.

  Brian got scared, remembering his conversation with Vik.

  “I just found this guy near the bridge, okay? Said his name was Jacob. He needed help, I tried to help him but he fell into the river. I think he came from TS – 19. That’s why I didn’t say anything, okay?” pleaded Brian.

  Brian thought it would be wise not to mention his conversation with Vik, as he thought it would create more problems and he might be asked to visit the police station.

  “Anything else?” asked Joey.

  “Something about Jay,” said Brian.

  “Who’s Jay? What about him?” asked Joey.

  “I don’t know. He just said they’re looking for him. He didn’t know who. He also said he has killed few people,” said Brian.

  “Killed who?” asked Joey.

  “He didn’t say much. Just a young girl, an old man. He was just blabbing really,” said Brian.

  “Is that so?” said Joey.

  “I think he was mad,” said Brian, hoping to end the conversation.

  “Okay. Where do you live?” asked Joey.

  “Why?” asked Brian.

  “Just in case I had more questions,” said Joey.

  “I already told you everything I know,” said Brian.

  “How do I know you’re not from TS – 19?” said Joey.

  “I’m not. I live behind the square. I’m not from TS – 19. Please let me go,” pleaded Brian.

  “Okay, okay. Go!” said Joey.

  Brian rode as fast as he could and disappeared from Joey’s eye sight within a minute.

  “Who the hell is Jay?” thought Joey. “And why would a guy from TS – 19 show up here after all this time? And who did he kill! Jeez, what is happening in this town?!”

  Meanwhile, at the station, Eric gathered everyone again.

  “Guys, it’s official. Anthony Arnold is dead. I’m off to inform the mayor,” said Eric.


  “Hey, what are you doing up so early?” asked Sarah, as she rolled out of bed and saw Jay working on his laptop. A house in the suburbs and a loving family, just what Sarah had wished ever since her daughter was born.

  “Nothing. Just stuff at work,” said Jay.

  “What stuff?” asked Sarah.

  “Nothing. It’s better if you don’t know,” said Jay.

  “Why?” said Sarah.

  “Jeez, Sarah. Everything’s not about you,” said Jay. “Just leave me alone for few hours, okay? Is that so hard?” Sarah got angry.

  “That’s more words than you have said to me since last 7 days. I’m your wife and yet I feel like a stranger in this house,” said Sarah.

  After a minute, Jay got up and came over to Sarah and hugged her from behind.

  “One thing I want you to know is that I am doing everything I can, to make things right for us. Our family. So that you and Katie are safe,” said Jay as he kissed her on her shoulder.

  “Just promise me one thing,” said Sarah.

  “You won’t let this city come between you and me,” said Sarah.

  Jay laughed and said, “Don’t worry. Just because we live in the same city as the President, doesn’t mean we are as screwed as the people working for him.”

  “Verati works for every government in the entire world. And you work for Verati,” said Sarah.

  “Verati is just a company. Nothing more to it. Don’t worry, everything’s going to be alright,” said Jay.

  “How do you know? It’s just been eleven months!” said Sarah.

  “And in those eleven months, I met you and we fell in love and got married and had our six months anniversary,” said Jay.

  “I’m just scared. I don’t trust them. You know what I’m referring to, don’t you?” said Sarah.

  “I have met everyone at Verati. Bunch of rocks are smarter than them. They can’t do anything to us that I wouldn’t see coming from a mile away. If they try anything, we’ll just disappear,” said Jay.

  Sarah turned around, nodded her head and hugged Jay while massaging his neck.

  “Now, I need to leave for a meeting at work. Someone important is coming to the office, they said,” said Jay.

  “Ooh..Someone important in DC. It could be anybody,” joked Sarah.

  Jay kissed Sarah and left with his laptop.

  “Love you,” said Sarah.

  “You too,” said Jay.


  At the precinct in Morrow Town, Joey got back few hours later, hoping to brief the sheriff about Jacob. He entered Vik’s lab next door when he saw the sheriff’s office was locked.

  “Where’s the sheriff?” asked Joey.

  “Went to the mayor,” said Vik. “Everything fine? You look in a hurry.”

  Joey looked anxious. He was the easiest person to read in the entire world. Anyone could see what he was feeling at any point of time.

  “No, no. It’s nothing,” said Joey, and started to leave.

  “Did you find anything about the body?” asked Vik.

  “No, no. No one’s seen Jacob before,” said Joey.

  “Right!” said Vik. “That just makes it tough for you, you know. For all you know, he could’ve come from 5 towns over.”

  “Right..Right.. or maybe from this town itself. We just don’t know anything about this guy,” said Joey.

  “You do know one thing though,” said Vik.

  “What’s that?” asked Joey.

  “His name’s Jacob,” said Vik.

  “Who told you that?” asked Joey.

  “You did. Like fifteen seconds ago,” said Vik.

  Joey felt embarrassed, as Vik observed Joey’s chagrin.

  “Ok, ok. You got me,” said Joey, as he came closer to Vik as he was running tests on the second unidentified body.

  “Spill,” said Vik.

  “I met this kid, right. On a bicycle. Said the guy came from TS – 19. I mean how weird is that?” said Joey.

  “TS – 19? Why would anyone from 19 come on this side of the fence?” asked Vik.

  “I don’t know. Maybe they got lost, you know. Except the kid said that the guy was blabbering about this master plan or something. About some guy?” said Joey.

  “What guy?” asked Vik, before being interrupted by Eric, who had just returned.

  “Joey, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be finding more about our victim,” said Eric.

  “I have,” said Joey.

  “Then let’s go to my room and tell me about it,” said Eric.

  Joey briefed Eric about the identity of the man. Eric was initially shocked.

  “Good. Now, we have a name and a possible location,” s
aid Eric.

  “Right. So should we go over to TS – 19 to find more?” asked Joey.

  “What, are you joking? We don’t know whether the guy was telling the truth or not. For all we know, he was just making stuff up. And the last thing I want to tell the mayor, is our little fishing expedition in the forbidden land,” said Eric.

  “So what do we do?” asked Joey.

  “First we need to find out more about this Jacob. Like why would anyone steal his body?” said Eric.

  “I’ll see what we can find out about it,” said Joey.

  “Did the kid say anything else, other than this guy’s name? Like why was he at the bridge?” asked Eric.

  “No,” said Joey.

  “Okay, good work, Joey. Let’s dig in a bit more,” said Eric.

  “And what about the Sera’s? The body we found in the dumpster last week and told no one about except Anthony? That body’s gone too, I presume, since Vik hasn’t asked about it,” said Joey.

  “We investigate that too. But right now I am more concerned about innocent civilians rather than a crime family!” said Eric.

  In the evening, Vik came to see Eric before leaving for the day.

  “Having your usual drink after a long day, huh?” said Vik, as he sat down on the couch.

  “Yes, I feel I deserve one after the day I’ve had,” said Eric. “Want one?”

  “No, alcohol changes me,” said Vik.

  “Don’t I know it!” exclaimed Eric.

  “How’s the lab you are setting up here?” asked Eric.

  “Still don’t know why I can’t setup at the Nucleus,” said Vik.

  “Mayor won’t allow it,” said Eric. “By the way, good thing I decided to call the mayor when I got halfway. Otherwise it would’ve been waste of a trip. The guy was clearly hysterical when I told him.”

  “He’s a weird man, for sure,” said Vik. “So, did anyone from the Sera crime family approach you regarding the body? Because you do realize that they might now have Jacob’s body too. You should’ve told me about it. I would’ve convinced Anthony to move the body before we got Jacob’s,” said Vik.

  “Did they steal anything else?” asked Eric.

  “Who knows! I never did an accurate inventory,” said Vik.

  “I should’ve told you about it. I can only hope they didn’t steal anything worthwhile,” said Eric.

  “Me too. Anyways, regarding the lab. Got a bit of help from Adam setting it up. Taught him a few things about dusting for prints. He’s a quick learner,” said Vik.

  “Who, Ramsay? Well, the world’s full of surprises, huh?” said Eric.

  Eric sat down in his chair and said, “In a matter of one day, the entire town’s changed.”

  “Why? Because now you are the only black guy in Morrow,” joked Vik.

  Eric chuckled.

  “I think people respected me more because of Anthony. They felt we shared our values, our ethics,” said Eric.

  “That’s absurd. Women like you a lot more than Anthony, so that’s different. Also you didn’t exactly have the same hairstyle. You know, him being not bald. Plus in the end, you had more thumbs than him. Trust me, all you shared was the color of your skin. People know that. And they love you both.. loved you both,” said Vik.

  “What about you? You didn’t exactly like the guy, did you?” asked Eric.

  “He and I go way back. You know that,” said Vik.

  “I do. Did he though?” asked Eric.

  “No, don’t think so,” said Vik.

  “How could he not?” exclaimed Eric.

  “That’s what happens when you’re so focused on flying forward. You don’t bother to see the objects behind you,” said Vik.

  “You’re not exactly sad about his death, are you?” asked Eric.

  “No, but neither are you,” said Vik. “Let others be. Ignorance helps in crisis.”

  “Do you think about the life before all this?” asked Eric.

  “It doesn’t matter. I can’t change anything now,” said Vik.

  “That wasn’t what I asked,” said Eric.

  “I know,” said Vik.

  Kate entered the room.

  “So what did you find, Kate?” asked Eric.

  “I spent the day looking around the Nucleus and the apartment where Anthony was murdered,” said Kate.

  “Find anything?” asked Eric.

  “Not much there to find. Found a can of petrol just outside the apartment. I think that’s what was used to start the fire. I have asked Adam to check the can for prints,” said Kate.

  “Good work,” said Eric.

  “So, how’s the new facility, Vik?” smirked Kate.

  “Much better for the eyes if you ask me,” replied Vik.

  Kate never liked being treated differently for being beautiful. She wanted her work to get her places, not looks.

  “Careful, though. Don’t want to be in handcuffs for taking in the beauty too much,” said Kate.

  “I somehow doubt that,” said Vik.

  “Why is that?” asked Kate.

  “Ignorance is bliss, detective. Ignorance is bliss,” said Vik, before getting up to leave.

  “Don’t forget to scrub all that mud off your shoes,” said Kate. “Unless you’re planning to mop the floor tomorrow.”

  “These dirty shoes mean I have gone to uncomfortable places. Your clean shoes are telling a lot more about how hard you worked today in the field,” said Vik, while closing the door behind him.

  “What was that about?” asked Eric.

  “What do you think about him, sir?” asked Kate.

  “What about him?” asked Eric.

  “He had means and opportunity to kill Anthony,” said Kate.

  “Tread lightly detective. You don’t want to get the reputation as someone who investigates their own colleagues,” cautioned Eric.

  “I’m not. What if he is behind everything?” asked Kate.

  “Where’s your proof?” asked Eric. “That’s a strong allegation.”

  “His shoes, for instance,” explained Kate. “They look like he’s been in wet mud. It rained last night. What if he killed Anthony?”

  “Correct me if I am wrong, but Anthony’s apartment building is surrounded by concrete pavements, a road and hard floor. Don’t forget, it was once a motel, and they cover every inch of their space outside to make space for parking,” said Eric.

  “That’s true,” said Kate. “But what about Nucleus?”

  She continued, “That building is in the middle of nowhere on an abandoned plot of land. What if he ransacked the place himself yesterday night?”

  “That’s a strong reach, detective,” said Eric.

  “Maybe that’s what this case needs sir, a strong reach to catch the killer,” said Kate.

  “Okay, so you better get me proof that places him near that building on the night of the murder,” said Eric.

  Kate nodded and left.

  Vik came out of the dark hidden corner which led to the janitor closet, next to Eric’s room. He had listened to the entire conversation, as he hadn’t completely closed the door of Eric’s soundproof room.

  He entered the lab at the precinct and grabbed his phone. A minute later, Emma came into the room. “Hey, you’re still here.”

  “Hey,” said Vik.

  “I see you have moved in,” said Emma, smiling.

  “Yeah, maybe it’s better I am around people like you, Eric, Joey and Kate,” said Vik.

  “See you tomorrow, then?” asked Emma.

  Emma was smiling a lot more than usual, which made Vik a little uncomfortable. He couldn’t help but notice someone else in that smile of hers.

  “Tomorrow,” said Vik, as he turned off the lights, and they headed out of the room, closing the door. He walked for a few yards.

  “Wait, forgot something,” said Vik, while he returned to stand only a few inches away from her.

  “Forgot what?” asked Emma, as she leaned towards Vik’s face.

; Vik tapped on her nose, and said, “Turning off everything that I turned on.”

  He spun around and left. Emma grabbed her nose with all her right index finger and grinned a few seconds later.

  The next morning, Kate visited the Nucleus to look for footprints. Much to her dismay, she found the entire plot excavated to about a feet in the ground.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” she asked the laborers.

  “Sorry, orders,” said one of the worker.

  “Whose orders?” asked Kate.

  “Mayor Pete Gold,” said the worker.

  Furious about having lost the opportunity to get any usable footprints, she stormed into the station and ran into Vik.

  “Why so angry, detective?” he asked.

  “You wouldn’t know anything about the work around Nucleus, now, would you?” she asked.

  “All I know is that Mayor asked me if it was possible to create a memorial commemorating the life and work of Anthony, for the public sentiment. I merely suggested that Nucleus would be the perfect place to do that,” said Vik.

  “You’re hiding something. And I’ll find out,” said Kate.

  “I feel you’re hiding something too. A strong, intelligent woman like you, with a too-good-to-be-true record somehow ends up working small cases in Morrow Town. There’s no other verifiable record in your personnel file, apart from recommendations from places that I haven’t even heard of. Looks like either you’re searching for something or running away from someone. My bet’s on the latter. So you better put me away soon, Detective Kate Ericson, because I’m close to figuring out your secret. And once I do that, if you even take a breath in a way that I don’t like, I’ll deliver the people, who you are running away from, right to your doorstep,” chided Vik.

  He saw Emma coming towards them and left.

  “Hey, what’s up?” asked Emma.

  “The usual. How’s the investigation with the missing husband?” asked Kate.

  “Couldn’t be weirder,” said Emma. “I asked around the store. People said he used to get a lot of visitors. And not like the shopping visitors. The alley meeting ones. The guy lived a secret life. No one even knows that he had a wife named Elina. I mean, not even his coworkers or even the owner.”

  “That’s strange,” said Kate.

  “Why’s that?” asked Emma.

  “Remember when chief asked me to interview Elina when she first came here? She said everyone loved how close they were to each other. She used to visit him every other day,” said Kate.


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