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Tusk the Mighty Mammoth

Page 3

by Adam Blade

  But Tom was not afraid. Grunting with effort, he hammered his shield into Seth’s body, following through with a stab to Seth’s chest.

  But Seth knocked the sword aside and stepped forward, his blade swinging. Tom leaped back just in time to avoid a swipe that would have taken his head off his shoulders.

  The Gorgonian guards were moving toward them, swords up and ready.

  “Keep back!” Seth shouted to his men. “He’s mine!”

  Tom smiled grimly; at least he wasn’t being overwhelmed by the guards. But if he defeated Seth, Tom knew that they would be ready to attack.

  He glanced over his shoulder. Elenna was lying in the grass with Storm standing over her. The noble stallion was tossing his head and whinnying as he saw his master in danger. But Storm would not leave Elenna’s side unless Tom called him. If only Silver were with them! He might have been able to help defend Seth’s attack.

  Seth charged once more, beating Tom back. Blow after blow clanged on his shield as he fought to hold his ground. Every thrust and lunge by Tom was fended off by Seth. How long could Tom survive?

  Then Tom spotted something that lifted his spirits. The rebels were pouring from the gates, armed with bows and arrows. Seth’s men had left the rebels unguarded — and now they were about to pay the price for their carelessness.

  “Surrender now!” Tom snarled at Seth.

  The evil boy’s eyes glittered with malice. “Never,” he hissed. “Throw down your sword before I cut you up!”

  There was an echoing twang as every rebel loosed his bowstring. Suddenly, the red Gorgonian sky was thick with black arrows.

  Seth spun around, staring in alarm at the speeding arrows.

  “Stop the archers!” he howled to his men. “Attack them!” But the guards were thrown into panic as the arrows rained down upon their armor.

  Tom knew he had to make the most of the rebel attack. He raced to where Elenna lay helpless in the grass, lifted her limp body into the saddle, and led Storm under the cover of the forest.

  “We need to get away from those guards,” he muttered, as he squatted behind a thick tree trunk.

  A second volley of arrows darkened the sky. The guards were racing about in terror.

  Seth took a few steps toward the forest, searching for Tom among the trees. But then he looked over his shoulder — if he did not act quickly, his men would be mowed down by those flying arrows!

  He shouted a final curse at Tom, then ran back toward his men. “Guards of Gorgonia,” he shouted. “Follow me!”

  He ran away from the camp, his men following as the arrows hissed through the air around their ears.

  “We will meet again!” Seth howled to Tom. “And on that day, you will die!”

  There was cheering from the rebels as the Gorgonian guards fled. A few of the rebels came running toward them. Tom recognized one of them, a small, slender figure racing ahead of the others.

  It was Odora, the rebel girl who had helped them in their fight against Narga the Sea Monster. She must have joined up with the other rebels at the camp. Tom left his friends to emerge from the cover of the trees and meet her.

  “Elenna is hurt,” Tom said, coming to a panting halt. There wasn’t any time to say anything else in greeting.

  “What has happened to her?” Odora gasped.

  At that moment the forest shook with the roaring of the enraged Tusk.

  “She was cut by the tusk of a huge mammoth,” Tom explained. “The wound is poisoned.”

  “Do not fear,” Odora said. “There is a medicine woman in the camp. Help me carry her there!”

  “But I can’t come with you.” He turned, staring through the thick trees. “I have to go back and face the evil Beast who did this, and I have to rescue another good friend!”

  More of the rebels had arrived by now.

  “Go,” said Odora, nodding her head in understanding. “Do what you have to do. We’ll take Elenna to the camp.”

  Tom led them to where Elenna and Storm were waiting. One of the men took Storm’s reins and began to lead him out of the forest, Elenna’s body draped across the stallion’s neck.

  Tom knew he could trust Odora and the rebels. He only hoped they could help Elenna before the poison did its worst.

  He watched them return to the camp. Then he turned and walked into the forest.

  Did he have the strength to fight Tusk alone?



  TOM PUSHED HIS WAY THROUGH THE TREES. HE could hear the roaring of the evil Beast, and feel the ground trembling from the pounding of her massive feet. Although he could not see her, he knew she must have broken free from the snake ferns. He pressed on, heading deeper into the forest.

  Dread filled him, but he didn’t hesitate; his destiny lay ahead of him and he marched on through the trees to meet it.

  After a while, a sound behind him made him freeze. He peered into the trees. Someone was there!

  “Show yourself!” he commanded.

  Odora stepped out of the shadows. At her back were twenty or more men and women from the rebel camp. Tom saw that some were armed with swords and bows, but others carried only simple weapons — pitchforks, axes, and sticks. Many of them carried long coils of rope over their shoulders, weighted at one end with fierce grappling hooks.

  “We want to help you,” Odora said. “Most of our people have stayed behind to guard the camp, but we couldn’t let you fight the great mammoth alone. We want to defeat Malvel’s power, too.”

  Tom smiled. “Thank you,” he said. “Come on — as quietly as you can.”

  He strode ahead with Odora beside him and the others following. The roaring of the mammoth grew gradually louder and Tom could see trees thrashing about. She was close now!

  Now that he was deep into the forest, he could hear the plaintive cries of the captured dragon.

  Tom sent his thoughts out to the good Beast. While there is blood in my veins, I will not let you die! He could tell that his words gave comfort to Ferno.

  He waited until all the rebels were gathered around him. “We must split into two groups,” he explained. “We need to strike Tusk from both sides at once. Use your ropes to try to bring her down — but make sure that you avoid her poisonous tusks!”

  Tom put Odora in charge of one group of rebels, and led the other group himself. They split up and went creeping through the trees.

  Finally, they saw Tusk! She was roaring and stamping among the crushed trees. Torn vines trailed from her limbs and hung over her broad back. Tom could see that she was too engrossed in her battle against the snake ferns to spot the people creeping toward her.

  Tom gestured to Odora. She waved back and a few seconds later the two groups of rebels flooded into the open space.

  Tusk bellowed as she finally caught sight of her attackers, her golden tusks glinting dangerously in the sunlight.

  You’re too late! Tom thought, hope surging through him. “Use your ropes!” he shouted as the rebels came in close to the huge Beast.

  Rope after rope went snaking up, the hooks digging into the monster’s flesh.

  “Climb up onto her back!” shouted Odora.

  Rebels swung up on the ropes, attacking Tusk with swords and pitchforks.

  “Use your bows!” came another shout.

  Arrows were fired, but they sprang back off her thick hide. Axes pounded the Beast, but Tusk hardly seemed to feel the blows as she shook rebels off her back and threatened to trample others underfoot.

  “She’s too strong!” wailed one man. “We’ll never beat her!”

  “Yes, we will!” Tom shouted. “Don’t despair!”

  He moved in toward the Beast’s great head, watching those poisonous tusks. He hoped that the attack would confuse Tusk enough so that he would be able to get in close and deliver a killing thrust to the creature’s throat.

  But Tusk was not so easily beaten! She thrashed about, the ropes coming loose and the rebels swinging helplessly from he
r back.

  A cold, cruel voice sounded in Tom’s ears. It was Malvel, returning to taunt him. “You will never defeat me!” he whispered.

  “I will always defeat you!” Tom shouted back, springing toward Tusk’s head. He hacked at the mammoth’s tusks, trying to get in close enough to stab her. But no matter how hard he fought, he could not get past the tusks and the swiping trunk. He saw the light of triumph glittering in the mammoth’s eyes.

  The rebels were falling back now, their weapons useless against the mighty Beast. A blow from her trunk sent Tom sprawling, his sword slipping from his fingers. Tusk seemed as powerful as ever.

  Tom struggled to his feet, his shield up to ward off another crushing blow. If only Elenna were there with him! Without his friend it was as if half his strength and determination were missing.

  Another blow from the mighty trunk knocked him to his knees. The rebels were doing their best, but their weapons had no magic, and the arrows, pitchforks, and sticks were bouncing uselessly off Tusk’s hide.

  He heard Malvel laughing at him. He had failed. All was lost!

  But then, as Tusk raised a mighty foot ready to crush the life out of him, Tom saw a slender figure come riding through the trees on a stallion.

  It was Elenna and Storm!



  AN ARROW FLEW FROM ELENNA’S BOW. THE shaft sank deep into Tusk’s forefoot and the great Beast reared back, her ferocious red eyes glittering as a second arrow cut through the air, striking her other front foot.

  Tusk backed away, her roars changing to bellows of agony as she tried to pull the arrows from her feet with her trunk. But her trunk was too big to grip the arrows, and all she did was drive the shafts deeper into the tender flesh of her feet.

  Tom brandished his sword and called to the rebels, “Attack!”

  Odora let out a battle cry and leaped toward the mammoth. The other rebels joined in, hurling weapons and slashing at her hide. The huge monster stumbled back through the trees, her vicious, poison-dripping tusks gleaming.

  Storm cantered up to Tom. Elenna looked down at him, her eyes shining.

  “You’re better!” Tom said in amazement.

  “The medicine woman had an antidote to the poison,” she said. “I feel fine. Come on, let’s finish the job!”

  Tom ran alongside Storm as they joined the attack on the retreating mammoth.

  The rebels were all around the Beast now, some with scarves across their faces to protect them from the horrible stench of her matted hair. They stabbed at her feet with their pitchforks and swords, driving her deeper into the forest.

  Above Tusk’s roars, Tom could hear Ferno’s mournful voice in his head. The dragon was very weak; his struggles against the snake ferns had drained all his strength.

  But as Tusk retreated, Tom realized that she was moving toward the place where Ferno lay imprisoned.

  Tom leaped in close to the Beast’s head, thrusting with his sword, dancing aside as the cruel tusks swept through the air and the trunk hammered into the ground. He stabbed at her feet once more, cutting bloody wounds, driving the Beast as she tried to escape his darting blade.

  In her agony, she lifted herself up on her back legs. She towered over them, filling the sky. Then she staggered, unable to keep her balance. For a terrible moment, Tom thought she was going to crash down on top of him. But one back leg buckled under her and she toppled onto her side, smashing trees to splinters and rocking the ground as she fell.

  As the trees were torn down, Tom saw that Ferno was lying close by, still struggling among the ferns, his wings flapping exhaustedly. The mammoth fought to get up, but as she did so her tusks tore through the snake ferns that held the dragon, ripping them to shreds.

  “The ropes!” Tom shouted to the rebels. “Tie Tusk down while she’s still on the ground!”

  Ropes coiled over Tusk’s high side, the grappling hooks digging in as the rebels fought to prevent the evil Beast from getting to her feet.

  Tom leaped through the air, using the magic of his golden boots once more, and landed on Tusk’s neck. He caught hold of her ear, and he twisted her huge head so that her tusks pierced the ground.

  “You will do no more harm with your poison!” Tom shouted, and jumped off her head, swinging his sword. The blade cut cleanly through one of the tusks. The mammoth’s bellow was deafening, but Tom swung his sword again. As he chopped off the second tusk, the entire bulk of the Beast glowed with a blazing green light.

  Tom covered his eyes as the glow exploded through the forest, and when he looked up again, the mammoth was gone. In her place was a radiant emerald archway.

  “It’s Avantia!” Elenna cried, leaping from the saddle and running to Tom’s side. She was right — through the archway, the beautiful rolling hills of Avantia could clearly be seen under a blue sky.

  A joyful roar rang out. It was Ferno, rising up out of the shreds of snake fern, his black wings spreading magnificently, a burst of fire jetting from his nostrils.

  “He’s free!” Elenna cried. “He can go back to Avantia now!”

  Tom wiped his brow. He turned and saw the Gorgonian rebels gazing spellbound through the arch. Tom suddenly had an idea. I can help these people, he thought.

  “This gateway will take you to freedom,” he called. “But you must go now — the gate will only be open for a short time.”

  Odora stepped forward. “But what about the rest of our companions — the other rebels?”

  “There’s no time to gather them,” Tom explained. “It’s now or never!”

  Odora nodded. She gave Tom and Elenna a quick hug, then beckoned to her friends. They gazed at one another for a moment or two, hesitating, then followed Odora through the arch.

  Tom turned to Elenna. “I could never have defeated Tusk without you!” he said.

  Elenna nodded, smiling. “We’re quite a team!”

  But her smile faded as she looked at something over Tom’s shoulder. He turned.

  Kerlo the Gatekeeper was standing under the trees, watching them.

  “I wondered when you would come,” Tom called, as the one-eyed gatekeeper strode forward with his cane in his hand.

  But Kerlo’s face was grim.

  A cold fear filled Tom’s heart — something was terribly wrong!



  TOM GAZED UNEASILY AT THE TALL GATEKEEPER as he leaned on his cane. The light of the emerald arch was reflected in his one good eye.

  “Was that wise?” asked the old man.

  “How can you ask?” Tom said. “The rebels are fighting against Malvel. They’re good people — they deserve to find a better life!”

  “Good people?” Kerlo rumbled. “Are you sure? What if they do not wish to be ruled by King Hugo? What will happen to Avantia then?”

  Tom stared through the shimmering emerald arch, but Odora and the rebels had already moved out of sight. Surely Kerlo was mistaken. The rebels would not cause problems in Avantia — would they?

  Tom turned back to the gatekeeper, but the ragged man had vanished back into the shadows of the forest.

  “Don’t let him worry you,” Elenna said. “You’ve done well. You’ve liberated Ferno and you’ve destroyed another of Malvel’s evil Beasts. Aduro would be proud of you.”

  Tom nodded, but he still felt uneasy. A delighted roar from Ferno interrupted his thoughts. The dragon came toward them, his bright eyes shining with pleasure, his scales glossy and shining once more. He lifted his long snout and let out a burst of flame that lit up the gloomy sky. Evening was approaching, and the red Gorgonian sky was darkening rapidly. The sparkling emerald arch was glowing even more brightly in the gathering gloom, but Tom knew it would fade soon.

  “You must go home now, Ferno!” Tom called to the dragon.

  Ferno flapped his wings and gave another happy roar. Then he bowed his head in thanks to the two friends before flying through the emerald gateway. The
re was a final swish of his tail and then he was gone.

  “Another Quest completed,” said Elenna.

  Tom nodded. “But I’d like to get out of this forest before night falls,” he said.

  Storm whinnied in agreement. None of them wanted to spend the night near the deadly snake ferns! Tom took the reins and the three companions walked through the trees, heading for the rebel camp.

  A sound at their backs brought them to a halt. Tom drew his sword and Elenna put an arrow to the string of her bow. They waited in uneasy silence as something drew closer.

  A gray shape sprang out of the darkness.

  “Silver!” cried Elenna, dropping her bow as her beloved wolf came leaping toward them. He almost knocked her off her feet as he bounded around her, wagging his tail, his eyes gleaming. It looked as though his stay in Avantia had restored him to full health. Tom laughed and Storm let out a neigh of pleasure. The four friends were united once more!

  Then Silver padded over to Tom and dropped something from his mouth. It lay shining on the ground — an amber jewel!

  Tom picked it up. “It’s from the mammoth’s tusk,” he said. “Thank you, Silver.”

  He slipped the jewel into place on his magic belt. Immediately he felt a new power flowing through him. He turned to Elenna.

  “The amber jewel is working!” he told her. “It will help me to be a better fighter — my battle skills already feel so much sharper!”

  His body filled with renewed strength, Tom threw his sword high in the air and caught it with a shout. “I pity the next Beast that tries to stop us!” he laughed. “Let’s get out of here — I’m sure there will be food and beds at the rebel camp!”

  But as they stepped out of the forest, Tom could not shake off memories of the gatekeeper’s warning.

  What was waiting for him back in Avantia? He’d find out soon enough. But first, there was another evil Beast to defeat.


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