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Exile of Lucifer

Page 31

by D. Brian Shafer

meditating on the earth. I looked up and there was a very bright

  246 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  light streaking across the twilight evening sky, like lightning that

  occurs from time to time. I watched as it became more and more

  brilliant and then suddenly broke up and disappeared. At that

  moment a majestic looking eagle glided in the air above me. At the

  precise point in the sky where the star had disappeared in the

  Heavens the eagle shrieked loudly, circled once, and disappeared

  toward the mountains north of Eden."

  He looked at the Council. "It occurred to me that we are about

  to witness a Kingdom in decline, even as another is rising. We are

  that young eagle--poised and prepared. Ready to ascend." He

  looked harshly at Pellecus and Kara. "However, if we fail to remain

  completely united in this effort we too will burn out and break up

  just as that piece of matter did. All of us will be forever compro-

  mised. I suggest therefore that there be no more personal offenses--

  at least not until I am firmly in authority on earth. Then you may

  destroy each other if you are that stupid...but not here and not now."

  Everyone in the room was silent.

  "Now something for which all of us have been waiting."

  Lucifer stood up. "When we first began this journey I must admit I

  had my doubts. There were times when I felt it was pointless to

  pursue so noble a course amidst so many in Heaven who lacked

  vision or depth of character. Now I see I was correct in continuing

  the affair." He held up a scroll. "I have in my hand an official decree

  commanding all of the Host to attend the Lord in assembly at

  Gabriel's next summons, at which time the Lord is prepared to

  name the steward of earth! Brothers, this is what we have been

  waiting for, fighting for, trying each other's patience for!"

  "When did you receive that communication, lord?" asked


  "Shortly before this meeting," said Lucifer. "Serus brought it

  to me by special conduct from none other than the Chief Elder him-

  self. I suspect the more important angels are receiving notice and

  then the Host in general will be informed."

  "I knew of no such communiqu�," snorted Kara. "Are you

  certain that is from the Chief Elder?"

  "It has his seal, Kara," said Lucifer, handing the scroll to Kara.

  "You must never eat of this tree." 247

  Kara looked the scroll over. "Well, it certainly looks official,"

  admitted Kara. "I still am confused as to why none of the other

  Elders were notified that such a summons was forthcoming."

  "Perhaps this is an issue deemed too important even for you,

  Kara," said Pellecus with a hint of delight in seeing Kara somewhat

  compromised in his position.

  "Nonsense!" said Kara. "I am privy to everything that hap-

  pens at Council."

  "So I see," sneered Pellecus. Berenius snickered also.

  "It doesn't matter," interrupted Lucifer, as he snatched the

  scroll out of Kara's hands. "I understand that the Chief Elder

  received it from the Zoa. None of the Elders knew except him. I am

  less concerned that you are offended in this, Kara, than I am that

  we are finally seeing movement on this." Kara averted his eyes to

  others in the room, feeling quite uncomfortable.

  Lucifer continued, "What matters is that a steward shall short-

  ly be named and we shall all benefit from it. A new age is dawning,

  brothers, wherein angels will take the primary role--set the tone as

  it were." He smiled, thinking of his previous illustration. "I would

  say our star is on the rise."

  "I would say that the Morning Star is on the rise," said Rugio.

  He stood up and raised his goblet toward Lucifer. "Glory to the

  Morning Star!"

  The others stood to their feet and raised their glasses as well:

  "Glory to the Morning Star!" they all said.

  Lucifer stood to acknowledge their salutes. As he did a long,

  low, trumpet blast rang out. Lucifer looked at the Council and

  said, "It is time. I will see you all at the assembly. Kara, you will be

  seated with the Elders of course. I want you as near to the Chief

  Elder as possible. Pellecus, I want you with the teaching angels--

  especially near Crispin. The rest of you I want interspersed among

  the more important angels to glean their reactions. Farewell all.

  Rugio, please stay for one moment."

  The room was soon empty except for Lucifer and Rugio.

  "Rugio, my valiant fighter," said Lucifer, putting his hand on

  Rugio's shoulder. "I don't anticipate any deviation from the scenario

  248 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  which we just outlined. However, should there be the need for

  more strident action, have your body of angels ready to act on my

  command. Just as we discussed, understand?"

  "I will, lord," said Rugio. "The archangel will not cause you

  any difficulties."


  One angel remained behind in Lucifer's house. Serus watched

  out the window as uncountable numbers of angels came in all

  directions toward the place of summons. He wondered if Lucifer,

  the worship minister to the Most High, would return as steward of

  earth. It certainly seemed likely. What would that mean to him

  though? he wondered. His recent meetings with Michael and the

  others angels had reignited some of the old feelings of passion he

  once held so strongly for the Lord. Michael had insisted that it was

  not too late to abandon this nightmarish course Lucifer had

  embarked upon and return completely to the loyal side of the Host.

  He looked over the skyline of the City, toward the ever-

  shimmering north. The dome seemed more brilliant today, as if beck-

  oning Serus with an even greater urgency than normal. Always you

  call me, he thought to himself. Not with voice, maybe, but still you call.

  He smiled wanly. I'm afraid I have answered a call already.


  Chronicles of the Host


  All of Heaven was summoned to the great assembly in which

  the Lord would announce His plans for the stewardship. The

  Host waited anxiously to see if one of their own, an angel,

  would be made the governor over earth and man. Most felt

  that Lucifer would be so named, and quietly spoke as much in

  the crowded fields and skies of the Kingdom.

  And yet, how could any angel have known the mind of God?

  How could any angel have divined that he who came from the

  "You must never eat of this tree." 249

  stuff of earth would also steward it? A great cheer went up

  upon the proclamation, that A'dam, the man, would be given

  full authority over earth, to keep it for the Lord Most High; to

  nurture it; to care for it; to steward it together with the newly

  created woman.

  As the angels left the assembly, a new sense of mission and

  purpose was realized. They knew now that theirs was not

  merely to serve the Lord in Heaven, but also serve Him on

  earth. They knew that A'dam was forever bonded to the Lord

  in a special, mysterious plan, and
there would now be oppor-

  tunity to serve God by helping the man and woman. But

  among most, the greater question was not what the naming of

  A'dam as steward would mean for earth, but what the rejection

  of Lucifer would mean for Heaven...


  Chapter 17

  "I don't intend to start a war in

  Heaven--I intend to finish one."

  "What a wonderful event!" said Crispin. "Glorious!"

  Sangius nodded his head in agreement. He could barely hear

  Crispin over the joyous celebration that was occurring in Heaven.

  Among most angels the name A'dam could be heard in lively con-

  versation. Some angels admitted complete surprise, while others

  indicated that they had thought it possible but never dared suggest

  such a notion. Most were simply joyful in the Lord's decision. Oth-

  ers were completely astonished.

  "Have you seen Lucifer?" Sangius asked.

  "Not since the dismissal," said Crispin. "I must say that he

  demonstrated great self-control when the words `A'dam the man'

  were spoken in connection with the stewardship." He laughed.

  "Every angel who sits on his Council looked at him as one when

  that announcement was made!"

  Gabriel came over to where Sangius and Crispin were talking.

  "Greetings, brothers!" he said, embracing them.

  "Ah Gabriel," said Crispin. "Remarkable time in Heaven,

  hmm? The Zoa were quite correct, weren't they? Gabriel? Gabriel!"

  252 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  Gabriel was looking intently at something behind Crispin.

  Sangius and Crispin turned to see an angry looking Rugio staring

  harshly at Gabriel. When Rugio saw the other two looking at him,

  he scowled at them and immediately took flight. He disappeared in

  a reddish streak across the Heavenly sky, buffeting several angels

  as he went.

  "Seems as if we have some work to do," said Gabriel sadly.

  "Now that the question of the stewardship is settled we must mend

  the breech in the Host."

  "That should prove interesting," said Crispin, as a celebrating

  angel merrily bumped into him and begged pardon.

  "Nevertheless, it must be done," said Gabriel. "Where is


  "Like Lucifer he disappeared as soon as the ceremony ended,"

  said Sangius, looking around.

  "I wonder what Lucifer's intentions will be now," said

  Gabriel. "He will be the key to restoring good relations within the

  Host. I hope he is prepared to do so."

  "And so he shall," came the familiar voice of Michael. The

  archangel glided in and landed next to Gabriel. "I have just had

  words with the music minister!"

  "Good words or ill?" asked Crispin.

  "Good words," said Michael. "The best. Lucifer has accepted

  the Lord's decision and will support Him wholeheartedly. In fact,

  he has invited me to speak to his Council in a special meeting he is

  convening on earth."

  "On earth?" asked Gabriel. "That seems odd given the change

  in his circumstances."

  "I wonder if Lucifer will have to ask permission of A'dam to

  hold a meeting there?" Crispin asked humorously.

  Gabriel ignored Crispin's comment and said, "Do you really

  believe there is a chance at reconciliation?"

  "I can only try," said Michael. "I must!"

  "Then I will go with you," said Gabriel.

  "And I," said Sangius.

  "I don't intend to start a war in Heaven--I intend to finish one." 253

  "No, dear friends," said Michael with great compassion. "I

  thank you. But Lucifer was quite clear in that he wanted only me

  to attend. I think it will help him save face and ease back into the


  "Hmph! Save face indeed," said Crispin. "I think a little

  humility is well in order for Lucifer and the whole Council." He

  looked at the others. "But I believe that our Lord would have us

  accept their overtures of reconciliation. If they can be gracious in

  defeat, we can most certainly be gracious in our case as well."

  "Then it is settled!" Michael said. "I will visit earth alone. I

  feel that all will soon be well in Heaven once more. We will soon be

  one as a Host again! This horrible spirit which has darkened Heav-

  en for so long will soon be with us no more!"


  No one dared look Lucifer in the face.

  The Council met following the announcement as prearranged.

  But instead of it being a victory celebration it was an awkward and

  quietly tense scene around the table. Noticeably absent were the

  warriors. Pellecus and the others looked at each other from time to

  time. Tinius on more than one occasion began to speak but stopped

  himself. Berenius simply looked down at the table. Lucifer sat

  stone-faced at the head of the table, collecting his thoughts. A loud

  cheer from the celebration which was still going on in the City

  echoed through the room and seemed to awaken Lucifer.

  "I have been a complete fool," Lucifer finally said.

  The angels at the table began protesting but Lucifer held up

  his hands to stop them. "Yes, I said a fool," he continued. "How

  could I have ever believed that the Most High would take advice

  from the Elders? I should have realized that He only takes council

  with the Son and Spirit. And now He has done what He always

  intended--He has named A'dam as the steward."

  "Abominable!" said Pellecus.

  "A disgrace to all angels," added Lenaes.

  "And a fact with which we must now contend," said Lucifer.

  "It certainly complicates matters but it does not mean that earth

  254 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  will not yet be ours. It only means that we will have to move by

  another route--perhaps the only route that was ever really open to

  us. The Most High needs to understand that we will have this our


  The Council looked at each other uncomfortably.

  "Surely you don't intend to start a war in Heaven?" said Pel-

  lecus, who was speaking for the Council in this matter.

  "No, Pellecus," said Lucifer, "I don't intend to start a war in

  Heaven. I intend to finish one!"


  Michael glided down to earth at the place where Lucifer had

  instructed him to meet with him. It was a barren spot, half a world

  away from Eden, where snowy mountain peaks jutted out of fertile

  valleys. He wondered how he should approach the Council. He

  wanted to see them all restored, but he also knew he must point

  them to their collective responsibility in this business.


  Michael turned and saw Serus.

  "Serus!" Michael said. "What are you doing here?"

  "I'm here to guide you to the meeting, Archangel," said Serus.

  Michael was disappointed in Serus' attitude of late. It seemed

  that for all their talks, Serus had stayed firmly aligned with Lucifer.

  Perhaps the reality that Lucifer would never be named steward

  would force Serus to draw some redemptive conclusions once and

  for all.

  "Where is Lucifer?" asked Michael. "And the Council?"

  "They have begun mee
ting between those two jagged peaks,"

  Serus said, pointing to twin rocky promontories. "Heaven is feeling

  a bit uncomfortable for them right now, as you can imagine. I'll

  show you."

  Michael took flight and followed Serus to the mountainous

  area that Serus indicated. As they landed Serus said, "Right over


  Before Michael could respond he felt himself set upon by

  hundreds of warrior angels, who were pressing in, swords drawn,

  "I don't intend to start a war in Heaven--I intend to finish one." 255

  creating a belt of light around him which grew more and more

  intense. Michael was able to draw his sword, but only for an instant

  as a dozen strong hands pulled the sword out of his hands. A thou-

  sand of the strongest warriors in Heaven were holding Michael,

  and still their combined strength could just barely contain him.

  Several times he almost broke out. At one point he managed

  to snatch back his sword and began hacking away at the force that

  was holding him back--but more and more angels continued pour-

  ing into the battle. Soon he began growing weary. Michael recog-

  nized most of the angels--some of whom were under his direct

  authority. He commanded them to step back but they merely

  sneered or laughed at him. And through all of the shouting and

  excitement, Michael could make out the voice of one particular

  angel who was barking orders: Rugio.

  Rugio walked calmly to the scene of battle. His chief aids

  Nathan, Vel and Prian followed closely behind. Michael glared at

  Rugio and then at Serus. Rugio laughed at the sight of Michael,

  trapped by his own legions. Serus did not look up at Michael.

  "Well, Archangel," said Rugio. "It seems to me that I recall

  your having told me that the next time I drew my sword in your

  presence you would see me cast down." Rugio took out his sword


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