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Exile of Lucifer

Page 33

by D. Brian Shafer

  icked enough of the warriors that Michael was able to break free.

  Rugio quickly recovered and tried to stop the panic. He

  ordered Vel to bring his angels back into ranks. Nathan and Prian

  grabbed their swords and looked menacingly at Serus, rushing

  towards the smaller angel.

  "Michael!" Serus screamed.

  He tossed the sword to the Archangel. Michael caught his

  sword and broke free from the remaining angels who were holding

  him. He lunged toward Nathan and Prian who turned at the last

  moment from their pursuit of Serus. The powerful sword smashed

  into the two warriors, knocking them far into the Heavenlies. Serus

  grabbed a loose sword and continued the fight.

  The other warriors were thrown into confusion as swords and

  red light flashed in a ferocious melee. Many of the confused angels

  fought among themselves, thinking they had been attacked by a

  large group of Michael's warriors. About half of the contingent had

  scattered at the sight of the avenging angel. Some returned to

  Heaven while others hid among the desolate mountains nearby.

  Rugio gave up stemming the panic and took out after Serus,

  cursing him. Michael intercepted Rugio and the enemies stared

  coldly at one another.

  "So your little friend rescues you," said Rugio. "But it won't

  do you any good, Michael. By now Lucifer has already won the

  concession he demanded."

  "The Lord will never give in to the demands of angels or any

  other creature," said Michael, keeping an eye out for surprise attacks

  from the many angels watching them. "You are totally deceived,

  Rugio. You fight for a wicked kingdom with no authority."

  "It is you who is deceived," answered Rugio. "Let my sword

  represent my kingdom and my authority!"

  264 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  With that Rugio screamed a warrior cry and lunged at

  Michael, his sword giving off a reddish aura. Michael dodged the

  thrust and came back hard. He knocked Rugio's weapon out of his

  hands. Rugio cursed Michael and went scrambling for his weapon.

  The angels around the fight were cheering Rugio on. Rugio picked

  up his sword and lifted it over his head with both hands and came

  down hard against Michael's sword. There was a loud crashing

  sound and Rugio's sword broke in half. He looked at Michael,

  holding the broken sword.

  "As you said, Rugio," said Michael, "your sword represents

  both your kingdom and your authority!"

  Michael took off to Heaven, telling Serus to come along.


  Lucifer made his way into the Temple complex. He haughtily

  dismissed the Temple warden who, though sympathetic, still main-

  tained an official decorum. His attempt to keep Lucifer from enter-

  ing the holier recesses of the Temple went ignored.

  As he neared the place of the Zoa, the atmosphere took on a

  reverence that seemed so bizarre in contrast with the riotous cele-

  bration going on outside.

  He could hear the praises to the Most High which echoed in

  these chambers day and night. As he entered the antechamber to

  the Zoas, he saw a figure standing before him. It was Gabriel.

  "I was wondering when you might come into this sacred

  place," said Gabriel sadly. He was vacant and not at all antagonis-

  tic, more resigned than revengeful.

  "Away from me, Archangel," said Lucifer. "I have business


  "Your business is finished here, Lucifer," said Gabriel.

  "Out of my way, Gabriel!" Lucifer shouted. Behind him

  appeared two large warriors, adjutants to Rugio who had orders to

  stay close to Lucifer. They walked up menacingly behind Lucifer

  and stared at Gabriel.

  "I don't intend to start a war in Heaven--I intend to finish one." 265

  "Your power is finished here, Lucifer," said Gabriel. "The

  Lord won't even have to move against you. You never had a


  "Remove him," said Lucifer, who started into the room where

  the Zoa were. "I'll deal with him later."

  The two warriors started forward and Gabriel prepared to

  fight them when suddenly Kara came rushing into the room from

  behind. Lucifer turned around annoyed.

  "Lucifer! Lucifer!" Kara screamed.

  "What is it, Kara?" he shouted back.

  "The Archangel! Michael!" he said, almost hysterically.

  "What about him?" Lucifer said, trying to calm Kara down.

  "He's here!"


  With the appearance of Michael in the City, the celebration

  quickly turned into violent conflict. Rugio landed not long after

  and was giving commands to the warriors loyal to his warriors.

  Everywhere angels were unsure of who was loyal to Lucifer and

  who was fighting for Michael, but within a short time the two sides

  sorted themselves out. Michael called out to his commanders and

  instantly they attacked with their legions, swooping down on

  Lucifer 's angels. Brilliant flashes of different colored

  lights...swords smashing into each other...auras manifesting in

  explosive violence...battle orders screamed above the fray...war in

  the Heavenlies had broken forth!

  Michael watched as his warriors valiantly fought with

  Lucifer's angels. Though the battle was never in doubt in his mind,

  there were times when it seemed that certain of Lucifer's stronger

  warriors were getting the advantage in different parts of the City.

  He smiled as he saw Serus diving headlong into the battle, chasing

  a panicked Tinius with his captured sword. Sangius flew over to

  Michael. As word spread that Michael was in the City, Lucifer's

  angels began to lose heart, and a panic ensued.

  "I wish it hadn't come to this," he said, "but it looks like it will

  be over very soon! Lucifer's angels are fighting poorly!"

  266 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  "They are fighting extremely well," said Michael. "But they

  are overwhelmed by the number of the Host who still love the


  "Where have you been?!" shouted Crispin, sword in hand.

  Michael could not help but laugh at the sight of Crispin with

  a sword drawn in full warrior stance.

  "Have you actually used that?" Michael asked, indicating the


  Crispin held up the sword proudly, pointing to a small nick in

  its blade.

  "You see that?" he said. "That was made on Berenius' proud

  head! I cornered him over by the Academy when the panic started

  and reasoned with him a little!" He smiled.

  "And where is Lucifer?" Michael asked, scanning the City. "I

  would like to reason a little with him myself!"

  "Lucifer? He went to the Temple, of course!" said Crispin.

  Upon those words Michael's sword began to manifest a gold-

  en aura--one that he had never before seen. Crispin and Sangius

  stood back from Michael. Even as the sword grew in its shadowy

  outline, Michael's heart became more and more indignant as he

  heard the words of the Most High speaking into his heart. His

  countenance became strangely unfamiliar as he knew what he must

  do. The direction from the Lord was not an easy one. He looked at


  "What is it?" Crispin asked Michael timidly.

  "The Most High," said Michael gravely, "has ordered that

  Lucifer and all with him be turned out of Heaven--no longer to be

  a part of this Kingdom. And He has given me the command and the

  authority to do this!" As he said this, the sword grew in such bril-

  liant intensity of gold light that all three of the angels were blind for

  a moment.

  "It is finished!" Michael said, and took off into the Heavenly sky.


  Lucifer and Kara scurried out of the Temple, the two warriors

  following. Lucifer reasoned that if he could only get to Michael he

  might still carry the day. Gabriel walked behind, awaiting the

  "I don't intend to start a war in Heaven--I intend to finish one." 267

  inevitable outcome. He could only shake his head in disbelief at

  Lucifer's suggestion that he could get Michael to compromise at

  this point.

  "Lucifer, you will have cost me everything," said Kara. "My

  position, my standing. I will be ruined in Heaven!"

  "Enough," said Lucifer. "I very seriously doubt you'll be in

  Heaven long enough to worry about it."

  They walked out of the complex and surveyed the battle

  scene. All around them were weary and wounded angels, mostly

  his, surrounded by a canopy of Michael's angels, holding them in.

  Not one of Lucifer's angels had been able to escape the parameter

  set up by Michael. In various parts of the City were the members of

  Lucifer's Council, once proud, now captives of Michael's troops.

  Lucifer looked at the vigilant angels that surrounded them--

  captains and warriors loyal to Michael--now captors. "The net

  closes in," said Lucifer. "I have underestimated Michael."

  "And Serus," came the voice of Rugio, who explained Serus'

  actions in helping release Michael prematurely.

  "Betrayed in the end," said Lucifer, smirking. "How like that

  weak angel to throw in with Michael at the last! Serus, you are a

  disgrace and a traitor!" an enraged Lucifer screamed. His words

  echoed through the Heavenlies.

  Michael came gliding in and set down in front of Lucifer.

  Gabriel came walking up behind Lucifer from the Temple. All of

  Heaven awaited this last act of the drama. Rugio stared coldly at


  "Not that it matters, Lucifer," said Michael, "but Serus did not

  betray you--he remained loyal to the Lord. And that made all the


  "Let him serve the Most High," said Lucifer. "For all the good

  that Serus was to me I am better off without him."

  Kara rushed toward Michael. He looked at the others with

  whom he had worked to see Lucifer named steward and indicated

  them to Michael.

  "I beg you to consider, Archangel, that I am an Elder. I am not

  one of these rebellious angels! I have sought only a peaceful reso-

  lution throughout this affair. I worked ceaselessly..."

  268 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  "Not now, Kara," said Michael.

  "You worked ceaselessly with the rest of us," said Pellecus,

  who made his way to the top of the steps where Lucifer stood in

  front of the Temple. "I am not ashamed to admit it. We tried and we

  failed. The question is, Archangel, what now?"

  "That is entirely up to the Most High," said Michael.

  A sudden thunderous blast from the Great Mountain of the

  North rocked Heaven, sending many angels to their feet. The Pres-

  ence of the Most High began to slowly pour into the City from the

  Mountain, engulfing the angels with a holy shroud. Every angel

  bowed low before the Lord. Even Lucifer went down on his knees.

  High above them in the Heavenly sky, a figure appeared who

  was the color of bronze and wearing a white, flowing robe. The

  angels in the sky pulled away from the robed figure, encircling

  Him, heads still bowed low. The figure rode a fierce looking beast

  and held a sword in his hand.

  "Behold, the judgment of the Lord!" the Voice said.

  Michael pointed his sword to the extreme end of the King-

  dom, as the Lord had instructed him, and suddenly a great gate

  appeared, which grew and eventually encompassed a quarter of

  the horizon. The Host was astonished and frightened by this

  strange sight at the edge of Heaven.

  The gate was made of large white stones. There were huge,

  barred doors which swung open. The bars looked like bronze.

  Somehow everyone knew that this was a gate to be used only

  once--and not as a point of entry, but as a place of final exit.

  Michael instructed the angels on the ground and in the air to

  divide, clearing a pathway to the gate. The path made its way

  through the crowd and up the Temple stairs, ending in front of

  Lucifer and his leaders.

  Lucifer looked down the pathway that led to the extreme end

  of Heaven. It looked as if it entered the gate itself. The angels

  around Lucifer began looking around nervously.

  "Surely we are not intended to go down...there," said Kara,

  pointing toward the dark. "This is ridiculous!"

  Pellecus merely looked at the situation and resigned himself

  to whatever fate may overtake him. His expression was grim. He

  "I don't intend to start a war in Heaven--I intend to finish one." 269

  turned to Kara. "Looks as if you're no longer an Elder, Kara," he

  said. "In Heaven or on earth!"

  Rugio felt for his sword but remembered he had lost it in battle.

  "I will one day face Michael again in battle," Rugio said. "This

  I swear!"

  "Not unless Michael enjoys fighting outside of Heaven," Pel-

  lecus said.

  Michael indicated for the defeated army of Lucifer to begin

  walking toward the gate. All of the angels who had sided with

  Lucifer began begging for mercy. But, as if compelled, they began

  moving. The Host turned their backs on the guilty angels, ashamed

  and saddened that some of their own had actually rebelled against

  the Lord. Now, their horrible choices had led them to this even

  more horrible end.

  Some of the angels were still defiant, but most were terrified.

  Most of them regretted having sided with Lucifer in such a reckless

  affair. A few of the angels, like Amman's group, who had particu-

  larly profaned the Most High in their break with him by presuming

  upon the Most Holy Place, were divided further from the group.

  Chains shackled them together and they disappeared into an abyss

  from which their screams could be heard and out of which there

  was no escape. They could be heard cursing and screaming as they

  struggled in their dark prison awaiting further judgment at the end

  of the age.

  Lucifer was the last to leave the Temple steps. He muttered

  something under his breath as he passed in front of Serus, whose

  back was turned toward him like the others. As he made his way

  closer and closer to the darkness he became more and more

  enraged. How could this be? Why were they simply accepting this

  without a struggle? He coul
d no longer contain the vicious feelings

  inside him and looked up at Michael. He decided that he would not

  accept defeat so graciously.

  Michael saw the purplish light coming right at him. He didn't

  have much time to think and quickly wielded his sword. The

  angels watched in horror as Lucifer went up against Michael for

  one last battle. Michael brought his sword down and crashed into

  Lucifer who screamed in agony and went spinning out into the

  270 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  Heavenlies. Lucifer growled like a beast and came roaring back.

  Back and forth the two mighty angels thrusted and parried, mov-

  ing ever closer to the dark opening in Heaven. Lucifer swung his

  sword hard and it crashed into Michael's sword, sending streams of

  light all over the City. Their swords were locked in struggle as

  Archangel and Anointed Cherub faced each other. Lucifer's eyes

  were like glowing purple coals. He smiled at Michael's apparent

  distraction caused by the grotesque sight.

  Suddenly, Michael's sword manifested the strange golden

  aura. Lucifer backed away a bit. Michael raised the sword high

  over his head. Lucifer looked at the menacing weapon and then

  back at Michael. His hateful eyes met the Archangel's determined

  eyes, ablaze with the righteousness of the Lord. Michael hesitated

  for just a moment, giving Lucifer enough time to strike down hard

  with his purplish sword. The Host gasped as Michael winced in

  pain and reared back.

  Michael looked to the Lord in the sky and suddenly his sword

  began to shine even more brilliantly--a white gold which bathed

  all of Heaven in its sheen. A strength he had never felt before

  surged within him as he raised his sword for what he knew would

  be the last time in this battle.

  "In the name of the Lord," Michael said, as he brought the

  sword up over his head, holding it with both hands. Lucifer saw

  the blow coming, unstoppable, unavoidable.

  "This is not over, Archangel!" Lucifer managed.


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