U.S. Army v. Kurt Andrae et al., August 7 to December 30, 1947, NA microfilm M1079.
“Subject: Evaluation of Effect on Soviet War Effort Resulting from the Strategic Air Offensive,” June 1, 1949 (top secret), Box 9, Tab 67-OSD, Hot Files, RG 319, NA, Washington, D.C.
“Dir of Log to Dir of P&O, Subject: JCS 1920/1,” March 1, 1949, P&O 350.06 TS through 381 FLR TS, 1949 Hot File, RG 319, NA, Washington, D.C.
Military Intelligence Division. History of the Military Intelligence Division, 7 December 1941–1 September 1945, 1946 (secret), ACMH Manuscripts, RG 319, NA, Washington, D.C.
Canham, Doris. History of AMC Intelligence. T-2, Wright Field, Ohio, 1948.
EUCOM Annual Narrative Report. Labor Services Division. 1950 (secret), EUCOM Labor Service Division Classified Decimal File, 1950–51, RG 338, NA, Suitland, Md.
EUCOM Annual Narrative Report 1954 (secret), RG 338, NA, Suitland, Md.
EUCOM Annual Report 1954 (secret), Adjutant General’s Office Command, Report files 1949–1954, RG 407, NA, Suitland, Md.
Historical Division, European Command (EUCOM). Labor Services and Industrial Police in the European Command 1945–1950 (Karlsruhe, Germany: Historical Division EUCOM, 1952). Center for Military History, Washington, D.C. Cited herein as Labor Service History.
“Subject: Letter to General Eddy from K. W. von Schlieben, Major, 31 Oct 1950” (restricted), RG 338, Decimal Files, NA, Suitland, Md.
“Item 1, 2 February 1951” and “Item 1, 27 April 1951,” European Command Labor Services Division Classified Decimal File, 1950–51 (secret), RG 338, NA, Suitland, Md.
“Memo to Secretary [of the Treasury John] Snyder from F. A. Southard, Subject: History and Present Status of Exchange Stabilization Fund, 12/14/47,” copy in the collection of the author.
Office of the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury. “Exchange Stabilization Fund.” Dated December 1948, December 14, 1949, March 1950, January 1951, copies in collection of the author.
Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury for 1947, 1948, 1949.
List of Organizations Considered Inimical to the United States Under PL 774. Frankfurt: U.S. Displaced Persons Headquarters, n.d. (secret).
Scholarly Resources microfilm collection of State, War, Navy Coordinating Committee and State, Army, Navy, Air Force Coordinating Committee case files, case nos. 395 and 396. The guide to these records is: Claussen, Martin P., and Claussen, Evelyn B., Numerical Catalog and Alphabetical Index for State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee and State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee Case Files 1944–1949. Wilmington, Del., Scholarly Resources, Inc., 1978.
W. Park Armstrong memorandum to Kennan, Davies, Saltzman, Thompson, and Humelsine re: “Refugee Problem and SANACC 395,” November 8, 1948 (top secret), obtained through FOIA from NA, Washington, D.C.
SANACC 395 memos of September 22 and 20, 1948 (top secret), both obtained through FOIA from NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 4. “Coordination of Foreign Information Measures,” December 9, 1947 (confidential), Records of the NSC, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 4a. “Psychological Operations,” December 9, 1947 (top secret), Records of the NSC, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 10/2. “Office of Special Projects,” June 18, 1948 (top secret), NSC Policy Papers File (No. 10), RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 17. “The Internal Security of the United States,” June 28, 1948 (confidential), NSC Policy Papers File, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 20/1 and NSC 20/4. “U.S. Objectives with Respect to Russia,” in Containment. Documents on American Policy and Strategy 1945–1950, edited by Thomas Etzold and John Lewis Gaddis (New York: Columbia University Press, 1978), or in the NSC Policy Papers File, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 43. “Planning for Wartime Conduct of Overt Psychological Warfare,” March 9, 1949 (secret), NSC Policy Papers File, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 58. “United States Policy Toward the Soviet Satellite States in Eastern Europe,” September 14, 1949 (top secret), NSC Policy Papers File, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 59/1. “Foreign Information Program and Psychological Warfare Planning,” Progress Reports, March 9, 1950, July 31, 1952, and February 20, 1953 (top secret), NSC Policy Papers File, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
National Security Council. “National Psychological Warfare Plan for General War,” May 8, 1951 (top secret), President’s Secretary’s files, Subject file 193: “Memo Approvals 283,” Truman Library, Independence, Missouri.
National Security Council. “Progress Report by the Under Secretary of State on the Implementation of The Foreign Information Program and Psychological Warfare Planning (NSC 59/1),” May 7, 1952 (top secret), President’s Secretary’s files, Subject file 198, Truman Library, Independence, Missouri.
National Security Council. “Progress Report by the Acting Secretary of State on the Implementation of The Foreign Information Program and Psychological Warfare Planning (NSC 59/1),” July 31, 1952 (top secret), President’s Secretary’s files, Subject file 198, Truman Library, Independence, Missouri.
NSC 68. “United States Objectives and Programs for National Security,” April 14, 1950 (top secret), Records of the NSC, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 74. “A Plan for National Psychological Warfare,” July 10, 1950 (top secret), President’s Secretary’s files, NSC Meetings Files, Truman Library, Independence, Missouri.
NSC 86. “U.S. Policy on Defectors” (top secret—sanitized), RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C. See particularly “Memorandum for the Ad Hoc Committee on NSC 86, Subject: U.S. Policy on Defectors,” February 8, 1951, with attachments (top secret); and Francis Stevens, “In the Present World Struggle for Power … [title and date deleted, 1950?],” document 10205 (secret), NSC 86 file, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 135/3. “Reappraisal of United States Objectives and Strategy for National Security,” September 25, 1952 (top secret), Records of the NSC, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 5412. “Covert Operations,” March 15, 1954 (top secret), Records of the NSC, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
NSC 5706. “U.S. Policy on Defectors, Escapees and Refugees from Communist Areas,” February 13, 1957 (secret—sanitized), Records of the NSC, RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
National Security Council. Status of Projects Reports (top secret), RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
National Security Council. Record of Actions (top secret), RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
National Security Council. Policies of the Government of the United States of America Relating to the National Security, vol. III, 1950, and vol. IV, 1951 (top secret), RG 273, NA, Washington, D.C.
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. “Emergency Plan for Psychological Offensive (USSR),” April 11, 1951 (secret), President’s Secretary’s files, Subject file 188, Truman Library, Independence, Missouri.
Office of Strategic Services. “Bern to OSS,” December 30, 1943 (KAPPA series), Washington Section, R&C 78, Folder 3, Box 274, Entry 134, RG 226, NA, Washington, D.C.
——. Research and Analysis Report L38836: “Albania: Political and Internal Conditions,” July 10, 1944 (secret), RG 226, NA, Washington, D.C.
——. “Bern to OSS,” July 19, 1944, Washington Section, R&C 78, Bern, June 1 to July 31, 1944, Box 276, Entry 134, RG 226, NA, Washington, D.C.
——. “Minutes of Meeting Held 20 December 1944,” Folder 3, Box 52, Entry 115, RG 226, NA, Washington, D.C.
——. “General Situation Report No. 2.15 July to 1 September 1945” (top secret), RG 226, NA, Washington, D.C.
——. OSS Report No. 3145: “Central European Federal Cl
ub,” RG 226, NA, Washington, D.C.
——. Mediterranean Theater of Operations Security Histories. “American Military Unit in Bucharest” (secret), Folder 195b, Box 39, Entry 99, RG 226, NA, Washington, D.C.
“Memorandum for Mr. John D Hickerson, Department of State,” from the Central Intelligence Agency (secret), 861.20262/11–1947, RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C.
Intelligence Research Report. “Nature and Extent of Disaffection and Anti-Soviet Activity in the Ukraine,” March 17, 1948 (secret); available on microfilm through OSS/State Department Intelligence and Research Reports. University Publications of America, Frederick, Md.
Central Intelligence Agency. “Radio Free Europe,” November 11, 1956 (secret). Obtained via FOIA.
——. Personnel dossier of Frank Wisner. Obtained via FOIA.
——. Study of Intelligence and Counterintelligence Activities on the Eastern Front and Adjacent Areas During World War II (confidential), Addendum A: “NKVD Operatives and Persons Connected with Them”; Addendum G: “Members of the SS Who Participated in Mass Executions and Atrocities,” n.d., RG 263, NA, Washington, D.C. Cited herein as CIA Eastern Front Study.
“Soviet Use of Assassination and Kidnapping,” February 17, 1966, FOIA review 8/76, Document No. 570–254. Obtained via FOIA.
Central Intelligence Agency. CIA deputy director for plans to assistant chief of staff, intelligence, Department of Defense, re: Otto von Bolschwing, n.d., August 21, 1970 (?) (top secret), released in sanitized form through FOIA.
British Foreign Office: Russia Correspondence 1946–1948. F.O. 371. Scholarly Resources, Wilmington, Del., 1982 (microfilm collection of British records), particularly 1946 File 911, Document 12867, p. 80ff. and 1946 File 3365, document 9647, p. 22ff.
Microfilmed Archives in the United States
Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police, microfilmed at Alexandria, Va., RG T-175, NA, Alexandria, Va.
War Crimes Trials Exhibits
“Operational Situation Report USSR No. 11,” March 1 to March 31, 1942 (Einsatzgruppen report), Prosecution Exhibit 13, Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
Berlin Document Center
Akhmeteli, Mikhail. NSDAP Dossier No. 5360858; includes NSDAP party records and miscellaneous correspondence.
Augsburg, Emil. SS Dossier No. 307925, NSDAP Dossier No. 5518743. On “special tasks,” see “Beforderungsvorichlag: Hauptsturmführer Dr. Emil Augsburg,” July 10, 1941, Document No. 23009–23010.
Bolschwing, Otto von. SS Dossier No. 353603, NSDAP Dossier No. 984212.
Brunner, Alois. SS Dossier No. 342, 767, NSDAP Dossier No. 510064.
Krallert, Wilfried. SS Dossier No. 310323, NSDAP Dossier No. 1529315.
Mahnke, Horst. SS Dossier No. 290305, NSDAP Dossier No. 5286024.
Six, Franz Alfred. SS Dossier No. 107480, NSDAP Dossier No. 245670.
“Statement of Mr. Djilas.” Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixth Session, Ad Hoc Political Committee, Eighth Meeting, United Nations, November 26, 1951, A/OR 6/Ad Hoc Committee.
Official Records of the General Assembly, Eleventh Session, Annexes, vol. II, November 12, 1956, through March 8, 1957, Agenda Item 70. Cited herein as “UN Debate Item 70.”
Illustrations have been supplied and are reproduced by permission of the following: GEORGE KENNAN (1966): UPI/Bettmann Newsphotos; GEORGE KENNAN (1938): UPI/Bettmann Newsphotos; FRANK WISNER: National Archives; CHARLES THAYER: AP/Wide World Photos; JOHN PATON DAVIES: AP/Wide World Photos; CARMEL OFFIE: AP/Wide World Photos; HANS HEINRICH HERWARTH: AP/Wide World Photos; HILGER, MOLOTOV, VON RIBBENTROP: AP/Wide World Photos; KÖSTRING: Ullstein Bilderdienst; VLASOV: Ullstein Bilderdienst; VLASOV’s ARMY CAVALRY: AP/Wide World Photos; LATVIAN SS VOLUNTEERS: Bilderdienst Suddeutscher Verlag; JEWISH WOMEN: Archiv Gerstenberg; HANGED ANTI-NAZI PARTISANS: Archiv Gerstenberg; GEHLEN AS COMMANDER OF FREMDE HEERE OST: Bilderdienst Suddeutscher Verlag; GEHLEN WITH STRIK-STRIKFELDT: Archiv /INTERFOTO; GEHLEN AT STAFF CHRISTMAS PARTY: Ullstein Bilderdienst; SIBERT: AP/Wide World Photos; SIX: AP/Wide World Photos; BRUNNER: AP/Wide World Photos; SKORZENY (1943): Bilderdienst Suddeutscher Verlag; SKORZENY (1959): UPI/Bettmann Newsphotos; DORNBERGER AND VON BRAUN: Bilderdienst Suddeutscher Verlag; NORDHAUSEN CONCENTRATION CAMP: AP/Wide World Photos; DORNBERGER (1954): AP/Wide World Photos; BOLDYREFF: AP/Wide World Photos: POPPE: AP/Wide World Photos; BARBIE PASSPORT: AP/Wide World Photos; BOHLEN: AP/Wide World Photos; DULLES: UPI/Bettmann Newsphotos; VON BOLSCHWING IN SS: Berlin Document Center; VON BOLSCHWING (1946): collection of the author; VON BOLSCHWING (1981): AP/Wide World Photos; LEBED: James Hamilton; MAIKOVSKIS IN UNIFORM: UPI/Bettmann Newsphotos; MAIKOVSKIS (1977): AP/Wide World Photos; LAIPENIEKS: AP/Wide World Photos; HAZNERS: UPI/Bettmann Newsphotos; FIRST CAPTIVE NATIONS DAY (WITH CARDINAL SPELLMAN): AP/Wide World Photos; CAPTIVE NATIONS DAY DINNER: collection of the author; SCRANTON, PA., GATHERING: Scranton Tribune.
Maps by Jaime Samilio.
Photo research by Toby Lee Greenberg.
ABC, xii
ABN, see Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations
ABN Correspondence, 269
Abwehr (German military intelligence), 24, 46, 58n., 68, 72, 79n., 161, 181, 187
ACEN, see Assembly of Captive European Nations
Acheson, Dean, 226
Adenauer, Konrad, 115–16, 118, 191, 260
Adjutant General’s Office, 212
Advertising Council of America, 227
AFL (American Federation of Labor), 103, 224
Africa, 260
Air Force, U.S., 7, 27, 138, 139, 141, 150, 151
Akmeteli, Mikhail, 50, 50n., 123
Albania, 60, 154–55, 203, 244
Albanians, 123–24, 143, 145–46, 232, 268
Alexander, Project, 117, 118
Alexander, Robert C., 109, 109n.
Allen, Charles, 118
Allied Control Council Law No. 10, 12–13
Alsop, Joseph, 242
Alsop, Stewart, 242
Alsos Mission, 26, 153
AMCOMLIB, see American Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia
American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism, 128–29, 133, 209n., 222, 276
American Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (AMCOMLIB), 117, 132–33
American Enterprise Institute, 288
American Federation of Labor, see AFL
American Friends of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, 270
American Friends of the Captive Nations, 269
American Latvian Association, 204, 206
American Legion, 225
American Rocket Society’s Astronautics Award, 27
American Security Council, 271, 275
Coalition for Peace Through Strength, 275
Angleton, James, 90
Angola, 276
Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), 269–70, 271, 273
Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 287
App, Austin, 270
Apple Pie, Operation, 73
Argentina, 189
Armenians, 21
Armstrong, W. Park, 53, 104, 107, 288
Army, U.S., 32, 33, 55, 61, 150–51, 157
Chemical Corps, xiii
Counterintelligence Corps (CIC), 36, 49, 121, 151, 170, 209n., 213, 225n., 236, 258
BDJ and, 146–48
Boldyreff and, 222, 223, 225
former Nazis working for, xii, xiii, xiv, 7, 41–42, 50, 51, 69–70, 252
Lebed and, 166, 168
ratlines and, 182, 183, 185–98
Criminal Investigation Division (CID), 68
émigré guerrilla army and, 141–48
Labor Service units, 141–48, 204, 210–11
Lodge Act and alien enlistment in, 211–
opposite policies of, regarding Nazi war criminals, 66–76
records of, 6, 163, 165
Third Army, 19n.
Arsenych, Mykola, 165n.
Artukovic, Andrija, 185
Assassinations, political, 146–55, 161, 211, 213, 250, 280–81, 282
Assembly of Captive European Nations (ACEN), 10, 124, 177, 184–85, 205, 206, 267–70, 271, 272–73
Assembly of Captive European Nations, The, 184–85
Associated Press, 265
Atomic weapons, see Nuclear weapons
Attorney General, Office of the, 167, 168, 246
Augsburg, Emil, 17, 46, 49–51, 122–23, 166, 225n.
Augsburg, Stadt, 188
Australia, 197
Austria, 179, 252–53, 254, 255–56
CIC in, 193–94
Hungarian revolt and, 265, 266
Austria Verlag, 255
Axster, Dr. Herbert, 32, 37
Axster, Mrs. Herbert, 32
Azerbaijanis, 17, 131–32
BALF, see United Lithuanian Relief Fund of America
Balli Kombetar, 123, 232, 268
Baltic Freedom Day Committee, 229
Baltic Review, 206
Bamler, Rudolph, 79n.
Bandera, Stepan, 152n., 161–62, 165, 167
Bank, Aaron, 213
Barbie, Klaus, xi–xiii, xiv, 66, 69, 70, 166, 185, 186–90, 192, 193, 195, 213, 282
Barghoorn, Frederick, 110
Barkley, Alben, 105
Bartsch, Karlheinz, 79n.
Bay of Pigs veterans, 10
BDJ, see Bund Deutscher Jungen
Bell Aircraft, 27
Belorussian Central Rada, 132
Belorussians, 20, 21, 131, 132, 136, 207, 209n., 247, 269
relief organizations for, 203
Beneš, Edvard, 60
Beria, Lavrenti, 78
Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 183, 222, 269
Berlin, 98, 114
airlift, 98
Berlin Document Center, 66, 259
Bernau, General, 50–51
Berzins, Alfreds, 184, 185, 205, 206, 268, 274
Berzins, Ivars, 274
Biberstein, Ernst, 25
Bicchierai, Monsignor Don Giuseppe, 92–93, 94
Biffle, Leslie, 105
Birchwood, Operation, 73
Bishop, Robert, 97, 194–96
“Black” propaganda, 134n., 280
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