Blackstock, Paul, 135–36
Blome, Dr. Kurt, xiii Bloodstone, Operation, 99–105, 107–12, 115, 115n., 125, 134, 168, 199, 202, 238, 239, 288
criteria for recruits, 111
examples of persons benefiting from, 112–24
Pash and, 152, 153–55
Blowback, 59, 64, 155, 157, 174, 175
categories of, 277–87
defined, 5
Ustachi criminals and, 197–98
Blumenthal, Sidney, 276
BMW works, 31
Board for International Broadcasting, 129
Bogolepov, Igor, 241, 242, 243
Bohlen, Charles, 85, 86, 104, 105, 116, 236, 242
McCarthyism and, 238, 240–42
Bokor, John, 41–43, 45
son of, 45
Boldyreff, Constantine, 222–25, 232, 243, 269
Bolivia, 192
Bongartz, Heinz, 19n., 230
Bonifacic, Ante, 197
Boston Herald, 223
Boyd, John P., 108
Braden, Tom, 288
Bramel, Gene, 70
Britain, 25–26, 38, 73, 75, 149, 173, 180n.–81n., 204
Greece and, 80, 81
intelligence services, 70, 119, 120, 146, 151, 170, 225n.
Philby in, 124, 174, 262
Brucher, Herb, 70–71
Brunner, Alois, 248–49, 251, 252, 262, 282
Buchanan, Patrick, 287
Bucharest, Romania, 254–55, 256, 259, 286
Buchko, Archbishop Ivan, 180–81
Buckley, William F., Jr., 270
Budenz, Louis, 122
Buensch, Hans, 251
Bulgarian National Committee, 229, 273
Bulgarian National Front, 273
Bund Deutscher Junger (BDJ), 146–48, 210–11
Bundy, William, 237–38
Burnham, James, 127, 267–68, 288
Busbee, C. M., 144
Camp Kilmer, 212, 214
Camp King, 41, 42, 67, 71–72, 87, 119
Canada, 204
Canaris, Wilhelm, 161
Capehart, Homer, 241
Captive Nations Committee, 273, 274–75, 287
“Captive Nations” movement, 227, 267–77
Carey, James B., 126
Carey, Peter, 258
Carnegie Corporation, 117
Carnegie Hall, 229
Carroll, Wallace, 20, 156–57, 158–59
Casey, William, 43n.
Castro, Fidel, 150n., 174, 243
Catholic Church, 59, 207
Christian Democratic parties, 74, 92, 115, 177, 178n.
CIA and, in Italy, 89–94
Nazi ratlines and, 176–85
Caucasians, 20, 119
CBS, 136
Ceauşescu, Nicolae, 78
Celmins, Gustav, 181, 184
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 42n.–43n., 51, 56, 63, 99, 107, 116, 117, 128, 145
assassinations and, see Assassinations, political
Barbie and, xii, 194
blowback from operations of, 5, 8, 155, 277–87
creation of, 104, 200
destabilization and, 244
Displaced Persons Act “2(d)” cases, 202–203
double agents, see Double agents
Dragonovic ratline and, 196
drug experiments, 150n.
émigré groups supported by, see éMigrés and émigré groups; names of individual organizations
former Nazis working for, xiv, 5, 246–63
Brunner, 248–52, 262
Felfe, 261–63, 283
Gehlen Organization, see Gehlen Organization
von Bolschwing, 246, 253–60, 262
Intermarium and, 177, 184
internal purges of, 247–48
in Italy, 89–94, 95, 234, 238
International Organizations Division, 227
legal foundation of, 167n.
NSC directives expanding power of, 199–202, 203
NSC 10/2 and, 103
“100 Persons Act” and, 167, 168, 201
Office for Policy Coordination (OPC), 103, 104, 105, 121, 145, 195, 209n., 239–40
assassinations and, 151–55
guerrilla movements aided by, 149, 151–52, 171–73
Lebed’s entry into U.S. and, 167, 168, 169, 170
NSC directives expanding CIA power and, 199
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and, 124–36 passim, 201, 205, 254, 256
PB/7, 153, 154
propaganda inside the U.S., 9, 217–35, 284
Central Intelligence Group, 139
Central Registry of War Crimes and Security Suspects, see CROWCASS
CFF, see Crusade for Freedom
Chamberlin, Stephen, 37, 60, 61, 64
Chechens, 77
Cherne, Leo, 269
Chiang Kai-shek, 98, 239
Chikalov Ring, 151
China, 98, 190, 218, 239, 240
China Lobby, 239, 269
Christian Science Monitor, 268
CIA, see Central Intelligence Agency
CIC, see Army, U.S., Counterintelligence Corp
CID, see Army, U.S., Criminal Investigation Division
CIOS, see Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee
Clay, Lucius, 60–61, 64, 136, 228, 281
Clemens, Hans, 261
Clodius, Carl, 79
Coalition for Peace Through Strength, 275
Colby, William, 90, 92
Cold war, 6, 7, 54, 59, 69, 98, 106, 136, 158, 192, 225, 277–82, 288, 290
Bloodstone veterans and, 108
Kennan’s influence on, 82–95
Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS), 25–26, 34
Committee for a Free Albania, 145, 154–55, 200, 229
Committee for a Free Europe, 267n.
Committee for a Free Latvia, 184, 200, 202, 204, 205, 206, 229, 274
Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, 221–22
Common Cause, 222, 223
Communist Party, U.S.A., 57, 122
Concentration camps, 6, 32, 67, 71n., 74, 79n., 113, 123, 178n., 191, 192, 248, 270n., 274, 287
Dora, 28–30, 38
experiments on inmates of, 36, 39
Waffen SS in, 8n., 180n.
Congress, U.S., 65, 94, 104–105, 109n., 136, 142, 153, 154, 225, 227, 230, 235
Captive Nations lobby and, 271–72
Displaced Persons Act and, 202, 203
House Committee on Communist Aggression, 269
lobbying of, 200, 271–72
McCarthyism and, 237
“100 Persons Act” and, 167–68
as originator of foreign policy, 106
Senate, see Senate, U.S.
Congress for Cultural Freedom, 128
Congressional Research Service, 124
Containment doctrine, 83–85, 218, 226, 233, 236, 240, 241, 244, 278
Containment or Revolution (Burnham), 277
Cookridge, E. H., 224
Cooper, Gary, 90, 91n.
Copeland, Miles, 250, 251–52
Corson, William, 58, 68
Cossack American Republican National Federation, 274
Cossacks, 17, 22, 132, 274
Council for a Free Czechoslovakia, 131
Counterintelligence Corps, see Army, U.S., Counterintelligence Corps
Cox, Arthur Macy, 52, 55
Crawford, Charles, 186
Credulity, Project, 73
Critchlow, James, 224
Croatia, 177, 179
Croatians, 179
Ustachis, 180, 185, 186, 193, 197, 216, 269
Crosby, Bing, 90, 91n.
CROWCASS (Central Registry of War Crimes and Security Suspects), 67–68, 69, 76, 77, 187, 206
Crusade for Freedom (CFF), 217, 219, 227–29, 233, 234, 284
Csonko, Emil, 131, 131n.
Cuba, 10, 58n., 174, 243
Cummings, Herbert, 37, 38
Cutler, Robert, 243
; Czechoslovakia, 60, 64, 90, 98, 264
Czechoslovakians, 268
Dabringhaus, Erhard, 188, 189
Dallin, Alexander, 158
Daugavas Vanagi, 10, 204–208, 216, 229
Daugavas Vanagi Biletens, 207–208
Daughters of the American Revolution, 225
Davies, John Paton, 103, 115n., 120
McCarthyism and, 238–40
De Mille, Cecil B., 126
De Toledano, Ralph, 223
Defense Department, U.S., 6, 34, 154, 169, 172
Korean War and, 190
use of former Nazis in cold war strategy, 136–37, 138–48, 151, 172
Demjanjuk, Ivan, 270n.
Demjanjuk, Mark, 270n., 287
Der Spiegel, 54, 60
Destabilization, 84, 243–45
Destruction of the European Jews, The (Hilger), 117
Deva, Xhafer, 123, 124
Dewey, Thomas, 96
Dirksen, Everett, 241
Displaced persons, see DP camps
Displaced Persons Act, 108–109, 112, 168, 215, 285
“2(d)” cases, 202–203
Displaced Persons Commission, 200n., 203, 207, 229
Docheff, Ivan, 273–74
“Document on Terror,” 135–36
Dodd, Thomas, 206
Doenitz, Karl, 72
Dollman, Eugen, 93n.
Donovan, William (“Wild Bill”), 42, 43, 126
Dora concentration camp, 28–30, 38
Dornberger, Walter, 27–30, 31, 38, 64n.
Dosti, Hasan, 123, 124, 145, 154–55, 185
Double agents, 4, 54, 149–50, 150n., 151, 155, 260–63, 281, 282
Felfe, 260–63, 283
Philby, 124, 174, 262
DP camps, 67, 110, 130, 151, 155, 204
Dragonovic, Monsignor, 179, 185–87, 190, 193–98
Dulles, Allen, 5, 8, 90, 92–93, 93n., 96, 106, 171, 244, 246, 289
Gehlen Organization and, 42, 43, 53, 249, 260
NCFE and, 125–26
Dulles, John Foster, 90, 96, 106, 240–41, 242, 260
liberationism and, 229, 233
Duran, Gustavo, 57
Durcansky, Ferdinand, 131
Dwindle, Project, 73
Earman, John S., Jr., 107
Eastern Europe, 40, 54, 59, 84, 102, 106
Catholic political parties of, 74, 177, 279, 280
destabilization operations, 84, 243–45
émigré organizations, see éMigrés and émigré organizations
liberation of, see Liberationism
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and, see Radio Free Europe; Radio Liberty
repatriation of refugees of, 74–76
Soviet influence in postwar, 3, 7, 59, 60, 76, 78, 105
U.S. intelligence gathering on, 4, 8–9, 87, 106, 110, 260
by Gehlen Organization, see Gehlen Organization
see also individual countries
East Germany, 54, 78, 79 and 79n.
Eaton, Charles, 105
Eckhardt, Tibor, 236
Egypt, 248–52
Eichmann, Adolf, xiii, 47, 48n., 249, 253–54
associates of, 245, 248–50, 290
Einsatzgruppen (mobile execution squads), 13, 15, 16, 24, 112, 136, 191, 192
Einsatzkommandos, 15, 24, 25, 164
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 67, 199, 240, 242, 263, 272
election of 1952 233, 234–35, 244
Election of 1952 U.S. presidential, 231, 232–35, 244
Émigrés and émigré organizations, 9–10, 22–23, 24, 46, 48, 51, 89, 99–102, 104, 110, 123–55, 279–87
foreign policy of U.S. and, 271–77, 284
Kennan’s support for, 97, 99
liberationism and, 217–45, 263, 264–77, 284–85
Lodge Act and, 210–15
NSC 86, NSCID 13, and NSCID 14, 199–202
“100 Persons Act,” 167–68, 169, 201, 257, 285
Operation Bloodstone and, 99–101, 102, 105, 107, 118, 123–24, 152–55
Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty and, 125–36
“ratlines” for, xii, 175, 176–98, 250, 251, 280
revisionist ideas of wartime role of, 156–59, 229, 231
“2(d)” cases, 202–203
U.S. military affairs, guerrilla warfare, and assassinations, involvement in, 138–55, 160, 171–73, 174, 210–15, 263
see also names of individuals and organizations
Emmet, Christopher, 222, 269
Erdely, Dimitry, 79n.
Erdely, Nina, 79n.
Estonia, 21, 229
Estonians, 77, 143, 215
U.S. Army enlistment of, 211–12
Eurasian Institute, 115n.
European Advisory Committee, 88
European Command, U.S. (EUCOM), 37
European Recovery Plan, see Marshall Plan
Evangelista, Matthew, 63
Exchange Stabilization Fund, 91, 92
Farouk, King, 249
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 67, 198, 199, 209n., 210
Federationist, 224
Felfe, Heinz, 260–63, 283
Ferencz, Benjamin, 49
Fischer, Georg, see Brunner, Alois
Ford, Henry, II, 126
Foreign Affairs, 60
Forrestal, James, 83, 84, 97
Fort Bragg, 213
Fort Dix, 212
Fort Devens, 213
Fort Hunt (Box 1142), 41, 43, 87, 114
Fort Monroe, 213
France, 26, 45, 70, 73, 74, 93n., 148, 178n.
Barbie and, xii, xiv, 187, 188, 189–90, 192
Brunner and, 249
covert operations in, 103
Vichy, 177, 177n.
Franco, Francisco, 57
Frasheri, Midhat, 123–24
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), xiii, 5, 58, 62n., 120, 145, 150n., 163, 167, 181, 209n., 222, 236
Free Europe Committee, 200n., 219
Fremde Heere Ost (FHO), 41, 46
French Paix et Liberté, 127
Galicia, see Ukraine
Gallov, Padre, 179
Gehlen, Reinhard, 4, 7, 17, 18, 40–46, 47, 48, 50n., 52–56, 59–65, 68, 72, 138, 250, 279, 281–82
von Bolschwing’s spying on, 253, 256–57
West German intelligence and, 259–60
Gehlen Organization, xiii, 40–56, 72, 102, 145, 173, 225n., 230, 248
Egypt project, 248–52
Felfe case, 260–63, 283
influence on American foreign policy, 52–56, 59–65, 281–82
start of, 7
von Bolschwing and, 253, 255, 256–57
General Accounting Office, U.S. (GAO), 122n., 129, 210, 247, 258
Georgescu, Teohari, 78
Georgetown University, Foreign Service Institute, 225
Georgian Government in Exile, 132
Georgians, Soviet, 21
German Communist party (KPD), 188
German League for Struggle Against Inhumanity, 127
German Rule in Russia (Dallin), 158
Germany, 68–69, 73, 226
army of, see Wehrmacht
Foreign Office, 6, 17, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 168, 256
Gestapo, see Gestapo
Hitler-Stalin pact, 76–77, 86, 160
Moscow embassy, 86, 87, 112
occupied, 151
administration of, 98
ratlines from, see Ratlines
scientists of, see Rockets program, German; Scientists, German
SD, see SD
SS, see SS
surrender of, 40, 68
see also East Germany; West Germany
Gestapo, 44–45, 161, 163, 173, 186, 248
veterans of, 248
in East German police, 79n.
in U.S. military, 214, 215n.
working for U.S. intelligence services, xii, xiv, 45, 69, 260
Goebbels, Paul Joseph, 48, 146, 221
members of propaganda ministry of, 241, 242, 2
43, 248, 251
Goering, Hermann, 72, 73
Goggin, Roy, 258
Gogoussis, Nicolaos, 82
Gorbunov, Sergei, 173
Gowen, William, 182, 183
Grace, J. Peter, 126
Greece, 80–82, 94, 95, 195, 256, 278, 280
Greek Community party (EAM), 80–81
Green Berets, see Special Forces
Grew, Joseph, 219
Griffiths, Bishop James, 90
Grobba, Fritz, 78–79
Grombach, John V., 56–58, 235–38, 242, 243, 281–82, 288
Grossmann, Ernst, 79n.
Guatemala, 244
Guderian, Hans, 20
Guerrilla army, U.S., 138–48, 210–15
Gunther, Franklin Mott, 255
Haganah, 253
Hagberry, Operation, 151
Hagemeister, Louis, 79n.
Hale, Captain, 166
Halfmoon war plan, 149
Hardy, Rene, 189
Harvard University, Center for Russian Research, 117
Harwood, Richard, 214
Hazners, Davmants, 274
Hazners, Vilis, 136, 205–206, 274
Heidenreich (ex-SS man), 79n.
Heinz, H. J., 126
Helms, Richard, 42n.–43n., 150n., 246
Herre, Heinz Danko, 230
Herwarth, Hans Heinrich, 17, 18, 68, 86–87, 88, 89, 114, 156, 222, 240
Heydrich, Reinhard, 48n.
Heygendorff, Ralph von, 23
Hilger, Gustav, 6, 17, 24–25, 86, 87, 112–18, 121, 168, 222, 239
Hilger, Dr. Raul; 117–18
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe H., 53, 104
Himmler, Heinrich, 7n., 29, 40, 47, 94n.
Hirschfeld (SS man), 49
Hiss, Alger, 218
History’s Most Terrifying Peace (App), 270
Hitler, Adolf, 8n., 48, 69, 112, 113, 133, 250
attempt to assassinate, 86
rockets programs and, 28, 29
Slavs and, 16–17, 18, 161–62
Hitler Youth, 251
Hmong people, 174
Hobbins, John M., 196
Höhne, Heinz, 54, 60
Holland, 26
Holocaust, see Jews, Holocaust
Holy Bond of Greek Officers (IDEA), 81–82
Hook, Sidney, 270
Hoover, J. Edgar, 237, 239
Horthy, Nicholas, 177, 178n.
Hoxha, Enver, 124
Hungarian National Council, 229
Hungarians, 179, 236, 250, 268–69
Hungary, 78, 90, 102, 113, 117, 157, 177, 178n., 182–83, 256, 270–71, 273
uprising in, and Soviet invasion, 264–67, 276, 288
ICBMs, 64n.
IDEA, see Holy Bond of Greek Officers
I. G. Farben, 31, 94n., 192
Immigration and Nationality Act, 214
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 6, 108, 111, 167, 168, 169, 170, 246, 257, 283
NSC directives affecting, 199
Institute for the Study of the USSR, 115n., 224n., 247
Intermarium, 89, 177–85, 194
Bulletin of, 181
roots of, 181
Blowback Page 55