Page 56
Internal Security Act, 214
International Congress of Free Trade Unions, 200n.
International Federation of Free Journalists, 200n.
International Peasant Union, 184, 200n., 202, 268
International Relief Organization (IRO), 193, 195
International Rescue Committee (IRC), 200n., 203, 205, 269
International Security, 63
IRC, see International Rescue Committee
IRO, see International Relief Organization
Iron Guard, Romanian, 254–55, 256
Isaacson, Walter, 218
Islamic minority in Soviet Union, 21
Israel, 249, 251
Italian Communist party, 89–90, 91, 94
Italy, 182, 183, 195, 197, 215n.
CIA operations in, 88–94, 95, 234, 278
Jews of, 93n., 113, 117, 178n.
Jackson, C. D., 127
Jankus, Reverend Lionginas, 207–209
Japan, 6, 33
Jasiuk, Emanuel, 210n.
Jatulevicius, Reverend, 179
Jenner, William, 121–22, 237, 269
Jews, 45, 212, 224n.
Captive Nations movement and anti-Semitism, 275, 287
Holocaust, 4, 13, 18, 20n., 30, 32, 39, 46–47, 48, 74, 93, 136, 185, 192, 232, 245, 248–49, 287
Catholic Church and, 177, 177n.–78n.
Final Solution, 47, 48n., 158, 178n.
in France, 93n., 178n., 187
in Greece, 81
history of, 117
in Italy, 93n., 113, 117, 178n.
revisionist history of, 270
in Romania, 254–55, 256, 259, 286
in Soviet Union, 24–25, 49–50, 112–13, 117, 118, 161, 162–63, 205, 206, 208–209, 210n., 221, 247
Intermarium and, 181
in Soviet Union, 15, 17, 18, 23, 48, 119, 158, 164, 170, 171, 174, 220
Holocaust and, 24–25, 49–50, 112–13, 117, 118, 161, 162–63, 205, 206, 208–209, 210n., 221, 247
Ukrainian atrocities at Lvov, 164, 164n.–65n.
wealth confiscated by Nazis from, 91–92, 126, 252, 254
Zionism, 253, 254
JIOA, see Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency John Paul II, Pope, 93
Johnson, Lyndon B., 43n., 272
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 33, 61, 101, 102, 138, 140, 260
Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), 34–36, 37, 73
Joyce, Robert, 123–24, 288
Justice Department, U.S., xi, 35, 36, 39, 107, 108, 206, 207, 215, 256
Office of Special Investigations (OSI), 122n., 143n., 194, 209n., 285–87
ratlines and, 185, 186, 193
report on Barbie, xi-xii, xiii–xiv, 185, 189, 192–93, 196
Kairys, Liudas, 287
Kalinovskis, Eduards, 143
Kalmyks, 77
Kaminsky, Bronislav, 20
Kammler, Hans, 29
Karklins, Talivaldis, 143, 143n.
Katyn Forest massacre, 77, 269
Kennan, George F., 6, 8, 82–95, 120, 157, 159–60
containment doctrine, 83–85, 226
covert operations and, 84–95, 97, 101, 103, 104, 105, 115n., 131, 132, 141, 244, 278, 290
NCFE and, 125–26
current activities of, 289–90
Hilger and, 115, 116–17
on influence of ethnic lobbies, 271, 272
on liberationists, 227
NSC 10/2, 103, 104, 105–106
NSC 20, 98–99, 106
as target of radical right, 226, 236
Kennedy, John F., 272
Kersten, Charles, 269
Kesselring, Albert, 72, 92
KGB, 152n., 165n.
“KGB defense,” 286–87
Khrushchev, Nikita, 77, 135, 272
Kirkpatrick, Evron M., 109–10, 109n., 288
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 109n.
Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 236, 237, 238, 242, 288
Klaus, Samuel, 36–37, 38
Kolbe, Father Maximilian, 178n.
Komitet Osvobozhdeniia Narodov Rossii (KNOR), 87, 132, 221–22
Konovalets, Eugen, 161
Koppel, Ted, xiii
Korbonski, Stefan, 157
Korean War, 116, 172, 218
influence on policy toward war criminals, 190, 191, 192
Kosakivs’kyy, Mykyta, 163
Kosciuszko, Thadeus, 134
Kossuth, Lajos, 134
Köstring, Ernst, 17, 18, 23, 86, 87, 156
KPD (German Communist party), 188
Krichbaum, Willi, 45, 261
Krunoslov, Monsignor, 180
Krupp corporation, 192
Kundermann Ring, 151
Kushel, Franz, 209n.
KYP (Greek intelligence agency), 82, 280
Labor Service units, 141–48, 204, 210–11
Laipenieks, Edgars, 282–83, 286
Lakhno, Aleksandr, 173
Landberg Prison inmates, 190–92
Lane, Arthur Bliss, 106, 222, 233–35, 240
Lasby, Clarence, 38–39
Latin America, 194, 260
former Nazis escaped to, 179–80, 186, 189
Lattimore, Owen, 121–22
Latvia, 21, 158, 178n., 229
Perkonkrusts, 181, 184
Latvian-American Republican National Federation, 204, 274
Latvian Officers Association, 205–206
Latvian Relief Incorporated, 207
Latvians, 10, 77, 143, 184, 215, 268
Daugavas Vanagi organization, 204–208, 216, 229
labor companies, 143–44, 212
relief organizations for, 203
U.S. Army enlistment of, 211–12
Lauterbacher, Hermann, 251
League of Nations, 161
League of Young Germans, 146–48, 210–11
Lebed, Mykola, 161, 163–70, 213, 246, 285
Liberal Democratic Union of Central Eastern Europe, 268
Liberationism, 9, 217–45, 263, 264–77, 284–85, 287, 288
Hungarian uprising, 264–67, 276, 288
origins of, 220–22, 231–32
Liddy, G. Gordon, 243
Life magazine, 127, 156–57, 233
Lindsay, Franklin, 101, 101n., 141, 151–52, 159–60, 172
Lippmann, Walter, 7
Lithia, Operation, 151
Lithuania, 21, 25, 102, 149, 178n., 229
Lithuanians, 21, 25, 77, 143, 179, 207–209, 215
relief organizations for, 203
U.S. Army enlistment of, 211–12
Lodge Act, 211–15
Loftus, John, 209n.
“Long Telegram,” Kennan’s, 82–83
Look magazine, 223
Lovett, Robert, 100, 104, 288
Luce, Clare Booth, 269
Luce, Henry, 127
Luftwaffe, 71–72
Lukacs, John, 60
Lumumba, Patrice, 150n.
Lyon, Paul, 186, 190, 193, 194, 195, 196
Lyons, Eugene, 127, 222
MacArthur, Douglas, 152
McCarthy, Joseph, 5, 121, 122, 237–42, 243, 269
McCarthyism, 58, 121–22, 216, 237–43
McCloy, John, 49, 93n., 144, 191, 192, 251
McClure, Robert, 138, 141, 141n.
McCone, John, 200–201
McCormack, Alfred, 58, 59, 235, 236, 237
McGhee, George C., 126
McGranery, James P., 169
Mackey, Argyle, 169
Madonna concentration camp, 143, 143n.
Magjerec, Monsignor, 179, 186
Magruder, John, 278
Maikovskis, Boleslavs, 184, 205, 206
Makov, Aleksandr, 173
Manhattan Project, 26, 153
Mao Zedong, 98, 239
Marchetti, Victor, 7, 56, 63–64, 64n., 65
Marks, John, 150n.
Marshall, George, 83, 91, 97, 103, 109n.
Marshall Plan, 84, 129
Mathias, Charles, 271, 272
Meo people
, 174
Merk, Kurt, 188
Merlika-Kruja, Mustafa, 123, 124
Metcalf, Lee, 81n.–82n.
Meyer, Alfred, 117
MGB (Soviet secret police), 149
Mickelson, Sig, 94–95, 126, 127, 133, 134, 219, 227
Middle East, 74, 80, 244, 248, 253, 260
Egypt, 248–52
Milano, James, 186
Mildenstein, Theodore von, 254
MIS, see War Department, U.S., Military Intelligence Service
Missile gap, 64n.
Missile program, see Rockets program
Mongolia, 118, 120, 121, 122
Mossad, 251
Moulin, Jean, 189
Mudd, Robert, 186
Munson, Lyle, 239–40
Murphy, Robert, 115
Muslims in Soviet Union, 149
Mussolini, Benito, 250
MVD (Soviet secret police), 149, 166
Nachtigall, 161
Nagy, Ferenc, 157, 182, 183
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 249, 250, 251
National Academy of Sciences, 34
National Archives, 213
National Captive Nations Committee, 270
National Catholic Welfare Conference, 203
National Committee for a Free Albania, 124
National Committee for a Free Europe (NCFE), 125–36, 202, 203, 217, 219, 222, 227, 228–29, 233
National League of Bulgaria, 273
National Republican Heritage Groups (Nationalities) Council, 273–74
National Security Council (NSC), 4, 8, 9, 10, 96, 100, 167n., 190, 243, 270
NSC 10/2, 102–106, 124, 125, 203, 263, 280
NSC 20, 98–99, 128
NSC 86, NSCID 13 and 14, 199–202
NSC 5412 244–45, 263, 280
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 83–84, 226, 260
Natsinas, Alexander, 82
Natsional’no-Trudovoi Soyuz (NTS), 4, 16, 220–26, 232, 235, 241, 242, 243
Hungarian revolt and, 266–67
Navy, U.S., 33
Nazarenko, Nicholas, 274–75
NCFE, see National Committee for a Free Europe Neagoy, George, 190, 196
Netherlands, 26
Newsweek, 83, 141n., 169, 223
New York Herald Tribune, 126, 268
New York Times, 147, 233, 239, 242, 268
Nicaragua, 174, 276, 280–81
Nightline, xii–xiii Nitze, Paul, 63, 218
Nixon, Richard, 43n., 272, 274
Nižňanský, Ladislav, 131, 131n.
NKVD (Soviet secret police), 44, 47, 58, 66, 78, 164, 164n, 215n, 223
during Hitler-Stalin pact, 76–77
Noce, Daniel, 143
Nordhausen rocket works, xiii, 28–30, 38, 39
North, Oliver, 243
North Caucasian National Committee, 132
Notdienstverpflichtete (emergency service draftees), 24
NSC, see National Security Council
NS Frauenschaft, 32
NTS, see Natsional’no-Trudovoi Soyuz
Nuclear weapons, 7, 26, 31, 33, 62, 64n., 153, 218, 239, 272
Defense Department cold war strategy, 136–37, 138–48
Korean War and, 190
Nuremberg, International Tribunal at, xiii, 13, 24, 45, 66, 67, 74, 88, 112, 114, 159, 191, 256
NV Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken, 235
O’Connor, Dr. Edward M., 207, 270, 270n., 285, 288
Odessa escape organization, 250
Office of Military Government—U.S., see OMGUS
Office of National Estimates (ONE), 53, 59–60, 61, 116, 117, 238
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 42, 56, 68, 86, 87, 92, 96, 110, 256
assassinations and, 148
MIS analysts and, 56–58
Research and Analysis branch, 57–58
Secret Intelligence Branch (SIB), 42, 42n.–43n.
Offie, Carmel, 115n, 121, 237
Ohio, Operation, 151
Ohlendorf, Otto, 24, 47, 49, 191
Ollenhauer, Erich, 146
Olson, Frank, 150n.
OMGUS (Office of Military Government—U.S.), 36, 37–38
Omrcanin, Ivo, 185
ONE, see Office of National Estimates O’Neal, Everett C., 257
“100 Persons Act,” 167–68, 169, 201, 257, 285
OPC, see Central Intelligence Agency, Office for Policy Coordination
Operations and Policy Research, Inc., 109n.
Oppenheimer, Robert, 153
Organizatsiia Ukrainskikh Natsionalistov (OUN), 16, 46, 149, 152n, 158, 160–67, 170–75, 216, 232, 269
background of, 161–63
Lvov atrocities, 164
SB, 165, 165n, 167
Oshinsky, David, 242
OSI, see Justice Department, U.S., Office of Special Investigations
OSS, see Office of Strategic Services
Ostrowsky, Radislaw, 209n., 210n., 269
Osttruppen (eastern troops), 18, 24, 86
OUN, see Organizatsiia Ukrainskikh Natsionalistov
Overcast, project, 33, 34, 36, 39
Pajamas, Operation, 73
Palestine, 253, 254
Panhandle, Project, 73
Papadopoulos, George, 81–82, 81n.–82n., 280
Papanace, Constantin, 256
Paperclip program, 35, 36, 38–39, 73
Parker, Chauncey G., 144
Pash, Boris, 26, 108, 152–55
Pasztor, Laszlo, 273
Pauker, Ana, 78
Pavelić, Ante, 78, 177, 185, 269
Pearson, Drew, 39, 183
Penniman, Howard, 110
Peoples League for Peace and Freedom, 248
Pentagon, see Defense Department, U.S.
Peters, Gerhard, 147, 148
Petrov, Vladimir, 226, 230, 231, 234
Pfleiderer, Karl-Georg, 17
Pforzheimer, Walter, 219
Philby, Kim, 124, 174, 262
Philips North America, 235–36
Philp, William R., 43, 71, 138
Physical and Technical Institute, Weida, 31
Pieracki, Bronislav, 161
Pius XII, Pope, 178n, 180, 180n, 183
Pohl, Oswald, 191
Pokorny, Libor, 215n.
Poland, 21–22, 36, 75, 90, 102, 123, 157, 160, 161, 272, 279, 280, 287
Katyn Forest massacre, 77, 269
revolt in, 264
Siberian exile of Poles, 77
Poles, 212, 268
Polkes, Fieval, 253
Poole, Dewitt, 134, 228–29
Poppe, Nikolai N., 48, 110, 115–16, 118–23, 239
Porensky, Vladimir, 224n., 225n.
Possev publishing house, 225n.
Potsdam Conference, 31, 43, 278
Powers, Frank, 64n.
POWs, 67, 68, 159
Americans as, 41
from Axis countries, 25, 72–73, 87, 93, 114, 142n., 180n.
in German camps, 14, 23, 44, 71, 274
Prouty, Fletcher, 139–40, 141, 150
Radio Free Europe (RFE), 89, 108, 124, 125–36 passim, 177, 184, 201, 205, 219, 247–48, 267n.
East European revolts and, 264, 266
Radio Free Moscow, 266
Radio Liberty (Radio Liberation from Bolshevism), 89, 125–36 passim, 177, 184, 201, 219, 224, 247–48, 269
East European revolts and, 264
RAND Corporation, 224n.
“Ratlines,” xii, 175, 176–98, 250, 251, 280
Rattenhuber, Hans, 79
Rauff, Walter, 92, 93–94
Rayburn, Sam, 105
Reader’s Digest, 127, 135, 223
Reagan, Ronald, and Reagan administration, 43n., 273, 275–76, 290
Rebet, Lev, 152n.
Redlich, Roman, 224n.
Refugee Relief Act, 215
Reitlinger, Gerald, 17
Repatriation of refugees, 74–76
Republican party:
ethnic council of, 273–74, 275
onism and 1952 election, 232–35, 244
Revisionist history:
of émigré organizations’ wartime roles, 156–59, 229, 231
of Holocaust, 270
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 112, 114, 116
Ribbentrop pact, 76–77, 86, 160
Rickhey, Georg, 39
Robert Speller & Sons, 170
Rockets program:
German, xiii, 6, 27–30, 38, 39, 251, 255
U.S., 27, 39
Rodes, Peter P., 120
Roman Catholic Church, see Catholic Church
Romania, 78, 96–97, 102, 188, 195, 254, 256, 259, 272, 274, 278, 279, 280, 286
Iron Guard, 254–55, 256
Romanians, 15, 21, 136
Romanov, Yevgeniy R., 224n.–25n.
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 7, 82
Roosevelt, Kermit (“Kim”), 249
Rosenbaum, Eli, 287
Rosenberg, Alfred, 21, 22, 50n., 181, 222, 271
Rosenfield, Harry N., 207
Rositzke, Harry, 43n., 53, 159, 172
Rubel, Dr. Edward, 287
Rudel, Hans Ulrich, 179
Rudolph, Dr. Arthur, xiii, 29, 39
Russia, czarist, 21
see also Soviet Union
“Russian Liberation Movement,” 18
Russians, 17, 21, 22, 132, 222, 232
see also Natsional’no-Trudovoi Soyuz
Rusty, Operation, 151
Ryan, Allan, xi–xii, 194, 215–16
Safehaven program, 91
Salazar, Antonio, 290
Saltonstall, Leverett, 200
SANACC, 100, l00n., 101
Sanitzer, Johann, 79n.
San Jose Mercury News, 258
Sarnoff, David, 33–34
Savage, Charles, 283
Schacht, Hjalmar, 250–51
Schellenberg, Walter, 47, 93n.
Schendel, Kurt, 248
Schlafly, Fred, 270
Schmidt, Fritz, 45
Schreiber, Walter, 39
Schultz, George, 287
Schutzstaffel, see SS
Scientists, German, 27–39
recruitment of, 5, 25–26, 27, 30–39, 70, 74, 251, 277–78
rockets program of, xiii, 6, 27–30, 38, 39, 251, 255
SD (Sicherheitsdienst), 44–45, 49, 92, 135
Barbie as member of, 187, 188
veterans of, working for U.S.
intelligence services, xv, 45, 47, 72, 253
von Bolschwing as member of, 253, 254, 257, 258, 286
Secret Surrender, The (Dulles), 93n.
Selection Board, Operation, 187, 189
Senate, U.S., 152, 241
Internal Security Committee, 122
Serbians, 185
Sexual Habits of Jews, The (Buensch), 251
Shandruk, Pavlo, 162, 170, 180n.
Siberia, 77
Sibert, Edwin, 7, 42, 43, 45, 49, 72
Sicherheitsdienst, see SD
Siemens company, 31
Simon Wiesenthal Center, 93, 249
Sinatra, Frank, 90, 91n.
Six, Franz, 17, 46–49, 51
Six Million Swindle, The (App), 270
Sixty Minutes, 136, 274
Skaistlauks, Voldemars, 143