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The Jews in America Trilogy

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by Birmingham, Stephen;

Jewish Chautauqua Society of Philadephia, 76

  Jewish Daily Forward, 27, 31, 47–48, 55, 61, 62, 99, 137–38

  Jewish Daily News. See Tageblatt

  Johnson, Lady Bird, 289

  Johnson, Nunnally, 262

  Johnson, Philip, 362

  Jolson, Al (Asa Yoelson), 176, 189, 190, 231

  Joyce, James, 174

  Kael, Pauline, 274

  Kahn, Otto, 321

  Kansas City Star, 117–19, 126, 132

  Kattleman, Belden, 246

  Kaufman, George S., 274

  Kaye, Danny (David Daniel Kominski), 32, 191, 272–74

  Keaton, Buster, 184

  Kennedy, Jacqueline, 289, 381

  Kennedy, John F., 155, 381

  Kennedy, Joseph P., 155, 256–58, 261, 267

  Kennedy, Robert F., 155

  Kern, Jerome, 188

  Kessler, Julius, 248–52

  Kid from Spain, 231

  Kishinev massacre, 37, 68

  Kiss, Aladar V., 168

  Klopfer, Donald, 378

  Kobre, Max, 139, 140

  Kohler, Rabbi Kaufmann, 23

  Kohlmar, Fred, 229

  Kohn, Morris, 89–91

  kosher food, 14, 312

  Ku Klux Klan, 339

  Laemmle, Carl, 202

  Lahr, Bert (Irving Lahrheim), 192

  Lambert, Jean, 361, 363

  Lambert, Phyllis Bronfman, 361–63

  Lamour, Dorothy, 233

  Landau, Eli, 356

  Lansky, Anna, 340

  Lansky, Bernard (“Buddy”), 340, 341

  Lansky, Meyer (Meyer Suchowljansky), xiii

  Samuel Bronfman and, 155, 159–63, 210

  as crime figure, 148–55, 300–07, 339

  criminal record of, 356, 358

  death of, 359

  descriptions of, 82, 150, 160, 356–57

  early gambling experience of, 82–83

  family of, 340–42, 357

  in gambling business, 212–13, 277, 299–307

  government surveillance of, 355–59

  home of, 176

  Las Vegas and, 277–78, 300–07

  philanthropy of, 271

  in Poland, 80–82

  Prohibition and, 151–55, 159, 209–11

  social ambitions of, 340–42

  Zionism and, 283, 284, 354, 358–59, 360

  Lansky, Meyer, II, 342

  Lansky, Paul, 340, 341, 342

  Lansky, Sandra (“Sally”). See Rappaport, Sandra

  Lansky Lardner, Ring, Jr., 345

  La Rocque, Rod, 195–96

  Lasky, Blanche. See Goldwyn, Blanche Lasky

  Lasky, Jesse, 85, 86, 87, 88, 92, 94, 201

  Lasky, Ruth, 94, 203, 270

  Las Vegas, 277–78, 300–08

  Laughing Bill Hyde, 197

  Lauren, Jerry, 374

  Lauren, Ralph (Ralph Lifschitz), 32, 373–77

  Lauren, Ricky, 376

  Lawrence, NY, 321, 323

  Lazarus, Emma, 17

  Lehman, Mrs. Arthur, 332

  Lehman, Ernest H., 76

  Lemlich, Clara, 71

  Levine, Calman, 242–43, 249, 328, 329–31

  Levine, Calman, II, 328

  Levine, Isaac Don, 43–46

  Levine, Rita, 331

  Levy, Beatrice Nathan Straus, 327–28

  Lewis, Thomas J., 225

  Lilly, Doris, 282

  Lindbergh, Charles A., 265

  Linder, Lily, 270

  Linen, James A., 364

  Livingstone, Mary, 371

  Lloyd, Mildred, 196

  Loeb, Ann Margaret. See Bronfman, Ann Margaret Loeb

  Loeb, John L., 332

  Loeb, Phillip, 347–48

  Loeb, Solomon, 332

  Loew, Arthur, 230

  Loew, Marcus, 89–91, 192, 201, 235

  London, Meyer, 70

  London Daily Mail, 3

  Long Island, NY, 321–24

  Loos, Anita, 204, 228

  Louis of Battenberg, Prince, 185

  Lubitsch, Ernst, 205, 261–62

  Luciano, Charles “Lucky” (Salvatore Lucania), 148, 212–13, 306–07, 354

  Ludwig, Daniel K., xi

  Lullaby, 260

  Lykusky, Dr., 172–73

  Lynch, Mel Patrick, 366, 367

  Lyons, Eugene, 105

  MacArthur, Charles, 274

  Mackay, Clarence, 349

  Mackay, Ellin. See Berlin, Ellin Mackay

  Mackay, John William, 349

  Mackay, Katherine Alexander Duer, 349

  McLellan, George, 30

  MacRae, Joel, 295

  Making Profits, 152

  Mandel, Adolf, 139, 140

  Mann, Melanie. See Bronfman, Melanie Mann Manuel of Portugal, 62

  Marconi, Guglielmo, 101, 103, 315

  Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America, 103

  Marie, Queen, of Rumania, 297

  Mark, Mitchell, 89, 90, 91

  Marlow, Frank D., 124–25

  Marshall, Louis, 11, 20, 21–22, 29, 30, 309–11

  Marx, Sam, 231–32, 335

  Marx Brothers, 191, 192

  Matoff, Jean Bronfman, 156, 215

  Matoff, Paul, 215, 363

  Mayer, Irene. See Selznick, Irene Mayer

  Mayer, Louis B., 32, 84, 191, 232, 261, 268, 335

  feud of, with Samuel Goldwyn, 228

  MGM and, 201–02

  philanthropies of, xiii, 269

  politics of, 294

  racehorse breeding and, 294–95

  social aspirations of, 293–95, 350–51

  May Laws (Russian), 37

  Medal for Benny, A, 344

  Meir, Golda, 358–59

  Meredith, Burgess, 264


  Edgar Bronfman and, 368

  formation of, 201

  Metropolitan News Company, 98–99

  Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 362

  Milestone, Lewis, 345, 348–49

  Miller, Alice Duer, 111

  Mix, Tom, 196

  Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard, 230

  Moore, Annette, 126–27

  Morgan, Anne, 13, 59, 71

  Morgan, J. P., xi

  Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 245

  Morton, Samuel “Nails,” 339–40

  Mostel, Kate, 348

  Mostel, Zero, 346, 348

  Mother Earth, 3, 130n.

  Mudd, Roger, 351

  My life for Beauty, 170

  Nast, Coudert, 203

  National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 315, 318

  National Council of Jewish Women, 10

  Nazis, 258–67, 270–71 see also Adolf Hitler

  Neales, Eddie, 280

  Negri, Pola, 154, 205

  Newhouse, Samuel Irving, xi

  Newman, Peter C., 334–36

  New York Herald, 100–01

  New York Sun, 72

  New York Times, 42–43, 52–53, 57, 61–63

  New York Tribune, 5

  Nicholas I of Russia, 36–37

  Nicholas II of Russia, 46

  Nicholson, Nick, 185

  Nixon, Richard, 279

  Normand, Mabel, 203, 204

  North American Review, 29

  O’Brien, Esmé, 332

  Ochs family, 15

  O’Higgins, Patrick, 170–71, 173, 175n.

  Olympic, 104–05

  Ostrow, Stuart, 368

  Pale of Settlement, 22, 38

  Paley, Mrs. William S., 289

  Palmer, Alexander, 114

  Pankhurst, Emmeline, 4

  Paramount Pictures, 87

  Parsons, Louella, 196, 296

  Pastor, Anna, 61

  Pastor, Rose Harriet. See Stokes, Rose Harriet Pastor

  Patrick, Ted, 337

  Patterson, John H., 263

  Pepper, Senator Claude, 263

  Perske, Betty Joan. See Bacall, Lauren

  Phelps Stokes. See Stokes

sso, Pablo, 174

  Pichel, Irving, 344

  Pickfair mansion, 208

  Pickford, Mary, 86, 208, 381

  Pippin, 368

  pogroms, 37–38

  Popkin, Henry, 274–75

  Porgy and Bess, 231

  Post, Marjorie Merriweather, 289

  Potok, Anna Apfelbaum, 288–89

  Potok, Leon, 288

  Prisoner of Zenda, The, 231

  Pritzker, Nicholas J., xi

  Prohibition, 150–55, 159–63, 209–12, 241–42, 245–46, 248

  Proskauer, Bertha Richman, 12

  Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, 138

  Proust, Marcel, 174

  Purcell, James N., 125, 134

  pushcart peddlers, 18–19, 28–29, 75–76

  Queen Elizabeth, 92

  Quigley, Martin, 262

  Radio Act, 105

  Radio Corporation of America (RCA):

  formation of, 233–34

  television and, 317–19

  World’s Fair pavilion of, 317

  Rady, Maxwell, 161

  Rady, Rose Bronfman, 156, 161

  Raft, George, 148, 277, 304

  Randall, George, 216

  Random House, David Sarnoff’s negotiations for, 378–79

  Rappaport, Sandra Lansky, 340, 341, 357

  Rather, Dan, 351

  Ratoff, Gregory, 264

  Reagan, Nancy, 289

  Reasoner, Harry, 351

  Redford, Robert, 375

  Red Ribbon on a White Horse, 238

  Reform Judaism, 13–14, 311–12, 328

  Reizenstein, Elmer. See Rice, Elmer

  Reles, Abe “Kid Twist,” 149

  Rice, Elmer, 69, 108

  Richman, Julia, 4–29

  affluence of, 11–13

  background of, 7–8

  death of, 76

  personality of, 6, 7

  pushcart vendors and, 28–29

  as school administrator, 9–11, 24–27

  smallpox vaccinations and, 4–5

  as teacher, 8

  writings of, 75–76

  Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 197

  Risse, Louis, 177

  RKO Pictures, formation of, 257

  Robinson, Edward G. (Emmanuel Goldberg), 32, 192

  Rockefeller, John D., 114

  Rogers, Ginger, 334

  Rogers, Lela, 334

  Rogers, Will, 110, 197

  Romaine, Isaac, 219

  Romeo and Juliet, 232

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 234–35, 255, 256, 264, 297, 315

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 20, 51, 52

  Rose, Billy (William Rosenberg), 190

  Rosenfeld, Morris, 69

  Rosenstiel, Leonore Conn, 246–47

  Rosenstiel, Lewis, 245–48, 330

  Rosenthal, Jack, 354

  Rosenwald, Julius, 18

  Rosenwald family, 15

  Rosner, Saidye. See Bronfman, Saidye Rosner

  Roth, Emery, 32, 166–69

  Roth, Richard, 169

  Roth, Richard, Jr., 169

  Rothstein, Arnold “the Brain,” 149

  Rubin, Robert, 201, 202

  Rubinstein, Ceska, 172

  Rubinstein, Helena, 32, 170–75, 224–27, 292–93, 336

  Rubinstein, Horace, 336

  Rubinstein, Manka, 172

  Rubinstein, Roy, 336

  Rubinstein, Stella, 226

  Ruby, Jack, 155n.

  Russian Jews, 12–32

  assimilation of, 139–41, 145–47, 267–70, 289, 372–73

  attitudes of, 16–17, 19

  bank collapses of, 139–40

  crime among, 78–80, 147–50, 338–40 (see also bootlegging; Las Vegas)

  differences among, 31–32, 73

  drive of, 236–39

  education of, 24–27, 178–80

  gambling and, 79, 82–83

  German Jews vs., 12, 15, 20–21, 22, 23–24, 291–92, 309–14, 332–33

  humor of, 19–20

  immigration of, 16, 20–21, 33–35, 39–43

  language of, 24–25, 27

  living conditions of, in New York City, 16, 17, 18–19, 22–23

  in Los Angeles, 267–69

  names of, 17, 24n.

  reaction of, to Nazis, 258–67

  in New York City, 12–32

  occupations of, 16–17, 19, 146–47

  postwar mobility of, 320–24

  prostitution among, 79, 150

  refugees during World War II, 271

  religion of, 14

  life in Russia of, 35–38

  in show business, 189–93

  theater of, 20, 80, 189

  Sacco and Vanzetti, 114

  Salome of the Tenements, 108, 112

  Salter, “Nigger Mike,” 184–85

  Sanders, George, 304

  Sands, Lettice. See Stokes, Lettice Sands

  Sanger, Margaret Higgins, 69

  Sarnoff, Abe, 99

  Sarnoff, David, 32, 268, 347

  career in broadcasting of, 101–07, 316–19

  childhood of, 39–40, 97–100

  ego of, 377–80

  emigration of, 39

  as executive, 233–36, 378–79

  forms RKO Pictures, 257

  home of, 314–19

  trip to Israel of, 354

  son Robert and, 333

  television and, 316–19

  Titanic and, 104–07

  Sarnoff, Edward, 315

  Sarnoff, Felicia Schiff Warburg, 332

  Sarnoff, Irving, 97

  Sarnoff, Leah, 97, 102

  Sarnoff, Lew, 97, 99

  Sarnoff, Lizette, 314, 379

  Sarnoff, Morris, 97, 99

  Sarnoff, Robert, 315, 332–33

  Sarnoff, Thomas, 315

  Saturday Evening Post, 337

  Schenck, Joseph, 201, 257–58

  Schenck, Nicholas, 201

  Schiff, Dorothy, 350

  Schiff, Jacob H., 5, 11, 20, 21–22, 29, 30, 146, 309–10, 332

  Schulberg, Budd, 236

  Schwartz, Richard, 357, 358, 361

  Schwartzhaupt, Emil, 249, 251

  Schwengel, Frank, 329

  Scoundrel Time, 344

  Seagram, Joseph, 215–16

  Seagram tower, 361–62

  Seligman, Joseph, 30

  Seligman family, 12

  Selwyn, Archibald, 95, 201

  Selwyn, Edgar, 95, 201

  Selznick, David O., 84, 230, 261–63

  Selznick, Irene Mayer, 261

  Selznick, Lewis, 261

  Sert, Misia, 174

  Shearer, Norma, 196

  Shubert, Jacob, 190, 198

  Shubert, Lee, 190, 198

  Shubert, Sam, 190, 198

  Shulman, Irving, 274

  Siegel, Benjamin “Bugsy,” 148–49, 150, 277–79, 300, 301–08

  Siegel, Esther Krakower, 301–02, 306

  Silberfeld, Louis, 171, 172

  Simon, Sir John, 258

  Simpson, A. E., 4–5

  Slaughter Trail, 346

  Smiley, Allen, 306

  Smith, Alfred E., 177

  Smith, Gerald L. K, 339

  Smith, Howard K., 351

  Snow, C. P., 350

  Snyder, Ted, 186, 188

  Socialist party:

  public attitude toward, 139

  split in, 116

  Rose Stokes in, 68–71, 74–75, 108, 113, 116, 118–37, 218–19, 252–53

  violence and, 71, 113–15

  Zionism and, 280

  Social Register, 57, 58–59, 67, 134

  “Songs of Labor,” 69

  Sousa, John Philip, 181

  South of God, 254

  Spellman, Francis Cardinal, 269

  Spiegel, Sam, 264

  Squaw Man, The, 87–89

  Stanwyck, Barbara, 371

  Stedman, Seymour, 120–21, 122–24, 126, 134–36

  Stein, Gertrude, 174

  Stella Dallas, 208
r />   Sterling, Andy, 181

  Stern, Joseph, 185, 186

  Stern Gang, 281

  Stewart, Jimmy, 371

  Stokes, Anson Phelps, 57

  Stokes, Anson Phelps, Jr., 58

  Stokes, Caroline M. Phelps, 58

  Stokes, Ethel Phelps, 58

  Stokes, Isaac Newton Phelps, 58

  Stokes, James Graham Phelps, 53–64

  background of, 57–58, 59–60

  death of, 352

  description of, 56, 57

  divorce of, 217–18

  engagement of, to Rose Pastor, 53, 59–62

  marriage of, 62–66, 108, 136–37

  remarriage of, 218

  at Rose’s sedition trial, 136–37

  in Socialist party, 69, 108, 113

  Stokes, Lettice Sands, 218, 351–52

  Stokes, Mildred Phelps, 58

  Stokes, Rose Harriet Pastor, 51–74,107–09, 118–37, 352

  background of, 53–54, 59–60

  death of, 252–54

  divorce of, 217–18

  engagement of, to Graham Stokes, 53, 59–62

  marriage of, 62–66, 108, 136–37

  remarriage of, 219

  sedition trial of, 119–37

  in Socialist party, 68–71, 74–75, 108, 113, 116, 118–37, 218–19, 252–53

  in Social Register, 67, 134, 219

  as Tageblatt reporter, 55–56

  temperament of, 109

  Stokes, Sarah Phelps. See Halkett, Sarah Phelps Stokes

  Stone, Harold, 347

  Story of Seagram’s Seven Crown, The, 331

  Stout, Mr. (Kansas City Star editor), 126

  Straus, Beatrice Nathan. See Levy, Beatrice Nathan Straus

  Straus, Irma Nathan, 327

  Straus, Isidor, 104

  Straus, Jesse Isador, 327

  Straus family, 15

  Suchowljansky, Meyer. See Lansky, Meyer

  Sullivan, Eva J., 124

  Sullivan, Harry, 120, 134–36

  Sulzberger family, 15

  Swan, The, 203

  Swanson, Gloria, 154, 203, 257, 381

  Taft, William Howard, 104

  Tageblatt (Jewish Daily News), 29–30, 54, 55, 56, 61, 62, 97, 98, 99, 137

  Talmadge, Constance, 196, 205

  Talmadge, Norma, 196, 205

  Tarnower, Dr. Herman, 313–14

  Taurog, Norman, 232

  Taussig, William, 152

  Taylor, Robert, 346

  Temple Emanu-El (New York City), 292, 310–13

  Tender Comrade, 345

  Tenderfoot, The, 274

  Teriaca, Craig, 357

  Thalberg, Irving, 84, 196, 202

  Thayer, E. V. R., 199

  They Shall Have Music, 232

  Thirty a Week, 197

  Thornton, Jimmy, 181

  Tilzer, Harry Von, 181

  Titanic, 102, 104–06

  Titus, Edward, 174

  Too Many Kisses, 203

  Toscanini, Arturo, 315

  Townshend, Lady Carolyn, 365–66

  Tracy, Spencer, 381

  Triangle Shirtwaist Company, 52, 73, 75n.

  Truman, Harry S, 284–85

  Trumbo, Dalton, 345

  Tucker, Sophie (Sonia Kalish), 176, 189, 191, 272

  Turner, Lana, 278

  Turn of the Wheel, The, 197

  Ullmann, Liv, 371

  United Hebrew Charities, 20, 21


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