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Caged Moon

Page 17

by Rachel Deagan

  "You know him?" I asked.

  The man smiled, and dropped the cigarette he'd been smoking; squishing it out with his steal toed Dock Martins. Even without the werewolf factor, he was intimidating.

  "What are you doing here?" Liam asked, his body stone.

  "Please, Boy. Is that a way to greet your father?"

  "You're not our father." A wave of pheromones rolled off Liam, and the skin on his arm rippled against my shoulder.

  The man sighed as if wearily trying to explain something to a child. "Technically no, but I did find you two orphaned mutts in the woods all those years ago." He shook his head. "You two had such promise too, considering you were both born this way. It was a pity that you stopped growing at seventeen, but oh well."

  "How did you find us? What do you want from us?"

  "I don't want anything from you two." He chuckled. "I could care less about you two mutts. I'm here for the girl. She's mine."

  Liam's back began to pop. "Over my dead body," he said.

  Thomas shook his head with a sigh. "Don't be stupid, Aiden. I've been tracking this chick since I turned her years ago. For a while she threw me though. Made me second guess that I actually bit her, but now I know that's not true. You can thank your brother for that." He grinned. "The boy got a little pack hungry. It was more than easy to slip one of my own in there, unfortunately for you all, my friend likes to talk." He pulled out another cigarette, lit it, and took a puff. "Your brother's so reliably easy to manipulate."

  Aaron put Ty down. His chest heaved as his eyes burned wolf. "How dare you." He snarled, lunging forward.

  "Aaron no!" Liam tried to grab him, but the older werewolf moved too fast. Thomas' arm shot up, snatching Aaron around the neck and smashed his head down into the toppled stones.

  Ty screamed.

  I wanted to do the same, but nothing came. I starred in horror as blood began to ooze down from Aaron's scalp.

  Thomas moved in front of Aaron, lifting him up limply by the collar of his black tee shirt. Aaron groaned something unintelligible as the older werewolf leaned over his bloodied face. "You were always so reckless. You were never as good as your brother."

  Aaron's eyes rolled open, locking on the older wolf. He hacked up a bunch of blood and spat it in Thomas' face. "Screw you."

  A snarl ripped from the man's throat, and his teeth elongated. He pulled his lips back, his mouth opening wide. I couldn't watch, turning my head away, when I realized Liam wasn't beside me.

  Oh, God. No.

  "Don't touch him," Liam said.

  I turned around in time to see Aaron fly backwards into the cold stonewall. He toppled to the ground along with crumbles of loose debris. Liam began to shift in midair, when Thomas' hand whipped out, catching his jaw just as it started to elongate. I felt the howling yelp from Liam all the way to my toes. His body violently reacted with a spastic shutter, the pain clear in his eyes.

  "Stop it. You're hurting him!" I yelled.

  Thomas gave me a look of death.

  "He's mid shift. He can't go either way. Please," I said.

  Liam's expression begged for me to 'run'. He tried to speak, but only a muffled whine came from his clamped half turned muzzle. His body violently shook.

  The corner of the man's lips turned up, his sharp teeth glistening in the dim shaft. "Well, hello there, Charlotte. Remember me? It's been a while."

  "Don't come near me," I said.

  He threw Liam down by the muzzle, smashing his back into more of the fallen rocks. Liam's body jerked, and then went still.

  I tried to scream, but I couldn't breathe. Sobs from Ty carried in the distance and my cheek itched as a tear slipped down.

  "Liam?" I asked. My lower lip trembled. I tried to reach out to his fallen form, but I couldn't see.

  Rustling and snarls came from around me and then everything went silent, everything except the sound of Thomas' boots coming towards me.

  "Chain the others up," he said.

  Someone kicked Byron's fallen body in the ribs. The entire pack had been taken out.

  "Charlotte," Thomas said. Too fast for me to me to move, he grabbed my chin. "You are the cause for a lot of trouble. All these years I kept tabs on you, waiting for you to shift, to find out you are an abomination. It's nothing personal. You just can't be allowed to exist. No one's having that power over me and mine. It's too bad, really. We don't get many female wolves these days. Oh well. Maybe I'll just take your friend."

  In my peripheral line of vision, I saw his other hand come up. I squeezed my eyes shut, readying for the strike.

  "Don't. Don't! She can help you. We both will," Ty said.


  Had Ty lost it?

  "What do you mean?" he asked with a growl. He hadn't struck me. Ty stood a few feet from us.

  "Think of how invincible of an Alpha you'll be if you can control the shifts of all the other wolves," she said. "Don't kill her, please. She's the best friend I ever had. We'll go with you." Tears rolled down her cheeks. As she approached us, her hand slipped into her pocket. With a groan, gritting her teeth, she pulled out the charmed necklace she used to carry. Her hand sizzled and then she grabbed Thomas, slamming it into his chest.

  He howled in pain, dropping me.

  "Run, Charlotte!" She yelled, and I scrambled away from him.

  "Wolvesbane," Thomas said through his teeth. "You bitch. I'll kill you both." He grabbed Ty by the front of her shirt, and heaved her into the neighboring wall. She slumped to the floor with a whimper. She tried to move, her bloodied hands grasping at the rubble.

  My skin rippled.

  Thomas moved towards Ty. Claws broke from his fingernails and I heard his back pop and snap.

  "Ty!" I yelled.

  Fire raged to the surface of my skin. My muscles trembled and shook, and I doubled over, groaning. Pain swept through every limb and my eyes shot wide. The tips of my fingers split and I screamed as a set of claws broke through. The room spun and then my vision changed. My back snapped and broke in several places and then my cries became unrecognizable. My paws landed on the mucky floor and the front of my skull cracked. The wolf's muzzle pushed through with a raging snarl. My clothes shredded as my wolf-self burst through the seams.

  Disoriented, the room changed - my height and senses new and defined. I didn't even know how to move. Everything felt strange. I blinked, breathing in a quick sharp breath, the sound of it echoing in my now sensitized ears.

  The room stank with rich salty iron and it appalled me to think that the source made my mouth water. A slight movement in the corner snapped my attention back, and my sharp vision zoomed in on the older man. I lowered my gaze, chest rumbling under my new silky gray coat. Slowly, I started towards him, my muscles limber and rubber-like. My lips rose over my sharp canines.

  Thomas had stopped to watch me, chuckling. "Well look what we have here. Nice of you to finally join us."

  I snarled.

  "What? You think you can take me on, Pup? Didn't you just see what I did to your boyfriends? That was nothing, and they've been around a hell of a lot longer than you." He laughed and spat something on the ground. "I admire your spirit though. Those boys could have learned something from you."

  He pointed a clawed finger at me with a twisted grin. "Just give me a second while I kill your friend. I'll be with you in a minute."

  My chest burned with rage and as soon as he turned towards Ty I leapt at him. He countered my move, spinning around, and knocked me to the cold wet dirt with his arm. It hurt. It felt like I hit a brick wall, but the sensation cleared almost instantly.

  "So you want to be difficult, huh?" he said. "Fine." His back popped as he crouched over. "Let's play difficult."

  I crawled to my feet, shaking my body to bring the feeling back. With each step, Thomas' body cracked and twisted into more of his wolf form. His long tongue lapped over his extended teeth as he gave a wicked smile. I could feel my nostrils expand as my breathing became heavy.

A warm pressure grew behind my temples, begging to be released. I crouched low on my hind legs, stepping back as he gained on me - almost fully shifted. The pressure grew, swarming my temples. I relaxed, letting the warm tension free, my focus on Thomas.

  Shift back.

  The man groaned an agonizing howl.

  I stopped my retreat, staring, as his body began to convulse. Sweat dripped from his brow. His wide, no longer golden hues, starred, horrified. "No. No." He clutched his chest, as if that would stop him from changing back to his human form. "You're an abomination." He growled, but as soon as he started, it turned into the normal vocal yell of a man. His claws retracted and his back slid and popped back into an erect position.

  Thomas stood, appalled. "Stay away from me," he said, retracting his steps.

  Unfortunately, this brought him closer to Ty. She sat, half perched, leaning against the wall. I could smell the pain lifting from her muddy, bruised skin.

  I paused in my ascent, afraid of bringing attention to her. The man, crazed, stumbled on some loose rock. His hand landed a few yards from Ty as he caught himself. His gaze fell on her. The smile erupting across his face made my blood boil.


  Each of us clearly thought the same thing. Who could make it to her first?

  Chapter 24

  I think he made the first move. It was hard to tell. My wolf instincts only took a moment to react. Digging, my claws spat up the mucky earth as I barreled down on him. My lips pulled back, readying to bite.

  His hand lashed out for Ty just as I screamed with my mind, 'Don't touch her!' A surge of energy flushed from my temples. In my mind's eye I grabbed Thomas' arm. The man ground his teeth.

  "What are you doing to me?" he asked, his face white.

  He couldn't move his arm. An invisible barrier had grown around my friend and each time he tried to touch her, his body refused to obey.

  I didn't have time to ponder the disgusting matter of biting someone. My jaw clamped down on his leg, my large head twisting. Thomas groaned with pain, and slammed his fist down on me. I yelped as I fell, skidding to the ground. Sharp razors of pain sliced down through my scalp.

  He swung again. Willing myself to move, I jumped up, and spun on my haunches. My ears flattened against my head. Limping, Thomas picked up a large jagged stone. He fumbled with it and then as he arched his shoulder back to heave the rock, I screamed with my mind, 'Stop!'

  His hand froze midair, the rock tumbling to his feet.

  "What the hell are you?" he asked, gasping. " don't just control shifts. You can control us, period."

  "Go for the jugular." Liam's voice groaned from behind me.

  I almost lost my concentration. My chest burned so much, I thought it might explode.

  Liam! I wanted to cry, but my wolf form forbid it. I didn't dare look in his direction for fear of losing my hold on Thomas.

  "The jugular," Liam said with a cough. Everything in me wanted to run to him, but I couldn't. "It's the only way to stop him. Otherwise, he'll heal."

  Dread shot through me as I realized what Liam was saying. I couldn't kill a man. But did I have a choice? He'd kill all of us. Shaking, my mental hold started to slip. I had to focus, but I couldn't. Fear returned.

  "Is this the way you treat your father?" Thomas said, his body still frozen. "I raised you."

  Something moved by my peripheral line of vision and if human, I would have gasped. Aaron, caked with dried blood and dirt, stopped just behind Thomas - the scowl on Aaron's face, painful. "No," Aaron said. "You ruined me."

  Aaron reached up, and with a quick twist, snapped the man's neck. Thomas' body toppled to the ground.

  My mind whirled and I felt the mental hold dissipate on the man as he died. The reality slammed down on me. A man was dead, and I was a werewolf. The pain from the blow to my skull returned, and the cavern darkened.


  * * *

  Muffled voices swam through my semi-consciousness. Music played, and the sound of spitting tires across gravel filled my ears. Despite the heavy groggy feeling and disorientation, the awareness of my heightened senses startled me.

  I knew I had to be in human form. The comforting feel of each of my fingers rested against the soft dossal leather of Liam's car. He was close. I could smell him in a way I never knew existed. It felt like home. I knew I would always be able to discern his rich scent from anything now. I loved it.

  "Is she awake?"

  The sound of Aaron's voice surprised me, raising me to full awareness. I hadn't expected him to be there. Now that I knew, I could pull his scent from the others around me as well. His, I also wouldn't forget.

  "Charlotte, are you awake?" Liam asked. His palm brushed against me.

  I curled myself around his arm. "I think so," I said with a smirk.

  "Good." He chuckled, refocusing on the road. "We're almost to your house."

  I pushed myself up on the front passenger seat, my muscles stiff and sore. Liam seemed to notice. "Your body gets more limber with time. The muscles and ligaments have to adjust. After a bit, you won't feel a thing."

  I winced as I refastened my seat belt. My shoulders didn't want to bend. "Did all that really happen? Did I really change?"

  Liam's smile lit my pulse. "You were amazing."

  "You're not watching the road," I said.

  Liam bit his lip. "Am I allowed to drive one handed?"

  "Maybe," I said.

  He wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled up against his shoulder.

  "Charlotte, what you did in there..." I stiffened hearing Aaron's voice again, the warmth from Liam almost made me forget he sat there. What was he doing there? I strained my poor aching body to turn from my little spot of heaven. Ty slept, curled up across the back seat, her head resting on Aaron's lap. His fingers played with her hair. "I know you don't believe me, but I love her."

  I hardened, not knowing what to say.

  "I'm sorry about what I did." He looked back down at Ty. She made a small noise and nestled up closer to Aaron. "All of it. You saved her life. I don't know what I'd do without her. She's the only person that's ever cared about me." The blunt, honest statement caught me by surprise.

  "I don't think that's true," I said. Despite my hatred for what he had done, I motioned to the back of Liam's seat.

  "I don't deserve this," he said.

  "No, you don't," I replied. The corners of my mouth turned down as I watched my friend sleep.

  "I'm sorry, Charlotte."

  I couldn't look at him anymore. I returned to my seat, and vacantly gazed out the front window. "He's staying with you, isn't he?"

  "He's my brother," Liam said.

  I nodded. "I know."

  Liam's fingers entwined in mine, and he squeezed my hand. With a sigh, I rested against his shoulder. He pressed a small kiss to my forehead.

  "It's going to be okay," he said, and for the first time, I truly believed him.

  About the Author

  Rachel grew up in small town Massachusetts where she spent most of her time writing about strange paranormal creatures instead of paying attention in class. She has always been considered the 'dreamy' one with her head in the clouds. She now lives in Nevada with her two sons, a cat, and a rat named Sam. Visit her at

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