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Kisses From Jack: The Other Side of a Billionaire Love Story (Saltwater Kisses Book 2)

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by Lakes, Krista

  The idea made him smile. Yes, once he had his business under control, he would find Emma again and make things work.

  Kisses From Jack: Chapter 6

  Emma stood out in the water, the waves lapping at the hem of her sundress. Jack's heart jumped to his throat. Her dark hair spilled down her back as she looked out toward the horizon. She was so beautiful and real it hurt.

  “Sorry I'm late,” Jack said, stepping out into the water. She spun, her eyes bright and relief flooding her face.

  “I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” she said quietly. The hurt in her voice betrayed the smile on her face. His heart constricted. She thought he had left her.

  “Sometimes I hate my job. Even on vacation, I don’t really get a day off. I apologize for making you wait,” he replied somberly. His eyes shone with honesty as he reached her spot in the water. The last thing he had wanted to do was hurt her. “What are you doing out here?”

  “Chasing waves,” she explained. She smiled up at him, forgiveness in her eyes. “What would you like to do?”

  He kissed her, not wanting to wait another second to touch her. Her kiss made his knees go weak and he knew he had made the right choice leaving Brandy. This was what a kiss should feel like.

  “Walk with me?” he asked. His mind was still reeling from the encounter with Brandy. He wished he could tell Emma everything, to hear her tell him in that sweet voice that he did well, but he didn't want to burden her with that. Brandy was his past.

  He took her hand and together they walked down the beach. It felt good just to be near her, the sand under their feet and the sunshine warm on their backs. Jack soaked in the way her hand felt in his, the way her soft step matched his, and even the way the breeze caught her long hair and made it dance.

  After a short walk, they came to a series of tents strung along the beach where locals sold their wares. It was a simple marketplace, nothing compared to the tent stalls Jack had seen in Iraq or Dubai, but the concept was the same.

  “A pretty necklace for a pretty lady?” An accented voice called out as they passed. Emma giggled and tucked her hair behind her ear. He loved that she took every compliment so seriously, as if she didn't believe in her own beauty.

  He watched her, ready to buy anything she wanted, but she just browsed through the stalls. Finally, at the last stall she found a simple dolphin pendant. He knew it was for her the moment she picked it up, her face brightening as she held it.

  “The lady has excellent taste,” the shopkeeper said, winking at Jack. “Put it on. See how it feels.”

  Jack took the delicate necklace from her fingers and carefully placed it around her throat. He managed not to struggle with the clasp. It fit her perfectly.

  “How much for the necklace?” he asked the shopkeeper, smiling at Emma.

  “One hundred American dollars. But for you, I sell it at eighty-five dollars,” the salesman replied, his teeth bright.

  “Eighty-five dollars? That is too much. Thank you though. It is beautiful,” Emma said quickly. She reached up to undo the clasp to return it to the jewelry tray.

  Jack placed his hand on the back of her neck to stop her. She wanted this necklace but couldn't afford it. Eighty-five dollars was nothing, especially if it made her happy. He would have paid double that just to make her smile.

  “No. The lady will have it,” Jack interjected, feeling pleased that he could do something nice for her.

  “What are you doing? It isn’t worth that,” she hissed at him. He ignored her and fished money out of his wallet and handed it to the man. He was going to give her something beautiful.

  “Thank you, sir. Enjoy the necklace, miss.” The shopkeeper smiled at Jack and hurried to put his money somewhere safe.

  Jack beamed with pride. It wasn't often he got to make someone happy, and making Emma happy was all he wanted. He couldn't understand why she was frowning as they exited the tent to continue their walk.

  It was as if the sale had triggered a feeding frenzy in the other shops. Every single one of them called out in sweet voices, trying to coax us like sirens to their wares. One store owner even had the audacity to grab at Emma's arm to forcibly pull her into his tent. Jack was not pleased.

  Jack grabbed her hand, ready to punch the shopkeeper out if he didn't let go. He pulled her out into the water and away from the greedy fingers of the tents.

  “I buy one thing and they all go crazy,” he said, looking back at the tents like they might follow him out into the ocean.

  “That’s because you paid full price,” she said with a giggle. He frowned, his dark brows knitting together. She shook her head at him. “I willingly admit that I am not the best haggler, but I could have gotten him down to at least thirty dollars. You flashed your money and now they know you don’t haggle.”

  “Oh, come on, eighty-five dollars isn’t that much! It isn’t something to justify the feeding frenzy of salesmen.” He looked back at the shops in disbelief. “Now I know how chum feels when the sharks gather.”

  It hadn't been like that in Iraq. Granted, his interpreter had done the negotiation and it had taken longer. Jack considered himself an excellent negotiator. He had certainly made enough million dollar contracts that others said couldn't be done at that price.

  “Eighty-five dollars is a lot of money to spend on a necklace, no matter how pretty it is,” Emma chastised him gently.

  “It isn't that much,” he said, feeling put out. The necklace was supposed to have been a gift, something to make her smile and now it was turning into something else. He didn't like being told he had done something wrong.

  “It is to them. It certainly is to me. Eighty-five dollars is almost a full day's pay.” She shrugged as though it was nothing, but it hit him like a punch in the gut and he dropped her hand. A full day's pay? No wonder the shopkeepers had swarmed. Eighty-five dollars didn't even buy him lunch, but it was a lot of money to her. He hadn't thought about just how different their economic situations were until just that moment.

  “Thank you for the necklace, though. I really do like it, even if it is a little extravagant,” she told him, smiling up at him. He didn't want to appear like a billionaire to her. He wanted to be someone she could relate to. He smiled, trying to relax. He would have to be more careful about money or he would give himself away.

  He reached out his hand, waiting for her to take him back despite his faux pas. “You deserve even more. The charm suits you,” he said, smiling. “I like it on you.”

  She played with the charm for a moment before reaching for him, her eyes sparkling with the gift. “It does look good, doesn’t it?”

  He grinned. It certainly did. He squeezed her hand and together they kept walking. He wished he could buy her everything her heart desired. Not just to impress or buy her heart, but to make her happy. It was a small but important difference from his previous affairs.

  Kisses From Jack: Chapter 7

  Jack couldn't remember a more pleasant afternoon. Emma had him laughing as she recalled nearly getting caught skinny dipping. The innocence and honesty of her stories made him want to wrap her up in his arms and never let her go. She was a breath of fresh air in his stagnant, money-filled world.

  White gauze streamers fluttered on a gazebo, catching his attention. He had heard of the booths being set up on the beach for weddings, but had never seen one. He stared at it for a moment, feeling the weight of his business responsibilities crash back onto his shoulders.

  Her eyes followed his gaze, and he nodded to the decorated awning, the wedding already set up as if waiting for them. “You ever think you'll get married?”

  “At the rate I’m going?” she asked. “No. You don’t even want to know the last time I went on a date. I want to, but, no one seems interested. I’ve kind of come to accept that I will be a crazy old cat lady someday.” Her voice was light, as if it were a joke only she got. It squeezed at Jack's heart and made him ache. He wanted her. He squeezed her hand. “What about you? You
think you'll ever marry?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. I would love a family. I want a wife and kids with a dog in a white picket fenced yard, but I don’t think that will ever happen because of my work and the obligations that come with it. The fact that I have money complicates things.” He sighed. Brandy had certainly proven that. He had yet to meet anyone other than Emma who made him feel as though his money didn't matter. “If I were to get married, it would have to be to someone who could see past my job and the income. Someone who wanted to be with me.”

  “I’d marry you. Even if you didn’t have any money,” she blurted out. Jack stopped dead in his tracks. It was as if she could read his thoughts and give him his greatest wishes. She bit her lip, obviously flustered by his reaction. “I mean, I don’t know how much money you have, but I know that I like being around you. I think I like you more than anyone I have ever met.”

  Jack put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her to face him. His heart was going a million miles per hour. He searched her face, looking for any hint of dishonesty or greed. All he saw was her wholesome warmth and genuine affection. It made him dizzy with joy. “You're serious,” he said, a smile filling his face. “You want to get married?”

  She blushed a beautiful crimson that tugged at his heartstrings. “Sure, why not?” she asked bravely. The trembling under his fingertips told him that she was more nervous than she let on.

  “Let’s do it, then,” he said with a wicked smile. He wasn't about to let her back out now.

  “Are you serious?” Her smiled faltered for a moment as he called her bluff.

  “Sure, why not?” he mimicked her words with a grin. He tugged at her hand, walking toward the awning.

  “Wait a second,” she gasped.

  “Oh, so you’re backing out?” Jack’s eyes twinkled with amusement. He was enjoying this far too much.

  “No, I am not backing out. I said I would marry you and I will,” she responded, thrusting out her jaw. “I want to... ummm... clarify a couple of things.”

  “Okay, Ms. Worrywart, go on — clarify,” he said.

  “It is soon to be Mrs. Worrywort. You realize that we are in a foreign country right?” she asked. He nodded. The thought had occurred to him as soon as he asked. As they were both foreigners without the correct legal documents, the ceremony wouldn't be legal. It was a harmless bit of fun. Emma's face relaxed as she came to the same conclusion. “Good. You realize that you never asked my dad’s permission?”

  That took Jack by surprise. He loved that she was playing the game with him. “You want me to call him right now?” Jack asked innocently as he began reaching for his phone. “Or are you just thinking up excuses not to marry me?”

  “Oh, I’ll marry the hell out of you,” she said laughing and pushing the phone back to his pocket. “Besides, then we can tell everyone we are on our honeymoon and get free drinks.”

  “You are staying on an all-inclusive resort,” he informed her with a laugh. She pushed his shoulder playfully.

  “Before we do this, though, you should at least propose properly,” she said trying to keep a straight face. Jack looked thoughtful for a moment before taking her hand and dropping to one knee. He wanted to do this right. This was the closest to a wedding he was likely ever going to get.

  “My dearest, loveliest Emma,” he began looking up at her. He couldn't stop the grin from filling his face. “Will you do me the biggest honor of this vacation, and marry me?”

  “Yes,” she answered with a giggle. He stood up and kissed her, finding a passion he hadn't been expecting. Desire threaded through him at her touch and when they pulled apart he could see it mirrored in her eyes as well.

  “Come on!” Jack recovered first, grabbing her hand with a smile and pulling her toward the awning.


  “You may now kiss the bride,” the marriage officiant declared. Jack grinned at Emma's smile. For this moment, she was his. He liked the idea of having Emma all to himself, even though he knew the marriage was a sham. This was just pretend, just a wonderful game they both were participating in because they knew they couldn't have the real thing.

  He put his hands on her face, and drew her lips to his. Her mouth was soft and sweet, and he could barely contain himself from wanting more. Wanting her. There was something about kissing her after those words, something that made him ache for it to be real.

  “Smile for the camera,” the minister said, holding up a camera. Jack's hand shot up and covered the lens before the man could even press the button. The last thing he needed was pictures of this wedding being posted online. As much as he wished this ceremony could be real, it was the last thing his family or his business needed.

  “No pictures,” Jack snapped. His eyes darkened as he stared down the minister.

  “No pictures?” Emma asked, disappointment in her voice. “Not even one, just for us?”

  Jack frowned. Emma's eyes pleaded with him for just one. This was her wedding day as much as it was his. He relented. The two of them could have one picture, especially since it was their wedding. He actually rather liked the idea of having something to remember this day by. “No pictures except this one. This one is for us.”

  He handed the minister his phone and turned to smile for the camera. Emma cuddled up into him under the awning as the camera flashed. The minister smiled before handing it back to Jack.

  He grinned at the screen. The picture was perfect. It captured Emma's simple beauty and the two of them looked absolutely ecstatic. It looked like a real wedding picture.

  “I better get a copy,” Emma said, her eyes staying on the picture even as she handed the phone back to Jack. He laughed, completely happy to oblige that request. He kissed her again, reveling in her sweet taste and the way she pressed against his body. She fit with him.

  “You’ll get the only copy,” he whispered. “This is ours and ours alone. No one can ever take this from us. This is our secret, one only we share.”

  She had to be aware the effect she was having on him. Just kissing her and having her press into him was causing him to grow hard. All he could think about was having her beneath him, writhing, naked and panting. He wanted his name on her lips as she came.

  “We should head back and start our honeymoon,” she whispered, pushing her hips against his. The familiar ache at the base of his spine was starting to grow the longer he held her. His hand tightened on her back, and he nearly threw her to the sand to take her right there on the beach.

  “Ahem.” The minister raised his eyebrows and looked pointedly away. Jack got the message and released his blushing bride just long enough to grab her hand.

  Together, they sprinted back down the beach, laughing at their splashes in the waves and enjoying their new marriage.

  Kisses From Jack: Chapter 8

  Emma pushed open her door and nearly stepped inside before he caught her.

  “What do you think you're doing?” Jack asked, his eyes twinkling. Despite running along the beach, he wasn't out of breath from running. He was out of breath controlling himself with Emma. It had taken every ounce of willpower he processed to get her back to the hotel room. The only reason he had managed to wait was that it was technically their wedding. He was looking forward to this part.

  “Opening the door?” Emma cocked her head to the side, confused. She had sprinted just as hard to get back here.

  With a fluid motion, Jack scooped her up in his arms. She giggled as she realized what he was doing, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him close. She pressed her nose into his throat and inhaled, taking in the scent of him. It made his heart race with primal need.

  He carried her to the bedroom, setting her down gently on the floor. She held onto him for an extra moment, as if she were soaking him into her skin. When she looked up at him, her long lashes fluttering over sea-green eyes, his heart melted into a puddle on the floor.

  She stepped back and in a one smooth motion raised the hem of her sundress up and
over her head. All she had on was a pair of tiny white panties. Jack's breath caught and all the need he had been keeping tamped down came roaring to life.

  “Wow,” he whispered, looking her up and down. She bit her lip and blushed, suddenly shy. “You are so beautiful.”

  She grinned, flipping her hair back behind her shoulder. “I'm just getting started. Take off your shirt.”

  Confidence looked good on her, he thought as he pulled the shirt up and over his head. A sly smirk crossed her features and she moved as though she were coming to kiss him. Only, instead of kissing his lips, she dropped to her knees in front of him.

  She bit her lip again as she concentrated on undoing the button to his shorts. He groaned as she tugged on the fabric, pulling them free. The palm of her hand went straight to his groin, rubbing his hardening erection through his boxers. The muscles of his abs tensed with the pleasure.

  She looked up at him, wide eyed and eager to please, as she pulled the boxers down. He loved the little gasp she made when she saw him, nearly fully erect and more than ready to take her. Lust shimmered in her green eyes like sunlight on the water. She took a deep breath, preparing herself to take him in her mouth.

  “You don't have to—” Jack started to say, but his words were stopped as she introduced him to pure bliss. Her tongue caressed his cock, swirling and tasting his desire. He groaned as she ran her fingers up his legs and up to his stomach. Abs and ass tight, it was all he could do not to force himself into her mouth. He wanted to take her and take her hard. “Emma...”

  He couldn't find the words. Everything was pleasure from her mouth to her hands and everything in between. Her tongue pressed and sucked with gentle strokes that drove him absolutely wild. His hips rocked back and forth of their own accord.


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