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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

Page 15

by Dellacroix, Kiera

  "You realize that we're stuck in this car until backup starts arriving tomorrow, don't you?" he asked frostily.

  "Uh… yeah," Russell answered warily not daring to turn around.

  "Oh good. Then do you have any idea what Mike is going to do when he sees this car and myself, covered in fucking gum?"

  "Not really," he said lamely, keeping his eyes focused through the binoculars.

  "I see, and do you have any idea how pissed off I am at the moment?" he asked almost casually.

  "Uhm… I could probably guess," he answered wincing.

  "No. No, I don't think you could." He paused as he took the gun from his holster. "I want you turn around and take a good look at your handiwork and if I so much as detect a glimmer of amusement in your eyes, I swear to God, I'll fucking pistol whip you," he said ominously.

  Taking a deep breath and bracing himself, he lowered the binoculars and slowly turned in his seat to face his extremely angry companion. It was only divine intervention that kept a crack from appearing in his facade. The effort it took to keep from laughing was beginning to make him sweat as Zack's eyes stayed focused on him intently for several minutes.

  "I'm impressed," Zack said finally. "Here's what's gonna happen. As soon as that chick settles down for the night, you're gonna walk your happy ass to the nearest open store and return with the supplies necessary to clean this shit up." He paused and narrowed his eyes. "And while you're walking along, it would be a good idea to pray that I don't have to shave my fucking eyebrow off or cut my fucking hair. Do you get where I'm coming from?"

  "I got you," he said seriously.

  "Good," he said and turned his attention back to the woman they were supposed to be watching.


  "Would you like to come in for a bit?" Piper asked as she turned off the car.

  "I'd like to but I should probably go," Bailey said reluctantly.

  "Okay," Piper said a little disappointed but then added. "Would you like to get together for lunch tomorrow?"

  "I'm afraid I can't, I… I have an overseas matter to look into tomorrow," Bailey said apologetically.

  "That's alright," Piper said and reached over to take Bailey's hand. "I just want to spend time with you is all."

  "I… I want to spend time with you too," Bailey said shyly.

  "Well, that's all that matters," Piper said brightly. "So, I'll see you tomorrow for dinner, right?"

  "Wouldn't miss it," Bailey said with a smile of her own.

  Piper smiled and squeezed her hand a little tighter. "Thanks for dinner and for letting me drive, I had a great time," she said with another squeeze to Bailey's hand before she let go and collected her purse.

  "I did too, and you can drive anytime." Bailey smiled as she got out of the car to walk around to other side.

  Piper got out and waited for her to come around, noticing with a smile that she took the last few steps a little hesitantly. She shouldered her purse and closed the distance between them, placing her hands on Bailey's hips.

  "Are you familiar with the traditional ritual that usually signifies the end of a date?" she asked seriously.

  "I… I'm…uh…familiar with the ritual," Bailey said nervously. "But have never experienced it," she admitted with a slight blush.

  "Would you like to?" Piper asked coyly.

  "Not tonight, I've a headache," Bailey said solemnly.

  "Wha… huh?" Piper said caught completely flatfooted.

  Piper's eyes narrowed and her hands went to her own hips as she listened to Bailey laugh quietly at her.

  "Pretty amused with yourself aren't you?" she asked a little sarcastically.

  "Yes I am, actually," Bailey admitted cheerfully.

  Piper promptly shrugged off the teasing with a look at the bright smile on Bailey's face. Observing the woman in a truly unguarded moment made her shiver a little at just how drawn to her she was.

  "Just kiss me, you fool," Piper said a little more seductively than intended.

  Bailey leaned down without hesitating and captured Piper's mouth with her own. She followed Piper's lead and very softly conducted explorations of her own that soon resulted in the arms tightening around her waist as Piper began to press her body more firmly into hers. She became suddenly aware that her body was sending her unfamiliar signals that she found both very pleasant and extremely unnerving. She reluctantly began to disengage the contact until Piper's embrace gradually loosened and her hands came back to rest on her hips.

  "Uhm…" Piper started fishing for her voice. "You're…uhm… a pretty quick study."

  Bailey was busy trying to analyze everything her body was trying to tell her and didn't immediately answer. "I… I think I need to go," she said finally.

  Piper looked at her sympathetically and tried to remember how it felt to be so inexperienced. "Don't think so much, it gets much easier down the road a bit," she offered sagely and stood on her toes to give her a quick peck on the lips.

  "I hope so," Bailey said more to herself than to Piper. "Uhm… you'd better go in before your roommate gets worried," she added distantly.

  "Why would she be worried?" Piper asked confusedly.

  "She's been spying on us since we pulled up."

  "Really? How do you know?" she asked curiously.

  "I just do, she's in the upstairs room over the garage. Is that her room?"

  "No," Piper said and quickly turned to look at the window but didn't see anything. "I wouldn't put it past her though, she's always been a little nosy."

  "I don't think she likes me."

  "I'm sure that's not true, she just doesn't know you."

  "Hmmm," Bailey grunted noncommittally.

  "Don't let it bother you. I think you're fantastic if that makes you feel better," Piper said with a smile.

  "It does," Bailey said with a smile of her own.

  Piper drummed her fingers on Bailey's hip. "I should go in, see ya tomorrow?"


  Piper stood on her toes for another quick peck and padded toward the house. "Be careful on the way home, girlfriend," she said with a smile as Bailey watched her unlock the door and disappear inside.

  As soon as the door shut behind Piper, she fished for the cigarettes in her pocket and lit up, inhaling deeply and turning a scowling gaze on the car that held the two men who had been watching her all evening. She knew it was inevitable that she would be watched but she hadn't planned on going out on any dates. And while it normally wouldn't phase her, she found it disturbing to share her time with Piper under the scrutiny of others. She stood in the driveway and stared at the distant car until she finished her cigarette and flipping the butt away, she got in her car and headed for home.


  Russell, who had been watching through the binoculars and wondering how far he would have to walk to find an open store, suddenly came to full attention and leaned forward in his seat.

  "Zack, you should take a look at this," he said excitedly.

  "I would but I don't want to get gum on my binoculars," he said darkly.

  "I think they're making out."

  "Huh?" Zack said forgetting the gum and bolting up in his seat to grab his binoculars.

  "Where's the night scope?"

  "In the trunk," Zack said leaning forward in his seat and peering intently through the binoculars.

  "Gimme the keys."

  Zack dropped one hand from the binoculars to the ignition but stopped. "Forget it, the redhead is going inside."

  "Oh, man," Russell said dejectedly as he watched the redhead disappear.

  "Uh… is it just me or is she looking right at us?"

  Russell focused in. "It sure looks that way. Do you think she can see us?"

  "She can see the car for sure, but we're too far away for her to see inside."

  "Wish I could see her eyes, it feels like she's staring right at me."

  "No shit, it's kinda spooky," Zack agreed.

  "So were they making out? I couldn't te
ll for sure."

  "I think so."

  "Let's keep the night scope inside the car from now on."

  "Good plan," he said dropping the binoculars on the seat and starting the car. "She's moving."

  Part Three

  But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good,

  Oh Lord, Please don't let me be misunderstood.

  - Benjamin, Marcus, Caldwell


  Martin slowly awoke to a painfully throbbing hand and a dull headache. He looked at his watch and was a little startled to see that it was almost two in the afternoon. Groggily rising from bed still fully dressed from the day before, he tried a door he hoped was the bathroom but turned out to be an empty closet. He tried a second door and discovered the facilities the he needed to put to immediate use. Feeling greatly relieved, he traveled to the sink and wondered how to best resolve the dilemma of washing his hands when one was thoroughly bandaged. He caught sight of his reflection in the mirror and winced. He was sporting an impressive shiner and an interesting purple bruise on the side of his face where the bald man had struck him. His mind not up to speed, he left his hands unwashed and made his way out into the hall with the intention of finding something to eat. He hadn't set one foot into the kitchen when Bailey's voice startled him.

  "Good afternoon, Mr. Satterfield."

  "Uhm…" he said looking around and finally spotting her sitting in front of the piano but staring out the window. "Good afternoon."

  "Your bag is on the kitchen table, Mr. Satterfield," she said. "Where's the gun?"

  "Gun?" He looked at her stupidly.

  "There was a box of ammunition and a loaded magazine for a Glock handgun in your belongings. Where is it?" she asked casually.

  "Oh, I lost it when they tried to get me at home. I forgot I had the other magazine," he said and she was quiet for several minutes.

  "I see," she said finally. "There's breakfast in the oven for you, but I'm afraid it's probably cold by now. You can heat it up if you like."

  "You made breakfast?" he asked in surprise.

  "You sound surprised," she said tonelessly.

  "I guess I am kinda," he admitted.


  "I dunno really."

  "You read my file, Mr. Satterfield. Did it not mention that I'm capable of cooking breakfast? Or did it only portray me as capable of butchering people?" she asked icily.

  Martin took several seconds to formulate his response. "I'm afraid that it was rather limited in regards to the subject matter," he said carefully.

  Bailey didn't answer and after a moment, she returned her gaze to the window. Martin eventually walked over to the oven and checked the temperature of the eggs, bacon, and hash browns she had left for him, they were cold to the touch so he closed the door and turned on the oven. She still hadn't spoken so he ambled over to the table and sat down to order his thoughts.

  "Have they contacted you?"

  "Why would they contact me, Mr. Satterfield?" she asked distantly.

  "Because I'm sure they know I'm here."

  She turned around on the bench and faced him. "When did you start running?"

  "I took the file Monday night, they tried to kill me Tuesday morning."

  "I see, did you go into work on Tuesday?"


  "Then you should be aware of a couple of things. Firstly, I'm considered a rogue operative as of Tuesday morning and secondly, they know exactly where you are."

  "A rogue? What does that mean exactly?"

  "That means I've cut all ties to the Organization and am targeted for elimination."

  "They're going to kill you?"

  "It means that they're going to try."

  "Why haven't they tried already?"

  "Because they don't want to lose any Organization assets. And if they initially failed, I would present an even greater security risk. I'd imagine with you and the file, the danger of that has at least tripled in their eyes so they'll be far more cautious in moving against me. In fact, they would have to be very confident in their success to even make an attempt."

  "By security risk are you talking about going public?"


  "Are you going to do that?"


  "What are you going to do?

  "I'm going to win, Mr. Satterfield."

  Martin spent several minutes considering that statement. "You can't kill them all," he said finally.

  "Sure I can, but I don't think that'll be necessary." She stood up. "I'll be back in a moment," she said as she disappeared down a hallway.

  Bailey walked to her office and sat down at her computer. She entered the number that she had procrastinated all morning over dialing and watched the monitor until it was answered.


  "Good day, Major."

  "Ah, was beginning to wonder about you," he said jovially and her mood perked up.

  "Tell me," she said directly.

  "They exist and the PM has instructed our Ambassador to grant them immunity and asylum at our embassy in the United States."

  Bailey closed her eyes for several minutes, feeling like she could cry for the first time in over ten years.

  "Are you there?"

  "Yes, I'm sorry, Major."

  "Quite alright."

  "I've one more favor to ask," she said quietly.

  "No need. I've already arranged to have them moved and will personally see to their safety. I've been waiting for your call and will be on their doorstep in four hours with a security detachment. I will personally see them to the States and will remain with them for as long as you need me to."

  "That's above and beyond, Major. Thank you," she said impressed.

  "It is the very least I can do," he said sincerely. "The PM was quite incensed to find two subjects of the Crown under the thumb of your ex-employers. I've done some research and it seems their names have been changed at least three times and they've been relocated nine times over the last fifteen years."

  "Tell them, that soon they can live anywhere they want for as long as they want."

  "Will you be coming to see them then?"

  "I don't know."

  "I see, when shall I expect to hear from you again."

  "Within the next thirty days."

  "Very good."

  "My thanks, Major."

  "Very welcome."

  "Oh, by the way, any hits on my paper?"


  "Very well, I'll be in touch, Major."

  "Take care, my friend," he said and hung up.


  Martin was polishing off the last of his reheated breakfast when Bailey emerged from the hall. He experienced a flash of fear as she made a beeline right for him, but she stopped at the table and sat down in a chair across from him. She began an intent examination of him that lasted several minutes while he studied his plate and grew extremely nervous.

  "Thank you, Mr. Satterfield," she said sincerely.

  "I… I don't understand," he said confused and a little scared.

  "Because of you my family will be safely inside the United States by this time tomorrow."

  "You found them?" he asked relieved.

  "Yes, they were in Southampton like you said."

  "Are they coming here to Atlanta?"

  "No, they'll be safely nestled away in the British Embassy until I can come for them."

  "The British? I would've thought…" he trailed off.

  "You would've thought that I hated the British," she finished for him.

  "Yes," he admitted.

  "I gave into hate once, Mr. Satterfield. It led me down a road that I wouldn't wish upon anyone.

  "I don't understand."

  "I hope you never do, Mr. Satterfield."

  Any chance of a response on his part was nullified by the ringing of her cell phone.


  "Hi," she said with a bright smile that cut off abruptly as her eyes tracked to Martin, who appeared to be st
udiously trying not to listen.

  "Can you hold on a second?" she said as she got up and disappeared down the hallway again.

  Martin had a lot to think about and was vaguely aware that he should be very worried over the information that she had given him earlier, but it didn't seem to phase her so he pretty much decided to leave the situation in her capable hands. If The Wraith was considered a rogue, Terry would have to be going apeshit by now. The thought brought both a smile to his face and a question to his mind that he very much wanted an answer to. Fortunately, she came back into the room while it was still fresh on his mind.

  "Can I ask you a question?"


  "Is Terry a target?"

  "Why would you want to know that, Mr. Satterfield?" she asked tonelessly.

  "Because it's the question that led me to read and inevitably steal your file," he said honestly.

  "I'll answer if you tell me why you wanted to read my file and how you came to see it in the first place, considering very few people would have access to it. And you tell me why you stole it," she said agreeably.

  "I read it because I suspected Terry might attempt to remove me and I needed an ally." He paused. "I also suspected that you didn't voluntarily remove yourself from inactive status and I believed Terry's motives were personal. However, I couldn't figure out how he got you to participate if you didn't want to. I put two and two together when I read the file and realized that he was using your family against you." He stopped to gauge her reaction, which was unreadable. "As to how I came to see it, I found out that Terry kept the file in his office instead of secure storage. I had a keycard to his office and I knew where he hid the keys to his desk. I ended up stealing the file because the keycard wouldn't let me back into his office. I had to run."

  "I see. How did you know my family's whereabouts?"

  "I saw a field report for Terry's eyes only from Southampton referring to a Bennigan. Apparently, your brother had an accident at work and had to be transported to a hospital. He turned out to be fine, but the incident was reported to Terry."

  "What kind of accident?"

  "The report didn't specify, it did however mention that he was back at work two days later so I'm sure it wasn't serious. We had no active Ops in the UK at the time and when I read your file it clicked into place."


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