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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

Page 30

by Dellacroix, Kiera

  Part Five

  Oh boy! Hey, Hey! It's a national holiday.

  - P. MacDonald


  Piper snapped awake five minutes before her alarm went off, noticing a long mass of ebony hair draped over her chest and an arm that wasn't hers around her waist. She smiled happily at the discovery and snuggled closer to the form that had attached itself to her back, turning gently in the embrace so she could study her while she slept. Her face was so different in repose as it lacked the intense wisdom that asserted itself in waking moments. She seemed so very young and vulnerable, easy to see the young girl that hid just below the surface. Unable to resist, she placed a tender kiss on one of her eyelids and smiled as the face twitched and dark orbs were reluctantly revealed. She studied them at close range; they were truly black without a trace of any other color and they filled rapidly with life and intelligence.

  "Good morning," Piper said quietly and rolled over to turn off the alarm.

  "Good morning," Bailey said when she turned back around.

  "What a nice surprise," Piper said cuddling up to her. "I tried to call you all night last night."

  "I know," Bailey said. "I fell asleep early and didn't wake up until after midnight, I'm sorry."

  "That's okay, I'm glad you're here. I missed you."

  "I missed you too," Bailey said with a kiss.

  "What time did you come over last night?"


  "Nancy let you in?" Piper asked. "She's usually not up that late."

  "I let myself in, I didn't want to wake you."

  "More magic?" Piper asked with a little grin.

  "A little, perhaps," Bailey admitted.

  "My, my, maybe I should buy a guard dog," Piper said playing with a strand of ebony hair.

  "I like cats better."

  "Yes, but a cat wouldn't alert me in the middle of the night when someone sneaks into my house and slips half naked into my bed," Piper explained.

  "Is that a bad thing?"

  "Only if it's not you," Piper said burying her head into Bailey's chest. "We got the contract by the way."

  "I never had any doubt," Bailey said a little distractedly as Piper began placing kisses on her breasts.

  "You didn't?" Piper asked between kisses.

  "No, I'd knew you'd do it," Bailey said breathing in sharply when Piper suckled her.

  "I didn't do it alone, I had a little help," Piper said when she released the nipple.

  "Not according to Mr. Norvath," Bailey said unevenly when she felt a tongue start to tease at her. "I checked my mail before I left last night, he contributes the success solely to your performance in the boardroom."

  "He's seems to be a good man," Piper said with another kiss to Bailey's breast before straightening and placing one on her mouth.

  "Yes he does," Bailey said. "Would you like French toast before we leave this morning?"

  "Are you gonna make it?" Piper asked perkily.

  "No, I thought I'd go pick it off the tree in the backyard," Bailey said dryly rolling out of bed and putting on her shirt.

  "Funny," Piper said humorlessly. "Yes, I'd love some."

  "Alright," Bailey said. "Are you packed? We only have a couple of hours."

  "Yep, I packed before I went to bed," Piper said getting out bed. "I'll go hop in the shower."


  "I'm glad you came over last night," Piper said closing in on her and enveloping her in a hug. "You can sneak into my room anytime."

  "I'll keep that in mind," Bailey said as Piper stood on her tiptoes to peck her on the cheek.


  "I take it we're not leaving from the airport?" Piper asked curiously as Bailey pulled into the C-Corp parking garage.

  "Nope, we're leaving from the roof."

  "Well, that's door to door service," Piper said with a smile as Bailey turned off the car and hit the remote for the door. "Kinda scary though," she added.

  "What is?" Bailey asked getting out and walking around to the trunk.

  "Taking off from so high up," Piper said over the car as she got out and closed the door. "There's no margin for error."

  "I never thought about it," Bailey said with a shrug.

  "Here, I can carry mine, you don't have to do that," Piper said tugging her bag from Bailey's hand and shouldering it. "Are you sure it's safe?"

  "As safe as anything else in life," Bailey said cryptically leading Piper up the stairs.

  "You're not being very comforting," Piper complained as they emerged into the lobby.

  "Good morning, Miss Cameron, Miss Tate," came the voice of a security guard that Piper had seen before but didn't recognize.

  "Hello, Allen," Bailey said and Piper smiled at him on their way to the elevator.

  Once inside, Bailey produced her key and inserted in into the control panel. "It'll be alright, it's like being on a plane once you're in the air. Noisier though."

  "Will you hold my hand?" Piper asked with a smile.

  "Of course," Bailey replied.

  The elevator doors opened to an overcast sky instead of an office hallway and Piper experienced a second of disorientation as she was led out onto the roof. She noticed with apprehension the little red helicopter that looked distressingly like a toy.

  The pilot, a handsome man in his thirties, was waiting beside it and approached them when he noticed the women get out of the elevator.

  "Good morning, ladies," he said cordially as he opened the door that led to a rather narrow back seat.

  Bailey nodded politely to the man as she took Piper's bag from her, waiting until Piper got in before she put the bags on the floor in front of the seat and climbed in herself. The pilot shut the door behind her and climbed in the front, situating himself behind the controls.

  "It'll be about four hours to Lakefront from here, give or take," the pilot said preparing for take off. "I'm Chris by the way, and if you need to talk to me during the flight use the headsets hanging up back there."

  "Thank you, Chris," Bailey said.

  "Very good," Chris said professionally. "We'll be off in a few minutes," he added putting on his own headset.

  Bailey noticed Piper nervously struggling with her seatbelt and gently shooed her hands away to fasten it for her. "It'll be fine," she whispered in her ear as the engine started up.

  Bailey secured their bags under the seat and put on her own seat belt before offering her hand to Piper who grabbed it tightly and looked around worriedly. Bailey smiled brightly and waited for Piper's wandering eyes to meet hers and when they did she paused her nervous gyrations and tentatively returned the smile, but clenched Bailey's hand even tighter as the helicopter began to rise.

  Piper closed her eyes tightly as she felt them begin to move forward and she kept them closed until she felt lips on her cheek and Bailey's voice in her ear.

  "Look out the window," Bailey said pitching her voice to be heard over the chop of the blades.

  Piper hesitantly opened her eyes and saw that they were already speeding along. She could see the Atlanta skyline begin to fade in the distance and she began to gradually release her death grip on Bailey's hand. When her grip completely relaxed, Bailey took her hand from Piper's and shook it to revive the circulation. Piper noticed the action and smiled at her apologetically as she gently took her hand again and snuggled up to her on the bench, watching the world go by through the window.


  Let me take you far away,

  You'd like a holiday.

  - K. Meine

  As they approached their destination, Bailey put on one of the headsets so she could listen to Chris communicate with the tower. Piper had actually fallen asleep about an hour into the flight and had her head resting on her shoulder. She saw Chris turn a look in her direction and tap his headset, nodding when he saw that she was already wearing one.

  "Ma'am," he started. "I understand that you'll be returning on Sunday, is that correct?"

  "Yes," Bailey said

  "I'll be staying locally. What time is departure on Sunday?"

  "I think 1:00 in the afternoon would be fine."

  "Very good," Chris said. "We'll be landing in about five."

  "Thank you," Bailey said and removed the headset.

  "Piper," she said as she gently nudged the weight resting against her.

  "We there?" she asked around a yawn.

  Bailey nodded to the affirmative and Piper smiled. "I can't believe I fell asleep."

  Bailey smiled with an effort and Piper could tell she was beginning to show signs of nervousness. She smiled at her comfortingly and laid her head back on her shoulder.

  A few minutes later, they touched down gently and Chris turned in his seat. "Ladies, the terminal is that way," he said with a gesture. "I'm afraid it's a bit of a walk," he said while the blades gradually ceased their rotations.

  "Thank you, Chris," Bailey said. "We'll see you here on Sunday," she added, removing her seatbelt.

  "Happy Thanksgiving," he said with a smile, which Piper returned brightly while Bailey retrieved their bags from under the seat.

  Chris got out of the helicopter and opened the door on Bailey's side so they could get out. She dropped onto the tarmac and shouldered their bags, extending a hand to help Piper to the ground.

  "Thanks, Chris," Piper said as the man closed the door behind her.

  "My pleasure," he said jovially in response.

  Bailey nodded politely to the man and began to lead Piper toward the terminal, which was a good distance across the tarmac.

  "Piper," she started when they got out of earshot. "I'm a little nervous," she admitted.

  "I know you are," Piper said. "But I shall protect you," she exclaimed in a deep voice, puffing out her chest.

  Bailey couldn't help but smile. "You're a dork," she chuckled.

  "Is that your favorite word or something?" Piper asked amused.

  "I'm considering it," Bailey said thoughtfully. "I might call down to personnel on Monday and have them add it to your business cards."

  Piper chuckled. "Hush," she said giving Bailey a bump with her hips.

  They walked in silence until they approached the terminal and Bailey took a deep breath. "Piper… I…" she started, unsure of where she was going.

  "It'll be okay," Piper interrupted and squeezed her hand tightly. "I promise."

  Bailey relaxed slightly and let Piper open the door for her.

  "Piper!" a masculine voice called loudly from halfway across the room.

  Bailey studied the man as he approached. She guessed him to be a little over six feet tall and he had Piper's pale blue eyes. His hair was a dark brown but she could see traces of red in it. He was leading a pretty woman that was about her size with blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

  Piper felt the hand in hers tense upon hearing her brother's voice and she squeezed it reassuringly before letting go to meet the incoming embrace of her brother.

  "Corey," Piper replied happily as her brother embraced her, picking her up off her feet.

  "Bailey," she said as soon as she hit the ground. "This is my brother Corey and his wife Jennifer. Guys, I'd like you to meet Bailey Cameron," she said with a smile in Bailey's direction.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Bailey," Corey said, offering his hand in greeting which she shook lightly.

  "Hi, Bailey," Jennifer said and offered her hand as well.

  "It's nice to meet you both," Bailey said politely but quickly reached for Piper's hand as soon as she left the grip of Jennifer's greeting.

  "Everyone is glad you could come, Bailey," Corey said pleasantly. "Let me take your bags," he offered and with a gentle nudge from Piper she acquiesced and slipped the bags from her shoulder, which he immediately collected.

  "Where's my niece?" Piper asked happily.

  "She's home with Mom and Dad," Corey said. "We can't wait to show her off," he added with a smile at Jennifer who beamed silently.

  "I bet she's a cutie," Piper said cheerily.

  "That she is," Corey said with pride. "You guys ready?"

  "Yep, lead the way," Piper said with a squeeze and a gentle tug on Bailey's hand.

  Bailey had the almost overwhelming urge to go for her cigarettes as Piper chatted pleasantly with her brother and his wife while they walked out of the building and to the car. Piper would occasionally turn a look in her direction and smile at her comfortingly but she knew her nervousness was showing.

  Corey stopped at the rear of a white GMC Jimmy and deposited their bags in the back before he unlocked the doors so they could get in. Bailey climbed in the backseat behind Piper and let out a little sigh she hoped was undetectable.

  Piper heard it and pulled Bailey's hand into her lap and gently stroked the top of it with her other hand in an effort to relax her.

  Corey pulled out of the space and they were soon on the road. Bailey looked out the window at the passing city while Piper and her family jabbered back and forth, the scenery changing slowly from city to countryside.

  "The Camaro finally died, Corey," Piper said sadly.

  "Really?" Corey asked. "What happened to it?

  "Bailey says it has a cracked block," Piper said and Corey winced.

  "You're probably better off getting a new car than repairing it."

  "I kinda figured."

  "What are you driving now?" he asked curiously and Piper smiled slyly.

  "A ‘65 Corvette."

  "No shit?" Corey asked with a look in the rearview. "Where did you get that?" he asked enviously.

  "It's one of Bailey's, she letting me drive it for a while," Piper admitted with a smile.

  "One of?" Corey asked. "How many cars do you own, Bailey?"

  Bailey who had only been vaguely paying attention to the conversation looked up confusedly when Piper nudged her.

  "I'm sorry?"

  "Piper was telling me you have several cars, including the Corvette Piper's driving," he explained. "How many do you own?"

  "Four," she answered.

  "Really?" Corey asked interested.

  "She has a thing for classic black muscle cars, Corey," Piper said teasingly with a playful squeeze on Bailey's hand. "She has a ‘71 HemiCuda and a ‘70 GTO Judge with a Super Duty."

  "No kidding?" Corey asked impressed. "I'm jealous, what's the specs on the Corvette?"

  "396/425," Bailey said.

  "That's a rare engine for that year," Corey said. "I take it you're a collector."

  "Somewhat," Bailey admitted. "Although, I haven't found anything that has caught my eye in a while."

  "What else do you have?" Corey asked with interest.

  "A ‘65 Shelby GT," Bailey said pleasantly.

  "Whoa," Corey said. "Which one is your favorite?"

  "The Barracuda," Bailey replied.

  "Do you work on them yourself?" he asked curiously.

  "Only the Barracuda," Bailey said. "It's the only one I restored myself."

  "I didn't know that," Piper said and Bailey shrugged.

  "Really, I have an old Challenger out in the barn that I can't get to run right," Corey said conversationally. "Could I talk you into taking a look at it?"

  "Sure," Bailey said agreeably.

  "Great, I'll come get you on Saturday, alright?" he asked happily.

  Bailey looked at Piper who nodded. "Alright."

  "I'm excited," Corey said with a smile. "It's completely restored with the exception of a paint job. I've been struggling with getting it to run for over a month."

  "No kidding," Jennifer broke in. "He goes out there to hide I think."

  "I do not," Corey defended and Bailey's attention wandered while they argued back and forth for a few minutes.

  Corey turned off onto a dirt road and Bailey could see a large two-story plantation home in the distance.

  "That's it," Piper said with a squeeze to Bailey's hand.

  Bailey gave her a nervous smile as the car pulled up to the front of the house and stopped. She began to brea
th a little faster when she saw a man and woman she assumed to be Piper's mother and father come out of the house and begin to walk down the steps.

  Piper knew she was afraid and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Trust me when I say this is going to be a lot harder on me than it is you," she said with a sigh as she got out of the car and Bailey hesitantly stepped out herself.

  Piper's father was a solid, strong looking man that was pushing sixty, with light red hair that had almost completely given over to gray and intelligent dark blue eyes. Her mother was a pretty woman that Bailey could see Piper physically favored. She was short and had an easy smile with thick brown hair and hazel eyes.

  "Mom, Dad," Piper said coming around the car. "This is Bailey Cameron," she said proudly, taking Bailey's hand. "Bailey, these are my parents, Jack and Elizabeth."

  "How do you do, young lady?" Jack said and shook her hand with a firm grip.

  "It's nice to meet you both," Bailey said nervously and quickly remembered. "Thank you for having me," she added.

  "It's our pleasure, dear," Elizabeth said winningly with a French accent. "Just call me, Liz."

  "Alright," Bailey said.

  "You sure are a pretty thing and what a lovely accent," Liz complimented shooing Piper away with a hand. "Go kiss your father, Piper."

  Liz took Bailey by the hand and tugged her in the direction of the house. "Corey, quit gawking like an idiot and take their things up to Piper's room," she said pleasantly to her son.

  "You come along with me, I have a whole weekend of tormenting my daughter planned and I'm going to start by showing you all of her pictures from when she was a baby," Liz said dragging Bailey up the stairs, who shot a beseeching look over her shoulder at Piper.

  "Mom," Piper both whined and threatened.

  "Join us in the kitchen when you're ready, Piper," Liz said pleasantly, leading her captive into the house.

  As soon as the door closed, Piper turned a pleading look on her father but only got a powerless shrug in return. "I'm afraid you're in for it," he said hopelessly. "She's a beautiful girl, Piper," he added, embracing his daughter.

  "I know," Piper said with a smile, returning the hug.


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