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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

Page 36

by Dellacroix, Kiera

  "No fair picking on me," Piper said sulkily. "I'll have to sell my houses to pay you."

  "I'll overlook your debt, if you give me Marvin Gardens," Bailey offered with a grin.

  "But it's the only monopoly I've got left," Piper said unhappily. "You're just being mean."

  "I am not," Bailey disagreed.

  "Piper quit whining," Liz said with a chuckle. "You're the only one she hasn't busted yet," she pointed out.

  "Fine," Piper relented with a huff as she sold her houses and Bailey snickered. "Don't rub it in," she warned.

  "You have doubles roll again," Jennifer said and Piper rolled the dice.

  "Awww," Bailey said happily. "You landed on Pacific. I believe you owe me…" she looked at the card.

  "Here," Piper said picking up and dumping all her money on Bailey's space. "You win, try not to gloat," she said annoyed.

  "Why, thank you," Bailey said politely as she arranged all of her money into neat little stacks with a grin.

  Piper crossed her arms over chest and looked away as everyone laughed at her.

  "What an ugly face," Liz said cheerfully.

  "Nobody likes a poor loser," Corey added helpfully.

  "That's a fact," Jack agreed as Piper tried her best to ignore everyone.

  "Piper, I won't leave you in the cold completely," Bailey said sweetly and Piper turned cautious eyes in her direction. "Here, go buy yourself something nice," she said dismissively as she put a one-dollar bill in front of Piper who reddened as everyone chuckled at her.

  "I'm going to bed," Piper announced a she stood from her chair and stalked through the doorway into the other room, grinding her teeth at the laughter trailing behind her.

  "Somebody's in trouble," Liz said with a playful nudge to Bailey's arm. "The longer she has to wait for you to follow her, the harder it's going to be on you."

  Bailey chuckled. "Alright," she said, getting up from the table.

  "Goodnight, dear." Liz said pleasantly.

  "Goodnight," Bailey said to everyone with a smile and followed after her sulking girlfriend.

  Bailey stepped through the door to their room and closed it behind her, smiling at the form lying on the very far end of the bed with her back turned. She undressed quietly and put on her sleepwear before getting in bed next to Piper who still hadn't made a sound. She made to snuggle up next to her but she clenched her shoulders and scooted even closer to the edge of the bed. With a smile, she got up and walked around to the foot of the bed where she reached under the covers, grabbing her by both ankles and pulling her forcefully onto her belly, ignoring her indignant cry and jumping on her back to straddle her. She pinned her wildly flailing arms under her knees and began to tickle her mercilessly, happily turning a deaf ear on the tirade of foul language that erupted from the struggling form between her legs.

  "Stop!" Piper squealed helplessly though her laughter but Bailey continued until she was forced to beg for mercy. "Bailey, stop or I'm gonna wet my pants," she laughed.

  "Are you done pouting?" Bailey asked teasingly, giving her a reprieve.

  Piper breathed heavily into the mattress. "Maybe," she sulked and shrieked when Bailey went back to work on her.

  "Okay!" Piper pleaded. "Okay!"

  "You sure now?" Bailey asked suspiciously.

  "Yes," Piper breathed heavily into the mattress.

  "Alright," Bailey said, placing a kiss on the back of her neck and rolling off.

  Piper turned her head on the mattress to look at her while she caught her breath. "That was mean," she said childishly after a moment.

  "Perhaps," Bailey said with a smile. "But you're an awful sport."

  "It's my mother's fault."

  "Why is it her fault?" Bailey asked amused.

  "Well it can't be mine," Piper said gravely. "I'm sweet."

  "Is that a fact?" Bailey asked with a grin. "I've known sailors who would've blushed at that outburst you directed at me."

  "I'm afraid you have me confused with someone else," Piper said innocently.

  "Uh huh," Bailey said playfully. "I should wash your mouth out with soap."

  "Oh, please," Piper said knowingly. "Like you haven't ever said a bad word."

  "Not to my knowledge," Bailey replied honestly.

  "Really?" Piper asked in amazement.

  Bailey shrugged. "Really. Not everyone is a potty mouth like you," she said teasingly.

  Piper huffed. "I am not a potty mouth."

  "Could've fooled me."

  Piper narrowed her eyes and sat up to capture Bailey's lips with her own. A kiss she let linger until she felt Bailey relax in her embrace and begin to return with equal enthusiasm.

  "Well, Little Miss High and Mighty," she said triumphantly when they parted. "It's seems you followed me right into the gutter."

  "Hmmm," Bailey considered. "You might have something there."

  "Damn right," Piper said assuredly.

  "Piper," Bailey whispered after a moment.


  "I don't want to be alone anymore."

  "You're not," Piper said burying her face in Bailey's shoulder.


  "Do you have everything packed?" Piper asked as she fluttered around the room checking for anything she might have forgotten.

  "Yes," Bailey said sitting on the end of the bed.

  "Are you sure?" Piper asked distractedly.

  "Yes, Esmeralda," Bailey said with a sigh and Piper came up short.

  "You be quiet," she said with a scowl.

  "If we left anything, I'm sure your mother will send it to you."

  "You're right, I'm just nervous, I don't like to say goodbye," Piper said sitting down beside her on the bed. "Now, everyone will probably hug you so be prepared."


  "We ready then?"

  "Yeah," Bailey said standing up.

  Piper led the way down the stairs and to the front of the house where everyone was waiting, setting her bags down and giving everyone a hug and a kiss while Bailey stood uncomfortably.

  "You call when you get home today, alright?" Liz said.

  "I will," Piper said.

  "And you," Liz said to Bailey. "Drop that bag and give me a hug," she commanded and Bailey did as she was told. "We were very glad to have you here, sweetie. You're welcome anytime."

  "Thank you," Bailey said returning Liz's embrace.

  "It was very nice to meet you, Bailey," Jennifer said giving her a quick hug after Liz let her go.

  "I hope to see you soon, young lady," Jack said extending his hand when she escaped from Jennifer.

  "Thank you again for having me," Bailey said politely as she shook his hand.

  "It was our pleasure, dear," Liz said brightly. "Now hurry along, Corey's waiting out in the cold."

  Piper gave everyone another hug before she picked up her bags and Bailey waited patiently until she was ready, following her outside where Corey was waiting at the rear of his Jimmy to take their luggage. She noted Piper's shining eyes as she hopped in the back seat and she turned and smiled at Piper's family before she got in after her. As soon as she shut the door behind her, she was smothered in an embrace and she threw an amused arm over the sniffling form as Corey got in and drove away from the house. It was several miles down the road when Piper emerged from her shelter and wiped at her eyes.

  "You okay?"

  "Yeah," Piper said roughly. "I always do that."

  "Yeah she does," Corey said from the front seat. "When she left for college Dad thought he might have to tranquilize her."

  "Shut up," Piper said with a smile, resting her head on Bailey's shoulder.

  "You gonna tell me how you fixed my car before you take off, Bailey?" Corey asked.

  "Nope," Bailey said casually.

  "I thought so," Corey said with a sigh.

  "The answer was on the Internet," Bailey relented. "There was an online FAQ that discussed the problem that you were having."

  "No kidding?"

  "No kidding."

  "Are you coming for Christmas, Bailey?" he asked.

  "I don't know," Bailey said confusedly.

  "Thanks, Corey," Piper said sarcastically. "I was going to ask her later."

  "Sorry," he said apologetically.

  "Just drive, Buttface," Piper said dismissively.

  "Well?" Piper said quietly. "Will you come?"

  "If you want me to."

  "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you to, goofy."


  "Good," Piper replied taking her hand.

  They traveled the rest of the way in silence. Bailey noticed the occasional sniffle from Piper but by the time they arrived, she had gotten herself under control. Corey dropped them off in front of the terminal and got their bags for them. To Bailey's amusement, Piper began to sniffle again as she said goodbye to her brother and she accepted Corey's hug easily before taking Piper's hand and leading her inside.

  They found Chris waiting for them and he rose from his seat when he saw them.

  "Afternoon, ladies," he said pleasantly. "There's a storm front coming in but if we hurry, we'll have you back just ahead of it."

  "Great," Bailey said. "Lead the way."

  Chris led them across the tarmac to the helicopter where Bailey helped Piper climb inside and tossed the bags in after her. Piper managed to get her seatbelt on without assistance so she stowed their bags as the engine started and fastened her own seatbelt. Once settled, she offered her hand to Piper who took it with a smile and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek.

  "I love you," Piper said into her ear as the helicopter began to rise off the tarmac.


  Chris signaled Bailey as the Atlanta skyline came into view and she put on a headset. "It took a little longer to get here than I thought, I'll have to drop you off with the engine running."

  "That's fine," Bailey said. "You can berth on the roof if you're cutting it close."

  "Thanks," Chris said. "But I should make it. Sorry to hurry you along."

  "Not a problem."

  "Landing in about five," Chris said and Bailey removed the headset.

  Bailey turned to Piper, who was looking out the window with interest, and nudged her to get her attention. She put her ponytail inside her jacket and zipped it up, gesturing for Piper to do the same. Piper looked at her confusedly for a second before digging a band from her purse to tie back her hair.

  "Keep your head down," Bailey said leaning in close to Piper's ear and she nodded nervously.

  She waited for touch down and to receive a nod from Chris before she opened the door and stepped out on to the roof, grabbing their bags from under the bench and extending a hand to Piper who copied her actions in getting out. She closed the door and gave Chris a thumbs up as she led Piper to the elevator.

  She could feel the helicopter lift off as she dug in her pocket for the key and by the time she opened the elevator, Chris and the helicopter were already gone.

  "He left in a hurry," Piper said as the elevator began to drop.

  "He was trying to beat the storm coming in," Bailey explained. "The trip back took longer than he thought it would."

  "Oh," Piper said. "Will you stay with me tonight?"

  "I have to be in the office early," Bailey said regretfully. "But as far as I know I'm yours for the rest of the week if you want."

  "I want," Piper said happily.

  "Is Nancy gonna be home for you?"

  "She said she would be," Piper said as the elevator doors opened on the lobby.


  "Evening Miss Cameron, Miss Tate," Tom said.

  "Hi, Tom," Bailey said and Piper smiled at him. "Did you get stuck with the weekend?"

  "Just today. Traded with one of the guys," Tom said pleasantly.

  "I see," Bailey said with a smile. "I'll see you in a bit."

  "Alright," Tom said and went back to his magazine as Bailey opened her private door and the women vanished inside.

  They walked down the stairs and Bailey opened the trunk of the Barracuda to deposit their bags, stopping on her way around to unlock Piper's door.

  "Why, how mannerly," Piper teased as Bailey walked around to the driver's side.

  "Anything for you, Esmeralda," Bailey said sitting down behind the wheel.

  "You're not funny," Piper said with a little scowl as Bailey started the car. "I don't know what possessed me to tell you."

  "Your mother would have told me," Bailey said backing out of the garage.

  "There's no doubt about that," Piper said. "She loves to embarrass me."

  "She's a neat lady."

  "Yeah, she is," Piper agreed. "As much as I sometimes hate to admit it."

  "I liked your family, Piper," Bailey said. "Thank you for taking me."

  "Anytime," Piper said happily. "They all liked you too."


  "Really," Piper said. "They'd love to have you back and Corey thinks you walk on water."

  "Hmmm," Bailey grunted.

  "Everyone but you thinks you're a neat person, Bailey."

  "I know better," Bailey said quietly.

  "What is that supposed to mean?" Piper said annoyed.

  "Never mind," Bailey said quickly but she heard Piper take a breath and braced herself.

  "Do you mean to tell…" Piper started loudly but stopped herself. "I'm going to forget I heard that because I don't want to be angry at you or to fight with you."

  "I don't want you to be angry with me," Bailey said softly. "I'm sorry."

  "Me too," Piper said reaching over and taking her hand.

  They drove along in silence until she pulled up in Piper's driveway and Bailey put the car in park and started to get out.

  "Wait," Piper said and Bailey stopped with her hand on the door handle. "Kiss me," she said and Bailey leaned over and met her lips. "See you tomorrow then?" she asked, breaking contact after a moment.

  "Yes," Bailey said with a smile as she got out and retrieved Piper's bag from the trunk and walked her to the door. "Are you sure Nancy's here?"

  "I think so," Piper said walking in. "Yeah, she's around; the heat is on and I can hear the television."

  "Alright then."

  "I'll miss you," Piper said. "You sure you can't stay?"

  Bailey nodded. "I will tomorrow."

  "Okay," Piper said with a smile. "Gimme a smooch and be on your way."

  Bailey leaned down a pressed her lips softly against Piper's. "Good night. Don't forget to call your parents."

  "I won't," Piper said with a grin. "Night," she said and watched until Bailey got in her car and backed out of the driveway.


  No escaping what you sow you will reap.

  - W. O'Williams

  "Good morning, Miss Cameron," Josh said jovially as he peeked in her office door and saw her sitting at her desk.

  "Come in, Mr. Anderson," Bailey said with a little smile.

  Josh entered and handed her a set of keys. "These are the Gremlin keys," he said distastefully. "It's across the street like you asked."

  "Thank you," she said pleasantly.

  "I want you to know that while I was driving it, some guys pulled up next to me at a light and made fun of me," Josh said humorlessly. "It was humiliating."

  Bailey chuckled. "I can imagine."

  "Here," Josh said tearing a piece of paper out of a little notepad.

  "What's this?" she said accepting it.

  "I followed the bad guys to that address the day you left. They apparently have a day shift and a night shift. Two man teams. I trailed the night shift back to that address when they were relieved," Josh explained. "It's a good sized two-story building. Not a lot of activity but if I was to guess, there appears to be at least fifty people residing inside twenty four hours a day. There's always between twenty and thirty cars in the parking lot.

  "Well done," Bailey said approvingly. "Any problems?"


  "Any progress insid

  "A little," he said. "I concentrated on the areas you suggested first and I know of one for certain, two maybe. Give me to the end of the week and I'll have more to tell you."

  "Alright," Bailey said. "Have you given any thought of what you would like me to do for you?"

  "I have," Josh said. "I'd like to remain Mr. Anderson and if it isn't a problem I'd like to arrange to have some of the money set aside to take care of my wife. The old Josh can just disappear."

  "I'll see to it," Bailey said agreeably. "Is there anything else? I need to make a phone call."

  "One more thing," Josh said reluctantly.

  "Yes?" Bailey said patiently.

  "I overheard several rumors this morning pertaining to you and Piper Tate," he said carefully.

  "I see," Bailey said with narrowing eyes. "Go on."

  "The word is that you're having a relationship with her."

  "Is that it?"


  "What seems to be the general opinion?"

  "From what I gather most don't care, some think it's great," Josh said. "But there are some that think Piper got her job because of the relationship."

  "I see," Bailey said. "Keep an ear open."

  "Is it true?" Josh asked curiously.


  "That's great," Josh said sincerely being secretly glad that she was human after all.

  "I'm glad you approve, Mr. Anderson," she said dryly.

  "Oh, I heard some of the other talk," he said with a smile.


  "And I was wondering if I could call you Princess too?" he asked with a chuckle.

  Bailey narrowed her eyes and lifted an arm to point to the door.

  "I'll take that as a no," Josh said with a grin as he rose from his chair and ambled out of her office.

  She waited until he was gone before she locked her desk and left the office. She headed for the elevators and when she got upstairs she went right for her computers, punching in a number and watching the monitor until it was picked up.

  "Yes, ma'am," Thumper said. "Did everything go alright with your trip?"

  "Yes," she said pleasantly. "The pilot was excellent."

  "Glad to hear it," he said. "What's up?"


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