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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

Page 95

by Dellacroix, Kiera

  "That's great, Billy. Thanks."

  "I want a call after you've talked to her."

  "You'll get it."

  "I'd better. Anything else?"

  "Yeah, I was just gonna call you. Do you know a Clarice that runs an escort service on the west side?"

  "Nope. But I'll ask vice."

  "Lemme know."

  "You on to something?"

  "Maybe. Don't know yet," I said, spotting Bobby reemerge. "I gotta go, Billy."

  "Okay, stay in touch."

  Bobby placed a slip of paper in front of me and sat back down. "She was easy to find."

  "Thank you."

  "Want a word of advice?"

  "If you're in the mood."

  He chuckled. "Clarice came up from the streets, don't turn your back on her."

  "Good advice," I said, pulling out my wallet to count my money. I had two twenties and a fifty.

  I stood and reclaimed Tish's picture, placing the fifty in front of the helpful hooker. "Thanks for the info."

  She beamed a smile and snatched the bill from the table excitedly.

  "Bye, fellas."

  "Stop by anytime, Ledoux," Bobby said and Robby nodded in agreement.

  I grinned and spun to make my way out of the building. I had a hunch that things were going to start clicking together.


  The address Bobby had given me was actually on the northwest side and it took me an hour and a half to get there, the weather was getting worse. I had to verify the address three times to make sure I was in the right place, since I found myself in front of a typical house in a nice neighborhood. There was a car in the driveway and, judging from the amount of snow, it hadn't moved since the weather had turned ugly. More than a little suspicious, I got out of the car and made my way to the door.

  I rang the bell five times without a response and I was a little put out because, if I listened carefully, I could hear noise emanating from within. Grumbling, I jimmied the gate and went around back. I pulled my gun when I found a door slightly ajar. Cautiously, I dropped to a knee in the snow, and pushed it open all the way. I scanned the interior carefully, but found only a laundry room and a big black cat staring at me warily from on top of the dryer.

  The second I stepped inside, the cat started whining and hopped down to rub himself against me excitedly. I groaned, afraid of what I would find and fairly certain that I had just run into another dead end.

  I had to go no further than the living room to confirm it. The corpse was sitting up on the couch, sightless eyes forever unfocused on a blaring television a few feet away. Judging from her color, she'd been dead for at least a couple of days. I holstered my gun and looked around for the remote, and spotting it under her hand, I left it where it was and crossed the room to power off the television. The kitty had followed me, but was loathe to actually enter the room and waited a safe distance away, whining sorrowfully.

  I didn't have to look closely to see that Clarice had taken one to the belly. A simple glance at the damage to the back of the sofa told me she had been killed with a large caliber round. I withdrew my phone and walked into the kitchen to lean against the counter.


  "Hey Billy, I found Clarice."


  "She's dead, you'll need to get over here."

  "Son of a bitch."


  "Look like your man?"

  "I'd almost guarantee it."

  He sighed. "Alright, where you at?"

  I told him.

  "Okay, I'll assemble the troops. See ya in a bit."



  "The killer is cleaning house, Billy. You might want to call downstate and have Brentwood segregated from the other prisoners."

  "Good idea, I'll do that now."

  "See ya in a few then."


  I dropped the phone back in my pocket and lowered my eyes to see the cat looking up at me hopefully. There was no telling how long he might have been without food so I scrounged around until I found his dish. It was empty and I rummaged through the cupboards to find him something to eat. I discovered a bag of Friskies and he went into full suck up mode as I pulled it out to fill his little bowl. I stroked him amusedly as he wolfed down his chow, noting the tag dangling from his collar. My fingers grasped it and I bent forward to read, barking out a chuckle as his name was revealed. Thoughts of him on kitty death row immediately assaulted me and I knew then that I'd be taking him home.

  I left to him to his dinner and went to unlock the front door. I turned the porch light on as well and curiously wandered through the house. It was a normal home, or so I thought until I encountered the master bedroom. I stood gaping in the doorway as soon as I turned on the light, feeling as if I had just stumbled into the Marquis de Sade's workshop.

  The room was a kaleidoscope of depravity. The floor was covered in thick, blood red carpeting and all four walls, in addition to the ceiling, were mirrored. Video cameras on tripods were set up in the corners and the only piece of furniture, if you didn't count the cage, was the bed. The bed itself had manacles attached to the corners and a swing was dangling in the air above it. My eyes raked over the various accessories and costumes that hung from the walls and I felt myself begin to blush.

  I was a babe in the woods. I always kind of figured that I'd be willing to try anything once, but I had no idea what 'anything' really meant. I wasn't near as open-minded as I thought and, after what I'd just discovered, I wasn't about to change.

  Well…maybe the swing had possibilities.

  My eyes strayed back to the video cameras. So where were the tapes? I was about to look when a voice called out.

  "Hello in the house!"

  I walked back into the living room to find a uniform standing in the doorway.

  "You Maddie?" he asked.

  "Yeah," I said, giving a look at his insignia. He was local, not city.

  "Touch anything?"

  "Yeah," I said, holding up a hand. "Had gloves on though."

  "Very well, we'll set up."


  He gave me a nod and started speaking into his radio as he walked back to his car.

  I watched him for a moment and then returned to the Chamber of Horrors. The cameras had several cords attached, but they disappeared into an outlet in the wall behind them. I didn't want to start breaking mirrors unless I had to so I began an intense examination of the mirrors themselves, taking extra special care to avoid touching any of the objects littering the room; they were creepy. A seam between panels struck me as slightly off kilter and I extended a hand to push against the wall. I was surprised to feel it give and a second later, a door was revealed. Giving myself a pat on the back for my supernatural powers of investigation, I opened it all the way to discover a diminutive room with dozens of videotapes, four VCR's, and four small television monitors. I sat down in the chair situated in front of the screens and poked around curiously.

  The tapes were carefully catalogued and labeled with dates. I picked one at random and inserted it into a VCR, expectantly eyeing the monitors. I frowned when a picture didn't come up and began playing with the various controls. Amusedly, I learned that I could move the cameras in the bedroom and use them to zoom on to anything I wanted in disturbing detail.


  It was Billy's voice and I positioned one of the cameras so I could catch his reaction when he walked into the bedroom.

  "In the back, Billy."

  A few seconds later, I watched the monitor as he stepped inside the room and froze, a look of morbid fascination on his face.


  I laughed, imagining I appeared just as thunderstruck. He looked around for a minute and then slowly made his way toward me, taking care to watch where he stepped.

  "Quite the setup," he said as he poked his head into the little room. "Apparently, I've lived a sheltered life."

  I chuckled. "You ain't the only

  He grinned and stepped inside. "Anything on the tapes?"

  "I popped one in but I can't get it to play on the TV's."

  "Which one is running?"

  I pointed and he leaned over my shoulder to investigate.

  "Check this out. I can control the cameras in the bedroom from here," I said, zooming them back and forth playfully.

  "That close-up is kinda scary."

  I started to laugh again. "You think so too, huh?"

  He snickered. "The decks and monitors are numbered, you have to punch the right button on the corresponding TV," he said, reaching out to poke one of the sets.

  A picture immediately flashed onto the screen and my eyes widened. "Oh, boy."

  "Is that the deceased?"

  "Looks like her."

  "What the hell is she gonna do with that?"

  I watched in horror. "Where would it fit?"

  The camera started to zoom in.

  "Aagghh!" we both groaned in unison, rearing back from the screen.

  I peeked out from behind my hand. "This is going to give me nightmares."

  "My ass is gonna hurt for a week after seeing that."

  I shivered and extended a hand to power it off. "Lemme know if you come across one that isn't a solo production."

  "How many tapes did you take off the shelf?"

  "Just the one."

  "There are two missing then."

  I looked at the shelf that housed them. Sure enough, there were two empty slots that I hadn't noticed. "Shit."

  "We'll look at the tapes anyway."

  "She has a cat. What happens to it?"

  "Animal control. Unless there's a next of kin who wants it."

  "Can I take it?"

  He shrugged. "I don't see why not. You might have to give it up though."

  "I doubt she has a family."

  "Then I don't see a problem."

  "I'm gonna visit Brentwood tomorrow."

  "They're moving her to solitary. I'll let them know you're coming."

  "What's she in the slam for?"

  "Manufacture and distribution."



  I nodded. "I'm gonna head out, do you need me for anything?"

  "I don't think so."

  I rose to my feet and gave him a backhanded swat to the belly. "Help me grab my pussy?"

  He chuckled. "Sure."


  The cat was evidently used to traveling. He sat in the passenger seat quite contentedly and eventually, curled up and went to sleep. I had a new friend and, determined to make a good impression, I stopped at pet store and bought him everything I thought he might need. I was kinda of excited to see if he'd like his new toys. I was only a couple of miles from home when the phone rang.



  "I was getting worried, what did she say?"

  "Nothing I could do. You're history," Sophie said sadly.

  My heart sank, but a barely audible giggle sparked me out of my impending depression. "You're not funny. Tell me what she said."

  "Give her a call."



  "Thank you so much, Sophie."

  "Not a problem. It was kinda neat hearing sex secrets about my best friend."

  I scowled. "I'm not falling for another one of your dumb jokes. Just tell me what she said."

  A chuckle. "I did most of the talking."

  "You're not going to tell me are you?"


  "You didn't tell say anything about…well…?"

  "That's your job, not mine."

  I breathed a sigh of relief. "Is she still mad?"

  "Getting over it. That's why you should give her a call and try your best to be charming. I know that's a tall order but…"

  "Shut up."

  Another cackle. "Mom and I expect you over for dinner at least twice before Tony and I leave town."


  "She's in love with you, Maddie."

  "Is she?"

  "Gotta go, see ya!"

  She loved me! She loved me! And why wouldn't she? I loved me too! Now all I needed was to devise a way to approach her that I couldn't fuck up. I wracked my brain, my eyes straying to the passenger seat. Who could resist a kitty? I turned around at the next light and began to iron out the details of my plan.


  I parked across the street and waited until I could catch her alone in the store. As I spotted the last customer heading for the door, I grabbed my trump card and hurried through the snow.

  The door jingled behind me and she tossed a casual look at me from behind the counter. Her expression went a little frosty, but I didn't let it deter me. I puttered over and stood before the counter, watching her cross her arms over her chest as I approached. I stifled a smile as her expression softened when she noticed the cat in my arms.

  "After you…uhm… left me today. I ended up going to work and I came across an orphan. He needs a good home, a home with two parents."

  I cleared my throat.

  "But you know how cats are. They're selfish and independent. Sometimes they can be really inconsiderate and too absorbed in their own problems to notice anything else. Don't worry though; cats are very loyal and faithful. If you love them, they'll love you back. All they need is a little of your patience and their world will revolve around you. They just need someone that understands they have faults and that even though they may not show it all the time, it doesn't mean they don't love you."

  Oh, yeah. She was cracking. If only I could use my powers for good, instead of evil.

  "Do you…uh…know a couple that would take good care of him?" she asked quietly.

  "I was hoping Anabel and Maddie would take him. Do you think they'd be interested?"

  She sniffled and gave me a little nod.

  It was in the bag! Nothing but net!

  "Will you come home with me tonight, Annie?"

  She nodded again and extended her arms. "Can I see him?"

  I handed him over and she started fussing immediately. "Aren't you a big boy?" she asked babyishly.

  The cat basked in the attention and she carried on for so long that I began to feel a little left out. Abruptly, she stiffened and shot me an offended look.


  "We're changing his name."

  I chuckled. "I kinda like it."

  "We are not calling him Skid mark!"


  Our eyes dropped to the cat, hers in dismay and mine in amusement.

  "That better have been a fluke," she growled.

  "Skid mark."


  I started to laugh. "Skid mark."


  "Maddie stop!"

  "Skid mark."


  "Maddie!" she scolded, reaching over the counter to swat me. "Stop it."

  "You gotta admit it's pretty funny," I snickered.

  "It's not funny and I don't want you to say that around him anymore," she demanded, stomping a foot.

  "Oh, come on," I teased. "He doesn't care."

  "How do you know, have you asked him?"

  I grinned. "No."

  "Then be quiet," she ordered, cuddling him to her chest. "The poor thing."

  "He looks pretty healthy to me."

  "How would you like to go through life with a name like his?"

  "I've never been all that wild about Matilda."

  "Matilda is a pretty name. Much better than his," she said, planting a kiss on the top of his head.

  I frowned, sensing competition. "I want kisses too."

  She gave me a sideways glance. "Maybe. Does Sarah know she's not allowed to call you anymore?"

  I paled.

  "You better start talking, Maddie," she said, powering up an angry glare.

  "I…I haven't called her yet."

  "Why not?"

  "I forgot."

  Her eyes narrowed. "Do it now

  "Her number is at home," I said guiltily.

  "You don't know it?"

  I talked fast. "No, I've only called her one time. Annie, you don't have anything to worry about. I'll talk to her, I promise."

  She put me under the hot lamp, examining me with the skunk eye. "Okay," she said finally.

  I resisted the urge to slump my shoulders in relief. "Can I have kisses now?"


  "Why not?"


  I rolled my eyes. "Because why?"

  The bells on the door jangled and I turned to see a group of three teenagers step inside.

  "That's why," she said, putting the cat on the counter.

  My lower lip started to protrude. "How long till closing time?"

  "About an hour."

  "Can I have kisses later?"

  "We'll see," she said, leaning over the counter to whisper conspiratorially. "You might even get lucky if you go buy some groceries."

  "I can do that," I said quickly. "Anything special you'd like?"

  "Surprise me."

  "Okay. Want me to take the cat?"

  "He can stay with his Mommy," she said, running a hand over the lounging feline.

  "I thought I was his Mommy."

  "You're his wicked step-mom and I don't want you to corrupt him anymore than he already is."

  "Why am I the wicked step-mom? I'm the one who saved him from cat prison."

  "Because you'll call him names if I'm not around to stop you."

  I chose not to respond, mainly because I'd been planning to do exactly that. Instead, I pursed my lips and spun around to march out to the car. I really had no desire to go shopping, but it was a small price to pay for a chance to do the Wild Thang.


  My shopping expedition took longer than expected and I pulled up to find her waiting just inside the door with the cat. Thinking I should go the extra mile, I hopped out and ran around to open the door for her. I smiled at her as she passed, but she didn't bother to notice and got into the car without so much as a thank you. Irritably, I walked back around to get behind the wheel.

  "What took so long?" she asked.

  "It was busy."

  "What'd you buy?"

  "I thought you wanted to be surprised?"

  She grunted. "I better not find a weeks supply of frozen pizzas."

  Shit. "I got other things too."

  "Hmmm. Did you get anything for kitty?"


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