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Secrets and Solace (Love at Solace Lake Book 2)

Page 5

by Jana Richards

  Cameron’s brow wrinkled. “No, I didn’t know that.”

  “We’re getting the whole family involved in this project,” Ethan said. “Cam’s going to build the new luxury cottages.”

  Scarlet didn’t know he was a contractor. “Will you be using the same plan to build the new cottages as the two existing ones?”

  “I think we need to come up with something less generic. I’m working on some sketches. Then Harper and Ethan can decide which option they want to build.”

  “I’d like to see your sketches. Maybe I can get an artist to do a rendering of the new cottages from your sketches. That way, I can show potential guests the kind of luxury accommodation they could expect.”

  “No need for another artist, Scarlet,” Harper said. “Cam’s sketches are amazing. The new cottages are going to fit in beautifully with the vibe we want to create. Each one is going to be completely self-sustaining with its own solar power plant and composting toilet.”

  Cameron pushed food around his plate. “All that is going to cost thousands more than conventional building methods.”

  “Yes, but in the long run it will save money in heating and cooling costs,” Harper argued.

  “You’re not getting the whole ‘eco-tourism’ thing, Cameron,” Scarlet added. “The sustainability of Solace Lake Lodge is what will make it different from this resort and all the other resorts in the state. I plan to play it up big.”

  “What’s wrong with a resort like Miller’s? This place is beautiful.”

  Scarlet shrugged. “There’s nothing wrong with this place, but if we want to stand out and carve out our own place in the market, we need to be different. Being eco-friendly will appeal to a lot of people. It may cost more to begin with, but I believe the investment will pay off, in a lot of ways.”

  “Lucky for you, Ethan’s got a steady supply of money.” Sarcasm dripped off his words.

  She stared at him, anger flaring in her gut. Suddenly, the idea of spending the next five months at the lodge and having to see Cameron Hainstock every day was more than she could bear.

  “What else do you have in mind for your marketing plan, Scarlet?” Lydia asked.

  She wrenched her attention away from Cameron and directed it toward his sister, grateful for the diversion. “I’m going to set up a website and social media accounts for the lodge to get the word out about the renovations, and hopefully get people excited about coming here. I also want to attend some wedding shows and trade fairs. I’m hoping to market the lodge as a year-round destination for all kinds of events and conferences.”

  Lydia nodded in approval. “Excellent idea. It was a beautiful setting for Ethan and Harper’s wedding. Why don’t you give me a call next week, and we’ll talk a little more about your plans and figure out a marketing budget for what you need to do?”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Good. I look forward to speaking with you.” Lydia turned to Ethan. “Speaking of weddings, are you two going to tell us where you’re going on your honeymoon, or am I going to have to beat it out of you?”

  Ethan grinned at her. “No need for violence, Sis. I didn’t say anything because I was keeping it a surprise for Harper. I told her this morning. We’re going to Paris for our honeymoon.”

  “That sounds very romantic, Harper,” Abby said. Scarlet saw the wistful look she gave Reese and the way he squeezed her shoulder.

  “It does, doesn’t it?” Harper caught Ethan’s hand. “Ethan knew I’ve always dreamt of going to Paris, and now he’s making my dreams come true.”

  “You’re lucky to have a husband rich enough to buy you whatever you want, whether it’s an eco-friendly lodge or a trip to Paris.”

  The biting sarcasm in Cameron’s voice shocked the table into silence. Thick tension instantly descended on the group. Harper’s face went pale and her smile disappeared. Scarlet wanted to yell at him, or throw something at him, but with Tessa sitting next to her and listening to every word, she couldn’t say or do anything. How dare he imply that Harper only married Ethan for his money? Anyone with eyes could see they were devoted to each other.

  Ethan rose to his feet, his eyes blazing. “Damn it, Cam—”

  “Cam,” Abby interrupted. “Did you know that Harper’s parents went to Paris on their honeymoon? Miranda always talked about taking Harper one day, but of course she never got the chance.”

  Cameron had the good grace to look uncomfortable. “No, I didn’t know that.”

  “Harper and Ethan will be able to see the sights that Miranda talked about for so many years, and they’ll be able to make their own memories there.”

  Ethan sat down, though anger burned in his eyes. Harper covered his fisted hand with hers. When she smiled, Ethan smiled back, his tense posture relaxing.

  He turned back to his brother, the smile fading. “The money belongs to both Harper and me now, and the very best use for it is investing in the future of the lodge. Part of that future is sustainability, like solar energy. If you’ve got a problem with that, then maybe we need to reconsider our deal to have you build the cottages.”

  Scarlet held her breath while she, and everyone else at the table, waited for Cameron’s answer. Tessa picked up on the mood. She abandoned her half-eaten waffle and kneeled on her chair to put her small arm around his shoulders.


  Cameron laid his hand on her head, but looked at Ethan. “There’s no problem.”

  Ethan gave a curt nod, but said nothing else. Cameron pushed back his chair, picking Tessa up as he got to his feet. “I have to get Tessa home to her mother.”

  No one said anything as he left the dining room. Tessa waved at Scarlet over Cameron’s shoulder, and she waved back. Her heart ached at the little girl’s unhappy, confused face. Tessa didn’t understand what was going on, but she had sensed the strain between the adults and it obviously upset her. Scarlet suspected Tessa already had enough upheaval in her young life. Damn Cameron for exposing her to more tension.

  And damn him for turning what should have been a joyous family occasion into a war zone.


  The blade in Cam’s table saw abruptly stopped, the plywood sheet stuck in the middle. When he straightened and removed his ear protection, he saw Ethan standing near the door to his woodworking shop, the saw’s electrical cord in his hand.

  Cam sighed. He should have guessed he’d be getting a visit from his brother after his performance this morning. “Pulling the plug, E? Is that your way of telling me you want me to listen? Very subtle.”

  “I’m not going for subtlety.” Ethan tossed the cord to the floor. “I’m going to use words even an idiot like you can understand. Leave my wife alone.”

  “Look, Ethan—”

  “Do you know how much you hurt her? In front of the whole family, at our wedding brunch, you opened your big mouth and said she was only interested in my money. You were rude and insulting, and you don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about.”


  “The honeymoon in Paris was my idea. Harper wanted to stay home and work on the lodge, but I wanted to give her a break. Things have been hectic, and they’re going to get even more hectic once the lodge reopens. I wanted to give her something special because I love her and because she deserves it. Harper never once asked for any kind of a honeymoon. Hell, if it had been up to her, we probably would have had an even smaller wedding. I had to fight her for the simple wedding we finally did have.”

  Ethan stopped to catch his breath, his chest heaving. Cam knew he’d been out of line this morning, but the words had tumbled out of his mouth before he had a chance to stop them. When he’d heard Ethan was paying for an expensive trip, in addition to the wedding he’d just paid for and on top of all the money he was investing in Harper’s lodge, something snapped. All he could think of was Bree, Ethan’s former girlfriend, the one who’d done her best to sink her teeth into his lottery winnings and ruin his life.

f he was honest with himself, he also thought of his ex-girlfriend, Tessa’s mother. Laura never did anything unless there was something in it for her. If that was what Harper was doing, she was far cleverer and less obvious than the other two women.

  But his timing sucked. He should have kept his opinions to himself, at least until after the weekend. He didn’t mean to spoil Ethan’s wedding brunch. “I shouldn’t have spoken. It wasn’t the time or place.”

  Ethan regarded him warily. “If I can’t trust you to be respectful to Harper, I can’t have you working at the lodge.”

  Cam looked down at his dusty work boots. He needed this job so he could stay in Minnewasta and be close to Tessa. If it meant placating Ethan, then that’s what he’d do. “I’m sorry, E. I should have kept my mouth shut.”

  “Not good enough.”

  Cam lifted his gaze at Ethan’s response. “I said I’m sorry. What more do you want from me?”

  “I want you to give Harper a chance. I want you to get to know her and realize what a remarkable person she is. If you can’t figure out for yourself that Harper isn’t trying to use me, then we’re done.”

  Cam went cold inside. “What are you saying?”

  “I won’t sit back and watch you humiliate her again. You’re my brother and I love you, but I’m married to Harper now. She’s everything to me. If you make me choose between her and you, it’s going to be her.”

  The coldness quickly morphed into white hot anger. “Did she put you up to this?”

  Ethan shook his head and laughed, but there was no humor in it. “You really don’t get it, do you?” He looked away. “Harper and I are driving to Minneapolis tonight. We’ll stay overnight at my condo and then tomorrow morning, we’re catching a plane to Paris. We’ll be gone about ten days. I want you to work with Scarlet to finalize the plans for the cottages and begin demolition. I’m hoping by the time I get back you and I can have a civilized conversation about money and family. I’ll see you then.”

  He walked out of the shop and closed the door behind him. Cam stood rooted to his spot. Ethan wasn’t just his brother. He was his best friend. Without his help, he’d likely be drunk in some gutter somewhere. Or dead.

  Anger and fear churned inside him. He didn’t have a lot of friends, and he only had one brother. He couldn’t afford to lose him over some woman.

  He wiped his hand across his mouth. Damn, what he wouldn’t give for just one drink right now. But if he started, he couldn’t trust himself to stop at one.

  Scarlet held up a lacy black satin bra and its matching thong. “Since when are you a sexy underwear kind of girl?”

  Harper grabbed the undergarments from her hand. “Since always. Victoria isn’t the only one with a secret.”

  Scarlet chuckled. “I’m guessing Ethan’s enjoying your choice of undies.”

  “I haven’t heard any complaints.” Harper smiled as she tucked the bra and thong into her suitcase. A moment later, her smile disappeared as she checked her watch. “I don’t like this. He’s been gone for over an hour.”

  “Maybe that’s a good thing,” Maggie said. “Maybe it means Ethan and Cam are actually talking instead of beating each other senseless.”

  “Oh, God! Do you think Cam would actually hit Ethan?”

  Scarlet shook her head. “No. Absolutely not.”

  She wasn’t sure exactly why she believed so strongly, but she knew in her heart Cameron would never physically hurt his brother. Perhaps it was because of the way he was with Tessa. For all his outward gruffness, he was a kind and gentle father.

  And a loyal brother, with a somewhat overdeveloped and misplaced protective instinct.

  “Scarlet’s right,” Maggie said. “They’re likely hashing things out, probably over a couple of beers. You know how guys are. They’ll grunt at each other a few times and then all will be well. By now, they’re watching a ball game on TV.”

  Harper sat on the edge of the bed, her head bowed. “I hope you’re right. I know Cam doesn’t like me. He thinks I’m only after Ethan’s money, but he couldn’t be more wrong. I love him, in spite of the money.”

  Scarlet shoved aside the suitcase to sit next to her. “You don’t have to convince us. We know you love Ethan and more importantly, he knows it.”

  “Yeah, he does.” She wiped away the tears that escaped down her cheek. “But I don’t want to be the cause of trouble between him and his brother. They’ve always been very close.”

  “You haven’t done anything wrong. Cameron’s the one with the problem.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “No buts. Cameron is going to have to get over himself and realize that not everyone in the world is trying to exploit Ethan.”

  “I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to convince him.”

  “You will. You’re the least greedy person I know.”

  Maggie sat on the other of Harper and rested her head on her shoulder. “He’ll soon realize what a sweetheart you are. You’re the kindest, most generous sister a couple of girls could ever have. What would Scarlet and I have done without you all these years?”

  Harper put her arm around Maggie. “You mean without me to referee your fights? I shudder to think.”

  From a young age, Harper had tried to take a maternal role in their lives, attempting to make up for their lack of a mother. Scarlet hadn’t always appreciated her efforts. On more than one occasion, particularly in her teens, she’d told Harper she wasn’t her mother so she should quit acting like it. But she always knew when she needed help, or when her heart was broken, Harper would be there for her.

  Scarlet put her hand on her sister’s shoulder. “Forget about Cameron Hainstock. Go with your husband to Paris and see the sights. And have lots and lots of wild monkey sex.”

  “Monkey sex?” Harper gave a surprised laugh. “Seriously?”

  “Okay then, go at it like rabbits. Use whatever animal euphemism seems appropriate. Have fun with Ethan and don’t think about anything except each other while you’re gone. We’ll hold down the fort here.”

  “You’re right. Ethan deserves this holiday.”

  “Not to mention the wild monkey sex.”

  Harper laughed again and swatted Scarlet’s arm. “Have you got sex on the brain or something?”

  “Maybe. It’s been a while.” Since the breakup with her last ex-fiancé over two years ago to be exact. “I have to live vicariously through you.”

  “Don’t worry about Scarlet,” Maggie said. “I’ll make sure she stays in line while you’re gone. It’s my turn to be the mature one.”

  “I can hardly wait to see that,” Scarlet said with a wink at her younger sister.

  Harper put her arms around both of them. “Thank you, guys. I needed the pep talk. And the laughs.”

  “What are sisters for?”

  Silently, Scarlet swore Cameron Hainstock would not cause her sister one more minute of heartache.

  When Ethan arrived back at the cottage, Harper walked into his arms without saying a word. He held her close and rested his chin on the top of her head. He looked like a man who’d just lost his best friend. Or his brother.

  Scarlet didn’t want to intrude on a private moment. She grabbed Maggie’s hand and whispered, “Let’s wait outside.”

  Maggie nodded and they quietly left the cottage. While Maggie gathered some wildflowers growing in front of the cottage, Scarlet sat on the front steps and watched the lake through the pines. The sun sparkled on the water, like diamonds on the waves. When she was a little girl, she’d asked Grampa Bill if she could go in the water and catch a diamond. He’d laughed and said it was only an illusion. Make-believe.

  She wondered if Cameron was as gutted by the fight he’d had with his brother as Ethan appeared to be. Then, she wondered why she was worried about him. He was the one with the problem. He’d insulted her sister, and Ethan had set him straight. Scarlet was happy he’d stood up for Harper, but a part of her didn’t like the idea of Cameron being alone, on the outs wit
h his family.

  She shook her head, not understanding why she cared.

  Harper emerged through the front door with Ethan close behind carrying two suitcases. Scarlet rose to her feet and she and Maggie followed them to his truck. He stowed the suitcases in the back seat and turned to Scarlet.

  “Harper tells me you two volunteered to hold down the fort while we’re gone.”

  Scarlet glanced at Maggie who raised her eyebrows. What exactly were they getting themselves into? “We’ll do our best.”

  “Reese will be fine. He’s got things under control at the lodge and the project is on schedule. If there’s any major questions or concerns, I’ll have my phone with me, so you can reach us anytime.”

  Scarlet nodded, but the lodge would have to burn to the ground before she’d interrupt their honeymoon.

  “Cam and his crew are scheduled to begin the demolition on the remaining old cottages tomorrow. I told him he was to work with you on finalizing the designs for the new cottages.”

  “Me?” She blinked at him in surprise. “I don’t know anything about construction.”

  “But you understand what kind of design will attract people to the cottages,” Harper said. She threaded her arm through Ethan’s, as if lending support.

  Ethan swallowed. “I need you to keep an eye on Cam. Make sure he doesn’t go off the rails.”

  “What do you mean?” Tension filled her chest. “What are you afraid he’ll do?”

  “He…he has trouble with alcohol.”


  “He’s an alcoholic. He hasn’t had a drop in over three years. He’s turned his life around so he can be a good dad for Tessa.” Ethan sounded worried, but the look in his eyes was fierce, proud even.

  “Are you afraid that because you’ve argued with him he might start drinking again?”


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