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The Delinquent Bride

Page 20

by Carole Archer

  Henry kicked the door shut behind them and carried his bride to their new bed, placing her gently on the floor and turning her to face the four-poster bed he had bought as a surprise wedding gift. “Oh, my goodness, it’s beautiful,” she enthused, thinking it was much nicer than the standard double bed that had been there whenever she had gone in to clean his room. She fingered the cream satin and lace drapes that decorated it so prettily. A similar bedspread covered the bed and Shelley sat down and looked up lovingly at her husband.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, gasping when he suddenly pushed her backwards onto the bed, lifted up her dress, and yanked her bloomers down before burying his face between her legs. As Henry lapped frantically at his wife’s sopping wet pussy, her eyes widened and she thrust her hips upwards, bucking desperately as he teased her clit with his probing tongue. Shelley moaned in pleasure, gripping his hair and calling out his name, until eventually her body stiffened and the now familiar spasms of orgasm made her tremble and whimper.

  “My beautiful wife,” Henry whispered, climbing on top of her and pushing her legs apart. “What have I done to deserve you?” he asked. Shelley gasped loudly as the head of his hard cock nudged against her entrance.

  She thrashed around frantically as he made love to her once more, but afterwards she shrieked in outrage when he sat on the edge of the bed and guided her across his lap.

  “Right, madam,” he playfully scolded. “I told you that for every hour that horrendous pink bird is in my home, you will receive a spanking,” he said, lifting her dress and smacking his hand down firmly on her bare buns. “And as several hours have passed, that’s one long spanking you’re due.”

  Shelley kicked her legs and yelped several times as her husband gave her a firm spanking, which warmed her ass but was not horribly painful.

  “I didn’t even see it,” she complained, kicking her legs when he landed a volley of harder spanks on her sit spots.

  “Are you calling me a liar, young lady?” he asked, laughing loudly when she kicked her legs and promised that she wasn’t. Landing a final spank to each cheek, he lifted her up and put her down on her feet. She grinned at him and leaned forward, smacking her lips against his.

  Her smile grew even bigger when Henry reached into his bedside table and handed her an envelope. “The bed was our wedding present,” he told her, “and this one is for you,” he added, smiling and watching her open it. Tears glistened in her eyes when she read the letter he had written, outlining her present.

  “Oh, we’re going on honeymoon,” she squealed delightedly. Henry nodded. “I thought I’d take you on a tour of America. Let’s see how much we can cram into a month. We can go wherever you want,” he told her, kissing her again. “We’ll go as soon as your parents return to England.”

  Shelley hugged him. “Oh, you’re too good to me,” she gushed. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too,” he smiled, “And as an extra treat, we’re going to go to England to spend Christmas with your parents,” he added, laughing when she screamed with delight and threw herself into his arms. Hugging him tight, she covered his face with kisses, unable to believe how thoughtful and generous he had been.

  When she had finally recovered from the shock of her husband’s wonderful and unexpected gifts, Shelley sat back and smiled at him, leaning forward to kiss his lips and stroke his cheek affectionately. “Thank you,” she whispered. “You’re too kind to me. I don’t deserve all of this.”

  Henry leaned close to her and kissed her softly, before whispering in her ear. “Shelley, I will always be sure to give my wife exactly what she deserves. Remember that and we’ll get along just fine,” he warned ominously, patting her bottom gently.

  Shelley chewed her lip nervously, recalling the painful spankings he had given her on several occasions.

  Her cheeks flushed and she leaned forward, kissing her husband gently on the lips. “Yes, sir,” she smiled, also recalling the playful spankings she had recently received.

  “I’m so glad I found you,” she said, squeezing his hand as he encouraged her to kneel down in front of him.

  Henry smiled and kissed her, nibbling her lower lip gently. “Me too,” he replied, stroking her hair and pushing her head down between his spread thighs.

  Shelley tentatively kissed his cock, circling her tongue around the head as he whispered encouragement to her. As she put her hand around the shaft, Henry enclosed his fingers around hers and gently guided her, moving their hands up and down together. Shelley gasped when his cock hardened, and she cautiously took it in her mouth, sucking and licking the swollen head as she moved her hand firmly up and down the shaft.

  Suddenly Henry stopped her, lay back on the bed and encouraged her to straddle across him. Shelley loved this position, liking how she could control the depth of his thrusts, and she bounced happily on his stiff cock. When he ejaculated inside her, Shelley cried out with pleasure as he reached between her legs and rubbed at her swollen clit until she too orgasmed.

  Lying in his arms afterwards, Shelley kissed him softly and gazed into his eyes. “The Titanic might not have been unsinkable,” she said with regret. “But no such tragedy will befall our marriage.”

  Henry nodded and pressed his lips against hers.

  “I love you,” said Shelley, leaning back to gaze into his eyes. “I sometimes think running away from home was the best thing I ever did.”

  Henry raised his eyes and gazed at her for a moment. “Perhaps,” he said, nodding as he reached down to pat her behind. “But I do think you deserve a spanking.”

  Shelley frowned at him. “What for?” she asked, as he guided her across his lap and smacked his hand down sharply on her buttocks.

  “Because I want to,” Henry responded, landing another sharp smack.

  Shelley yelped loudly, but despite her vocal protests, she made no attempt to get up as Henry playfully smacked her bottom. And she noticed that the more she squirmed around on his lap, the harder his cock became. She grinned and wriggled her bottom provocatively, thinking she was definitely going to like married life.


  A year later, on their first wedding anniversary, Shelley stood in the corner of her bedroom, drying her tears and reaching back to rub her swollen, reddened, and extremely sore bottom. She hadn’t been spanked for quite some time, and it had been a very hard one.

  She had also been subject to the humiliation of having her temperature taken rectally, to make sure she was well enough to resume their sex life, Henry had claimed. After that awful procedure, he had suggested a large soapsuds enema was in order. Despite her protests, he had taken her across his knee, spanked her firmly, and inserted a large nozzle into her bottom, before filling her with the soapy solution. To make it even worse, he had spanked her bottom hard every time she had struggled. When the enema bag was empty, he had held her hand, removed the nozzle, and whispered words of comfort as she sobbingly expelled her enema into the toilet.

  Shelley sighed as she stood in the corner, reluctantly admitting that Henry had been right when he suggested she needed an enema. She had been tired and irritable recently, and she felt so much better now.

  Her face broke into a huge grin as she suddenly turned away from the corner and faced her husband. “Thank you,” she smiled, walking towards him and kissing him softly.

  Henry raised his eyebrows in amusement and wrapped his arms around his wife, pulling her close and tenderly caressing her stinging butt cheeks.

  “You’re thanking me for the roasting I’ve just given you?” he asked in amazement.

  Shelley shook her head. “I guess I’d got a bit too big for my boots lately,” she confessed. “I’ve been taking advantage of your good nature. I’ve been lazy and bad-tempered, and I foolishly thought I was no longer subject to your discipline.”

  Picking up her discarded clothes, blushing as she recalled the embarrassment of being stripped naked for her enema, Shelley dressed slowly, looking into Henry’s eyes and
leaning forward to kiss him. “It was nice to be reminded of the vow I made to obey you a year ago,” she whispered.

  Henry nodded, kissing her softly as he took her hand and led her downstairs.

  They headed out into the grounds of their home, and he put his arm around Shelley and pulled her close, looking adoringly at her as he planted a soft kiss on her lips. He then turned his head and looked into the pram with the same adoration, where their month-old twins lay gurgling happily. Clara was playing with Jessica close by. She immediately got up and smiled.

  “Jessica wants to go and look at the frogs in the pond. Would you mind watching the babies for a few minutes?” Clara called to them.

  Henry nodded, smiling into the pram as Jessica and Clara raced off.

  “Lucinda, Frederick,” he cooed gently, “your mummy’s been a very naughty girl. She thought being pregnant was an excuse to misbehave. She was a bad girl because she knew I wouldn’t spank her whilst she had you in her tummy. But now that you’re here and Mummy’s feeling better, she needs to be on her best behaviour or she’ll be going across my knee for another spanking,” he warned playfully, caressing his wife’s still stinging bottom and kissing her softly.

  Shelley grinned. “Do you think we can persuade Clara to take the twins and Jessica for a walk?” she smiled, pulling him close and kissing him lustfully, her hands caressing his stomach and roaming down to his hardening cock. “I’ve been a very bad girl, sir,” she told him seductively. “I think I need to be taken across my husband’s knee again. I need to feel his firm hand on my bare bottom, and maybe I need to feel the sting of my hairbrush too,” she purred, “especially as I’ve been such a naughty girl.” She knew from experience how much Henry loved to take the heavy wooden brush to her bare ass, and how much he enjoyed watching her lose control as he paddled her into submission.

  “I need him to deal with me before my behaviour gets out of control,” she added, giggling when Henry sent her to their room with a firm smack on her bottom as he raced off with the pram to find Clara.

  * * *

  When Henry joined her shortly afterwards, he found her wearing a totally inappropriate and sinfully short black skirt. She was wearing a white blouse with it, which was open to the waist, her bare breasts spilling out. “Do you like it?” she smiled. “It’s my old maid’s uniform. I’ve adjusted it slightly,” she giggled.

  “Don’t you dare let me catch you doing the housework in this,” he gasped, gripping his wife’s wrist and guiding her to their bed, where he sat down and quickly turned her across his knee. “You dirty girl,” he scolded, feigning shock when he lifted the short skirt to reveal that she was wearing no bloomers. “No employee of mine is going to flounce around my house so shamefully dressed. I really ought to take a birch to your bare bottom for wilfully damaging your uniform,” he scolded, slapping his hand down firmly on her quivering behind. Her pussy twitched at the thought of being birched, and she made a mental note to go for a walk in the woods to gather some suitable branches.

  Shelley grinned, thrilled that he had decided to indulge in a little bit of role-play. She absolutely loved pretending to be his naughty maid, and many a time he had spanked her in her maid’s outfit. Soon after they had last played, she had adjusted her outfit, but then she found out she was pregnant and Henry had refused to have sex with her or spank her while she was carrying his babies. Hence this was the first time he had seen her new outfit.

  Shelley giggled with delight when his cock pressed against her as he spanked her firmly. “Oh, sir, are you getting aroused spanking your maid?” she asked huskily, rubbing herself against him.

  “Get up,” he told her, releasing her and shaking his head. “Such a wanton young woman,” he scolded. “Go and get your hairbrush.” As Shelley swayed seductively across the room, Henry’s cock formed a noticeable bulge in his pants. Shelley returned quickly and handed the brush to him. “I’m sorry, sir,” she pouted, lowering her eyes and looking longingly at his lap.

  She smiled when he guided her back into position, whimpering when the brush cracked down against her bare buttocks. She kicked her legs and cried out as the hairbrush repeatedly stung her tender behind, but the wetness between her legs belied her distress.

  She squirmed impatiently when Henry tenderly caressed her bottom and thighs. He rubbed the stinging flesh soothingly, his fingers brushing against her pussy and anus.

  “What a dirty young lady,” he scolded. “See how wet you are.” To demonstrate his point, he thrust a finger into her pussy. Shelley gasped and opened her legs wider.

  She cried out with pleasure when he lifted her up, lay her back on the bed, and thrust his hard cock into her. Holding him close to her, she kissed him passionately as he roughly made love to her.

  “Happy anniversary,” she whispered huskily, seconds before she rediscovered the enjoyment of her husband flooding her womb with his seed, as her own orgasm made her entire body tremble.

  “Oh, I’ve missed you,” she whispered, pulling him into her arms and kissing him. “I loved being pregnant, and I love my babies so much, but I have missed our sex life.”

  “Me too,” Henry replied, smiling as he kissed her again.

  “I would like more babies,” Shelley smiled, and her husband nodded in agreement, “but I’d like a bit more fun first,” she said, moving down the bed and kneeling between his legs, sucking his cock until he was soon hard again.

  “Mmm,” agreed Henry. “Lots more fun first,” he said, pulling her forward and rolling his wife onto her tummy, coating his fingers with her juices and fingering her anus for a few minutes, before grasping her hips and plunging his hard cock into her tight hole. Shelley gasped and threw her head back, recalling the joys of anal sex that Henry had introduced her to shortly before she found out she was pregnant.

  Shelley cried out with pleasure, her fingers rubbing frantically against her clit as Henry thrust his cock into her tight anus, quickly filling her ass with his seed. She smiled and crossed her fingers, hoping that this time she wouldn’t be quite so fertile and might not fall pregnant so quickly. But if I do, she sighed, I’ll just have to find a way of persuading Henry that I’m not a china doll and I will not break if we have sex during pregnancy.

  When Henry rolled her onto her back, he frowned slightly. “Why are you grinning, woman?”

  Shelley giggled. “When I fall pregnant again, if you refuse to give your wife what she desires, I will visit old Dr Phillips and ask the doddery old fool if he can prescribe anything to help you with your sexual impotence,” she told her husband, squealing with delight when Henry sat up quickly, rolled her across his knee, and started to spank her squirming bottom firmly. As he spanked, Henry promised that he would try not to wrap her in cotton wool during her next pregnancy.

  “Besides which, my balls are fit to burst after such a long period of abstinence,” he told her, spanking her jiggling bottom harder, “and as soon as I’ve reddened your backside sufficiently, you can pleasure me once more, wench,” he demanded playfully. “And if you do ask Dr Phillips your insolent question, I will be sure to ask him if my wife, who frequently behaves like a naughty little girl, can still be safely spanked during pregnancy.”

  Shelley blushed and giggled. “And he might just recommend another enema, to wash all that naughtiness out of you,” Henry suggested, reminding Shelley of the painfully embarrassing incident not long after she had arrived in New York, when Dr Phillips had recommended Henry give her a humiliating enema.

  “I love you,” she whispered, becoming serious once more as she pushed the awful experience out of her mind.

  “I love you too,” he said, lifting her up and stroking her hair as he kissed her gently.

  The End

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  Financial Discipline

  Thirty-four-year-old reporter Lindsay Jeffries is surprised to be told by her editor one day that she must go and see a local debt-management councilor, accountant George West, who is allegedly spanking his clients. Her editor also believes that Lindsay’s own debts are so bad that she might benefit from George’s advice.

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