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Grand Pursuit

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by Sylvia Nasar

  111. Mary Paley Marshall, unpublished notes, Marshall Archive, Cambridge University.

  112. Charles Dickens, Hard Times, 1854, chap. 5.

  113. Marx, Das Kapital, 462.

  114. Alfred Marshall, in Whitaker, Correspondence, vol. 1, 59.

  115. Alfred and Mary Marshall, The Economics of Industry (London MacMillan, 1879).

  116. Mary Paley Marshall, What I Remember, 24.

  117. Edwin Cannan, “Alfred Marshall, 1842–1924,” Economica 4 (November 1924): 257–61.

  118. Alfred Marshall to Macmillan, June 1878, in Whitaker, Correspondence, vol. 1, 97.

  119. Henry George, Progress and Poverty (New York: Appleton, 1879).

  120. Jackson’s Oxford Journal, March 15, 1884. An account of the meeting is reprinted in an appendix to George Stigler, “Three Lectures on Progress and Poverty by Alfred Marshall,” Journal of Law and Economics 12, no. (April 1969): 184–226.

  121. Ibid., 186.

  122. Ibid., 188.

  123. Ibid., 208.

  124. Ibid.

  125. Ibid.


  1. George Eliot, Middlemarch (Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Son, 1874).

  2. Daniel Pool, What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew . . . (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993), 50–56.

  3. Beatrice Webb, My Apprenticeship (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1926), 48.

  4. Michelle Jean Hoppe, “The London Season,” Literary Liaisons, accessed March 14, 2011,

  5. Norman and Jeanne MacKenzie, eds., The Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 1873–1892: “Glitter Around and Darkness Within” (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982), 90 (July 15, 1883).

  6. Ibid., 75 (February 22, 1883).

  7. Ibid., 76 (February 26, 1883).

  8. Ibid., 74 (January 2, 1883).

  9. Beatrice Webb, My Apprenticeship, 157.

  10. Henry James, preface to The Portrait of a Lady (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1908).

  11. Margaret Harkness to Beatrice Potter, n.d., 2/2/2 Papers of Beatrice and Sidney Webb, Passfield Archive, British Library of Political and Economic Science, London School of Economics and Political Science.

  12. Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady, vol. 1 (London: Macmillan and Co., 1881), 193.

  13. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 80 (March 31, 1883).

  14. Ibid., 54 (July 24, 1882).

  15. Eliot, Middlemarch, 61.

  16. Barbara Caine, Destined to Be Wives: The Sisters of Beatrice Webb (Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1986), 12.

  17. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 39.

  18. Ibid., 42.

  19. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 4.

  20. Norman and Jean MacKenzie, eds., The Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 2, 1892–1905: All the Good Things of Life (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983), 132 (n.d. [March 1883]).

  21. Herbert Spencer, An Autobiography, vol. 1 (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1904), 298.

  22. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 10.

  23. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 2.

  24. Spencer, An Autobiography, vol. 1, 298.

  25. Ibid.

  26. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 10.

  27. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 112 (April 8, 1884).

  28. Ibid., 16 (March 6, 1874).

  29. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 25 (emphasis added).

  30. Kitty Muggeridge and Ruth Adam, Beatrice Webb: A Life, 1858–1943 (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1968).

  31. Ibid.

  32. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 19 (September 27, 1874).

  33. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 56, 106, 112; MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 74 (January 2, 1883).

  34. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 112–13.

  35. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 77 (March 1, 1883).

  36. Ibid.

  37. Ibid., 81 (March 31, 1883).

  38. Ibid., 88 (May 24, 1883).

  39. Ibid., 79 (March 24, 1883).

  40. Helen Dandy Bosanquet, Social Work in London, 1869–1912: A History of the Charity Organization Society (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1914), 95.

  41. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 85 (May 18, 1883).

  42. Ibid., 89 (July 7, 1883).

  43. Ibid., 81 (March 31, 1883).

  44. J. L. Garvin, The Life of Joseph Chamberlain, vol. 1 (London: Macmillan, 1932), 202.

  45. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 90–91 (July 15, 1883).

  46. Ibid., 88 (June 3, 1883).

  47. Ibid., 89 (June 27, 1883).

  48. Ibid., 91 (July 15, 1883).

  49. Ibid., 111 (March 16, 1884).

  50. Ibid., 95 (September 22, 1883).

  51. Ibid., 94 (September 26, 1883).

  52. Ibid.

  53. “The Bitter Cry of Outcast London,” The Pall Mall Gazette, October 16, 1883 (issue 5808), 11.

  54. Andrew Mearns, The Bitter Cry of Outcast London: An Inquiry into the Condition of the Abject Poor (London: James Clarke and Co., 1883), 5, 7; Earl Grey Pamphlets Collection (1883), Durham University Library, (accessed January 13, 2011); Gertrude Himmelfarb, Poverty and Compassion: The Moral Imagination of the Late Victorians (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991).

  55. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 137 (August 22, 1885).

  56. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 150.

  57. Ibid., 152.

  58. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 101 (December 31, 1883).

  59. Ibid.

  60. Ibid., 100 (December 27, 1883).

  61. Ibid., 102–3 (January 12, 1884).

  62. Ibid.

  63. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 23.

  64. Terence Ball, “Marx and Darwin: A Reconsideration,” Political Theory 7, no. 4 (November 1979), 469–83.

  65. Herbert Spencer, The Man Versus the State (London: Williams and Norgate, 1884), vii.

  66. Arnold Toynbee, “Progress and Poverty: A Criticism of Mr. Henry George—Mr. George in England,” London, January 18, 1883, in Lectures on the Industrial Revolution of the 18th Century in England: Popular Addresses, Notes and Fragments by the Late Arnold Toynbee, 6th ed. (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1902), 318.

  67. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 91 (July 15, 1883).

  68. Beatrice Webb to Anna Swanwick, London, 1884 (not sent), in MacKenzie, ed., The Letters of Sidney and Beatrice Webb, vol. 1 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978), 23.

  69. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 115 (April 22, 1884).

  70. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 138.

  71. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 105–12 (March 16, 1884).

  72. Joseph Chamberlain, “Work for the New Parliament,” Birmingham, UK, January 5, 1885, in Speeches of the Right Honorable Joseph Chamberlain, M.P., Henry W. Lucy, ed. (London: George Routledge and Sons, 1885), 104.

  73. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 117 (May 9, 1884).

  74. Ibid., 119 (July 28, 1884).

  75. Ibid. (August 1, 1884).

  76. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 272.

  77. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 145 (December 19, 1885).

  78. Ibid., 153 (January 1, 1886).

  79. Ibid., 154 (February 11, 1886).

  80. “London Under Mob Rule,” New York Times, February 8, 1886.

  81. Ibid.

  82. Ibid.

  83. “London’s Recent Rioting,” New York Times, February 10, 1886.

  84. “The Rioting in the West-End,” Times (London), February 10, 1886.

  85. Queen Victoria to William Ewart Gladstone, Windsor Castle, February 11, 1886, in The Letters of Queen Victoria; Third Series: A Selection of Her Majesty’s Correspondence and Journal Between the Years 1886 and 1901, vol. 1, George Earle Buckle, ed. (New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1932), 52.

  86. Ibid.

nbsp; 87. Margaret Harkness [John Law], Out of Work (London: Swan Schonnenschein, 1888).

  88. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 273.

  89. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 154.

  90. Beatrice Webb, “A Lady’s View of the Unemployed at the East,” Pall Mall Gazette, February 18, 1886.

  91. Joseph Chamberlain to Beatrice Potter, February 25, 1886, 2/1/2 Passfield Archive.

  92. Joseph Chamberlain to Beatrice Potter, February 28, 1886, 2/1/2 Passfield Archive.

  93. Ibid.

  94. Beatrice Potter to Joseph Chamberlain, Bournemouth, n.d. [March 1886], in Letters, ed. MacKenzie, vol. 1, 53–54.

  95. Joseph Chamberlain to Beatrice Potter, March 5, 1886, 2/1/2 Passfield Archive.

  96. Royden Harrison, The Life and Times of Sidney and Beatrice Webb: The Formative Years, 1858–1903 (London: Palgrave, 1999), 125.

  97. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 160 (April 4, 1886).

  98. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 212.

  99. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 164 (April 18, 1886).

  100. Charles Booth, “The Inhabitants of Tower Hamlets (School Board Division), Their Condition and Occupations,” Royal Statistical Society, London, May 17, 1887, in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, vol. 50 (London: Edward Stanford, 1887), 326–91.

  101. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 164 (April 17, 1886).

  102. Ibid., 173 (July 2, 1886).

  103. Ibid.

  104. Ibid., 174 (July 18, 1886).

  105. Ibid., 213 (n.d.).

  106. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 300.

  107. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 241 (April 11, 1888).

  108. Beatrice Potter, “Pages from a Work-Girl’s Diary,” The Nineteenth Century: A Monthly Review 24, issue 139 (September 1888): 301–14.

  109. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, 249 (April 13, 1888).

  110. “The Peers and the Sweaters,” Pall Mall Gazette, May 12, 1888.

  111. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1; 261 (September 14, 1888).

  112. Ibid., 264 (November 8, 1888).

  113. Ibid., 269 (December 29, 1888).

  114. Ibid., 250 (April 26, 1888).

  115. Ibid., 274 (March 8, 1889).

  116. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 341.

  117. Review of Labour and Life of the People, ed. Charles Booth, The Times (London), April 15, 1889, 9.

  118. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 374.

  119. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 321 (February 1, 1890).

  120. Ibid., 328 (March 29, 1890).

  121. Ibid., 321 (February 1, 1890).

  122. Ibid., 310 (November 26, 1889); Beatrice Potter to Sidney Webb [December 7, 1890], in Letters, vol. 1, ed. MacKenzie, 239.

  123. Letters, vol. 1, ed. MacKenzie, 70.

  124. Webb, My Apprenticeship, 390.

  125. Muggeridge and Adam, Beatrice Webb: A Life, 123.

  126. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 184 (October 31, 1886).

  127. Ibid., 324 (February 14, 1890).

  128. Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The History of Trade Unionism (London: Green and Co., 1907), 400.

  129. G. M. Trevelyan, British History in the Nineteenth Century (1782–1901) (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1922), 403.

  130. Sidney Webb to Edward Pease, London, in Letters, vol. 1, ed. MacKenzie, 101; Sidney Webb, Socialism in England (London: American Economic Association, 1889), 11, 20.

  131. Sidney Webb, “Historic,” in Fabian Essays in Socialism, ed. G. Bernard Shaw, 30–61 (London: The Fabian Society, 1889), 38.

  132. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol., 322 (February 1, 1890).

  133. William Harcourt, Speech to the House of Commons, August 11, 1887. Parliamentary Debates, 3rd series, vol. 319.

  134. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, 330 (April 26, 1890).

  135. Beatrice Potter to Sidney Webb, Gloucestershire, May 2, 1890, in Letters, vol. 1, ed. MacKenzie, 133.

  136. Ibid., Sidney Webb to Beatrice Potter, April 6, 1891, 269.

  137. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 354.

  138. Beatrice Potter to Sidney Webb, Gloucestershire, in Letters, vol. 1, ed. MacKenzie, 281.

  139. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 357 (June 20, 1891).

  140. Friedrich August Hayek, review of Our Partnership by Beatrice Webb, eds. Barbara Drake and Margaret I. Cole (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1948); Economica, New Series 15, no. 59 (August 1948): 227–30.

  141. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 1, 371 (July 23, 1892).

  142. Ibid., vol. 2, 37 (September 17, 1893).

  143. Michael Holroyd, Bernard Shaw: The One-Volume Definitive Edition (London: Chatto and Windus, 1997), 164.

  144. George Bernard Shaw to Archibald Henderson, June 30, 1904, in Archibald Henderson, George Bernard Shaw: His Life and Works (Cincinnati: Stewart and Kidd Company, 1911), 287.

  145. George Bernard Shaw, preface to Mrs. Warren’s Profession: A Play in Four Acts (London: Constable, 1907), xvii.

  146. George Bernard Shaw to the editor of the Daily Chronicle, April 30, 1898, in Bernard Shaw: Collected Letters, 1874–1897 (New York: Dodd, Meade and Company, 1965), 404.

  147. H. G. Wells, The New Machiavelli (New York: Duffield and Co., 1910), 194–95.

  148. James A. Smith, The Idea Brokers: Think Tanks and the Rise of the New Policy Elite (New York: Free Press, 1991), xiii.

  149. Wells, The New Machiavelli, 199.

  150. Ibid., 197.

  151. A. G. Gardiner, The Pillars of Society (London: James Nisbet, 1913); Wells, The New Machiavelli, 195.

  152. Wells, The New Machiavelli, 194.

  153. Ibid., 190.

  154. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 2, 262 (November 28, 1902), 325 (June 8, 1904).

  155. Gardiner, The Pillars of Society, 204, 206.

  156. Wells, The New Machiavelli, 196.

  157. Richard Henry Tawney, The Webbs in Perspective: The Webb Memorial Lecture Delivered 9 December 1952 (London: The Athlone Press, 1953), 4.

  158. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 3, 69 (March 22, 1907).

  159. Wells, The New Machiavelli, 196.

  160. Wells, The New Machiavelli, 191.

  161. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, 287 (July 8, 1903).

  162. Ibid., 321 (May 2, 1904), 326–27 (June 10, 1904).

  163. Elie Halevy, A History of the English People in the Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, The Rule of Democracy (1905–1914), 2nd ed. (London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1952), 267.

  164. Edward Marsh, A Number of People: A Book of Reminiscences (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1939), 163; Winston Churchill and Henry William Massingham, introduction to Liberalism and the Social Problem: A Collection of Early Speeches as a Member of Parliament (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1909).

  165. Winston S. Churchill, “H. G. Wells,” in The Collected Essays of Sir Winston Churchill, vol. 3, Churchill and People, ed. Michael Wolff (London: Library of Imperial History, 1976), 52–53.

  166. Marsh, A Number of People, 150.

  167. William Manchester, The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Visions of Glory (1874–1932) (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1983), 403.

  168. Peter de Mendelssohn, The Age of Churchill, vol. 1, Heritage and Adventure, 1874–1911 (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961), 365.

  169. Never Give In! The Best of Winston Churchill’s Speeches, Winston S. Churchill, ed. (New York: Hyperion, 2003), 25.

  170. Beatrice Webb, Our Partnership, eds. Barbara Drake and Margaret I. Cole (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1948), 149.

  171. Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Industrial Democracy, vol. 2 (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1897), 767.

  172. Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The Prevention of Destitution (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1911), 1.

  173. Ibid., 17, 97.

  174. Ibid., 5.

  175. Ibid., 90.

  176. Ibid., 285.

  177. MacKe
nzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 3, 95 (July 27, 1908).

  178. Webb, Our Partnership, 481–82.

  179. George Bernard Shaw, “Review of the Minority Report,” quoted in Holroyd, Bernard Shaw, 398.

  180. Webb, Our Partnership, 481–92.

  181. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, February 10, 1908.

  182. Ibid., October 16, 1908.

  183. Ibid., April 18/20, 1908.

  184. John Grigg, Lloyd George: The People’s Champion, 1902–1911 (London: Eyre Methuen, 1978), 100.

  185. Charles Frederick Gurney Masterman to Lucy Blanche Masterman, February 1908.

  186. Roy Jenkins, Churchill: A Biography (London: Hill and Wang, 2001), 143–44.

  187. Winston S. Churchill to H. H. Asquith, March 14, 1908, quoted in Martin Gilbert, Churchill: A Life (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1991), 193.

  188. Churchill to Asquith, December 29, 1908.

  189. MacKenzie, Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 3, 100 (October 16, 1908), 118 (June 18, 1909).

  190. Ibid., June 18, 1909.

  191. Ibid., vol. 3, 90 (March 11, 1908).

  192. Manchester, The Last Lion, 371.

  193. Himmelfarb, Poverty and Compassion, 378.

  194. Baron William Henry Beveridge, Power and Influence (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1953), 86.


  1. David A. Shannon, ed., Beatrice Webb’s American Diary (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1963), 72. Remark made by Professor H. Morse Stephens to Beatrice Webb during a tour of Cornell University in May 1898.

  2. Norman and Jeanne MacKenzie, eds., The Diary of Beatrice Webb, vol. 2, 1892–1905: All the Good Things of Life (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983), 137.

  3. Beatrice Webb, Our Partnership (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1948), 146.

  4. Niall Ferguson, Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order (New York: Basic Books, 2004), 242.

  5. See, for example, the following articles in The Manchester Guardian: “An American Invasion,” June 21, 1871 (rumors of Susan B. Anthony’s trip to Ireland with the American Woman’s Rights League); “From Our London Correspondent,” October 21, 1890 (American girls invade the market for Britain’s eligible noblemen); “Cycling Notes,” October 29, 1894 (American-made bicycles threaten to dominate the British market); “By-ways of Manchester Life, XI. An American Invasion,” April 9, 1898 (American firm builds a grain elevator on the Manchester Ship Canal).

  6. Frederick Arthur McKenzie, The American Invaders: Their Plans, Tactics and Progress (London: Grant Richards, 1902), 142–43.


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