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Davis, Liz - Slivers of Moonlight (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 13

by Liz Davis

  “I’ve missed you, too, and I really am sorry about not getting in touch sooner. There’s no excuse for it.”

  “Hey it’s cool, I understand. So when am I finally going to meet him?”

  “You already did. Remember that night we went out clubbing and then went out for pie at Ted’s Diner afterward? That guy we bumped into was Evan.”

  “Oh, I remember him, all right. But what I’m asking is, when are you going to properly introduce him to me? I am your best friend, after all.”

  “You can meet him once he gets back into town.”

  “He’s away? So that’s why you called me.” She dipped a few fries into the pool of ketchup, and then fed them into her mouth. “So where did he go?”

  “He’s visiting his mom. She’s been sick, so he’ll be out there all weekend.”

  “Well, at least that gives me three days to hang out with you. Then once he comes home, I suppose I’ll go back to being second best.”

  Amhara’s ribbing was playful, but Maya knew that a part of her did foster some hurt feelings over them not spending much time together. They’d always made a rule that boyfriends would never come between them, but when you were still in the honeymoon stage of a relationship sometimes that was easier said than done.

  “That’s not true. You’re still number one in my book.”

  “Yeah, right.” Her mouth pulled into a crooked smile. “Well anyways, I’m glad that spell Dylan had over you has finally been broken. I don’t know what changed, but I’m glad you finally fell out of love with him. He was a major loser.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m on to bigger and better things now, though. Much bigger.” Her eyebrows rose suggestively during the latter end of her sentence.

  Choking on her drink, Amhara covered her mouth, trying to keep the liquid from spilling out onto her top. “You are so dirty!” she said with a smirk.

  Raising her eyebrows at her friend’s reaction, Maya replied, “What? It’s the truth. So what’s so dirty about that?” Her lips curled into an amused smile.

  Finally catching her breath, Amhara grabbed a napkin from the holder and wiped off her mouth. “So Evan is packing, huh?” She leaned forward, resting her arms on the table, as if she were preparing herself for a juicy story.

  Maya remained silent, sipping on her drink as she offered a simple nod.

  “See, this is what I’m talking about. You had sex with Evan, and you didn’t even call me to discuss it?”

  “It just happened just last night. And besides, what’s to discuss?”

  “Um, well, let’s see…technique, stamina, positions…Need I go on?” Her voice was laced with sarcasm.

  “Oh, and I’m the dirty one?” Her lips creased into a grin.

  “So, tell me!”

  “Well…it was great.”

  “Great? That’s all you have to say?” Shaking her head in refusal, she urged, “Come on, sis, stop holding out on me. I want details, and I want them now.”

  “Okay, it was better than great. It was amazing!”


  “And what?”

  “So did he put it down or what?”

  “Well, I just said he was amazing, so yeah, he did. What else can I tell you?” The ice cubes clinked inside her glass as she used her straw to stir them.

  “Why are you being so tight-lipped about this? This isn’t like you. You used to give me details about Dylan all the time.”

  “Yeah, I know. But that was different.”


  “Dylan and I never had this kind of connection. It was a very unfulfilling relationship. It was like I depended on him to provide me with something that he just wasn’t willing to give. There was no intimacy between us.” Maya swirled the end of a French fry in her ketchup, making a design that consisted of small circles.

  “All right, and so how is it different with Evan?”

  “Well, I’m happy, for one. And he treats me really well. The way he looks at me, touches me, the things he says…he makes me feel special. I really care about him.”

  “Oh wow, you’re in love with him, aren’t you?”

  “In love, I don’t know.” She lowered her gaze and pinched her straw between her fingertips.

  “Yeah, you are. I can tell.”

  Maya lifted her gaze to meet with Amhara’s. “I hope you don’t feel like I’m trying to be distant. It’s just the night I spent with Evan, it was really special. And sharing all of the intimate details that happened between us…well, it kind of cheapens the memory of our first time together.”

  They ate in silence for a few moments, munching on fries and sipping their cold drinks. Then, suddenly, Amhara lifted her eyes, giving Maya a look that was full of understanding.

  “Yeah, I guess I get what you mean. And it’s okay, I don’t mind you not sharing the details. It seems like you two have a really deep connection with each other, so if you’d rather not speak about it, then I totally respect your decision.”

  “Thank you for being okay with it.” She took a few sips of her ice tea, and then said, “So, how do you feel about going out tonight? We could catch a movie or go bowling. Maybe even go for some drinks after.”

  “Yeah, that sounds good. Let’s do that.”

  Once they’d finished their fries, the waiter came by to collect their dishes, and after glancing at a dessert menu, they put in two orders for cheesecake. While they were waiting for it to arrive, Amhara reached beside her and lifted a gift bag from out of its hiding place.

  “Happy birthday, sweetie.” She placed the present on the table, and scooted it toward her friend.

  “Aww, thank you, love.” Maya reached into the bag and dug through the tissue paper until her hand enclosed around a book. She pulled it out to see that it was a rare edition of an anthology featuring writers from the Harlem Renaissance, something she’d had her eye on for years.

  “Where did you find this? I’ve been trying to find this for ages.”

  “I got it at this little independent bookstore downtown. That’s not your only present, though. I tucked something between the pages. Check it out.”

  Pulling the slip of glossy paper out, she realized that it was a gift certificate.

  “A day of pampering at Rejuvenation Day Spa? Wow, that’s a ritzy place.”

  She slid out of the booth and walked over to Amhara’s side so that she could give her a hug. “Thank you, hon. You’re the best!”

  “You’re welcome. And I already booked an appointment for me to go on the same day as you. So now you’ll have no excuse to blow me off, because I’ve spent my hard-earned money on you. So when it’s time to go, I don’t want to hear any excuses.”

  “I’ll be there, I promise.”

  The waiter approached their table with a saucer of cheesecake, and as he set it down, he offered them a friendly smile. “Enjoy your dessert, ladies.” He then retreated from the table.

  Maya picked up a fork and sliced off a portion. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had cheesecake.” The rich smell of it wafted into her nostrils, causing her to salivate.

  “Same here. It’s probably just as well, though, because I eat enough sweets as it is. ”

  They ate in silence for a few moments, thoroughly enjoying the decadent richness of the dessert.

  “So what did Evan get you for your birthday?”

  Lifting the pendant off her neck, Maya showed her.

  “Ooh, that’s really pretty. The man has good taste.”

  They made small talk between nibbles of cake, and as the minutes ticked by, Maya found that her mind was constantly drifting to her lover. She wondered what he was doing, if he’d arrived safely, and when he was going to call her. He’d left at half past noon, and it was already approaching four, so she was certain he’d arrived by now. She kept hoping to hear the chime of a text message, but her phone remained frustratingly quiet. He’d call in due time, she told herself. It was just a matter of being patient. He was taking care of his mother and
seeing to her health, and she definitely respected that. Family always came first, so that was completely understandable. She must have ventured deeper into her thoughts than expected because the sound of Amhara’s voice jolted her to attention.

  “You weren’t listening to me, were you?”

  “Sorry, I was daydreaming.”

  “Yeah, I could tell. So now that he has your heart, do you have his?”

  Fingering the pendant on her neck, Maya responded, “Well, I technically do have his heart around my neck, you know?” She said it in a half-joking way, but there wasn’t a doubt in her mind that she truly did.

  “Well, that’s good.” Amhara gave her a pleased smile then followed up with another question. “So, I’m not trying to instigate here, but you are exclusively seeing each other, right?”

  “Yeah.” Maya tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she held her friend’s gaze.

  “Are you sure? I mean, have you two actually discussed this, or are you just assuming?”

  “We haven’t sat down and talked about it, but it’s pretty much been implied. I mean, we aren’t casually dating. This is an actual relationship. He refers to me as his girlfriend. And I think this pendant proves he’s ready to take it to another level.”

  “Well, it’s a beautiful present, and I can tell that he cares deeply for you. But how do you know he isn’t seeing anyone else? I mean, it has even been a month yet, right?”

  “No, but the time we’ve been together really isn’t even an issue. We connect so completely, like on every level. We have something special—this isn’t just some temporary fling.”

  “I know, and I’m not trying to worry you, I just want to make sure you’re protecting your heart. I was there for you through every stage of your relationship with Dylan, remember? And I know it’s in the past now, but remember how badly he took advantage of you? That makes me want to protect you from it ever happening again. So I hope you understand that.”

  Nodding her head, Maya took a sip of her drink, and as Amhara reached her hand out, Maya slid her own forward, allowing her best friend to enclose it within her own.

  “I know Evan’s a good man. I can tell just from the way that you talk about him. I just want to make sure you don’t get hurt, that’s all.”

  She knew that Amhara did have her best interests at heart, but deep down inside, she knew that Evan would never hurt her. They were emotionally bonded now, which went a whole lot deeper than just having sex.

  I just want to make sure you don’t get hurt, that’s all.

  Amhara’s words reverberated in her mind a few times, and although she doubted it with every fiber of her being, that statement seemed intent on embedding itself in her brain. Maya could feel the pendant against her chest, reminding her of the happiness she’d found with Evan. She had his heart, of this she was sure. And it was obvious he deeply cared for her, but that wasn’t quite the same as love, was it?

  He hadn’t told her he loved her back, so maybe he was still uncertain. And as she thought more about it she realized that uncertainty might have something to do with Dylan. Now, more than ever, was the time for her to take action. She needed to fully move forward and release herself from the past. Because until she did, it would hinder her from reaching the happiness she so truly deserved.

  * * * *

  Del’s Sports Bar and Grill was a lively place, filled with large flat-screen TVs, two pool tables, and a dartboard. Since it was Friday night, the place was filled with activity, and nearly every seat at the bar was taken. Other people stood around the pool tables or congregated next to the jukebox, which was currently playing a song by the Supremes.

  Signaling toward a blonde with vivid, blue eyes and cherry-red lips, Amhara called out to her, “Hey, Louise, bring us two glasses of Merlot. And can we get some beef taquitos as well?”

  Nodding in response, Louise replied, “Sure thing,” then went off to grab their drinks.

  “Beef taquitos? Didn’t we just have French fries and cheesecake earlier today?”

  Amhara gave a small shrug. “Yeah, and? I know you don’t eat like this every day, but it’s your birthday. Don’t tell me you’re on some sort of diet again because I don’t want to hear it. You have a great body, and you know it.”

  “I’m not on a diet, just trying to cut out the amount of junk that I eat. All that stuff goes straight to my hips.”

  Glancing behind the stool Maya was sitting on, Amhara responded, “Hmmm, well, from what I can see, it seems like it goes straight to your butt.”

  Maya playfully rolled her eyes. “Very funny.”

  “Girl, I was complimenting you. It’s nice and juicy, and you should be proud of it. Some women pay dearly for curves like that, so you should appreciate them.”

  “Yes, you really should,” came a deep male voice from behind them.

  Turning their heads toward the sound of it, Amhara and Maya came face-to-face with Dylan.

  “What are you doing here?” Maya looked him up and down with an expression of disgust.

  “Same thing as you, I’m enjoying my Friday night.” Taking a swig of his beer, his eyes came to rest on the keyhole cutout of her blouse.

  “Well, get lost, because I’m not interested in talking to you.”

  “Whoa, what did I do? I’m just trying to have a conversation with you here.”

  “Yeah, right. Seems more like you’re more interested in having a conversation with my breasts.”

  “So I took a peek, big deal. I’m a guy.” When she turned her back on him, he said, “I’m not here to chat you up, Maya, so you can relax.”

  She ignored him, turning her attention toward the wine that the barmaid set down on the counter in front of her.

  “Look, what I came to say is that I’m sorry. I know things were pretty bad between us the last time I saw you, and I’m here to apologize for making a scene.”

  Maya remained quiet, but Amhara offered a few words in hopes of fending Dylan off. “I really think it’s best if you just leave her alone. It’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t want to talk to you.”

  “Yeah, I can see that. But that doesn’t mean I can’t still apologize. How are you, by the way?” The smile he gave her was so phony it caused Amhara to roll her eyes and turn her back to him. Turning his attention back to his ex-girlfriend, he said, “Look, I know I’ve been a jerk, but I really do hope that you’ll forgive me. By the way, how are things between you and that guy you were with? Is he still around?”

  Turning to face him, Maya said, “Yes, he is. Not that it’s any business of yours.”

  “Really? So you two are actually dating?”

  “Yes, he’s my boyfriend.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, that’s cool. So where is he?”

  “Visiting family, but I don’t think that’s really—”

  The sound of Maya’s voice was interrupted by the sudden presence of a busty brunette with long, curly hair and hazel eyes. Looping her arm through Dylan’s, she said, “Hey babe, Rodrigo is asking if you want to play another game of pool with him. You up for it?”

  “Yeah, sure. Oh, by the way, this is Maya and Amhara. They’re old friends of mine.” His eyes lit up with glee as he said, “Maya, this is my girlfriend, Angela.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Maya.” She nodded in polite acknowledgment.

  “Likewise, Angela.”

  The expression on Dylan’s face was nothing short of arrogance. “Well, I guess we better be off. Maya and Amhara, it was nice seeing you again.”

  The couple turned on their heels and headed for the pool tables. Once they were out of range, Amhara spoke to her. “Hey, are you okay?” Resting her hand on Maya’s shoulder, she looked into her eyes.

  “Yeah, of course, why wouldn’t I be? Once a jerk, always a jerk. Nothing’s changed there.”

  Setting a plate of beef taquitos in front of them, Louise gave them a friendly smile. “Can I get you girls anything else? Another round of drinks?”

?” Amhara glanced at her friend’s wine glass, and saw that it was nearly empty.

  She shook her head in response. “No thanks, I’m fine.”

  “Guess we’re good then. Thanks, Louise.”

  Maya suddenly began to feel very unsettled. She didn’t like being in such close proximity to Dylan, because whenever he was around her, he always managed to bring pain or trouble in some way. And running into him on her birthday was definitely not what she’d hoped for.

  They’d finished half the plate of taquitos before Amhara chose to break the silence.

  “He’s a bastard, Maya. Just remember that.”

  “Oh, believe me, I do.”

  Swiveling her head around, Maya glanced toward the pool tables, immediately spotting Dylan and Angela. It wasn’t that she felt jealous, because nothing could be further from the truth. She just found that her eyes were curiously drawn toward them.

  “You know, I really do feel sorry for his girlfriend. Dylan is the epitome of a douche bag. Wonder how long it’ll take her to figure him out.”

  Amhara took a sip of her wine, then replied, “Well, with any luck, hopefully she’ll be able to escape before he damages her too badly, because we both know the head games that Dylan likes to play with people.”

  And Maya knew all too well just how true this statement was. But she’d been with Dylan for four years, so what did that say about her? She was about to turn her attention back to her food, when all of a sudden, he caught her eye. Poised over the pool table with cue stick in hand, his eyes lifted to meet with hers. And then, very slyly, he gave her a wink.

  She turned her head back around so that he was out of her line of sight, and then focused her gaze on a neon clock behind the bar counter. Only ten more minutes remained before the large hand reached the ten, which meant that Evan had been gone for over nine hours. She didn’t know exactly how long it took to drive out to the reservation, but she figured it couldn’t take more than a couple of hours. So why hadn’t he called? She just wanted to hear his voice and know that he was okay. She had an overactive imagination that was just waiting to go onto overdrive, and once it did, she knew it would make her imagine all sorts of terrible things.


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