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Dangerous Pleasures

Page 10

by Fiona Zedde

  “You didn’t come,” he rasped.

  Her lover bit into her shoulder again, more gently this time. “You didn’t come.” He kissed a path down her back, tugging at the corset as he went. Her breasts fell free of the velvet and lace. What—?

  Renee barely got over her astonishment that he knew how to get the thing off before a groan split her apart. His tongue licking its way down her bottom. Tiny bites on the soft flesh. His fingers sliding between her cleft, over her clit, separating her juiced lips. A tremor raced through her at his expert handling. This was a man who knew women. Knew how to please them and didn’t rely on his penis to do all the work. Cool breath blew against her superheated center. He teased her apart and she trembled, body quaking as he slid inside her. Ah! She pushed back to swallow more of the fingers.

  She bit her lip. The fire rolled through her again. Insistent, undeniable, with each motion of his fingers inside her plumped and juiced flesh. Oh, God. He took her. Deeply. Hard, then harder.

  His fingers played her clit, circled, stroked, flicked until she was bucking in the bed, trembling, coming around his fingers. Renee trembled when his lips found her back again, pressing into her damp flesh as he brought her gently down from her orgasm. Her arms and knees failed her. She crumpled into the bed, face pushed into the sheets, gasping.

  Clothes rustled. The click of the bathroom door closing and that small sliver of light extinguished. Renee rolled over on her back, blinking into the complete darkness. Cool sheets settled into the damp hollows of her skin. The sensation made her tremble. Or was it from the silent regard of the man who stood over her, naked now, just as she was?

  “All night.” His low voice scraped over her sensitized nerve endings.

  She shook her head and sat up, but he kneeled on the mattress, his knee sinking into the space between her thighs, into the thick bedding.

  His hands gripped her arms.

  Renee tried to find his features in the dark but only found more darkness and the certainty that he could see every curve and hollow of her face. He wanted them to have the entire night and, suddenly with the cool fire of his gaze on her, she wanted it too. There was work waiting for her at home, but it could wait some more.

  Renee reached for her purse on the nightstand and fumbled inside for the phone. She sent a quick text to Mayson. Her hand emerged with a pack of condoms that she dropped on the bed beside her. His approval at her actions was as loud as the silence.

  “Wear this.” Without waiting for a reply, he picked up something from the nearby debris of discarded clothes. He pressed it against her cheek. A piece of velvet cloth. Renee felt it with her hands. A blindfold. She shook her head.

  “Afraid?” His whispered question rasped against her skin and she shivered. His voice was low, unreal, the sound of a man being deliberately seductive. A generic voice. He was like every man she’d ever heard, but also like no one she’d ever heard.

  “Should I be afraid?” she asked softly.


  Renee shook her head again, sending the hair rustling over her shoulders and back. She was afraid. Mayson’s warning words rang in her head. She didn’t know this man. Why should she trust him to blindfold her and not take advantage in some way that she didn’t want?

  Her hands knew what she wanted before she did. They took the blindfold and slipped it over her head. A smell of familiar spices clung to the cloth, an immediate comfort.

  He came closer. “Now, about tonight.” His whisper tickled her mouth.

  His body was hot against hers. Everything about him felt immediate. His unrelenting stare. The firm insistence of his muscled chest mere inches from her mouth. His penis was still slack but already halfway to hardness against her stomach.

  Her body prickled with awareness of him. The blindfold heightened every feeling, every breath that passed her lips. He cupped her jaw and brought her mouth up to his. Mouth settling lightly on hers, not taking as she’d expected, not plundering, but a sweetly worded question, seeking permission for more. This was so different from before that she nearly pulled away. But he held her jaw firmly, brushing his lips against hers. Again and again, lightly seeking entrance.

  Wild butterflies danced in her belly. She closed her eyes and allowed him to be gentle. Their mouths slid together, then their bodies, meshing, falling back into the bed. He rolled over until she lay on top, her hair falling around her face and his in a thick curtain. In the midst of kisses, his soft mouth and hard body, the warmth of him that raised the answering heat inside her slowly, there was her awareness of the cloth on her face. Its smell. He nipped at her throat. Gave her the unrelenting suction of his lips, the press of his teeth. She opened her mouth to tell him “no marks,” but his fingers floated over her clit and she gasped instead.

  “You’re perfect,” he whispered into her throat, his voice muffled by her skin. “I knew you would be.”

  Don’t speak.

  She wanted to cover his mouth but her body had other ideas of what it wanted to do. She flung her head back as she balanced over him, the tips of her breasts grazing his lightly furred chest, threading needles of sensation through her skin. He played her clit again, still feasting on her neck. His fingers slid into the wetness, then back to play at her rear entrance. A surprised gasp tore loose from her. Renee pushed back against his fingers.

  The blindfold gave her and him perfect anonymity. Renee felt bolder with it on, even with him being able to feel and hold and taste her, knowing her face while she knew nothing of him. It gave her a new and welcome sensation: freedom.

  “Again,” she demanded, abandoning her rule of silence.

  Renee spread her legs wider for him. Felt herself become even more drenched for him. “Again.”

  He chuckled deep in his throat and proceeded to give her everything she asked for.

  Chapter 18

  She was nearly comatose from satisfaction. Limbs heavy. A luscious wetness between her legs. Renee sighed, opening her eyes, but it was dark. Too dark. With a start, she realized she still wore the blindfold. Renee raised her hands to take it off.

  “Keep it on.”

  His whisper came from across the room. The chair. He wasn’t in bed beside her.

  She ripped the velvet mask off her face. It was still dark, but shaded with gray now, a shadowy hint of things in the room. The edge of the bed. A chair. The sprawl of masculine thighs, clothed in denim, his big hands carefully balanced on his knees. His pose reminded her of another man. Another night. The first man. But this man’s face lay in perfect shadow.

  His anonymity was comforting, but it had been more so when she’d anticipated his touch and even when he finally touched her. Now she just wanted him gone.

  He had given her the hard facelessness of sex. Now it was intimacy that she craved and there was only one person who could give that to her. She sat up in the bed, pushing her lethargy away. “I thought you’d be gone,” she said.

  When he didn’t reply, she swung her legs off the bed and began pulling on her clothes.

  “You should go.” She didn’t look at him.

  He hissed. A dangerous noise.

  Renee finished dressing. Although a new silence was building in the room, she ignored it. The other had been the tense, hungry silence of sex. What she felt now was anger. Why? Hadn’t they both come here for anonymous sex? That part was over now. It was back to their respective worlds.

  In her high heels, she was nearly as tall as he was. She walked past him, or at least she tried to. She half anticipated a movement from him and when he made one, reaching out for her, she thought, Renee flung herself back from him and toward the door, fear and anger twisting her stomach in knots. Too late, she realized he had only been taking a breath. Not moving to interfere with her leaving the room. Embarrassment heated her face.

  He made the dangerous noise again and this time, he did touch her. One moment, she was dashing for the door, and the next he had her shoulders against the wall, his massive bulk held away
from her. He vibrated with anger.

  Oh my God! Mayson was right. I’m going to die for sex. The thought scraped through her, sudden and terrifying.

  They were both in shadow. She couldn’t see his face. She doubted he could see hers. Renee only felt him and his anger. But she remembered his kisses and thought suddenly, stupidly, that someone who kissed her the way he had could not possibly hurt her. Renee covered his mouth with her hand.

  “Don’t ruin this,” she said.

  He bit her.

  “Ow!” Renee snatched her burning hand away from his mouth, cradling it in her other hand. Tears of startled pain pricked her eyes.

  “You ruined this,” he growled, the words an ominous rumble deep in his chest.

  He released her and she stumbled away from the wall. You bit me! She stared down at her hand in disbelief like she could see through the darkness the imprint of his teeth in her skin. Was there blood?

  A slash of light pierced the room. She winced and turned away from the sudden brightness. The door slammed shut. Her hand throbbed dully and she held it against her chest, staring at the vague after-image, a big man’s silhouette in a bright doorway. She replayed the last few minutes’ events in her mind once, twice, then three times, each time feeling more and more the fool for how she’d acted. She had dismissed him like a whore and then flinched from him as if he would turn into the murderer of her nightmares.

  It had been good. And she had ruined it.

  Chapter 19

  When the call came from Kendra, Mayson wasn’t surprised.

  “Have lunch with me,” the other woman purred in her ear.

  Mayson hesitated.

  “It’s only lunch.” Kendra laughed. “What am I going to do, throw my pussy in your face at the table and force you to fuck me? Come on!”

  Her low-throated chuckles trickled goose bumps down Mayson’s arms. Tempted. She was so tempted. That night on the phone was still a blazing memory that she often took to bed with her at night. One moment it was Renee on the phone with her and the next it was Kendra, purring and wicked in her ear. The straight woman had caught her in just the right circumstances and now Mayson was hooked.

  “Sure.” Why not? “Where?”

  The “where” turned out to be a familiar restaurant down the street from her house. They had thrown open the windows of the usually dark and intimate restaurant to let in the afternoon sun and the smell of the recent rain. In the garden just beyond the windows, thickly green Elephant Ears wagged lazily under the lulled heat. Rows of pink and white roses released their strong scent while light winked in the beaded drops of rain still lingering on their leaves.

  It would have been a good day to take her bike out to Point Loma, cycle along the coast toward the lighthouse, and feel the burn in her calves as the sun beat down on her neck and shoulders.

  She sat down at the table, stretching her sandaled feet under the crisp white tablecloth, and opened the menu.

  “My lunch date will be here soon,” she told the hovering waitress, though she had no idea when “soon” was. They had arranged to meet at one and it was already ten past.

  A flutter of conversation brought Mayson’s eyes up from the menu to somewhere near the front of the restaurant.


  She carefully put down the menu, clenching her teeth to make sure her mouth wasn’t hanging open. The Kendra bouncing toward her wasn’t the same one she saw two weeks ago. This Kendra was a feast.

  Her breasts, offered up in a sheer black blouse and dark red bra, were the first things that Mayson noticed. Those luscious mounds of flesh rippled like Mayson’s dessert with each step that drew her closer. A short black skirt hugged her hips and thighs. Her lips glimmered the same shade of red as her bra. Dark, tempting, and wet.

  “I think your date is here.” The waitress grinned, her artfully messy dark hair moving like a cloud around her face as she looked from Mayson to Kendra, then back again. “I’ll come back to get your drink orders.” She went off to another table.


  Kendra leaned down to kiss her cheek.

  Her clit jumped inside her jeans.

  Kendra smelled like pussy. Like she’d played with herself, fucked herself with all ten fingers, one after the other, and then smeared cum all over her neck and behind her ears. From the smell of her, Kendra might have even licked her own fingers, feeding hungrily on the taste of herself before coming out to play with Mayson.

  When Kendra made to withdraw, she kissed her neck, capturing the musky salt flavor on her tongue. This lunch was definitely more than lunch.

  “Please, sit.”

  Kendra dropped into Mayson’s lap and tossed her bag into the chair Mayson had intended for her. With a sly smile, she spread her fingers wide. Like before, the nails were colored a vivid red, but they were cut down to the quick.

  “For you.” Kendra stroked her naked fingertips against Mayson’s cheek.

  Mayson chuckled, clasping the errant fingers. “You know this is a family place.” But the other people in the restaurant barely paid them any attention. A few eyes wandered their way, but in Hillcrest, the sight of two women in the same chair was nothing new. Still…

  “I’m sure they’ve seen more scandalous things in this neighborhood.”

  “But not from me.” Mayson consciously held her hands away from Kendra, though the press of the other woman into her thighs and against her chest made her palms itch to touch.

  “Was this your plan all along, to lure me into a restaurant and seduce me in front of everyone?” Mayson asked, only half joking.

  “Not quite, but I have to start somewhere.” Kendra slipped her hand around Mayson’s neck, under her braid. “Are you going to start with me? And for real this time, not just over the phone.” Mayson’s breath hitched when the other woman’s lips hovered close to her ear. “I come real good in person too.”

  I bet you do. She put her hands at Kendra’s waist and lifted her from her lap into the neighboring chair. “Let’s see about lunch, huh?”

  They managed to order, then eat their lunch in peace with Mayson only occasionally having to push Kendra’s hand off her thigh. The woman grinned back at her every time, leaning back in her chair to innocently nibble at her crab cakes.

  “If you’re not really interested, I’d like to apologize then,” Kendra said. She dabbed at her mouth with a napkin. “I’m not the type to keep chasing when the other party isn’t interested, so”—she shrugged—“if you don’t want me, I’ll move on. It’s as simple as that.”

  But it wasn’t that simple. There was the memory of that night between them, when Kendra had called and the two of them had phone-fucked so good that Mayson had forgotten about Renee waiting on the other line. Or almost forgotten. She wanted the woman, but her rule against fucking straight girls was strict. It was drama she didn’t need at all. Ever since college when she’d gone out with her dorm neighbor and ended up the third in an unsatisfying threesome, she’d sworn off straight women.

  So Mayson didn’t want her, didn’t need her. It was as simple as that.

  “Here’s the refill on your mimosas,” their waitress chirped as she wrestled a full pitcher onto the table.

  “I didn’t order this,” Mayson said but the waitress only shrugged as she took away the empty pitcher.

  “I ordered it,” Kendra murmured. “Lunch is on me. You can have anything on the menu.” The smile said that she was definitely on the menu and Mayson was more than welcome to nibble. Or swallow her whole.

  Mayson’s mouth began to water.

  She blamed the second pitcher of mimosas for being unable to stop herself from reaching for Kendra as they walked out to the parking lot. Her hands roamed over the transparent blouse to reach for what her eyes had been full of all afternoon. She ignored the other woman’s look of triumph just before her mouth swooped down to taste Kendra’s, diving in to lick the taste of rum-flavored bread pudding from her lips.

  Kendra’s hand tangled
into the back of her shirt, slipping under it to grip Mayson’s skin as she backed Kendra against somebody’s car partially sheltered by an overhanging tree. Mayson lifted Kendra up and onto the car. Long legs clasped her waist and her naked pussy arched into Mayson’s hand.

  “You were expecting this, weren’t you?” Mayson gasped against her mouth, sliding her thumb over the hard, slippery clit.

  “I hoped.” Kendra’s laugh became a groan.

  “You’re so fucking wet!” Mayson’s pants already felt too tight against her clit as she dove again, knuckle-deep, into the liquid pussy.

  The car shuddered under their bodies, heaving with each thrust of Mayson’s fingers, each time Kendra’s hips rose up to meet her hand.

  Kendra licked her mouth, her rum-scented breath huffing against Mayson’s bared teeth. “This can be so much better—ah!—at my place.”

  But here was so good. The feel of the hot cunt around her fingers. The breasts heaving, nearly overflowing from the red bra. Almost as if to prove her point, Kendra dropped back against the car, bracing herself on her palms, legs falling away from their grip around Mayson’s waist.

  She thrust hard against Mayson’s fingers, liquid and tight. Her neck arched back. She panted. Her wide-open pussy, with its thin strip of hair wetly swallowing Mayson’s fingers, was a forbidden pleasure in the sunlit parking lot. Sudden footsteps—voices—sounded from nearby, coming closer. Fuck.

  “My place is closer,” Mayson said. She didn’t want to move away from the sweet pussy. “Fuck…” She thrust her fingers deep into the heated cunt one more time, relishing the liquid fucking sound, the answering curl in her belly, before pulling Kendra up from the car hood. “Come on.”

  Kendra hit Mayson’s bed with a gasp. Her legs fell open and Mayson fell onto her, one hand unbuckling her belt, the other reaching to push the slim thighs even farther apart. She pushed her pants and shoes off, shoved against Kendra’s steaming center, and groaned her relief at finally, finally having full flesh-to-flesh contact with the pussy. She smelled hot, musky. Suddenly it felt like it had been a long time since she’d had pussy in her mouth. Mayson licked her lips.


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