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Page 5

by Cojacker Verdi

  There still is one problem on their hands, for everybody in Cold Creek knows by now that those gangsters are still out there planning something to get even with whoever did this to him. But nobody knows who is doing this. Nobody is afraid anymore to go outside. Everybody has the confidence to go outside and enjoy their day.

  One problem that’s still bugging everybody in Cold Creek is who is crazy enough to talk to the fugitive. Everybody in Cold Creek knows that it can’t be the mayor, because they mayor has to take care of the town like very other mayor in this country. D.H. really wishes he could talk to the fugitive, because he isn’t afraid. But he can’t interfere until the job is really done, by taking care of all those gangsters.

  The mayor is in his office walking back and forth, wondering who is crazy enough to talk to the fugitive without getting scared half to death. Mayor Jacobson needs a sheriff badly, but who is going to be the lucky one to take on this kind of responsibility? Luckily for the mayor, he didn’t get angry at people outside of his office yelling at him about this.

  The best thing to do is to keep this fugitive behind bars until they find somebody crazy enough to do this without get scared half to death. Boy, the mayor wishes that he has a sheriff at his hand for something like this. D.H. already knows what’s going on with everybody, and he could possibly understand how everybody feels about this.

  Mayor Jacobson is going to do something that no mayor has ever done before: he’s going to interview the fugitive tonight. Right now, the mayor is going to write a letter to the governor saying that they’ve got a fugitive in their hands and let them take him away. The last thing that they want is a problem on their hands here in Cold Creek.

  The letter to the governor said:

  May 26 1865

  Dear Governor,

  This is Mayor Bruce Jacobson from Cold Creek town. I would like to let you know that there is a fugitive in our jail cell. I know that this man is wanted for murder in this state. The fugitive’s name is Robert Donner. So please come and pick him up. We wll hold him here as long as you want.

  The letter was addressed so they could come here without any trouble. But tonight the good mayor has his work cut out for him. But before he could send the letter he did something: he prayed. The mayor prayed that he wouldn’t get killed after interviewing the dangerous fugitive. Luckily for him, they took away the gangster’s gun before they took him to the jail cell.

  Mayor Jacobson told everybody about what he was going to do, and everybody prayed for his safety. It’s twenty minutes before nighttime. The first thing to do is to mail the letter, and the second is to get somebody to help him out, somebody brave enough to help him. That brave person is John Woody. He’s around eighteen years old, six foot two, and around 162 pounds. He has black hair and blue eyes.

  Nighttime came. The mayor is starting to go to the jail cell with the backup, and that backup is carrying a gun with him. Everybody is worried to death about those two, but they’re praying that they will come out of that jail cell alive. Both of them went inside the jail and closed the door behind them, and they locked it so no one would come in. The mayor told everybody that no one should come in, no matter what.

  Mayor Jacobson went inside the jail cell, but John was outside the cell with his gun ready for anything that popped out, ready to defend the mayor in any way. John is hoping that nothing serious happens, because he cares about the mayor. He and his father have been good friends for more than twenty years.

  The mayor began talking.

  “All right, Robert, you know why you are here. Start explaining a few things for me, please.”

  “Listen, you. I don’t care if you are the mayor or not. I’m not saying a word. I don’t even care if you lock me up for the rest of my life,” said Robert.

  “You know, I mailed a letter to the governor of this state, and they will come and get you. You’ll leave Cold Creek forever and never come back here. Most likely you’ll hang for this,” said Mayor Jacobson.

  “I really don’t care. Take me away. I don’t care if I hang for this. I won’t tell you where the rest of the gang is,” said Robert.

  “All right, it’s your choice,” said Mayor Jacobson.

  The mayor calmly left the cell, making sure that he locked the cell so the fugitive wouldn’t escape. So the mayor and John left the jail office. Everybody in Cold Creek saw both of them leave the mail office, and they were glad that they got out alive. Everybody is glad that their prayers have been answered.

  D.H. also saw them coming outside right across the street, and he was glad that they were all right. But tonight he’s going to have a talk with Desert Fox. Luckily from him, Desert Fox was waiting for him right about then, so D.H. took off right away. As fast as D.H. could, he made it to the same area where he always met Desert Fox.

  “Desert Fox, I would like to say thank you for your help. I don’t know how to repay you for something like this,” said D.H.

  “You don’t have to repay me in any way; just a nice thank you will be nice. What happened down at town earlier?” said Desert Fox.

  “They’re going to take him to another place for him to meet justice. So far, he hasn’t said that much. That’s all I know,” said D.H.

  “I can understand why. What about the mayor? Did he back off?” said Desert Fox.

  “He did. He’s going to leave me alone, thanks to you. I have to take off, but I wanted to come here and thank you personally,” said D.H.

  “You’re welcome, and thank you for coming all this way,” said Desert Fox.

  D.H. got onto his horse and took off. D.H. did notices that something was seriously wrong with Desert Fox, but he didn’t know what. Maybe, just maybe, he wanted to take on Thomas but didn’t for some reason. He had his chance last wanted to take on Thomas but didn’t for some reason. He had his chance last night. Maybe Desert Fox is waiting for the right time or something. D.H. spent the whole way to town thinking about this, but it was best that he mind his own business, because he wants to take him on alone, and that’s it.

  Meanwhile, somewhere else away from Cold Creek, Thomas is very angry about what happened last night. Most likely they are going to take Robert away, since he’s wanted for murder. Thomas knows right away that this is the work of Desert Fox, and this is his way of getting even for what Thomas did to him all those years ago.

  The other gangsters didn’t say a word. They all knew how angry he was about this, so it was best not to say one word to save their own skin. The only thing to do right now-which is what Thomas is thinking right about now-is to find Desert Fox and all of his Indian friends before the finds him. That’s what he told the guys. Since they had no choice, they did what he told them to do.

  Morning came. The gangsters didn’t eat their breakfast; they wanted to get an early start on finding those Indians, and they wouldn’t rest until they did. Little do they know that it’s going to be impossible to find them, because they are hidden so no one will ever find them. Sooner or later, the gangsters are going are hidden so no one will ever find them. Sooner or later, the gangsters are going to give up, and there is no way that Thomas is ever going to find them.

  The gangsters spend all day trying to find those Indians, but they didn’t find them. It was nearly impossible to find those crazy Indians. Thomas started to think that it was impossible. There aren’t any Indians that live around Cold Creek. It’s not like they just disappeared into thin air. That’s impossible. It happen-it finally really happened. All of them decided to give up on finding those Indians-even Thomas “The Killer.”

  Thomas always thought to himself that nobody had ever outsmarted him, but somebody did it, and that somebody was a Indian named Desert Fox. Mark his words, he will get the last laugh or die trying, finding him and killing him once and for all. Right now, they are too far from Cold Creek, so it’s best to go back before any of the Texas Ra
ngers or somebody else takes them in, like a bounty hunter.


  Week passed. Mayor Jacobson finally got a letter from the governor, and they would pick Robert Donner up right away. Everybody in town heard the good news and was glad that justice was helping each and every one of them. But by now Thomas “The Killer” has heard what happened, and he’s going to get even one way or the other.

  Every day for the past week, Thomas looked through Cold Creek to see when they were moving Robert so he could save him from being hung to death by the government. Thomas wanted revenge on those Indians for trying to take him and his gang on, and he knew right away that Desert Fox was getting the last laugh. But soon Thomas would get the last laugh.

  It’s Friday by now, and Thomas is waiting for them to take Robert out of the jail cell. At high noon it happened, so he gang got ready. There’s about ten Texas Rangers taking him to another state to face the judge for all his murders, and Thomas and the gang are ready to follow them for a good old-fashioned hung.

  Ten miles north of Cold Creek, Thomas and the gang are right behind the Rangers. Then as fast as they can, Thomas and his gang are right behind them, and they don’t even notices them. All of them got out their guns and started to shoot at them in cold blood, and in less than a second the Rangers were on the ground bleeding to death, but there was no one to help them at all.

  “Thanks, guys. I don’t know what I’ll do without you guys,” said Robert.

  “Don’t worry about it. Now let’s get out of there and leave these Texas Rangers to die,” said Thomas.

  “All right, let’s get out of here,” said Robert.

  Frank untied Robert and took all of the Rangers’ guns for some extra bullets for any kind of showdown. Robert is glad that he’s still a free man and won’t have to worry about getting hanged on any rope for a very long time. Right now all of them are getting back to Cold Creek without any trouble.

  Thomas sure is wishing to see on the looks on the faces of everybody in town when they see what he ahs done to save one of his gang-murdering all those innocent Texas Rangers. Sooner or later, all of them will find out and give the message to Desert Fox that he’s coming after him to kill him.

  Right now back at Cold Creek, everybody is safe and sound, thinking they may go outside to have a little fun for a change. But they’re not getting their hopes up knowing that Thomas “The Killer” is out here planning to do God knows what to them. It’s nighttime, so everybody is sound asleep knowing that they might get up in the middle of the night with a shooting.

  It’s eleven o’clock at night when without any warning there’s a shooting all over town and through the windows. Everybody got up, scared half to death. When al of them got near their broken windows, they got a surprise bigger than any surprise they have ever had in their life.

  All of them saw Robert Donner escaped from those Texas Rangers. Most likely the gang killed each and every one of them. It was like those gangsters had no souls inside of them. Every man, woman, and child stayed low so none of them could get injured, or much worse, get killed.

  Everybody saw what happened, even D.H. It’s best to stay indoors for tonight, and tomorrow D.H. is going to warn Desert Fox that Thomas’s gang helped Robert to escape those Texas Rangers. After a few minutes passed, all of those gangsters left Cold Creek. But they will be back for sure, and this time it’s personal.

  Morning came. Almost everybody got up late since there was a shooting last night. The only person that didn’t sleep was D.H. After last night’s shooting, nobody is crazy enough to come outside. D.H. has to wait for a message from Desert Fox to meet him tonight to tell him what happened.

  Out of nowhere an arrow with a note around it came through the side of the back window, and it’s from Desert Fox for sure. D.H. is really wishing that there was a easier way to get a hold of Desert Fox. The note said:

  “I know about the Texas Rangers. My people have found the bodies and given them a good funeral. Me and my people are getting to the bottom of this, so you’ve got nothing to worry about. You are being watched around the clock, so no one will hurt you in any way. I’ll keep you informed of what’s going on. From Desert Fox.”

  The first two words that came out of D.H.’s mouth were, “Thank God.” At least those Texas Rangers died proudly on their jobs, doing the right thing all the time. But he felt bad about their families. D.H. is glad that his good friend is protecting him, because he really needs some help right now. The last thing he wants in these hard times is surprises and a bullet right through him.

  Nighttime came. D.H. really needs some fresh air, since he was indoors all day. He needs a walk in a good fresh air, and at the same time he’s being watched by his good friend Desert Fox. Little does D.H. know that somebody is following him. But then D.H. heard something right behind him, and he turned around to see who it was.

  What a surprise he had. It’s Thomas “The Killer” with a gun out ready to shoot him. But D.H. isn’t afraid of him or his men, who aren’t around. It’s just him. For a minute or two they both looked at each other but they didn’t move a muscle. So far, both of them don’t what to believe.

  “All right, we are both alone out here. I’ve go this to ask you. What are you going to do? Kill me, or what?” said D.H.

  “You are a brave man for coming out in the middle of the night without any worries. I like that, but I’ve got to ask you. Why aren’t you afraid? Usually I know when somebody is afraid or not, and you’re not afraid,” said Thomas.

  “Boy, would you like to know,” said D.H.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” said Thomas.

  “I’m protected by the Indians around here in Cold Creek, and right about now there’s a Indian across the street with a loaded gun, ready to shoot you to death if you don’t leave,” said D.H.

  “So you must be the one that Desert Fox is getting all of the help from. I should’ve known that he might have some help on this,” said Thomas.

  “Pretty much, Thomas,” said D.H.

  “I’m leaving tonight. You are a very lucky rabbit that I’m not hunting you down at all. I don’t know how lucky can one person can be,” said Thomas.

  Thomas put down his gun and took off into the night without any trace. D.H. is very lucky that he’s being watched and protected by the Indians. So far, D.H. has very lucky that he has had a friend to help him out. By now the Indians left that was watching D.H. and another Indian came. But the one that left told Desert Fox, and he was glad that his good friend wasn’t dead from that monster.

  On the ride to the hideout, Thomas has been doing some thinking. The best way to get through to Desert Fox is killing one of his friends or family, like he did before to get to him. The question is, where are they hiding? That’s the problem. Nobody knows where those Indians are hiding out. Nobody in town knows that there are Indians around this land.

  Thomas isn’t worried. If he finds one, he will personally shoot one. That will get through to Desert Fox in a way he can’t imagine in his head. Right now, it’s getting pretty late and Thomas is really needing some rest because he had a long day. But he’s hoping that tomorrow he can shoot an Indian like all could-blooded killers.

  Morning came. Thomas got up pretty early to watch the sun come up. This is really strange for somebody like Thomas, but he’s watching the sun coming up. So far, Thomas has a feeling that it’s going to be his day for shooting on Indian to make a point to Desert Fox and everybody in Cold Creek, and even Desert Fox’s friend D.H.

  The rest of the men woke up a little later without any trouble. All of them saw Thomas was up, and he told them to spread out to look for any Indians. He told them to bring him here alive. He will personally hill him and take him to Cold Creek to make a point to everybody down there. Nobody said a word. They all were willing to do it, but a the same time they though to themselves that he w
as crazy or something. But nobody said a word.

  After a few hours passed, they finally found a Indian and kidnapped him and brought him to the area where they were hanging out. The Indian was a good friend of Desert Fox. When he saw Thomas look through him, he wasn’t surprised or anything. Right away, Thomas knows that Desert Fox told him so much about him that he’s willing to die for his people to help Desert Fox and D.H.

  Thomas reached for his gun and pointed it at the Indian. In less than a second, without caring, Thomas shot him in cold blood, and the Indian died in less than a second. Frank and Robert picked up the Indian and put him on top of the Thomas’s horse and rode all the way to Cold Creek alone. Everybody in Cold Creek will get a big surprise with what they are going to see.

  They made it to Cold Creek. Thomas got everybody to notices him by shooting a few bullets, and everybody saw him through their windows. All of them were wondering what he was doing with a Indian on top of his horse, but pretty soon they were going to get an answer, and it was going to be a horrible one.

  “People of Cold Creek, this is an Indian I shot in cold blood, and pretty soon I will continue killing more Indians here in Cold Creek, where you never though you would see one. The only way can stop me and my gang is to kill me, but no one will ever be brave enough to do that. SO remember, I’m here to stay,” said Thomas.

  Thomas dropped the Indian down from his horse and rode away as fast as he could, and everybody knew that he was serious. Thomas will kill again until somebody kills him. D.H. will have a hard time explaining what he saw to Desert Fox, but somehow he’ll find out, with or without D.H. telling him what he saw a second ago.

  Meanwhile, he was back at the Indian area where Desert Fox was waiting for his good friend to come back. He has been away for a long time, and Desert Fox is hoping that he’s all right. It’s best to go out and look for him, hoping nothing bad has happened to him. The sun is coming down and Desert Fox still hasn’t seen his friend. So the best thing to do is to go out and look for him, hoping that Thomas didn’t do anything bad to him.


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