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Bad Bad Bad

Page 4

by K. Webster

  “Hey, man!” Kellan barks. “Get your hand off my girl!”

  Brandt’s menacing glare finds Kellan. “She’s seventeen and her father is the goddamned sheriff. She’s nothing to you.” His jaw ticks and his entire body seems to tense as if it’s about to snap.

  “Dude,” Kellan backtracks. “We’re just friends. She’s my baby sister’s best friend.”

  “And my best friend is Kelsey’s father,” Brandt snaps. “Run along and go find someone your own age.”

  Anger bubbles up inside me, but before I can tell Brandt he’s being an asshole, he drags me through the crowd. He hauls me off the dance floor and down the hallway. When he reaches the men’s restroom, he pushes past some people lingering around the doorway and storms inside. It’s quieter in the bathroom but he doesn’t speak until he has us inside a stall with the door locked.

  “Why are you manhandling me?” I demand. My entire body is quaking at his nearness and truth be told, the angry scowl on his face turns me on. But he looks far from turned on. He looks pissed.

  “You were out there being careless, Kelsey. That fucker was getting you wasted and he would have taken advantage of you. You’re just an innocent girl,” he snaps.

  His words wound me and my nostrils flare with anger. “Just an innocent girl? You had no problem taking advantage of that innocent girl last night.” I lick my lips and my heart jumps when his gaze falls to watch the movement. “And then you left to go find your usual bar trash. I’m not nothing to you, Brandt. I thought I was more.”

  He grabs my jaw and glowers at me. “Fuck you, Kelsey,” he snarls. “You’re everything to me, goddammit.”

  His lips smash to mine in a punishing kiss. I let him attack me with his kiss because it’s the best feeling in the world. He’s angry with me and I’m mad at him. The fire blazing between us is hot—so damn hot—and I want to get scorched by it.

  “I want to spank your perfect ass for acting like this tonight. I want to fuck the crazy right out of your head,” he murmurs against my mouth.

  I whimper and nod. “I want you to. Please.”

  He growls. “You don’t know what you want. I’ve only given you a taste, kiddo. I’m dying to unleash and devour you.”

  “So do it and stop threatening,” I challenge, my eyes narrowing when they meet his fiery green ones.

  His control seems to snap because in the next instant, he twists me and shoves me up against the cinder block wall. He isn’t gentle when he shoves my dress up over my hips. My panties are torn from me. Someone outside the stall starts laughing and it has awareness washing over me. But when I look over at my shoulder, Brandt doesn’t seem alarmed.


  I shriek and glare at him. “You spanked me!”

  He crowds me and rubs his hardened cock through his jeans against my bare ass. “I’m going to do it again too. You were a bad girl, Kelsey.”

  Another yelp of surprise bellows out when he whaps me again. Dad spanked me when I was a kid, but it hurt. This… this feels different. I’m turned on. Despite the sting on my ass, I want him to do it again.

  “You left me,” I taunt, wiggling my ass at him. “Kellan wanted to hang out with me, unlike you.”


  “You’re mine,” he declares with a growl.

  A couple of guys are catcalling from outside the stall, but we both ignore them.

  “But you left,” I tell him, my voice softer.

  He pushes up against me from behind and his hot breath is against my ear. “I’m sorry. Shit is complicated with us. I’m trying to figure it out, okay?”

  Swallowing, I nod and blink away the hot tears. “Okay.”

  “I need to fuck you, kiddo. Right now,” he murmurs against my ear. “Will you let me inside you?”

  Someone snorts from outside the stall. “Get after it, man!”

  “Yes,” I tell, Brandt, ignoring the loser on the other side of the door. “Fuck me.”

  He growls and after a bit of fumbling, he pulls his cock out and sheathes it with a condom. His fingers probe my opening. Because of his little spanking session, I’m wet and needy for him. “You’re ready for me,” he murmurs. “Good girl.”

  My palms are flat against the dirty bathroom wall but I don’t care the moment Brandt slams into me. His thick cock threatens to tear me in two. I want it. I want him ripping me apart. He’s the only person who sets my soul on fire and makes me crazy with need. He could do anything to me and I’d let him.

  “Fuck you’re so goddamned tight,” he growls into my ear.

  I moan when his fingers find my clit. From behind, he brutally fucks me, but his fingers are on a mission to get me off. Despite the fire of him pounding into me relentlessly, I’m beginning to tense up as an orgasm nears. He pinches my clit and bites my shoulder. It’s enough to send me soaring off the edge. I cry out with his name on my lips. A moment later, he tenses up and drains out his own climax.

  “God, I love you,” he mutters under his breath. I believe his words because I’ve loved him for as long as I remember. This isn’t normal love, I know, it’s better. We have a bond that others don’t.

  Before I can respond, I hear a familiar voice. “Brandt?”

  Brandt and I both freeze. Dad. He pulls out of me and yanks the condom off before tossing it in the toilet. I’m still pressed against the wall but Brandt has gathered his wits as he rights his clothes and then tugs my dress back into place.


  “In here,” Brandt grumbles. “You’ll never believe who I ran into.”

  With his shoe, he flushes the toilet and the condom disappears. Then, he peels me away from the wall and ushers me out of the stall. Dad has a glassy look in his eyes until he sees me in Brandt’s clutches.

  “What the hell are you doing here, princess?” Dad demands, a furious glare on his face.

  Some guy howls in the corner while his friend snorts. “Battle of the daddies.”

  Dad is too enraged to even hear them. “Answer me, goddammit!”

  Brandt shakes his head. “Some fucker was trying to take advantage of her. Come on, let’s get her home.”

  Dad nods and grabs my elbow before hauling me past the two guys who seem to have been enjoying the show.

  “I’ll be your daddy,” one of them says, swaying on his feet.

  “The fuck you will,” Brandt snarls before clocking the drunk right in the jaw.

  Hot tears well in my eyes because I’m embarrassed and terrified. My dad is dragging me through the club, no longer the cool guy hanging with his friend, but the cop who’s about to arrest everyone in the damn building. Brandt stalks behind us quietly and it pisses me off that he sold me out. Of course, he made no mention that he was fucking his best friend’s baby girl. The alcohol in my veins gives me the liquid courage I need to flip Brandt off. All it does is earn me a pinch to my ass.

  Dad doesn’t even notice because he’s on the war path. When he sees Mandy’s blonde head dancing like a stripper in the middle of the dance floor, he releases me.

  “Watch her,” he barks out to Brandt.

  Then, in full-on badass sheriff mode, he storms over to my friend and plucks her out of the arms of Mikey. Her blue eyes are widened with horror as she realizes who is dragging her off the dance floor.

  “Let’s go,” Dad snaps.

  Mandy and I are scolded like two little children the entire way to Dad’s car. Brandt is quiet, but he’s still pissed, I think, that I came to the club in the first place. I wish I could rewind the entire night and never have come.

  But then I’d have missed out on the dirty bathroom sex.

  I smirk but wipe it away when I see Brandt glaring at me. We reach the car and Brandt all but shoves me in the backseat forcing Mandy to sit up front.

  “Where do you live?” Dad barks out at Mandy. “I’m taking you home to your parents.”

  “They’re not there,” she bites back. I wince at her tone. Sometimes she’s too sassy for her own good. Dad do
es not like sassy.

  “What do you mean they’re not there? Who is watching you?” he demands.

  “I’m seventeen!” she hisses. “I was watching myself. Plus, my brother and his friend—”

  He cuts her off as he peels out. “You’re coming home with us until I can get ahold of your parents. You’re lucky I don’t haul you into the station.”

  While they continue to snap at each other, Brandt reaches across the dark back seat and grips my thigh. His eyes are narrowed, all furious and hot. I meet his gaze and crudely spread my legs. I’m behind Dad’s seat so he can’t see. Now if Mandy chances a look back here, she’ll see everything I have to offer. Thankfully, she’s too distracted with yelling at my father.

  Brandt glowers at me but slides his hand between my legs. He pushes a finger inside of me causing me to gasp.

  “You’re not my dad!” Mandy shrieks. “You can’t do this! It’s illegal!”

  Brandt starts fucking me with now two fingers. It dizzies me and I squirm against his hand.

  Dad snaps back at Mandy. “Your dad, apparently, is a shit parent. You need to be on constant goddamned watch because you make stupid fucking decisions. You’re a bad influence on my daughter and after tonight, you aren’t to see her anymore.”

  “I agree,” Brandt chimes in as he attempts to stick a third finger inside me.

  I glare at him but then he’s stretching me wider and my head falls back against the seat. He fucks me with three fingers behind where my dad sits. Poor Dad is none the wiser. He’s still pissed over Mandy taking me clubbing and us using fake IDs.

  “Oh, God,” I squeak out.

  Brandt attempts to cover up my moans by talking. “The guy I found Kelsey with was all over her. If I hadn’t intervened—”

  “He’s my brother,” Mandy grumbles. “He wasn’t going to hurt her.”

  Dad growls. “Maybe not, but there were plenty of monsters in that club who could have taken advantage of her or you.”

  Mandy starts laughing. She drank a lot more than I did and is therefore much bolder. “Maybe I wanted that, Sherriff. I’m not like Kels. I lost my virginity when I was fourteen.”

  I want to tell her to shut up and stop provoking my dad. But Brandt is hitting me in all the right spots. The heel of his hand grinds against my clit. I can barely keep up with all of their yelling. I’m solely focused on coming all over Brandt’s perfect strong fingers.

  When Mandy starts yelling at my dad again, Brandt murmurs, “That’s it, kiddo.”

  It sends currents of bliss exploding through me. His hand is locked in my tight channel as I come so hard I nearly scream. Luckily, I bite back the noises and ride his fingers until the waves of pleasure subside. He slips his fingers out and leaves me to right my dress just as we pull into my driveway. I watch with lust-filled eyes as he not-so-subtly licks his fingers clean.

  I’m still staring his way when my car door is jerked open. Dad glares at me and all but yanks me out of the car.

  “You’re in a lot of trouble, princess,” he growls. “Now go get your ass in bed before I get my belt.”

  That spanking is one I don’t want to get.

  Dad didn’t spank me, thank God, but he did lecture me until I thought my head was going to explode. He eventually made Mandy and I go to bed while he continued to bitch about us to Brandt in the living room.

  I was horrified and embarrassed to be treated like a child.

  And Brandt seemed to go all dad-mode on me, too, which only served to piss me off.

  But mostly, I was needy and alone.

  When Dad got up this morning, he left to take Mandy home. I’m grounded, apparently. At least I’ve stolen a few moments alone with Brandt. I all but run to the guest room the moment Dad pulls out of the driveway. I find Brandt lying on the bed staring straight up at the ceiling. He’s wearing a pair of holey jeans, but no shirt. His glasses are sitting on the bedside table and without them on, he looks younger to me. A thrill shoots through me. This man is mine. This man loves me. I’m glad all I’m wearing is a T-shirt and a pair of panties. Less clothes between us. I already have the shirt yanked off before he even realizes I’m in the room.

  His green eyes darken upon seeing my bare chest and he sits up on his elbows. A black lock of hair falls in front of his eye giving him a dark and sinister look about him. I shiver, but don’t hesitate as I crawl onto the bed and straddle his hips.

  “Kelsey…” Regret and warning are in his tone.

  My palms are on his chest, but I cease movement to frown at him. “What? I missed you.”

  Pain flashes in his eyes, but at least he lies flat on his back and tenderly caresses the outsides of my thighs. He does want me, despite the unusual way he’s acting. I know this. But then he speaks and everything crashes down around me.

  “We can’t do this, kiddo.”

  My brows pinch together in confusion. “Do what?”

  He growls and he grips my hips to move me off of him but I dig my fingernails into his chest and glare at him.

  “This. Fuck. Your dad…” he trails off and scrubs his face in frustration. “I can’t do this to him.”

  Hot tears well in my eyes. “But you can do this to me? Dangle something promising in front of me. Let me taste it. Then what? Dump me because it’s too hard?” A tear snakes down my cheek and drips onto his firm chest.

  “It’s not like that,” he bites out. “You know that. But it’s more complicated. You’re jailbait, baby.”

  “So I’ve been told,” I snap, my entire body seething with anger. “You knew that when you put your mouth on me and kissed the tattoo on my breast. You knew how old I was and who my father was and you still went through with it. Why the sudden hesitation?”

  Guilt flashes in his eyes. “You saw how he was last night. He’ll fucking kill me.”

  Another tear rolls out. “So I’m not worth it to you?”

  His eyes shut and his jaw clenches. “It’s best if you find someone your own age. I’m sorry.” The pain on his face is completely contradictory to his words. It makes me want to slap him.

  So I do.

  I think I shock us both the moment my palm strikes his scruffy cheek. We both blink. His cheek smarts red a moment before his mind catches up to what just happened. Then, his black eyebrows furl together in an angry manner.

  He has no right to be angry.

  I’m the one who is pissed.

  I gave myself to him.

  And now he acts as though I wasn’t worth it.

  “Fuck you!” I screech and start slapping him over and over again.

  Tears blur the world around me. He manages to grab me by the throat and then flips us so that I’m pinned beneath him. I expect him to yell at me or something. Instead, he pins my wrists to the bed and starts kissing me.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I want you so fucking bad. You have no idea, kiddo. I want to parade you around town with you on my arm. To fuck you every night and wake up with you every morning.” He curses under his breath before he licks my tearstained cheek. “But I could go to jail for this. Your father will kill me for this.”

  I start to sob and he kisses me more frantically as if he has the power to heal me. And maybe he does because I kiss him back desperately through my tears.

  “We’ll keep it a secret until I turn eighteen,” I promise. “Please. I love you.”

  He growls and releases my wrists. I whimper when he kisses my cherry tattoo on my breast. His hot breath is a tease because the moment only lasts a second before he’s moving on. Then, another pair of panties are ruined by this man. They are torn from my body right before he begins ripping angrily at his jeans to free his cock. My gaze is fixated on his furious face. So beautiful. Mine. He manages to roll on a condom with practiced ease and then he pushes inside of me as if he needs me to survive.

  Well, I need him too.

  I cry out in pleasure. Having him fill me completely is the best feeling I’ve ever experienced. He fulfils me in some
way I never knew needed completion.

  “I love you, too,” he murmurs against my mouth. “I guess I always have in some way.” His lips worship my mouth and I tangle my fingers in his messy black and grey hair.

  “Don’t drive me away,” I beg against his mouth. “Please.”

  He kisses me harder. Frantic. All-consuming. “Never. I’ll take the job here and we’ll make it work. We’ll hide it from your dad until the day he dies if we have to. But I can’t let you go, kiddo. Not now that I’ve had you. Not ever.”

  His words are like magic and I let out a moan of pleasure. Brandt kisses my chin and throat as he makes love to me. The other times really were fucking, like he’d said. This time feels different. We’re emotionally tethered to one another. He’s mine and I’m his. Even if it does have to be a secret.

  “I’ll take care of you,” he vows. “You’re mine and this perfect pussy is mine. Nobody will ever get to touch you the way I do. I’ll kill anyone who tries.”

  I let that dark promise wash over me and soon I’m climaxing around his massive cock. He never slows his thrusting while I come. I think I’ll combust from the amount of pleasure coursing through me.

  “Brandt,” I moan, my body hovering on the edge of another orgasm that chases the first. “Oh, God!”

  “I want your cunt strangling my cock, Kelsey. Make me come, sweetheart,” he hisses. “I need to feel you clenching around me. It’s the only way I’ll ever want to come.”

  His words send me straight off into oblivion. The orgasm that overcomes me is violent and my body chokes his cock just like he wanted.

  “Fuuuuuck!” His teeth bump against mine as he loses control. “Goddammit I’m about to come!” Our bodies are sweaty and stick together. It’s dirty perfect madness and I love it.

  “Please,” I beg. “Please.”

  He grunts out his release with a roar. I open my eyes to lock eyes with him as he loses himself inside of me. His hips are still thrusting against mine. The erratic motion is making my breasts bounce back and forth. I could stare at this man all day. He’s sinfully sexy with the pure look of lust painted on his handsome face. I’m still lost in his gaze when I’m suddenly jerked from the moment.


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