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Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2)

Page 21

by Bianca Sommerland

  I’m looking forward to hearing more about the new stage performer, Shiori Ayase, over the next few weeks. The girl has spunk!

  “Oh wow…” Shiori’s cheeks heated. Sure, she’d expected to eventually have her pictures out there if she succeeded as a model, but being mentioned on a big blog made the whole experience more real somehow.

  Back in her regular life, when she was on social media, she hardly got likes on stuff she posted. Of course, she hadn’t shared many pictures—Sophie wanted her to work on her selfie skills—but it never felt like anyone cared what she had to say. She’d get one like from Wendy and that was pretty much it.

  “I’m sending this to you. You need to share it.” Danica sounded excited for the first time that morning, as if it had just occurred to her the situation wasn’t hopeless. “Reese should be letting us know the next stop on our tour later today. We’ll brainstorm for different ways to elevate your platform.”

  “That works.” Shiori snatched her phone out of her purse when it buzzed, immediately sharing the screenshot of the article with a quick ‘OMG, how awesome is this?!’

  Within seconds, her notifications were going off as ‘friends’ from high school started liking and commenting. Shiori’s lips parted.

  Chuckling, Danica pointed at her phone. “You’ll want to turn the notifications off or they’ll drive you nuts. We’ll take some pictures together today for you to put up and I’ll share them. Sophie also wants you to check out the fan page she set up for you and engage with people there. Things are about to get crazy.”

  “How am I gonna keep up and learn all I have to on the road?” Shiori hadn’t expected this lifestyle to be easy, but suddenly it seemed impossible to manage. “I’m practically social media illiterate. Wendy had to teach me how to stop posting every time I hit a new level on Candy Crush. And I think I lost some friends by accidentally asking them to join me in the game twenty times in one day.”

  Alder snorted. “I’d definitely unfriend you for that.”

  Danica smacked him lightly in the chest with that back of her hand. “Not helpful.” She turned her focus to Shiori. “Things will move fast, but that’s part of why you’re here with me. I’ll give you some tips. You don’t have much time to negotiate social media, but a few minutes throughout the day will do wonders. As for your fan page and Instagram, Sophie has people on staff to keep those active. It sounds like a lot, but it’s really not.”

  Inhaling slowly, Shiori nodded. Glancing at her phone, her eyes went wide. “I have fifty new friend requests.”

  “You trust Jesse to vet them?” Danica smiled at Shiori’s nod. “Okay, give him your phone. We need to go shopping. Now that you’ve caught the attention of the fashion world, they’ll notice if you’re wearing my clothes.”

  “I have my own clothes.” Sure, she’d packed quick, but she still had some nice outfits.

  Lips parted, Danica went still. Then nodded. “I know you do, sweetie. I’m not criticizing your wardrobe. But… You do know Sophie set up a clothes budget for you? She does for all the new models. She did it for me and made suggestions—but we also have fashion experts to help us make good choices. If you’d rather shop with one of them—”

  “No!” Ugh, this was not easy. Shiori knew what she liked wearing, but she was open to suggestions. And she’d take Danica’s over anyone’s. Only…being told what to wear would take some getting used to. “I’d love to go shopping with you. I’m used to being careful how I spend my money. Sophie did tell me I’d have a special account for expenses, but I haven’t even set up the card. Things have just been going at light speed.”

  “They will, but you’ve got this.” Danica slid between Alder and the table, grabbing Shiori’s mug and moving to the sink to dump out the coffee and fix her a fresh cup. “You’ve already proven you can make smart choices. Stick to that and you’re—”

  “Good morning.” Brave ambled out from the bunk area, sleepily rubbing one hand over his face. “We having a meeting?”

  “Someone would have gotten you up.” Alder frowned at his brother. “Where the hell did you go last night?”

  “I was outside getting some fresh air.” Brave rested his hip against the fridge as Danica held out a steaming mug of coffee. “Thank you, sis. Need this.”

  “You’re welcome.” Danica stopped by his side, holding Shiori’s coffee cup and studying him with a shrewd look in her eyes. “Have you spoken to Malakai this morning?”

  Brave frowned. He set his mug on the counter. “About what?”

  “About you both being mentioned by Rolling Stone. Reese is considering how to best publicize your stunt on stage.”

  “Our ‘stunt’?” Brave paled. “Is that what she’s saying?”

  “Yes. How else is she supposed to take it?”

  “I…” Brave’s brow furrowed. “I don’t know. Where is Malakai? He wasn’t there when I…I mean…I just got up.”

  “We know.” Alder stood, eyeing his brother. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah. I just…fuck, I’m not awake enough for this.” He rubbed his face again. Then his eyes met Shiori’s. “Hey, little moon. Can we talk?”

  She wasn’t sure what to make of Brave’s strange mood, but she was curious about what he had to say to her. Pre-coffee his guard was down. His words raw and honest.

  If they were going to talk at all, it would be now. Before he had time to prepare. While he was still too sleepy to hold back.

  “I’d like that.” She was still wearing the Harley Quinn nightshirt and the big slipper boots she’d packed. It was pretty warm on the bus, but outside, not so much. And that was the only place they could be alone.

  Last night she’d dropped her jacket on the sofa, but it had been moved. To where, she had no idea. Her suitcase was tucked at the far end of her bunk and even after days on the bus, she still hadn’t really explored. Was there a closet somewhere?

  “Here.” Brave grabbed a big hoodie slung over the arm of the sofa and handed it to her. “It’s not that cold.”

  The hoodie was his. She could tell the second she pulled it over her head. His scent had become so familiar a whiff threatened her careful detachment. She wanted to hold the sleeves to her face and breath in, but she was still mad at him.

  And she had to figure out how to work with him being a complete jerk. So no sniffing or being happy that he’d brought up talking first. They would discuss how to be civil. Agree on a professional relationship. End things on a lighter note than they had last night.

  Reasonable, but the idea of being so cut and dry made every step heavy as she followed him off the bus. She’d had a long time to think about his reaction to another guy hitting on her. She wasn’t naïve. The waiter had opened up the conversation because she’d been an easy target. She got that. Now.

  Giving him her number might not be a big deal, but seeing how quickly people reacted to her in public gave her pause. Brave had lived this life for a long time. Maybe he was being protective because he’d made the same mistakes.

  That didn’t excuse his rudeness, but she’d hear him out. He was the lead singer of a band she hoped to work with long term. Holding grudges wouldn’t get her anywhere.

  Outside was noisy. The other bands were packing up and saying goodbye to one another. Since Winter’s Wrath had nothing scheduled yet, the more well-known bands had jumped on other tours. While the smaller ones were heading back home. Last minute schmoozing might lead to future opportunities.

  Brave offered his hand, flashing her a hesitant smile. “The roadies usually go out for breakfast together. They probably took the bigger van. Not sure you’ve seen much of our original one? We won’t be bothered here.”

  The roadies’ smaller van, which was parked next to the small truck the band rented to carry merch and supplies, was cut off from the activity around them. Would give them privacy she wasn’t sure she wanted

  Privacy would give them a chance to work out their issues, but could she remain detached without anyone
around to remind her how much damage he could do to her career?

  Before last night, she’d wanted to talk to him. Maybe that time had come. No more secrets. How she felt about him didn’t matter.

  She took his hand and let him lead the way.

  He turned on the van, letting it run as he stepped around the back and opened the doors. Inside was a setup that reminded her of every hippie movie she’d ever seen. Big, long fluffy cushions set up around the open space with beanbag chairs. Christmas lights strung along the walls of the van. He pressed a button and a neon sign lit up behind the driver’s seat, reading ‘Exit’ with an arrow pointing to the side door.

  Corny, but oddly charming. She let him help her up and settled on a black, Batman beanbag chair.

  After pulling the back doors of the van shut, Brave plunked down on another beanbag chair bearing the Captain America shield.

  Shirtless, wearing nothing but jogging pants and a pair of worn sneakers, Brave rubbed his scruffy jaw. “I was out of line last night.”

  “Okay.” She frowned at him, not sure what she was supposed to say. Were they done already?

  “Shiori…” Brave sighed, sitting forward, his long legs folded in front of him. “I need to be straight with you.”

  “Please do.”

  “Damn it, don’t do that.” Brave let out a frustrated sound. “I care about you. I’m trying to do what’s best for you, but that means not admitting any of this. Not saying I wish things were different. I wish I’d met you and could ask you out and just get to know you. You ready to shut me down the second I say you’re not like other girls I’ve been with?”

  “Yes.” Shiori held his steady gaze, digging her nails into her palms. “I have to tell you something, And after last night, I didn’t want to.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It doesn’t change anything.” She pressed her eyes shut. “Almost six years ago there was a girl who fell in love with a man like you. She was almost sixteen. Met him at a concert. She loved his music. She was looking for a way to escape the life she was trapped in.”

  Brave went still. Motioned for her to go on.

  “The guy was into her, but she was young. Innocent. Not a groupie he could toy with. He asked her to join him on tour. Told her she was different. That he needed her close.” Shiori’s eyes teared. “She was so good. So sweet. She believed him when he told her she was special. He was gentle, but he wanted her. He ignored every other woman. Said he would be a better man for her. He seduced her one night, in the parking lot. And she remembered that night as a beautiful experience.”

  “I don’t understand—”

  Shiori held up a hand. “She was my sister. She called me while she was with the band. Told me she was in love.”

  “Your sister?” Brave’s jaw hardened. “No. There’s no fucking way. I’ve done some fucked up shit, but I’ve never been with a girl that young.”

  “Not that you’d have been able to tell. My sister hardly ever got carded. She could pass for older.” She took a deep breath. “But it wasn’t you. It was Valor.”

  “Damn it.” Brave’s lips drew in a thin line. “Please continue.”

  She gave him a stiff smile. “He sent my sister home when he was done with her. Months later, she was still waiting for him.” Her voice broke. “The doctors told her carrying the baby to term would be dangerous. She didn’t care. She hoped she’d make it, just like she hoped the man she loved would come back for her.” Hot tears trailed down her cheeks. Brave reached out, but she shook her head and dried her face with her sleeves. “She made me promise one day I would tell you. Tell him. It was my choice to wait. To get to know you and Alder first.”

  “Valor has a son.” Brave pressed his fist to his lips and sat back. He stared at the floor, his other hand clenched on his knee as though shock and anger had taken hold. His jaw ticked. “I don’t understand. Even while Cole was with us, he would have looked into it. Would have made sure the kid had everything he needed. Why wait? Why tell us now?”

  Hugging herself, she considered her answer carefully. “The opportunity came at the perfect time. My sister and I were isolated our whole lives. Our mother was estranged from her family when she died and our stepfather doesn’t have any. I want better for Hiro.”

  “His name’s ‘Hiro’?” Brave looked up at her, a soft smile on his lips. “From Big Hero 6?”

  “No, that wasn’t out yet.” Shiori let her arms slide down around her knees. “She named him after some painter she liked. I’ll have to read up about him before Hiro gets old enough to ask.”

  “How old is he?”

  “He’ll be six in two months.”

  “Do you have a picture of him?” Brave laughed when she looked down at her borrowed hoodie. “Your phone’s on the bus. Right.” He took a deep breath. “Wow…I’m not sure what to say. Does he need anything? Anything at all and I’m on it. We should go back to Detroit and—”

  “You can’t cut the tour short, Brave.” She leaned over and took his hand. “But I’ll bring you to meet him soon. Alder too.”

  “Is he with someone who will treat him good? Your stepfather isn’t an asshole, is he?”

  Wasn’t that the million-dollar question? She chewed at her bottom lip. “He’s…he’s not really interested in Hiro right now, but his girlfriend is amazing with him. And my best friend, Wendy, stops by as often as she can to check on him.” A temporary fix. She hoped Brave and Alder might have a more permanent one. “What about your parents? They’ll want to meet him, won’t they? Being blood, they might be better for him to grow up with?”

  Brave’s expression darkened. “Oh, they’d definitely play the part. Hell, they manage to pretend they didn’t give Alder up for dead after he was stabbed.”

  Ouch. Shiori withdrew her hand. “But, were they good parents? I’m sure they were scared for their son. They’ve already lost one.”

  “Yes. The only one they really cared about.” Brave sighed, shifting forward to kneel in front of her. “I wish I could tell you Hiro will have the perfect, ready-made family. But I won’t pretend my parents are good people. The photographer who shared that picture online? I’d suspect my mother if she wasn’t covering political scandals in Washington. And my father disapproves of my ‘lifestyle’. Take that in any way you choose, you’ll be right.”

  “But as his grandparents, they could fight for him.” Her throat locked as the hope she’d grasped for turned to dust. “They did a good job with you and Alder.”

  “I spent more time raising Alder than they did.” Brave’s lips twisted. “He turned out good because that’s who he is, I don’t get any credit. And they get even less.” His brow furrowed. “But why would they need to fight for him? Isn’t he safe where he is?”

  Shiori nodded, certain she still had time to come up with another plan. This job would give her the money to get her own place. Her stepfather could hire a better lawyer if she brought him to court for custody, but maybe it wouldn’t come to that.

  “He’s safe. And if Reese decides to keep me, or Sophie finds me other work, I’ll have enough to support him.” She ground her teeth. “If I can prove I’m a fit guardian.”

  “Hey.” Brave brought his hand up to her cheek. “You really don’t want your stepfather raising him, do you?”

  “No.” Shiori wasn’t sure Brave would understand, but she had to tell him something. Enough of the truth to avoid too many questions. “I was a little older than Hiro when my mother died. It happened so suddenly—no one expects a woman in her late twenties to have a heart attack.” She pressed her eyes shut to hold back more tears. “My stepfather didn’t have a lot of money, but he kept a roof over our heads. Made sure we had food to eat. And reminded us every day how much of a burden we were. Kyoko got the worst of it. She tried so hard to take care of me and the house, but he’d cut her down with a few words and make her feel worthless.”

  “He sounds like a real piece of work.” Brave smoothed his hand over her hai
r. “You’re afraid he’ll do the same to Hiro.”

  She nodded. “I never want Hiro to feel he owes that man anything. My stepfather has a job that takes him away for months, so that helps, but Hiro already knows to avoid him. He never asks for anything. If not for Elizabeth, he’d be miserable. She can’t have kids, so she lavishes attention and affection on him.”

  “But she’s just the girlfriend. If they break up…”

  “Hiro only has me.” Her lips thinned. “She’s useful to my stepfather while he’s away, though. Taking care of Hiro and the house. I don’t think she realized she’s being used. She doesn’t like me, so it’s not like I can warn her.”

  Brave sighed and pulled her into his arms. The strength of them around her eased the tightness in her chest and she didn’t think twice before resting her head on his shoulder.

  She couldn’t lean on him too much, but right this minute she’d accept his comfort. Hugs were the best kind of medicine. They didn’t make problems go away, but the weight lightened a little all wrapped up in warmth. As if the hug transferred a little strength, recharging her enough to keep moving forward.

  “I’m glad you told me about Hiro. And about you.” Brave pulled her into his lap as he leaned against the beanbag. “You’re not alone anymore. You decide how you want to take care of Hiro and I’ll help however I can. I know Alder will too. Hiro will never feel unloved, or like he’s indebted to anyone.”

  “That’s all I want.”

  “But since your sister was so young when she had him, I’m guessing your stepfather has legal guardianship?”

  “Yes.” She lifted her head to look up at him. “I consulted with a lawyer when I turned eighteen and she told me I’d have to have a stable income, a place of my own, and prove I’d be better able to provide for my nephew. I started applying for jobs everywhere, but it was hard to find anything around the hours when I needed to be home with him. I was stuck.”

  Brave inclined his head. “I can’t even imagine how hard that was. You should have been able to get out. Start your own life. But you chose to stay for him. He’s lucky to have you.”


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