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Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2)

Page 32

by Bianca Sommerland

  It wasn’t. You know it wasn’t.

  She ground her teeth. “Long story short, Kyoko started going out a lot. Disappearing for days. Our stepfather never said anything. He was busy. I worried about her, but all she would ask when she came home was if he was leaving me alone. And he was.”

  Both women nodded.

  “And…she got pregnant. And she talked about Valor all the time. The doctor told her having a baby could kill her, but she didn’t believe him. She told me over and over again their child would make Valor love her. Love her as much as she loved him.” Her eyes burned and a single tear trailed down her cheek. “She started asking me how old I was when our stepfather took the pictures. Then she said, if anything happened to her, I had to get her baby away before he reached that age. I promised I would.”

  “She thought he’d be safe until then.” Wendy held her hands and sighed. “I wish you’d told me about all this. I understand why you didn’t, but… Elizabeth found the pictures on his hard drive. She sent them to the police. She called your stepfather and told him there was an emergency so he’d fly back early. He was arrested yesterday. And let out on bail this morning.”

  “And he wants me to defend him.” Shiori shook her head. “If he has Hiro somewhere, I have to.”

  “He doesn’t. And no bloody way in hell are you taking the stand at all.” Wendy’s tone sharpened. “Elizabeth provided the police with all the evidence they need. She found the website he was selling the pictures on. She didn’t find many of you, but Kyoko…” Wendy’s bottom lip trembled. “He used her for years. The things Elizabeth saw, when she told me…” Tears filled Wendy’s eyes, dripping down her chin as she tipped her head back. “This wasn’t a small thing he did. The job he has now? It looks like he got it because of connections with people involved in…in the black market. He’s made a sickening amount of money off you and your sister. Of off exploiting and abusing you both.”

  “No.” Shiori pulled away from Wendy. Hugged herself. Clung to Kyoko’s words.

  “I don’t want you doing that again. But, Shiori, you can’t tell anyone. He shouldn’t have taken that video, but it wasn’t so bad, right?” Kyoko smiled when she shrugged. “Sure, it’s weird. But now he can’t tell you that you don’t help him. You did. And it’s over. Try to forget about it.”

  She’d tried. Damn it, she’d tried so hard. But the idea of Kyoko doing it for years? To protect her?

  She said it was over.

  The focus had to be on Hiro. Not on something that happened so long ago. She met Wendy’s eyes. “Where is he?”

  “Elizabeth took him to your grandparents.” Wendy made a face. “When I talked to her she was ranting about you not appreciating the support they gave you for years. That you refused to see them. That you’d put Hiro at risk because you were too lazy to grow up and move out.”

  “I wasn’t… I…” Her grandparents had been supporting her? When? How? From everything her mother and her stepfather had told her, her grandparents didn’t even acknowledge her existence. “I thought they hated me like they hated my mother. They liked my father, but when he died they wanted my mother to marry a man like him. Not a white American man she’d met online. My stepfather told me they’d be disgusted by how I was raised.”

  “Elizabeth said they don’t care about any of that. They’ve sent you letters for years.” Wendy made a rough sound of frustration. “I knew what you thought about them, so I told Elizabeth there’s no way you knew about the letters.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “Exactly. But Elizabeth wants to ‘save’ Hiro from you.” Wendy sighed. ‘Talking to her is pointless. She’s freaked out. But from the sounds of it, your grandparents are awesome people. They paid to fly her and Hiro to California. They already have a lawyer on retainer, looking at the whole case so they can legally gain custody of him.”

  Custody? Shiori’s whole body shook. She drew her knees up to her chest. “I can’t afford to fight them if they have the money for a lawyer already.”

  “You might not need to.” Wendy pulled Shiori against her side. “Give them a chance. Meet them at least. The point is, Hiro is safe. And he’s not alone with strangers. Elizabeth won’t leave him and he loves her.”

  True. Whatever Elizabeth thought of Shiori, she treated Hiro like a little prince. Spoiled him, played with him, and even stood up to Shiori’s stepfather when he was cold to the little boy.

  She had taken Hiro away because she believed he was in danger.

  Shiori had to find a way to prove she would never have let anything happen to him.

  Even though she had stayed there, knowing what her stepfather could do.

  Even though she’d let herself believe she had time.

  Even though her plans to give Hiro a better life had been part of a dream that was all about her. Sure, she’d planned to make enough money to get him away from her stepfather, but what if she’d failed?

  “Elizabeth has no reason to trust me. I was stupid. I wanted…” She pressed her fingers over her eyes. “I saw what Danica was doing and I wanted to follow in her footsteps. I knew it was a long shot, but I did it anyway. I was selfish—”

  “No, you had a goal and you fought for it. Shiori, there’s no fucking way I’m letting you put this on yourself.” Wendy gave her another shake when she didn’t reply. “This situation isn’t normal. You should be able to have dreams. To want something for yourself. But I can’t help but wonder, after what he did to you, how being in front of a camera sounded like a good idea.”

  Selfish and stupid. If she wasn’t pretty, would any of this have happened? Her stepfather always focused on how she looked. And then she did the same.

  How fucked up was she?

  But…wanting to be like Danica hadn’t felt wrong.

  Frowning, she tried to put her thoughts into words. “When I went to the interview I wondered what it would be like. Sophie made me so comfortable. Asked me what I wanted to wear for the first few shots. Got me to take funny poses to relax.”

  Danica smiled and inclined her head. “She’s amazing. I’ve seen her work with girls from all different backgrounds. She makes sure they know they’re in control. God help any photographer that tries to push them beyond what they’ve agreed to.”

  Shiori nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. “I think that’s what I needed. Some control. I had pushed what happened to the back of my mind, but I guess some of it still got to me. I wanted to see myself like I saw beautiful women between the covers of my favorite magazines. Graceful. Powerful. Giving interviews that show how smart and talented they are.”

  “But you wanted to be with the band, instead of in the magazines.” Danica headed to the mini-fridge to grab a can of diet 7UP. She held up another, putting in back when both Wendy and Shiori shook their heads. Then she pulled up a chair and settled down, her relaxed posture breaking the tension in the room. “Was it only because you wanted to know Hiro’s family?”

  “No. I love the music. I wanted to be close to it.” Shiori rolled her shoulder. “But the Trousseau brothers were a big part of it. I’m so happy he’ll have a chance to get to know them.”

  “They’re happy too.” Danica took a sip of her drink. “Alder won’t stop talking about Hiro. Despite how bad things look right now, you accomplished everything you wanted to. Hiro is safe. He has family to take care of him. He still has you—I don’t see your grandparents keeping him from you.”

  “I hope not.” Shiori’s throat squeezed like a huge fist had tightened around it. “I can’t lose him. He’s the only family I have left.”

  “You won’t lose him.” Wendy kissed her cheek noisily, then laid her head on Shiori’s shoulder. “Besides, we’re family. Right?”

  “Right.” Shiori pressed her lips to Wendy’s bushy red hair. She couldn’t have asked for a better best friend. Even with her crazy schedule, Wendy had dropped everything to make sure Shiori’s stepfather couldn’t catch her off-guard.

  But how in the worl
d had they gotten here at the same time? If her stepfather was out on bail, could he still fly?

  Silly question, but she asked anyway.

  Wendy snorted. “I jumped on a bus early this morning. He got on the same one. I may have had homicidal thoughts the whole way here, but I let him live.”

  “Generous of you. I’m not sure I would have shown that kind of restraint.” Danica’s eyes narrowed until her smooth, golden features took on a feral edge. The door opened, but she didn’t notice. “Then again, men can live without their balls, right?”

  No one entered the room, but Tate’s voice could be heard from the hall. “I am not going in there.”

  A heavy sigh, then Jesse strode in, followed closely by Alder. He immediately focused on Danica. “If you’re gonna kill someone, love, give me some notice. There are no shovels on the bus.”

  Warmth filled Danica’s eyes. She shot to her feet and threw her arms around Jesse’s neck. “Damn, I love you so much!”

  “Ha! How much you want to bet he’d make the rest of us dig the hole?” Alder stepped up to Jesse and Danica, folding his arms over his chest, even as a broad smile lit his face.

  Danica brought her finger to her lips. “Shh. He’s being awesome. Don’t ruin it.”

  Jesse shot Alder a smug look. “I am so getting laid tonight.”

  “Annnd he ruins it.” Alder snorted when Danica smacked Jesse’s chest. Then his expression turned grim. He waited until the band filled the room, then turned his attention to Shiori. “Security told us some guy came in, following a few band members, acting like he belonged here. They stopped him when they didn’t see his pass. He claimed to be your father.”

  This is it. Shiori stood even as Malakai and Brave moved towards her. She couldn’t lean on them while she relived the past again. She couldn’t lean on Wendy either. The band had dealt with more than enough drama as they struggled to succeed in the music industry. They’d come so far, and she refused to let her problems taint their accomplishments.

  But as she went over all she’d just told Danica and Wendy, she didn’t see a single member of the band ready to pull away from her. Their expressions ranged from shock, to anger. Brave cursed once and looked ready to storm out. Said something about wanting to meet her stepfather.

  Malakai stopped him. Told Shiori to go on as he kept a firm grip on Brave’s wrist. As she finished giving them all the details they could possibly need about her stepfather’s presence, a weight lifted from her chest.

  They knew everything, and they didn’t seem to think less of her. The way Brave and Malakai looked at her hadn’t changed.

  But no one seemed to know what to say.

  Finally, Alder spoke up. “Shiori, you’re one of us. Don’t ever doubt that.” He reached out and squeezed Brave’s shoulder, taking a deep breath when Brave nodded. “The question is, how do you want to handle this?”

  Good question. And she gave the only answer she could.

  “I have no idea.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Brave gnashed his teeth together as he led the way to the private parking where the van was parked. His mind raced as he tried to absorb what Shiori had just told them. He couldn’t wait to be away from all the other bands, from security and staff, so he could hold her.

  Not that he gave a fuck about what people thought, but the way Shiori hung back with Danica and Wendy, shoulders squared as she smiled for the press, he figured she was clinging to the little bit of normal she had left.

  And for them, normal meant keeping the masks in place. Be happy. Agree it had been a great show. Express how awesome it was to be back in New York.

  Give the media absolutely nothing to twist into a story.

  Usually, he had no trouble playing his part of the aloof, smooth-talking bad boy, but tonight, the best he could manage was not to growl at reporters and bloggers.

  The woman he loved had been abused as a child and the disgusting bastard who’d victimized her was here. Somewhere. Way too fucking close.

  He’d threatened Hiro.

  My nephew.

  And now, Hiro was with strangers.

  Fine, Shiori’s grandparents were her family, but even she didn’t know them. What if they were mean to that sweet little boy who wanted someone to play ball with and give him ice cream for breakfast? A little boy who’d been yanked from his home suddenly to protect him from his sick fuck of a guardian.

  Shiori had jumped on an opportunity to give Hiro and herself a better life. She’d hoped Brave and Alder could help her. That their parents might be able to fight for custody when she couldn’t.

  He was tempted to call his parents, even though he hated the idea of Hiro spending a day in their dubious care. They’d be better than Shiori’s stepfather. Which was pretty fucked up.

  Once they got back to the hotel, they could help Shiori plan her next move. Get in touch with her grandparents. Hire a lawyer. A dozen lawyers. He’d sell the bus if they couldn’t come up with the money. No way was Shiori dealing with this alone. He didn’t care how rich her grandparents might be. If they tried to keep Hiro away from her, they’d have a fight on their hands.

  The small lot behind the arena was packed with roadies and opening bands still hanging out. Smoke filled the air, a strong mix of cigarettes and weed. He swallowed hard, not sure which he craved more. Either would calm his frayed nerves.

  Pull it together, asshole. Shiori needs you.

  Right. No drugs. No alcohol.

  Just a clear head. And hopefully, a solution.


  Brave glanced over at the shout and frowned. A man came running toward them, his eyes hard.

  Behind him, Shiori inhaled sharply. Without looking at her, Brave stepped forward, cutting between her and the stranger.

  No. Not a stranger. This must be her stepfather.

  “Back the fuck off, man.” Brave braced himself as the man tried to shove him aside. He grabbed the man’s jacket. “If you don’t leave, I’m calling the cops.”

  Laughing, the man grabbed him by the throat, leaning close to hiss in his face. “Go ahead. I’ve got nothing to lose.”

  Before Brave could react, Alder ripped the man away from him. Lifted him straight off his feet and slammed him on the pavement.

  Letting out a feral sound, Alder cracked his fist into the man’s jaw. Then hit him again. And again.

  Alder’s going to kill the bastard.

  For a split second, Brave considered letting him.

  Shouts sounded around them like white noise. His pulse pounded in his skull. He watched blood spray up into his younger brother’s face.

  He is going to kill this man.

  And it would ruin his life.

  No one had moved. Time passed in a blur. Brave thought he told Alder to stop, but he couldn’t be sure that the word left his lips.

  Because Alder didn’t hesitate. Didn’t even flinch.

  So Brave did the only thing he could. He tackled Alder, grabbing for his wrists.

  Alder’s head cracked into the pavement.

  He stopped fighting.

  Stopped moving.

  A sharp cry sounded. Ripped from Brave’s own throat.

  What have I done?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Alder’s blood ran cold as the man grabbed Brave. The past and the present rushed together. His vision flashed red.

  Not again! Never fucking again!

  This time he’d strike first. He wouldn’t be the one taken down. Wouldn’t be useless while his brother was still in danger. Wouldn’t let anyone take the life he loved away.

  The man hit the ground. Struggling, eyes crazed, like those staring at Alder when the knife pierced his chest onstage that night. One punch didn’t stop him. Alder shifted his weight on the man, hammering down with his fists. Hot blood sprayed his face.

  He had to keep fighting. Had to survive.

  A solid weight struck him. He hit the ground hard.

  Pain radiated through hi
s skull.

  Darkness stole him away.

  But not for long.

  Opening his eyes, he winced at the commotion all around. His head throbbed and he squinted at the form leaning over him. Brave. All blurry, but definitely Brave.

  Alder tried to sit up.

  “Don’t you fucking move.” Brave pressed down on his shoulder. “An ambulance is on the way.”

  “Ambulance?” Alder shoved Brave’s hand off him and sat up. Too fast. He searched his surroundings even as his stomach turned and bile filled his throat. “Where’s Danica? Jesse?”

  “We’re here.” Jesse sat beside him and put an arm around his shoulders. “Try to relax. You cracked your head pretty hard.”

  Soft fingers brushed over his hair. Danica let out a sigh of relief as she knelt beside Brave. “You’re not bleeding. But you still need to get checked.”

  “No. We need to make sure that man…” Alder blinked and looked around again. Blue and red lights flashed. As his vision cleared he made out Tate and Connor speaking to the police. Malakai and Shiori were off to the side with two more cops. “That man. Where is he?”

  “First cop that got here took him to the hospital. The fucker’s banged up a bit, but he was able to resist arrest before whining that he needed medical care.” Brave let out a low growl. “He didn’t say if he was pressing charges, but I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  Alder snorted, which sent a stab of pain through his skull. “Let him. It was worth it. No one fucks with my brother.”

  “We agreed the next time someone attacked us, I would deal with them.” Brave’s tone wasn’t as playful as his words. He sounded scared. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  Hurt me? Alder frowned. Then he remembered being knocked to the ground. “You’re the one who rammed into me?”

  Brave’s lips parted. He swallowed hard.

  Jesse squeezed Alder’s shoulder. “If he hadn’t, I would have. You weren’t going to stop.”


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