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Impossible Girl (Sexy Nerd Boys #2.5)

Page 6

by K. M. Neuhold

  Asher stares at his beer for several seconds trying to decide what to say.

  “I know Remy a little bit,” he says. I whip my head up and glare at him. His reputation is no better than Remy’s. If he’s ever touched her, I’m going to flip out.

  “Not like that,” he assures me with a chuckle. “I’ve run into her at a few parties, and we’ve talked a little. She’s a sweet girl and I think that she hooks up with so many guys because she’s afraid to let anyone get too close. I also know that I haven’t seen you get caught up in any girl in the year that I’ve known you. You’re the only one who knows if she’s worth it or not. But if she is, then you shouldn’t get deterred just because she did what she’s used to doing. If she’s not used to guys sticking around, then you need to show her that you won’t be scared off that easily.”

  I take another gulp of beer and nod.

  “You’re right.” I slap him on the back affectionately.

  Chapter 7


  When Monday morning rolls around I drag myself to class half-heartedly. I haven’t been able to get the image of Dex’s hurt expression out of my mind since Saturday night. Nor have I been able to stop hearing his words on repeat in my mind. I’m glad I punched him, he deserved it.

  “Remy!” My head snaps up at the sound of Dex’s voice. He’s jogging towards me.

  “Dex.” My mouth is hanging open in surprise. I honestly didn’t think he was ever going to speak to me again.

  “I’m glad I caught you on your way to class.” He stops in front of me, his eyes full of resolve.

  My eyes narrow and my hand twitches with the need to slap the shit out of him...again.

  “I want to apologize for being such an ass. What I said was completely out of line and I’m sorry. I also need you to know I’m not giving up on you. I’m not going to let you push me away.”

  My mouth falls open again. Number one, who says this shit in public? Number two, he’s not going to write me off?

  “Okay,” is all I can manage to say, “I have to get to class.”

  “Alright, can I come over later?” I nod and he leans forward to kiss my cheek. “Later, darlin’.”

  “Was that Dex Thomas that I just saw you with?” Elaine asks with surprise. Elaine is a business major as well, which means we’ve had pretty much every class together since freshman year. We don’t have much in common outside of our major, but she’s a sweet girl.

  “Yeah. Why, do you know him?”

  “I wouldn’t say I know him. He went to my high school, but we never talked or anything,” she explains as we take our seats.

  “Oh, is there any good info you can give me on him?” I try to contain my excitement. I’m like an addict and I can’t resist a peek into Dex’s past.

  “All I really know is that he moved up here from Texas freshman year,” she says avoiding my gaze, it’s obvious there’s something she doesn’t want to tell me. Something that she thinks I’ll react badly to. “And...well, he got around a lot in high school. He had a bit of a reputation, ya know?”

  “I wonder what happened that made him change,” I muse. He’d hinted that he didn’t use to be so chaste, but I just can’t figure out what’s with the one-eighty.

  “I don’t know. I just know that he was supposed to go to MIT instead of here. It was this huge deal because he’s like some sort of genius and got a full scholarship to MIT. But something happened. He stopped hanging out with his old crowd, stopped going to parties, and decided to come here instead of MIT. It was weird.” she lowers her voice conspiratorially. I wonder if I ask him what happened if he’ll tell me. MIT is a huge deal. Why would he decide to come here instead? I decide that I’ll just grill him tonight.

  “So I heard something about you today,” I say teasingly as we lounge on my couch.

  Dex raises an eyebrow in question but waits for me to continue.

  “A little birdie told me that you were quite the man-whore back in high school.”

  “Yeah, I was,” he replies. He doesn’t say it like he’s bragging, but in the way he would say the sky is blue, it’s just a fact.

  I feel jealousy snake through me at the idea of him with women lining up to get a taste. I would’ve been in that line, that’s for sure. I wait for him to say more and half expect him to say something like ‘I heard you’re a whore now.’ The fact that he’s just willing to move past what happened Saturday night and doesn’t judge me or want to fight about it is surprising. No one has ever wanted to look past my mistakes and see the real me. For the first time, I actually regret that I’ve gotten around so much. And, I regret going to that party when what I really wanted to do was hang out with Dex.

  “So what changed?” I ask. He takes a deep breath and appears deep in thought, clearly measuring his words carefully.

  “I got a girl pregnant,” he finally says. “I was all set to go to MIT, I had the world at my fingertips, and then I get a call from this girl. I only vaguely remembered her from a party a few months prior. She was really upset about the whole thing, mostly scared I think. She was getting ready to leave to go to school in New York. We talked about abortion but neither of us felt comfortable with that idea. We were set on adoption, but, the minute I held that little princess in my arms, I couldn’t let her go. I told my mom that I wasn’t going to go to MIT. I was just going to find a job, take care of Maya, and that would be it. My mom didn’t want me to give up on college though. So she’s become Maya’s guardian while I go to school and get my degree. And that is pretty much my story.”

  “Wow.” I’m speechless. “What about the girl?”

  “She went to New York. I haven’t really talked to her since she left. She signed over parental rights and walked away without looking back.”

  “So you see Maya a lot?” I can’t wrap my head around the fact that Dex is a father.

  “Every chance I get,” he says with reverence in his eyes. I think my uterus just skipped a beat.

  “Maybe one day I could meet her?”

  He looked at me, surprised. Then smiled, “I would like that.”


  Now that Remy knows about Maya I feel like a weight has lifted. She looked too excited at the idea of meeting Maya. If I hadn’t already been falling for this girl, I would be now.

  I wrap one arm around her shoulder and pull her against me. Remy snuggles into the crook of my arm like she was made to fit there.

  “Go on a date with me.”

  Remy sighs and I hold my breath. Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.

  “No...but, please don’t stop asking,” She whispers the second part as though she’s afraid to say it out loud.

  “I won’t,” I promise, dropping a gentle kiss on her temple.

  Chapter 8


  “Daddy! You’re coming tomorrow,” Maya squeals excitedly as soon as my face appears on her screen.

  “That’s right princess,” I chuckle, warmth filling my chest. I can’t wait until I can bring Maya to live with me. I hate only seeing her every other weekend.

  “How are you doing sweetheart?” My mama asks from behind Maya.

  “Good ma. I wanted to tell you something,” I admit with a blush.

  I don’t really talk to my mama about women. Let’s face it, there hasn’t been anyone worth mentioning...until now. Her eyebrows go up as she waits to hear what it is I have to tell her.

  “I’m going to bring a friend with me to see Maya this weekend. She’s been asking to meet her ever since I told her about Maya a few weeks ago.” I explain. Remy and I have been hanging out regularly over the past few weeks. I’ve asked her on a date no less than a dozen times, and I can definitely see her resolve waning. And when I invited her to meet Maya this weekend, she seemed genuinely eager.

  My mama gives me a knowing smile and Maya starts to jump up and down with excitement.

  “A girlfriend?” Mama asks, doing her best to contain the excitement in her voice.

I laugh and shake my head.

  “No. Although, it’s not for lack of trying on my part. She’s just a friend.”

  “She must be special if you’re bringing her to meet Maya.”

  “She is,” I admit and then clear my throat to dislodge the lump forming there. “Is it okay with you princess if I bring a friend of mine to meet you?”

  Maya considers this for several seconds before giving me a toothy grin.

  “Okay, but, tell her she has to play in the sprinkler with me.”

  “I think it’s a little too cold for the sprinkler now baby, it’s October,” I explain gently. Maya sticks out her bottom lip in a pout. “We’ll do something fun, I promise.”

  “Okay, see you tomorrow Daddy!”


  I awake with a groan as I glare at my alarm clock. I was having a steamy dream about Dex and my stupid alarm clock ruined it at the best part. Now I feel all tightly wound, my body pleading for release.

  I close my eyes and picture Dex’s soulful eyes, imagine running my hands through his thick mane as I press my lips to his. I crave the feel of his strong arms around me. I roll over and reach into my dresser drawer for my trusty battery-operated boyfriend. Nikki had named my pink vibrator Edwardo a few years ago. She often joked that Edwardo was the only man in my life who I was willing to have sex with on a regular basis. If only she knew.

  I switch my vibrator on and think about Dex again as I start teasing my already peaked nipples with Edwardo, imagining Dex taking my pink nipple in his mouth and sucking hard. I feel the rush of heat between my legs and move Edwardo where I’m aching. I picture Dex’s strong hand exploring between my legs, teasing mercilessly before thrusting his fingers inside of me. I arch my back and thrust against Edwardo, crying out Dex’s name as ripples of pleasure rip through me.

  I sigh as I turn my little buddy off and drop him in my bed. It’s weird, but for once a self-induced orgasm just isn’t really cutting it. Granted, I’m more relaxed, but something feels like it’s missing.

  I glance at my clock again and realize I have a few hours before Dex shows up for our weekend at his mom’s house. I can’t believe he’s going to let me meet his daughter. My stomach flutters violently. I hope Maya likes me. I got her a stuffed horse (because Dex said she loves horses) and a coloring book. Yes, I know I’m trying to buy her love.

  Since I have a few hours to spare, I decide that coffee, a shower, and then some painting is just the thing to help me relax before Dex shows up.

  I blink hard and roll my shoulders trying to work a kink out of my neck. I take a step back and tilt my head to decide how I feel about the watercolor of orchids I’ve been working on.

  “I think it’s amazing.” The deep voice causes me to nearly jump out of my skin. I whip around to find Dex lounging casually on my bed.

  “You scared the hell out of me. How long have you been there?” I ask, putting one hand on my chest. I wait in vain for my heart rate to return to normal. Dex chuckles, the deep sound giving me goose bumps.

  “About an hour. Your door was unlocked and you were extremely focused. It was amazing to watch you while you were ‘in the zone’ like that.”

  “You walked into my house and sat there watching me like a creep for an hour?” I tease, trying to hide my smile.


  I glance over at the clock and realize we’re supposed to be leaving to go visit Maya and Dex’s mom in twenty minutes.

  “Oh crap, I’m sorry, we’re supposed to be leaving. Let me throw a few things in an overnight bag and I’ll be ready to go.”


  I flop back on Remy’s bed to wait for her to get ready. I’m surrounded by her intoxicating smell of apples and cinnamon, and a scent that is distinctly Remy. I stretch my arms and bump something hard in her sheets. Curious, I untangle whatever is in her bedsheets. I am immediately mortified and aroused to find myself holding a hot pink vibrator. It’s at that moment that Remy steps into the bedroom and catches me holding her sex toy I feel my face flame and she starts to laugh.

  “You should see your face right now.” she takes the vibrator from me and places it in the top drawer of her dresser. I’m not sure if I should feel turned on or threatened by the fact that she obviously is no stranger to ‘taking care of things’ herself.

  “Are you totally freaked out right now?”

  “No, not freaked out.”

  Freaked out? No. Painfully hard? Hell yes.

  She crawls on to the bed next to me, her eyes flashing seductively as she bites her bottom lip.

  “I thought about you when I got myself off this morning.”

  Just like that, all of the reasons I’ve kept her at a distance are forgotten as I reach out for her and pull her against me. Our faces are inches apart and we’re both breathing hard. Her eyes dart to my lips as she awaits my next move. The last time that we kissed, there were fireworks. I’m smart enough to realize that if we go there again in her bed, with this particular conversation hanging between us there is no way I’m going to stop at a kiss. Just as I start to second guess myself, she lets out a frustrated groan and crashes her lips into mine.

  Her lips are soft and oh so fucking sweet. Her tongue darts out and runs along my bottom lip before slipping into my mouth, deepening the kiss. I moan into her mouth, rolling her onto her back so that I’m positioned over her. Slipping my hand under her shirt, I feel her delicate skin against my fingertips for the first time. I can’t help straining against my pants or resist rolling my hips against her hot center, causing us both to gasp in pleasure.

  I slide my hands further up her shirt and brush against the lower swell of her breast. Of course she’s not wearing a bra. This woman must be trying to kill me. She pulls back from the kiss to pull her shirt over her head. I gaze down at her perfection. Her skin is a light caramel color. I’m desperate for a taste.

  Her tits are small but oh so perfect on her petite frame, her nipples perked up, begging to be sucked. I know I should stop but my lust-filled brain is having a difficult time coming up with all of my brilliant reasons for not sleeping with her until now. Not to mention, Remy is giving me a big green light, looking up at me through her hooded eyes which beg me not to stop.

  I capture her taut pink nipple between my teeth and she cries out with pleasure, arching up to meet my mouth. I tug gently with my teeth, then suck her deeply into my mouth.

  “Holy fuck Dex, I think you could make me come just doing that all day,” Remy gasps as she squirms against me, hungry to feel more. “Please take your shirt off. I want to feel your skin against mine.”

  I obey, pulling my shirt over my head and tossing it onto the floor. Her gaze roams over my body appreciatively and she bites her bottom lip. Finally, I can do the thing I’ve been dying to do since the first time I watched her chew on that bottom lip. I use my thumb to free her captive, then kiss that poor, abused lip. My heart swells and stutters. I can’t take advantage of her like all the other guys have.

  “Please touch me,” she pleads.

  Well, I suppose that doesn’t mean I can’t do something for her. I pepper little kisses along her jaw and down her neck causing her to giggle.

  “That tickles.”

  I move my hand down and grasp one of her nipple between my fingers and then lavish my tongue over the other taut peak. Her giggling turns into desperate moans. I work my way down her stomach alternating between kissing and nipping her skin. I unbutton her jeans and slide them down her hips. Mother of god, she’s not wearing any underwear either.

  “Why aren’t you wearing underwear?” I ask with excited curiosity.

  “I hate wearing underwear,” she informs me with a devilish glint in her eye. Great, as if I didn’t have a constant hard-on around her already.

  I finish stripping her pants off and then take a minute to let the sight of her naked body sink in. She gazes up at me and I want to remember the look in her eyes for the rest of my life. I had been with my share of women back in the d
ay but none of them had ever made me feel like this. Looking at her sexy and vulnerable beneath me I know I would do absolutely anything for this beautiful, insecure, sexy, sweet woman.

  “I’m going to make you come darlin’.”

  She nods her head and her eyes fall closed.

  “No, look at me while I touch you. I want to see you when you come.”

  I spread her legs and I swear my mouth actually waters like I’m a starving man at a buffet. I nip at the sensitive skin on the inside of her upper thigh and she tangles her fingers in my hair urging me on. I place my index finger into her wet folds and stroke her slowly. As if I’d pressed a button, her legs fall open further, welcoming me in. God that’s so hot. Most women feel self-conscious when you get up close and personal. But Remy moans louder and, if possible, gets even more soaked for me. I slip my finger inside of her and she clutches the blankets in her fists and cries out, throwing her head back.

  “Watch me baby.”

  As soon as our eyes meet I take her swollen clit between my teeth and suck it hard. I swirl my tongue along her sensitive nub while inserting a second finger into her tight, throbbing sex. She thrusts against my hand and mouth and I start to feel her inner muscles tighten around my fingers. That’s right baby, ride my mouth.

  “Oh, god Dex. Yes. Yes!” She squirms and writhes and screams until the last of the spasms subside. I pull my fingers out and lick the taste of her off of them, savoring every drop.

  “Dex, that was...unbelievable.” She snuggles against my bare chest with a contented smile on her lips.

  “Does that mean you’ll be breaking up with your vibrator?” I ask, running my fingers through her long, silky hair.

  “If you promise to keep orgasms like that coming, then absolutely.”

  I pull her tightly against me and place a soft kiss on her forehead.


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