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A Darkness Awakens (The Elements of Ilysia Book 1)

Page 3

by Helena Lancaster

  “I will be sure their mother knows,” John responded before turning to leave.

  “Do not go yet!” James exclaimed. “Who is their mother?”

  “I cannot say. Just know that they are special. I will remain in touch with you as they grow but I know the two of you will be wonderful parents to them.”

  “Be sure she knows that we will do as she asks for them,” Katie spoke aloud as John turned to leave again.

  “I will. I promise you that.”

  James watched as John left their home quietly as if he had never been there. He looked over at his wife who was unable to take her eyes off the babe in her arms. The image before him was one he had wanted to see since before they were wed.

  “My love, I believe you are smitten with our new babe,” he said to his wife.

  “She is so beautiful,” she replied. “I would like to name her Adríenne.”

  “A beautiful name. How old is she?”

  “Nearly three weeks, little more than a fortnight in this world. How could something pose a danger to someone so small?”

  “Ilysia has only grown darker since you left there.”

  Katie looked up at him and could only nod in agreement. She had only left their homeland as a child with her parents. Her father was still a stranger in this new land, as any Elf would be. She looked over at her new son as he sat in James’s lap and smiled. He was as beautiful as his sister.

  “What shall we name our son? Did the letter say his age?” James asked her.

  “I like Zakary. It is already part of the name he had been given and he is sixteen months of age,” she answered with a smile. “We must raise them as our own children, give them a normal life.”

  “And should we ever tell them of how they came to be in our home?”

  “Only when the time is right, love. What is important is that they are happy, loved, and safe just as their mother wishes.”

  “A job you will now be filling.”

  “I am happy to. Then maybe in a few years we can have one or two of our own.”

  James smiled at her. She had a loving and kind spirit he could not help but love. It is part of what made him fall in love with her. As much as he wanted to see her carry their child, he was happy to be a father to these children. One day he did hope he could reunite them with their mother who gave them up for all of the right reasons.

  “Zakary and Adríenne Moore,” he said aloud. “They need middle names.”

  “Adríenne Jade and Zakary James,” she replied softly. “We should call them Addí and Zak.”

  “I like that.”

  “They are our children and that is what we will tell the world.”

  “You are in love already.”

  “As are you.”

  The both looked at each other and smiled. They were running into this with open arms. It was evident to them both how much they truly wanted children. They both vowed then that these children would know nothing but love, as any children they had of their own would. Addí and Zak would know love and a good life as if they had been of their own flesh and blood.

  Chapter Three

  Fourteen years had passed since the Oracles informed the Empress of the birth of the child the prophecy had spoken of. The Empress had never been known for her patience, nor had the ones that had ruled before her. She would find this girl and ensure that her reign would not end but only become stronger. Without the one the prophecy spoke of; she would never gain complete control over Ilysia. She sat on her throne in the great hall of Petríval Castle that once sheltered the human monarchy and waited for more answers to come her way. Those that served her had been sent searching everywhere for this girl and always came back empty handed. Her anger with the lack of the result had been great as she was determined to find her, for her continued rule would one day depend upon having this girl as an ally.

  Empress Léla sat on the throne that had once belonged to King Henry the first in a stance of confidence and power. Her skin had slight olive toned shine that was bright against her solid black dress that flowed around her and pooled around the foot of her chair. On her head sat a crown of deep silver and onyx jewels that had been passed down the Dark Fae Court since the beginnings of the Fae Civil War. Her long fingers were gloved in lace as they gripped the arms of the throne. Her court had not seen her smile since the day the Oracles spoke of the birth. Fourteen years and this child was nowhere to be found! It angered her to think that the fools serving her could not find a girl child with the strongest magic they would ever feel. If the Oracles were right, then she would be able to control every element instead of a single one. How could that be so hard for them to find?

  “Mariṣka, if you have again come to tell me that there is no sign of the girl then I will have your head myself,” she said aloud as Vampire leader approached her.

  “Your Grace, I come because someone is requesting an audience,” the Vampire responded quickly.


  “She says that her name is Ísábella and she comes from another land.”

  “I have heard stories of this other land that many Ilysian people have gone to, mostly humans or hybrids of humans that are mixed with Witch, Fae, and Elf. She is from this land?”

  “Yes, Empress, and she comes to serve you.”

  Léla formed a wicked smirk on her lips at those words. Perhaps this was her way to gain a foothold in this new world. It could even be the key to finding the chosen one.

  “Bring her to me,” she ordered as she crossed her legs, revealing the slender and pale limbs through the high slit in her dress.

  “As you wish,” Mariṣka replied before leaving the audience chamber.

  Ísábella had been waiting in a small foyer of Petríval Castle to speak with the Empress herself. For too long she had waited for the right time to pledge her allegiance. She knew that Léla was very powerful and fearsome but she stood unafraid. She felt it was her duty to work for the rightful leadership of her true homeland. She only hoped that her vows would be acceptable.

  “The Empress will see you,” Mariṣka, the Vampire leader she had met upon her arrival, said to her as she re-entered the room. “Follow me.”

  She followed the Vampire closely, keeping her head slightly bowed as they entered the large audience chamber. She looked up with her eyes slightly as she saw the Empress, dark and beautiful, on the throne. The Empress was dressed completely in black and it made her skin almost glitter as her long ebony tresses fell in curls past her shoulders. Ísábella was in awe of her as she stepped forward and awaited permission to speak.

  “Come closer, I would like to see you better,” the Empress ordered in a calm but quiet tone.

  Ísábella did as she was told and approached until the Empress held up a hand to indicate for her to stop. She was not far from the throne but still had to look up at the formidable Fae, high on the throne before her. She took in a deep breath, awaiting permission to speak.

  “Mariṣka tells me that you come from another land. Is this the same land many people of Ilysia have gone to?” she was asked.

  “The very same, Empress,” Ísábella answered quickly.

  “And how do you know about this land?”

  “My family came from here generations ago. We still held some traditions and I have the power of this land in my veins.”

  Léla looked at the girl before her with her bronze skin and dark chestnut colored hair curiously. She wished to know more about her. Whoever this Ísábella was, she knew how to present herself properly. It intrigued her.

  “What magic flows in you?” Léla asked, curiously.

  “My element is water,” she responded. “But I am not alone in Corinthia.”

  “You have family?”

  “A younger sister, my lover, and his younger brother all reside in my household.”

  “Are they to follow you?”

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  The wicked smirk returned to Léla’s face as she realized that this was her op
portunity to add to her forces. Perhaps the reason they could not find the girl is because she had been taken to this land called Corinthia. Now she had a mission for this Ísábella, who would now be responsible for her forces in this other land.

  “Ísábella, tell me your full name,” Léla stated to the young woman before her.

  “My name is Ísábella Maialén Ortíz,” she responded.

  “And do you pledge your allegiance to me, only to me?”

  She watched as Ísábella knelt to the ground, with her head bowed. This prompted her to stand and approach the new volunteer to her forces.

  “I do,” was Ísábella’s response as the Empress approached her, her long skirt billowing behind her as she descended the small set of stairs.

  The Empress cupped Ísábella’s face in her hands and turned it to look at her. She remained silent as her new leader took a deep look into her eyes. The Empress was fierce and almost terrifying but she remained steadfast. She would not flinch. She would not show fear. She would show her leader that she would be true to their cause.

  “I accept your pledge,” Léla stated as she released Ísábella from her grip. “Stand, Ísábella.”

  She followed the Empress’s command and stood to her feet. Léla was taller than her, which made her more imposing. She was not normally so submissive but in this moment, she had no choice. The Empress would accept nothing less.

  “And your pledge includes your family’s allegiance?” the Empress asked her.

  “And that of my unborn child,” she responded.

  “How wonderful to have a child! That makes your loyalty mean so much more.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace.”

  “Tell me, Ísábella, what do you know of the prophecy?”

  “The prophecy?” she questioned in response.

  “Mariṣka, have Mattías bring an Oracle!” the Empress demanded loudly.

  Ísábella listened closely to hear the Vampire’s response of “Yes, Your Grace” and the sound of movement in the next room. She stood for a moment in silence as the Empress continued to examine her. The Empress had been the first she had told of the child she carried, even before her lover. She knew Rafe would be happy with the news and would follow any choice she made, no matter what he truly felt. She knew this because of how deeply he loved her.

  Léla impatiently waited on the Vampire to return with the Were and an Oracle to share the prophecy with her new soldier. Finding the girl would be just one of Ísábella’s main tasks. The other would be to recruit more Ilysian’s living in the land of Corinthia to her cause and away from ignorance and Résalyn. She looked up when she saw Mariṣka return with Mattías and one of their Oracles.

  “Thank you from bringing them, Mariṣka,” the Empress said calmly. “Ísábella, this is Mattías, the leader of the Weres. He has brought an Oracle here to explain the prophecy I speak of to you.”

  Ísábella watched as the Oracle stepped forward. She was a mysterious woman with dark hair and vibrant green eyes, dressed in a simple black dress.

  “Once the strongest bloodline wakes up on its strongest hour, so will reveal the feared one in its glory again. Then the change will set in motion that can turn the tides for the path that the heir follows. For whatever path this heir follows will decide the fate and rule of this land for all time,” the Oracle said in an almost ethereal voice.

  “Oracle, what does this mean?” Léla asked.

  “That the strongest bloodline of our land must awaken and bear an heir. That heir alone will decide whether you or Résalyn and her allies will retain control of this land.”

  “What can you tell me of this bloodline and heir?”

  “The bloodline is from not only those who once sat on your throne, Empress, but Maelyn of the Fae as well.”

  “Specifically who that once sat on this throne?”

  “The first King named Henry and his Queen Anna, the last human rulers to live in this castle.”

  “And this heir? What do we seek?” the Empress continued to question.

  “A girl, born about fourteen years past, somewhere in Ilysia,” the Oracle responded without a shred of doubt in her voice.

  “How will we know her?”

  “She will have the power to control all elements.”

  “And her origins?”

  “She will have strong blood ties with not only humans and Fae but Witches as well. She will even have some Elven blood but only a little.”

  “Not only human and Fae blood but royal blood. Am I right?”

  “You are correct.”

  “Have any of the human royal court been known to take a lover at Résalyn’s court?” the Empress asked aloud.

  “Would this not have to be one of her children, Empress?” Mattías asked.

  The Empress looked at the Were leader with a realization. He had made a strong point. The only way the one they seek would descend from Maelyn would be through one of Résalyn’s children. She felt a true smile form on her face for the first time in fourteen years. She had discovered the key to finding the prophesized girl.

  “Mattías, I could kiss you!” Léla exclaimed. “That would be the only way and it just so happens that Résalyn’s heir disappeared fourteen years ago!”

  She let out a wild and mischievous laugh. Kélinae would have only done this for a good reason. She knew that her rival’s half Fae, half Witch daughter was brilliant and powerful. It had even been rumored throughout the land that she had taken the heir to the human throne as a lover. It all made sense now! The puzzle was solved! Now to find this granddaughter of her rival so she can ensure her rule and that of her descendants for all time.

  “Ísábella, do you understand all that the Oracle said?” she asked her new ally.

  “I do,” Ísábella responded quickly.

  “Good! I have a mission for you and those that follow you. I need you to find this girl and I believe she may be in Corinthia. We have searched this land for fourteen years to find no trace of her so she must be there.”

  “As you ask of me, Empress. I will work to find her.”

  “Mattías and Mariṣka, I would like you to send forces out all over the lands to find Kélinae. She is who I believe birthed the one we seek. I need confirmation from her. If she truly is the mother of this girl, then she will know where to find her.”

  “What do you wish us to do with her once we find her?” Mattías asked.

  “Be sure your dogs do not bite her for one, Mattías!” The Empress mandated. “She is not to be harmed.”

  “Even though she is the heir of your rival?” Mariṣka asked.

  “And possibly the mother of the girl the prophecy speaks of. If we wish to win the girl to our side, we cannot harm her mother.”

  “Then what are your orders?”

  “Bring her to me. She will remain here as a guest indefinitely.”

  The Empress looked at the Were and Vampire expectantly for a moment before they both quickly exited the room. She then dismissed the Oracle with a wave of her hand and turned back to face Ísábella. This was the happiest the dark leader had been in fourteen years. She was anxious to celebrate but the girl and her mother had to be found first.

  “I expect you to visit again, Ísábella, and introduce me to your family. I would like you to recruit for me among our people in Corinthia. Bring them back home to me,” she stated firmly. “Check in with me often on your progress. I am not normally a patient Fae but the discovery today will grant me some.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Ísábella responded with a submissive nod. “I will do all you command and be sure to bring more to your side.”

  “Thank you, my dear. Now return to your home. We will see each other again soon.”

  Ísábella bowed again before leaving the sight of the Empress and exiting the castle. She quietly walked to the edge of the vast Élasorvías Forest that covered the land around half of the castle and its grounds. It was there she could open the portal and return to her home. Slowly she rais
ed a hand to begin the spell and she felt her magic flow through her.

  “Aperi mihi quaerere terra. Adducite ad me, Corinthia,” she chanted aloud.

  She stood back as the magic spun and opened the portal. The image of trees in front of her quickly changed to that of the streets by the home she lived in. She took one last look at the looming castle behind her and stepped through. Once she was on the other side she turned to quickly close the portal before anyone not of Ilysia saw.

  “Claude ostium tuum. Domi ego sum,” she recited and watched the portal close with her words.

  She was only a few steps from the door to her home and it made her smile to know she would be walking in to see Rafe. Given the time, they would be alone as Dalía and Julíus would still be at school. She did have a lot of news to tell him. She approached the main door to find Rafe standing there as if he had been expecting her to show up.

  “Where have you been?” he asked quietly as he backed into the house to allow her to enter. “I have been looking for you.”

  “Relax, Rafe,” she answered as she turned and shut the door behind them. “I went to Ilysia.”

  “You what?”

  “Did I not just tell you to relax?”

  “Yes, Ísábella, but our families came here for a reason.”

  “It is not as dangerous as the stories our grandmothers told us.”

  Rafe took a seat on the sofa and Ísábella followed. He wondered what would possess her to go there. He had a lot of questions. He only hoped she would answer them. They lived a simple life but she had always been more ambitious than their living situation would allow. She despised them living in the poor community of Moserovo, the capital of Rutania that was widely known as one of the most corrupt countries in Corinthia. She wanted and expected more. Rafe worked hard to try to make her happy but it had always proven difficult. He loved her and that was his drive for working as much as he did to try to improve their state of life.

  “Then what did you do there?” he asked her.


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