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The Transformation of Anna (Cornerstone Deep Book 1)

Page 8

by Wilson, Charlene A.

  “Now, honey.” Bethany lightly held his elbow as if not to press too hard on his thick skin. Instead, she brushed her fingertips along the wiry hairs of his forearm.

  A growl rumbled in his throat, and he bared his teeth with a snarl.

  Vincent stood and deliberately wrapped his fingers into a fist to control any instantaneous show of magical force. He stood at least a foot and a half taller than the man, but appearance didn’t seem to intimidate his betrothed’s father in the least. Vincent fixed his gaze on the two beady eyes staring him down.

  Elaina gasped and scrambled to a stand, wrapping her arms around Vincent’s waist. He could feel her trembling and knew she must be worried about his magical ability, were this to escalate into a physical confrontation. “Daddy, please, I love him!”

  Bethany peeked at Vincent and lowered her tone to a soothing melody as she spoke to her husband. “These men are Royals, Ben. Royals. And Elaina loves him. She has a chance at a wonderful life. Don’t take this from her.”

  The sliding back door wheeled open, and a tall man leaned on the frame. He folded his arms and shook the long blond curls from his face. Taking a drink from his beer can, he snorted with a cocked grin. His blue eyes twinkled with amusement. “I don’t know who’s the stupidest here. Dad for standing up to a Royal, or a kid standing up to Dad.”

  Vincent’s blood rushed to his head at the use of the word kid. Small sparks danced in his cuffed fingers. With a steady voice, he held his temper and spoke to his future father-in-law. “Mr. Cantrell, it was an oversight on my part not to honor you as the head of your home and consult with you about my plans to propose to your daughter. I love her and I want her to be my wife.

  “As far as her coming to stay with us at the manor until the ceremony, it’s common law. But I can understand your concern for Elaina’s safety. As Founders, we have the option of a promising. This promising allows Elaina to choose to join us at the manor until the wedding or stay with her family. I assure you, I only want what’s best for her. I’ll leave the decision to her.”

  Ben lifted his layered chin, and his glare eased. “Well, then.” He pulled his pipe from his shirt pocket, turned and stuffed it with fresh tobacco. “It takes a big man to see where he’s done wrong and own up to it.” He lit the bowl and caused a few puffs of mint tainted smoke to linger in the air. “So, when does this wedding have to take place?”

  “I’ll call the officiator and set the appointment. It should be within the month. There’ll be no preparations to worry about. Only immediate family attends the Chalice ceremony. We’ll take care of this event. There should be a celebration planned for the following week to announce the union. You may invite whomever you’d like to attend.” He looked at Bethany. “We’ll cover all expenses. I only ask you take care to request the best.”

  The door slammed as Jarrett retreated into the house, and Linda quickly followed. Bethany threw her hands around Ben’s neck, and Vincent could have sworn he saw a grin on the man’s face as she pressed a big kiss to his cheek.

  Pulling Elaina aside, Vincent framed her face with his hands. “Now that I know you’re to be mine, I don’t want to wake up without you beside me. I want you at the manor,” he breathed. He removed his watch and slipped it onto her wrist. “Call me. Just say my name and I’ll answer. Do whatever you can to talk him into letting you stay.”

  Her blue eyes sparkled. “I’ll start packing.”

  With a smile, he pulled her into a kiss. The twins giggled, throwing their hands over their faces.

  “I’ll let myself out the way we came in. But I’ll send a car for you.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  Vincent brushed the diamond ring with his thumb, relishing the fact it now belonged to her. He hopped down the redwood stairs, and joy sent a spring to his steps as he walked across the mossy grass. The tiny birds above seemed to sing along with the elated rhythm of his heart. A soft breeze blew, lifting his waves to dance around his face.

  Ben’s voice drifted to him from a distance. “I’d better reassign the Dressen order. I just hope he accepts it even if Anna didn’t complete it herself.”

  A sour knot clenched Vincent’s stomach, hampering his enthusiasm. With all that had occurred, that information had slipped far to the back of his mind.

  Cole paced the length of the front porch with an irritated scowl. His spiked stride made audible his frustration, and in his annoyance, he found pleasure in that fact. He cuffed at the folds of his cape as he made another turn and looked down the drive to the iron gates. Wide shadows thickened to blanket the grounds enclosed by the estate hedge. The sun dipped behind the city’s tall buildings and cast an orange halo over the silhouetted skyline. Tiny lights that shown from the structures blinked out in observance of the curfew.


  His scowl deepened to a sneer, and he threw his disgust to the darkened turf. Vincent’s mocking of his leadership cut into his gut like a thorn.

  Undependable childish runt. Thank the gods for James. He was admittedly the steadiest one in the family. How many times had Cole left comments with his father on the matter?

  “I know more of you than you know of yourself.”

  It had been the only response Sylis Shilo would give on the topic. Regardless, Cole knew he could rely on James. He blinked at the thought and glanced at the door. Where is James?

  He eased his glare as the latch turned, and his brother joined him with Vincent’s cloak folded over an arm.

  “Where have you been hiding?”

  “Just working in the lab. Relax.”

  Cole gritted his teeth. “I told him dusk.”

  “He’s in love. Don’t worry. There’s no rule saying we have to harvest this early. We’ve got all night.” James motioned to the gate. “There you go. Here at dusk.”

  Turning with a huff, Cole watched the youngest trot up the driveway and onto the landing. With the release of a quick breath, Vincent took his cloak from James.

  “You left by Smoke of Night to get there quicker, but you take your time on foot to get back?”

  Donning the cape, he glanced at the comment. “I had things to take care of. I made it, didn’t I? And you can congratulate me. I’m engaged to the most beautiful redhead in Shilo.”

  James smiled. “Well, congratulations. When will this girl be joining us?”

  “Soon. But right now I need to talk to you about last night’s harvest.”

  Cole bit back the urge to storm through the door and call off work for the night. “I’m not in the mood for another temper tantrum. We have work to do.”

  “This is important, Cole. He knew her. The girl.”

  Cole pinched his brow. “Who knew her?”

  “Dressen. He set it up so she would break curfew. His order was so specific because he wanted her. And he used us to get her.”

  Irritation flared to anger, and Cole closed the space between them with three lengthy strides. “He set it up?”

  “She worked for Elaina’s father. He said Dressen ordered a large task and would only accept her work on the assignment. She was putting in overtime to get it done.”

  Cole grabbed his cloak with a glower. “Let’s get this harvesting done. I have plans to finalize.”

  Vincent flushed red, and his hands glowed with instant rage. “That’s it? You’re worried about filling another of his orders?” Tossing a hand toward the city, unrestrained sparks charged across his fingertips.

  Cole offered no response to his comment.

  Vincent punched the air and a pulse of energy flew the length of the porch. Blue lightning pierced the darkness, bursting bracing columns with a resounding blast. Dust and splinters flew and the eaves craned, whining in protest.

  James quickly held up his hand, halting the motion. A swift flick of his wrist, and the dismembered pillars whirled into place before the roof gave way.

  “You’re just going to ignore the fact that an innocent woman was manipulated to serve his want? She wasn’t withou
t a home, Cole. A life! And she only broke the law to satisfy his order.” Vincent raked his fingers through his hair and then threw his hand down to his side. Jets of fire gouged deep into the terra. “If that doesn’t faze you, you must realize that we were manipulated right along with her!”

  Cole snarled and glowered at his brother, leaning close enough to make sure his breath fell on his face. “I want him more than you do.”

  “Right. That’s why you’re so eager to bring him another subject. Why would you care what happens to these people when he decides to cross the line?”

  James set his hands on his waist. “You need to tell him, Cole.”

  “I’m not explaining myself to Kid.”

  “I think I know what you’re considering.”

  Cole’s nerves immediately eased at the possibility of having his brother’s open concurrence.

  James’ large hand grasped his shoulder. “You’ve got my support and Vince would be a great help. We need to stick together on this.”

  Vincent folded his arms and glared at them. “Okay. Spit it out. What’s going on?”

  “Cole didn’t intentionally bind her soul,” said James. “It was a reaction to the connection he felt to her.”

  “Oh. So, he just had to kiss her and add her to the list of women he’s used. He compromised our principles and buried her!”

  Thoughts of the conclusive nightmare flooded Cole. In a sickened rage, he spat the truth to his youngest brother. “It’s Mianna, Kid, Mianna! Her soul called to mine and I answered.”

  He threw his disgruntlement to the grounds. The shadows had deepened to the point he could barely make out the light marble that made up the seraphim fountains in the center of the court. Beyond that, in Shilo City, the devils hid in mansions six times the size of Shilo Manor filled with gold, silver, crystal, the finery of Terra’s elite in every room.

  Damned arrogant, self-seeking, pompous... The greedy vainglorious czars planned, schemed to take the meek, submissive, and naive to serve their never-ending thirst to rule. Cole gnashed his teeth so hard his brain pulsed. Working his fingers with tight flexes, he bound them into fists. He would never understand his father’s draw to this plane, this people.

  Keep them sedate. Keep them happy with their world, whatever it takes. And keep them from finding interest in what lies beyond the portal to the realms. That was the underlying rule here, wasn’t it? Protect the gateway. He had been successful for nearly four hundred years living by that rule. But now...

  Soft splashes sang from the font with an uneven rhythm, and the hint of mineral water scented the vicinity as the breeze died.

  He heaved a sigh and turned back to the newly repaired verandah and his brothers. “I didn’t know at the time it was Mianna. I only just confirmed it. I conducted an essence trace. It showed a perfect line. She never married in all that time—just as I never remarried...a true soul mate’s course.”

  The color drain from Vincent’s face. The whites of his eyes shown bigger than his onyx irises in the dim light from the porch lamp. Vincent’s lowered voice reinforced his instant change of outlook. “There’s reincarnation in this realm?”

  A hush filled the front porch. A chilled breeze bathed Cole, ruffling their capes and sending apricot blossoms to dance along the landing.

  James’ voice subdued. “Tell me you’re planning to get Mianna back, Cole.”

  He looked his brother in the eyes. “I’m going to get her back.”

  Vincent lowered his hands and shifted his stance. “What’s the plan?”

  “Dressen’s birthday is just around the corner. The first step is presenting him with a special gift.”

  James shook his head. “Magic doesn’t work on Nobles. You know that.”

  Cole smiled. “It does if they consent to it.” He took the edge of his cape into his hand. “Now, let’s get this harvest underway.”

  Disbelief shown on every inch of Vincent’s being. “You’re still going to fill his order knowing what he did?”

  Grasping the rim of his cloak, James stepped to stand beside Cole. “If we stop filling Dressen’s orders before we get Mianna back, he could get suspicious. He treats average servants well. There’s no need to suspect he wouldn’t do the same for this subject. Now, you located a homeless in the park. He deserves food and shelter.”

  “Charlie.” Vincent shook his head and took hold of his cape. “When I saw him today I had no idea what kind of man we’d be turning him over to.”

  With a flourishing wave, the three furled their capes and took on the Smoke of Night. A deep chill bit at Cole’s essences as they flew within the vapor over Center Creek. Motion along the bank caught his attention, and he watched as a scrawny man settled onto a park bench, tucking a disassembled newspaper around his shoulders.


  The little man’s bony fingers crumpled the paper from his face. His bushy brows furrowed with the quirk of his cheek. He hesitated and then replaced the cover, cuddling into the pages again.

  Assured they had found the right subject, Cole paused at the bridge. With a billow, James and Vincent took solid form at the same time he did. He leaned into his spiked stride and the two fell into place at his sides. The blanket of fog retreated with a swirl and then slowly swept across the embankment, brushing along the homeless man. Their heavy steps echoed through the urban green.

  Charlie grabbed the paper from his head and perked to a sitting position. He gazed down the misty walkway and gathered a few pages of the disassembled newspaper. “Wha?”

  The three emerged from the fogbank lighted only by the dim light in the distance. Their capes furled with their strides, and Cole knew they must look like reapers from the afterlife to the man.

  Charlie chuckled with a nervous lag. He stood and rumpled the newsprint in his arms. “I ain’t lookin’ for no trouble here, fellas. I ain’t got nothin’ you want.” He held out the lot in his arms. “This here’s just my blanket. But you can take it if you like.”

  James and Vincent halted, allowing Cole to take the last two steps to stand before him.

  Charlie’s lip quivered with his grin. “Look, mister. I d-don’t want n-no trouble.”

  With a graceful motion, Cole lifted his hand and sent a silver mist into the medium. Sprightly flashes overtook the view.

  Charlie’s grin widened into a toothless smile. “Hey, that’s really somethin’. You do a show around here?” He took a breath. “’Cause, that…would…”

  The man’s gaze changed from anxious to calm, and Cole sensed his eagerness to serve and belong. Cole leaned his head, studying the crinkled, kind face as hesitation seeped from his heart. By the waves of cherishment flowing from him, Cole realized Charlie had known love, cared for many, and now struggled with the decision to forget. It edged on overpowering the desire for safe haven.

  “Charlie,” he whispered to his mind. “There’s no need to cast aside the past. You need only submit a will to serve.”

  As if dawning lit the old gent’s thoughts, he lifted his gaze to Cole’s. Concerns fled and serenity poured from his blue eyes. Contentment washed the deep wrinkles from his face as he surrendered his will to service to the lord.

  Cole stepped to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Newspaper pages scattered as he furled his cloak, dispersed Charlie and himself into the Smoke of Night, and then flew North. Dim lights fluttered along the quiet city streets—stingy offerings to guide those who dared venture out past curfew.

  Cole seethed with the information given him. Dressen knew her. The more he thought on the fact, the more agitated he became.

  A half-glance at the string of specialty shops they passed and he noted that one was still lit. An odd sight in the mass of darkened windows. No doubt, there would be a curfew breaker later. He dismissed the violator and headed for the prestigious neighborhood of the elite.

  Wide granite steps met them as they came to Lord Dressen’s estate. The hound-faced servant quickly invited them in. “Good evening,
sirs. I’ll fetch the sire.”

  As they crossed the ingress, Vincent breathed a whisper. “Anna. Thank the gods.”

  Cole’s gaze snapped to him and then followed his line of sight to the wide balcony of the second-floor landing.

  She stood near the center of the cathedral-sized stained-glass window, tracing the fine lines with her fingertips. Sparkling pins held her dark hair at her temples, allowing it to drape past her shoulders and flow down her back. The blue lounging gown she wore was barely visible beneath the ballooned wrap that, with the help of her angelic face, gave her the appearance of an ancient sculpture’s subject.

  His senses relaxed, and a small smile touched his lips. He could call to her—just a call to have her look his way. Would she remember him? Would her soul recognize his despite the circumstances? His heart skipped at the thought.

  Lord Dressen entered with a smile, and immediately, Cole’s hatred returned.

  “Well, this order was filled rather quickly.” The sire looked at Charlie and handed Cole an envelope. “The last one took some time.”

  Fire flashed in Vincent’s eyes, and Cole advanced obliquely, putting himself between the two to ward off any loss of temper. “I trust you are pleased with the results.”

  “Oh, I’m very pleased. She’s more than I hoped for.” Setting his hand at his belt, Dressen met Cole’s gaze. “I trust your invitation was received to my birthday celebration on the fourteenth.”


  “Tell me you’ll attend. I had specialized items ordered for the occasion. It promises to be quite an evening.”

  Cole looked down at the city’s lawmaker. For an older gentleman, he held his age well, slight graying at his temples, face free of heavy lines. If he hadn’t known the man in Utopian’s scene was Dressen, he would have guessed him much younger. Cole forced a smile, but Vincent responded.

  “I trust nobody will be breaking curfew to attend.”


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