The Big, Not-So-Small, Curvy Girls Dating Agency (Plush Daisies: BBW Romance)

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The Big, Not-So-Small, Curvy Girls Dating Agency (Plush Daisies: BBW Romance) Page 9

by Catori, Ava

  Reed sat down, “I think Jess was cheating on me,” he said quietly.

  “What?” Becky was stunned. Who would cheat on someone like him?

  “I found something while I was cleaning up. Anyway, I’m feeling kind of heartbroken.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t be talking about this with you.”

  “Reed, I don’t know what this is going on between us, but above anything I’m your friend. If you need to talk, then talk.”

  “You’re something special.” Reed squeezed her hand.

  She wanted to smother him in kisses, but the timing obviously wasn’t appropriate. Lightening the mood, “Do you want to go get something to eat?”

  “Yeah, actually that sounds good,” he said standing.

  What had started out as a crappy day was turning into a better one. He realized he’d need time to heal, time to get over the relationship he was getting out of, but he hoped Becky would wait for him. He wanted to spend more time with her, but he didn’t want to jump in too fast. He’d been with Jessica for a long time, and he’d feel the sting for a while.

  After lunch out, Reed headed home to finish the job he’d started earlier. With a simple, small peck on the cheek, he thanked Becky for cheering him up. He couldn’t make promises, but if she was willing to stick around, he’d like to get to know her better. Becky smiled, telling him he was worth the wait.

  On heading home, Becky thought about the turn of events. Here Reed thought he was the bad guy, when Jess had already been cheating on him. It was hard to see him hurting, but she was selfishly grateful that he wasn’t getting back together with the stunning woman.

  Calling Sam, she relayed the news of the day.

  “You’re kidding? She cheated on him? She always sounded so in love with the guy.”

  “I don’t know all the details, just what he found.”


  “Yeah, and guess what else he found?”


  “He saw my vibrator sitting out on the table!”

  “Why was your vibrator…oh.”

  “Yeah, figure it out. Anyway, I wasn’t expecting him to come over, and just forgot about it.”

  “I’d die,” she started.

  “I nearly did. I was so embarrassed. It happened in slow motion. I look over, see it sitting there and realize he’s seen it. I go to dive for it, but it’s too late, he’s picked it up. He picked the damn thing up!”

  “Oh my god, then what happened? What did he say?”

  “He starts teasing me, and he’s waving it up over his head, out of my reach. I was dying, totally humiliated.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I’m freaking out, going “give me that”, and I’m sure I was twenty shades of red, but he was having a grand old time. So then, he goes and slides it under his nose, and sniffs it. I have never been so mortified in my life…” she started.

  “What about the time your pants fell down.”

  “Yeah whatever, just let me tell you the damn story.”

  “Go on,” Samantha laughed.

  “So, he slides it under his nose, and smells it right in front of me. I’m cringing inside, and he goes, “very nice” and I’m dying, dying I tell you. He finally hands it back to me, and I ran and shoved it into my drawer.”

  “You should have asked him to use it on you,” she snorted, “since you were probably thinking about him when you used it earlier.”

  “Stop!” Becky was trying not to laugh, but it was funny. She could laugh now even though earlier she was horrified.

  “Hey Reed,” she mocked in a silly voice, “Could you show me how to use this? I’m not sure I’m doing it right.”

  “Oh my god, you’re a freak.”

  “Hey baby, how about you…”

  “Okay, that’s enough,” Becky said, shutting her down. “No more.”

  “Fine, you’re no fun,” Sam teased. “I’ll stop being a dick.”

  “Ha ha, you’re funny. Oh, that’s right, you’re not.”

  “So what do you think he’s going to do? It sounds like he’s pretty interested.”

  “I know, but I’m afraid he’s rebounding, you know. Like he’s hurting, and here I am.”

  “That’s not entirely true. He was interested in you before he split with her.”

  “I guess, it just seems too soon, like he’s moving too fast. I like the guy, but I don’t want to be a passing fancy.”

  “Yeah, I totally get that. I don’t know what to tell you, Becks. I just think if a hot guy landed in my lap, I wouldn’t walk away or let go too easily.”

  “Unless he has a weird laugh?”

  “Okay, this is not about me. What’s your point?”

  “I don’t have one. Oh wait, yes I do,” she mocked sarcastically. “You’re great at doling out advice, just not taking it.”

  “Becks, he laughed like a girl. I couldn’t live with that. Besides, it frees him up for your dating agency.”

  “I forgot to tell you, I hooked up my first couple!”

  “No way, when are they going out?”

  “I’m not sure, they’re going to email each other and set something up. I told them each to get back to me so I can see how it went. Did they like the match and stuff, so I can use the information for future dates.”

  “Nice, do you think they will?”

  “I hope so,” she sighed. “I think I just pictured this different. In my brain, my business was working and full of people, but this starting up and only having a few people, and silly details I overlooked is so much harder than I thought it would be.”

  “You’ll get there,” Sam commiserated. “It’s tough. It took a long time for me to grow my client list. Now I have to worry about Pristine Pooches stealing my clients.”

  “Don’t you guys have an agreement?”

  “Sure, but we slept together, and we went our separate ways, it’s not like he owes me anything. I’m hoping he sticks to his word. It’s not like I can hold anything over his head. Anyway, you’ll get there. You should host a small event and try to get more people interested. And when your website is up and working, that will get attention too.”

  “I hope so,” she sighed. “It’s taking forever.”

  Chapter 14

  Samantha poured the wine as Becky grabbed the snacks, tossing them on the coffee table. Grabbing a pen and paper, the girls were ready to brainstorm. Deciding to throw a singles dance, it was time to figure out how to advertise the event.

  “Okay, so Art said you can use the banquet room at his place. We’ve got space, now we need people.”

  “Right, I’ll need your help setting it up, and deciding how to decorate so it has a theme or something. I was thinking if we dropped by the barbeque place, we could pass out flyers on Poker night, there might be some guys there.”

  “Hey, what about Pete’s Pub? It’s the watering hole for ball games. Baseball goes week long, maybe you could find some guys there.”

  “Will you help,” Becky asked sweetly, knowing she would freeze up on talking to everyone and passing out flyers. “What should they say? Should I advertise it as a simple singles dance, or should I clarify I’m looking for clients, and that it’s for a plus size dating agency?”

  “That’s tough. I’d say the more people you get there the better. While you’re there, you could approach people individually, or put out applications people could fill. Better yet, if your website is ready, you could have it posted all over, so people could check it out.”

  “Yeah,” Becky sighed, “I’m still working on that.”

  “Ask Reed to do it. Didn’t you say he volunteered when you first met him anyway?”

  “I just feel weird asking.”

  “Do you want to be stuck in your job forever? You need to get this off the ground, or your business is going to flop before it can succeed.”

  “You’re right…what? What are you doing?” Becky stared at Sam as she dug at her

  Shifting, moving, turning, twisting, her fingers prying, “Damn underwire bra is digging in. I think the wire broke through the fabric, and it’s poking me.”

  “I wish they’d perfect these things all ready. Did I tell you I paid forty bucks for one, and the stupid wire pushed through the corner in a couple of weeks? What is that? I swear I’m going back to non-wired soon.”

  “I tried skipping the underwire, my boobs were flat like pancakes,” she sighed. “Stupid bra,” she grunted, pulling and trying to wedge the wire back into place. “I mean, they’re fine for a bit, but then you lose shape through the day, and they just look deflated. It was sad really. I just don’t think I should have to suffer like this to keep my girls up.”

  “Better now?” She saw her friend settle back into the sofa.

  “For now, until the damn wire makes an escape again. Why is it so difficult to make a bra?”

  “I hear you. Oh, did I tell you I got a lingerie catalog in the mail? You know, from the big name company. I don’t know why I paged through it, it was torture. I mean, you know they don’t carry my size, but I still felt the need to flip through it. Talk about feeling lumpy. I was so depressed. If I had a body like that, I’d walk around naked all the time.”

  “You would not,” she laughed. “You say you would, but you wouldn’t. You’d be too shy. I would walk around naked, but you’d at least need a bikini on.”

  “You think? I could totally walk around naked if I looked like that. I’d strut right down the street.”

  “You’re such a liar. I’d be all, let’s go strut naked, and you’d be like, let me put something on first.”

  Becky shook her head. “Fine, I’ll admit it, maybe I’d need to wear a leopard spotted bikini or something, and I’d totally slide on heels to make my legs longer, but I could do it like that.”

  “I knew you couldn’t do it naked. You want to believe you could do it naked, but you’re not a naked kind of girl.”

  “You are.”

  “Oh, I totally am. You’d have to hold me back. I figure there’s probably a reason I’m chubby. It’s to save the world from my strutting around naked constantly,” Sam gloated.

  “Could you imagine? I’d be getting calls from the police department, asking me to pick up my naked friend that they picked up again. We found her in the produce aisle, can you tell your friend to put clothes on. Of course I’d have to say, I’ve tried, but she’s got an amazing body, so she doesn’t believe in clothes anymore.” Becky thought on it, and then asked, “Do you think girls with great bodies think about walking around naked?”

  “I don’t know, maybe they don’t appreciate it, since they’ve always had it. On the other hand, maybe they’re really attention whores, but are afraid society would shun them. They aren’t risk takers obviously, because how often do you see it happen?”

  “You’re a risk taker,” Becky added.

  “A total risk taker, I’d do it.”

  “I bet you would. Anyway, what should the flyers say?”

  “Naked women, guys would show up.”

  “You’re a big help. Okay, back to work…”

  The girls tossed some more ideas around, and by the end of the night Becky had a plan. They’d throw a single’s dance to try to drum up more business. They had a list of places she could pass out flyers, and they’d keep the décor simple. Advertising the dance, she could put an ad in the small local paper, and maybe even get them to write about it. She’d call and see if they’d be willing to feature her singles dance in their upcoming events section. Becky smiled, feeling the plan come together. Now she just needed to figure out the website. Reed was her best option, but she figured for now she’d put up a cheap building block website until she had something better.

  With another bottle of wine gone, and a full list of ideas, Becky felt it was a productive night.

  Sam was feeling sappy by the end of the bottle. “I was thinking of calling Wyatt. What do you think?”

  “Wyatt? Seriously, why would you even give that guy a second of thought? Sammy, it’s the wine talking. He’s not good for you.”

  “He has a massive penis.”

  “No, he’s a massive dickhead.”

  “Big dick,” she used her hands to add emphasis.

  “No booty calls. You only end up hurt.”

  “Becks, why is he such a jerk?”

  “I don’t know. Don’t call him, you always regret it.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s just sometimes I want to spend time with him. I really liked the guy.”

  “He treated you like crap. When you gained weight, he was a dick about it.”

  She nodded, “I hate how he changed.”

  “He didn’t change, your body did. His asshole side just came out.”

  “It was my fault really; I got lazy about taking care of myself.”

  “Don’t you dare make excuses for him. The things he said to you were uncalled for.”

  “I loved him, Becks.”

  Becky’s tone softened. “You deserve better, Sam. I know you cared about the guy, but he was horrible for your self-esteem. He was cruel, and you deserve so much more.”

  Sam nodded in agreement. “I thought he was the one.”

  “I know, babe. But one day you’ll meet the real Mr. Right, and he’ll love you as you are, no matter what.”

  “I hope so.”

  “You will.”

  “What about Reed, when are you going to see him next?”

  “Probably this week, but I feel weird with everything going on. He’s obviously going to need time to get over this stuff with Jessica, but I’m afraid if I give him too much time, he’ll lose interest.”

  “It will all work out.”

  “I hope so. I like the guy. I feel comfortable around him, and he’s a great kisser,” she smiled softly.

  “You know who was a great kisser? Wyatt.”

  “Stop, don’t go there. Besides, maybe you’ll meet somebody at the single’s dance.”

  “Maybe Wyatt will show up.”

  “Sam, let it go. He was mean. We don’t want mean guys in our lives.”

  “You’re right, you’re right. We deserve better. Why do I do this to myself? No booty call, I promise.”

  “Good girl.”

  The phone rang later that night… “I was weak. I called.”

  “Oh, Sam.”

  “It’s okay, he blew me off.”

  “I’m sorry, hon.”

  “Don’t be. I felt like a whore, but when I hung up after he said no, I got angry. I think angry works for me. It’s better than feeling lonely and pathetic.”

  “You’re not pathetic.”

  “I know, I’m angry now, so I’m past that feeling.”

  “You’ll find the right guy someday.”

  “I wish he’d hurry up and get here. I miss him already.”

  Chapter 15

  With a nice mention in the local paper, the event got more notice than Becky expected. She was thrilled when over thirty people showed. Sam found a local DJ to host the party and bartered the price down. The DJ had three dogs, and with an exchange in services, she was able to finagle a half price deal.

  Grateful the event wasn’t costing too much, Becky went about setting things up. When Reed showed up, she couldn’t stop smiling. She hadn’t seen him much of the past few weeks, as he was sorting through his life after the break-up. They stayed in touch, talking constantly via text and email, but Becky was trying to give him space. He promised he was interested and wasn’t going anywhere, but he needed a little bit of time to work through some feelings.

  Walking into the room, Reed caught sight of Becky. She was glowing, bouncing around setting things up. On turning around, Becky’s smile told him what he needed to know. She was thrilled to see him.

  “You made it,” her voice was warm.

  “I wouldn’t miss the chance to dance with you.”

  Leaning up, Becky kissed Reed’s cheek. “You’re sweet. I
have a few more things to do over here, but people should be arriving soon.”

  “Sounds good, how can I help?”

  As the night went on, more and more people showed up. What started out slow, ended with a room full of people. It wasn’t a huge turn-out, but it was a lot more people than she anticipated. Becky was nervous the room would look sparse, but with well over thirty people, it was filling in. The DJ did his part getting people dancing, and as the night wore on, Becky made her rounds, talking about her business, pointing people to a table with applications.

  Watching Becky work the room made Reed smile. He finally caught her hand as she was walking by. “Can I have this dance?”

  Becky blushed. “I’d like that.”

  As the music slowed, Reed placed his hand on Becky’s lower back, pulling her into him. With his other, he placed it on her shoulder, letting his fingers move to her hair. Stroking through her hair gently, he placed her head onto his chest and held the girl close.

  Time stood still. Standing in Reed’s arms, her head on his chest, Becky realized she was in heaven. This had to be what heaven felt like, she was sure of it.

  Pressed to Reed, the music playing a slow sway, Becky moved with Reed. With each breath he took, she felt his chest rise. Being so close, his woodsy cologne filled her senses. She could hear his heart beating, and it was as if every single beat was for her.

  Holding her close, Reed let his fingers play in her hair. It was soft and silky, and the prettiest shade of blonde he’d ever seen. It was like a golden halo she wore, highlighting her milky complexion. Becky tipped her head, looking up to him, and in that moment he couldn’t help himself. Lowering his head, he kissed her sweet lips.

  There was an unspoken connection between them. Staring into his eyes, she saw desire. Everything inside of her wanted to leave the dance, to take Reed home with her and make love to him, but she knew she couldn’t leave. This was her event, and even though her world was simply the man before her, she knew this wasn’t their moment. It was certainly a moment, but it wasn’t time for that yet.


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