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Bear In The Rough: Book 1: Treasure Hunt (BBW Bear Shifter Romance)

Page 32

by Foster, L.

  Henry turned the television off and continued from where he left off before they heard the scream. He continued his brief lecture by postulating that those entities sometimes returned a lot sooner than years. He picked up his teacup, examined it briefly and held it to the light.

  'Matt... you guys mind if I got some of the team here? This is the most activity I've seen in a while.'

  'Anything! Yes. Bring them over!' Jenny's agreement was mixed with fear and urgency.

  'Henry, can you get rid of this thing?' Matthew asked.

  Henry put the tea cup down and looked at his friend with uncertainty. His gaze then shifted to his shoes. He knew he had to be sincere.

  'I don't know, mate. I just don't know.'

  Chapter 37

  Chris walked towards his car carrying his chips. Phil was already waiting inside. The smell of vinegar followed him into his car which only seemed to have angered Phil so much that he rejected the chips Chris had offered out of the kindness of his heart. After a couple more word exchange, he asked Phil if anything happened while he was away and the latter replied in the negative. Chris reminded him ghost hunting in the morning was a boring move.

  'Scientific proof is scientific proof.' Phil lashed out. 'That means it's repeatable, dude. Besides, I thought we'd take a few night hunts off a bit until you stop getting love letters from Winchester.'

  'How did that bird ever get my address anyway?' Chris asked.

  'It's on your business card, dummy.'

  'Oh right! I knew those would pay off! So what do we know about this place?'

  'Big murder inside. Bad feelings. I think this is the one Henry said he investigated before. Can't believe he didn't find anything. Not like him to be sloppy.' Phil added.

  'Right. Henry. Forgot to tell you, he buzzed me the other day.' Chris said.

  'Yeah? What’s cooking?'

  'Apparently he's got a hot one this time. Said it was off the charts and even the Vatican is interested.'

  'Really? What? You mean John Andrew? Must be serious then. What did he say?' Phil asked.

  'Just an old friend of his got himself mixed up into something strange. He's not sure what, but he thinks it’s a bit heavy.'

  'It must be heavy calling in the big guns like that. Say anything else?' Phil said.

  'Yeah. Wants both of us along with game faces. You know, he actually said game faces?' Chris said.

  'You know our Shaggy. Trouble magnet has a good nose for it. So, did he say where to meet?'

  'Nah, said he'd text over the info later. Told me to clear our decks for the next few days. Looks like Rose-View is going to have to wait. Nothing happening here anyway.'

  'Just like Cal. Always interrupts a good ol' fashioned boring ghost hunt with something dodgy and dangerous.'

  'Guess that's why we like him. He's as crazy as we are!' Chris said as he scrunched up the chip bag and tossed it in the back seat. He put the key in the ignition and started the engine. They planned on heading to the shop first to get ready and hoped there wouldn’t be any distractions.

  The two drove off. Rose-View gradually became a small speck in Chris's mirror before it vanished into the background.

  Chapter 38

  Father John Andrew sat back in his chair. A cup of Earl Grey was in his hand. He looked over at Henry and nodded as if to acknowledge his presence. He offered him tea for the second time. Henry nicely declined.

  How have you been?' Henry asked.

  Father Andrew chuckled and told him he was fine. He seemed optimistic about that not changing anytime soon as well. He did say he was worried about Henry though. It was always something of huge importance anytime an old student reached out to him. He knew this meant Henry was troubled and asked him why.

  'I need some help, Father. Remember when you lectured on possession?'

  'Possession? That's a mighty strong word for this time of day. I should have gone with the Irish Breakfast.' Father Andrew said as he stirred his tea. 'What would you want to know of that for?'

  'As you know, I am a parapsychologist...'

  'A para what? Just what is that?' Andrew teased.

  'I see you still have that sense of humor.'

  'I do. I do indeed. There isn't much use tending the flock if I can't laugh with them. So, you are studying possession as a science experiment? Dangerous. Very dangerous indeed. Is God's word not enough for you?'

  Henry apologized and re-affirmed that His word was indeed enough', but his world needed to be found in silence. Henry slows, and watches the senior clergyman's movements, awaiting a response. He did look much frailer than the last time they met for sure.

  Father Andrew spared no words reiterating that there was a difference. He mentioned that the Lord exists whether human beings choose to believe in Him or not, and He also exists whether He can be shown as a scientific theorem or not too.

  'To try to prove that which he tells us is to deny the faith we seek. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. It is the proof of things not seen. That's from Hebrews 11:1. A good verse. You would do well to remember that.' Father Andrew looked at Henry briefly. Just as he looked away, Henry let out a confession

  'Please, Father. I haven't lost my faith. I just...I just need more.'

  'We all struggle, son. We all have our doubts. But the trick is to overcome them. Life wouldn't be much of a trial otherwise. But enough of that now. You have something else to tell me, Don't you? You didn't come all this way to discuss science's place in the world, have you?'

  Henry frowned. 'No. I wish I had, but I haven't. It's about a friend...'

  'A friend is possessed; you think?'

  'I don't know what to think. I'm not sure if his issue is from something I did. I invited him to a vigil...'

  Father Andrew put his tea down and looked sternly at Henry. The warmth in his eyes had disappeared and was replaced with something Henry couldn’t fathom. Father Andrew soon lashed out with controlled rage. He was more disappointed than shocked that Henry had dabbled into the occult and launched into making séances. He was offended Henry didn’t grasp an understanding of the fact that what he had gotten himself involved with was no child’s play.

  Henry knew that instant that Father Andrew was angered by his move. Father Andrew rarely sought to communicate his dismay with anger. As a matter of fact, he almost never resorted to anger. In that moment, the thought that he may have taken things too far crossed his mind, but he was here now, before Father Andrew and there was no going back. He had to make sure he got what he came for. More importantly, he had to make Father Andrew see things from his vantage point.

  'Father, I may want to experiment scientifically, but I'm no fool. It wasn't that at all. We were investigating a property. Nothing more.'

  'And you think he was possessed by some evil of the house?'

  'That's just it. He saw something. I'm sure of it. He won't come clean. Even though he knows it can destroy him, he won't believe!'

  'Sounds like someone I know.' Andrew said, staring intently at Henry.

  'Father, I need help.'

  Andrew shifted in his chair. He looked out the window towards the graveyard, took a sip of tea and mumbled something under his breath. The place was warm, yet a chill rose up his spine. Without returning his gaze to Henry, he asked him to tell his story from the beginning, leaving no details out, no matter how insignificant he thought they were. He was to discuss every single piece of information he had on Matthew as well. Henry could sense the mildness return to Father Andrew’s voice and heaved a sigh of relief.

  Chapter 39

  Kate Fuller sat alongside Jenny. They were drinking tea together when Matthew came into the house. Matthew ignored Kate and went over to the kitchen, stepping over some of Kate's things and poured himself a cup.

  Jenny looked at her brother. 'Don't be so rude! Kate is letting us stay with her here until the ghost leaves our house. The least you can do is ask if you can have some tea and not just take it.'

e seemed thrilled at Jenny’s troubled house. The idea of an actual haunting happening close by gave her goose bumps. She almost picked up a fight with Jenny for not telling her earlier and kept going on about how sensitive she was to such things and her endearing abilities to feel the existing energy. Matthew was quick to remind Kate that the only thing she was sensitive to was her precious cat picture collection.

  'Evil spirits are usually attracted to negative energy. Gee, I wonder which of you exudes negative energy. Mark my words, I bet it is a lady spirit annoyed with this chauvinist here. Poor girl couldn't stand him even in the hereafter.'

  'Oi, Sir Lancelot, who you been upsetting?' Kate shouts from across the room.

  Matthew replied with a two fingered salute and kept to his tea.

  'Charming. I see his manners improved much. No surprise he's dossing here with you then.' Kate responds in a nonchalant manner.

  'At least, I don't need no fake lover to pay my bills! Oh, Mr. Bra dice! I need this! Oh Mr. Bradice! I need that!' Matthew responded.

  'No, I guess you got me there. You don't need a lover for that. You've got your sister who pays all of your bills for you, don't you?'

  Matthew started with his rebuttal, but Jenny cut him off, reminding him they were in Kate’s house and not theirs. Matthew attempted to get up from the chair but plunked back down. His lips moved as if they were going to say something, but he shut his mouth and drank his tea.

  Chapter 40

  Laura was in the back seat of Henry's car. He had Father Andrew riding next to him. They were near Jenny's house and Henry pulled the car alongside the street to park. He then turned to Laura and asked if she was sure about joining in since she wasn’t much of a friend to Matthew, at least not yet. He had a worried look on his face.

  Laura managed a smile and told him not to worry. A friend of his was a friend of hers too. That was a good enough reason. She moved over to hug him and then exited the car to walk towards Jenny, who was now standing with Matthew.

  Father Andrew turned to Henry.

  'This young woman, how did you meet?'

  'The class I teach. We ran into each other in the halls first. I didn't even know she was my student.'

  'I sense a chemistry between you two. More than that little hug let on. Just remember, you need to clear your head when you fight a spirit.' Andrew advised.

  'Should I send her home? She'd cause a fuss, but she'd get over it.'

  'No. No. I think she needs to be here. Before the night is over, this girl has a part to play. I can feel it.' Andrew replied.


  'The Holy Spirit gives guidance, my child. Those who hear it do best to heed it. It is time for us to start our roles in this too. The others are waiting.'

  Andrew opened the door and exited the vehicle. Henry stayed behind a moment longer before joining up with the others inside of the house.

  Henry entered the house and turned to Father Andrew to introduce Jenny and Matthew. Jenny, in turn, introduced Kate and told their visitors of her help with the shelter since the strange incident at their house. Kate looked at Henry, fixed her hair with a twist of her hand and winked. Laura noticed.

  'And I'm Laura.' she said.

  'We've heard so much about you,' Jenny said.

  'Not bloody from me. Sorry Father! I didn't mean...' Matthew interrupted himself. He knew talking too much wouldn’t do any good at that moment.

  'Don't worry, Father, Matt is this charming with everyone.' Kate was quick to jump in.

  'I have heard worse things in confession and thought worse when Man United is on a losing streak.' Father Andrew chuckled.

  'So can we get started now? The sooner we get done the better.' Matthew said.

  'I still have two more on the way. They should be here soon.' Henry replied.

  'The more the merrier. I'll put more tea on.' Jenny said. 'Kate, give us a hand.'

  Kate frowned and nodded. Her lips stuck out in a pout a bit too far to be natural. She followed Jenny into the kitchen as two lights beamed through the window of the hall. The unmistakable sound of a grinding gear popped out of place came from the street.

  Henry announced the arrival of the “two people” he had mentioned would be joining them earlier and asked Matthew to help in moving the furniture while the rest of his team parked their car. In seconds, they had started to rearrange the sofa, chairs and tables to give his team a bit of setting up room. It only took a few moments and the tea came back finished when they were done.

  'So, who wants Jasmine tea?' Kate asked. Father Andrew took a cup and so did Laura.

  'I hope you know you are moving that stuff back when all is free and clear, right?' Jenny said to her brother.

  'Of course, I would. Why wouldn't I do all of the work here?' Matthew was sarcastic.

  'More like any of the work here.' Kate corrected.

  The knock at the door broke up the fight between the two before it gathered steam. Henry went to the door and opened it. Chris and Phil stood, weighed down with gear, and waited patiently for Henry to grab a bag from each of their hands.

  Henry dragged the bags inside and set everything down with Phil. Chris had already walked towards Laura while the others dropped the gear. Laura didn’t hesitate to inform him she was with Henry.

  Kate walked over to Chris, introduced herself and offered him some tea. She then led him to the kitchen by his fingertips.

  'Wastes no time, that one. She'd hit on anything that moves. Best be prepared, Father.' Matthew said.

  The priest was focused on something else, something that caused unease to his being. Deep in thought, his eyes looked over the house, but mainly towards the ceiling. He hadn't heard the discourse.

  'Why are we here, Cal? You didn't say much on the phone.' Phil eyes Henry, studying his face for clues.

  'I think we have a possession on our hands.' Henry said.

  'You're serious? Local or?'

  'I'm not sure yet. It seems to be centered on the house or someone in it.'

  'Chris! Chris! Oh not again please!'

  Chris came back from the kitchen. His hair was visibly mussed. 'What did I miss?'

  'Fixing your hair apparently.' Phil replied.

  'And who are your friends, exactly?' Matthew quizzed Henry.

  'Believe it or not, they are actually pretty good. Best in the business. Phil is my video engineer and Chris, sound.’

  Kate came through the kitchen door. Her lipstick was slightly smeared. She winked at Chris who excused himself to begin his set up.

  'It's okay to start rigging, right, Cal?' Phil asked.

  Henry turned to Jenny. 'You don't mind, do you? They will have to go through the rooms a bit and nothing should be permanent.'

  Jenny nodded in agreement and gave them the go-ahead to do what needed to be done. She was more concerned about getting her house back to what it used to be before the recent episode – peaceful.

  Father Andrew also announced he was going to get himself ready as the boys had their set up done. The priest’s words were somehow more quiet than usual. His focus was not altogether with the group. He moved slowly away. Finding a nearby chair, he sat, opened a bible he had been carrying, his hands subconsciously feeling for the rosary around his neck. Matthew offered to help Phil and Chris with their set up as well.

  'I guess I can make more tea.' Jenny volunteered.

  'I'll help.' Laura said.

  'Two sugars, please.' Phil yelled.

  'One for me, Kate.' Chris was calm in his approach.

  Kate stops in mid-movement, smiles briefly without turning then proceeds to the kitchen.

  'I'm guessing coffee for you, Henry?' asked Laura.

  Henry smiled. 'You remembered. Yes, I'll have it with....'

  'Two sugars. Same as at the restaurant.' Laura cut in and went into the kitchen.

  When she was out of earshot, Chris apologized to Henry for hitting on Laura earlier.

  'It's fine. We...her...I mean...' Henry stuttered.

>   'Already got your tongue, does she? Well, about bloody time, mate. About bloody time.' Phil said as they walked upstairs.

  Chapter 41

  The girls were in the kitchen brewing various concoctions. Two teas, one for Phil and one for Chris, a coffee for Henry, and a small whisky tea for Jenny.

  'So, how'd you meet him?' Kate asked.


  'Brad Pitt! Who'd you think? Henry!' Kate was stating the obvious as if Laura was a bit slow.

  'We're just friends really. I only moved in here recently.'

  'You look at each other a lot more than just friends. Take my word for it. I have a special gift for these sorts of things.' Kate spoke with much confidence.

  'Besides, he looks totally cute. Have you heard him when he gets anxious? His accent comes out a bit too.' Jenny slipped in.

  'Now that you mentioned it...' Laura said and smiled.

  'I knew it! Good for you, girl. Hold on to him and never let go. The good ones are hard to find these days.' Kate advised. She was beaming with smiles.

  'Looks like you took no time in finding one yourself, sweetie.' Jenny said to Kate.

  'What do you mean?'

  'You know what I mean. How long were you and that Chris fellow in here making tea, eh?'

  'Yeah, why are we making him tea now if you already made him tea before?' Laura asked.

  Kate twirled a finger through her hair, 'Maybe my tea is so good he needed seconds?'

  The girls laughed at the comment and started to put the finishing touches on the beverages. Laura made sure to taste a bit of Henry's coffee. She nodded her head and smiled. Jenny slipped a bit more whisky into her own tea as Kate took care of the sugars for the others.

  'Should we have offered Matthew something?' Laura asked.


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