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Budapest Billionaire's Virgin: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 19)

Page 3

by Flora Ferrari

  The older man moves quickly, and hits the timer clock thingy signaling it’s our turn. Before I know it, Tamás has our hands on the next piece and we’re moving it into position. Then another. And another. We’re trading moves rapidly with the older man.

  I can feel his competitiveness kicking in and as much as I prefer harmony in most circumstances, his aggression is turning me on. He strives for success in everything he does. The move is to the older man, as Tamás takes our hands back under the water.

  The older man mumbles something and places his chin in his hand. He appears stuck, and judging by the rock hard organ I feel pressing into my backside I’m about to get stuck myself.

  Tamás’ hand slides further down mine, my hand fitting in his palm. He takes our hands together and runs them along my thigh. Goosebumps cover my entire arms and legs. I’m staring straight ahead, but only thinking about what’s behind me.

  He guides our hands to my side and back to my butt, turning our hands over so his knuckles glide across my behind. He’s teasing me, making me want him to touch it…to take a big handful of my butt and squeeze hard.

  He’s reading my mind, because as he comes back across my cheeks he releases our grip and squeezes my ass hard. I come up on my tiptoes and feel my stomach tighten and my pussy clench. His hand is so big, his fingertips are just an inch away from my opening. I can feel the pressure in his fingertips. He didn’t get digits this strong from typing, that’s for sure.

  With my ass in his hand he slowly applies pressure, turning me around to face him.

  “I was set up!” the old man says in English. Tamás was right. The old man was holding secrets, but Tamás makes no secret how he feels about me when his hand pushes hard on my behind pressing my body into his as his lips come crashing down onto mine.



  I lean back in my Eames executive chair. In the advertising world it’s known as the Time-Life chair, because when you sit in it, you’ll have the time of your life…or so the ad campaign goes.

  But nothing could be further from the truth right now, because all I can think about is her. And she is definitely not here with me now, so I am certainly not having the time of my life.

  I take a sip of my Old Fashioned, and stare at the pictures in front of me. I’m trying to come up with a slogan for a new line of women’s wear, but the only woman I can think about is her. The woman who I kissed this afternoon. The woman who made me feel like I’ve never felt before.

  I was married once before, but looking back on it it wasn’t the right choice. I chose the wrong woman, and she obviously chose the wrong man. She framed a printout and set it on my desk that read, “THE WORKDAY ENDS AT 5PM.”

  I certainly didn’t agree with her, but her choice of all caps made her seem pretty sure of her own choice of words. The concept she forgot to grasp was that I had to work longer hours to support her spending habits. Personally I think she was jealous of her own daughter. When she was born, we set up a trust for her. At the time I wasn’t worth much, but I set it up as a percentage of income, so as my career took off the trust grew bigger and bigger and bigger. On her fourth birthday, Tina was technically worth more than her mother and I combined.

  We decided not to tell her until she reached the age of the first payout, twenty-five. I’d seen too many trust fund kids lack the motivation to do anything with their lives and I definitely wasn’t going to let that happen to my little girl. I wanted there to be enough money and support in her life that should could do anything, not nothing.

  Although I hadn’t revealed the trust to her yet, I had of course paid her way through college and treated her to the finer things in life. I did the same with my ex-wife, but at some point the finer things, holidays, and time we spent together wasn’t enough. She eyed a Greek shipping magnate and the rest is history.

  My friends said she was going through her Paris Hilton phase. Even though I was down, I laughed at the irony of comparing my already rich wife to Paris. They were both wealthy beyond their wildest dreams, but had an eye for the top. Greek shipping magnates were where it was at.

  I guess the one good thing was that she only got three quarters of what we were worth. She couldn’t touch the trust, and therefore Tina’s money was safe. I wasn’t worried about myself. I just buried myself deeper in my work and after two years I was almost back to where I when she split me into a quarter of what I was worth.

  And things were going fine that way, until this afternoon.

  Adam had been very understanding and supportive during the divorce, and I was glad I could finally support him back when he called and asked for an internship for Audrey. I knew at the time that I was probably getting the better end of the deal. Adam raised her right and she was always a hard working, solid kid.

  He had asked me to tease her a lot when she was younger. He said he wanted her to be tough, and strong-minded. I found it difficult, especially at first, but eventually I complied with his wishes as much as I could. I was never mean to her, more of just a poker and a prodder. I was someone who pushed her to be her best, and when I saw her today at that airport was she ever at her best.

  Even without make-up and wearing simple clothes for flying she looked like a billion bucks, but seeing her again was worth more than all the money in the world. Our little reunion was priceless, to me at least.

  I could feel her kiss me back this afternoon, but not initially. I know she was just as shocked as I was at my actions, but just before I pulled my lips from hers I felt her return my kiss. I could feel her leaning into me, and her hand on my groin. There was no way I could take it any further at the thermal baths. I’m going to treat her like the respectable young lady she is, and also I heard one of Tina’s friend’s voices in the distance just in time. I was especially lucky that they didn’t see us. I’m tall, but this part of the world is known for tall people and luckily there was another chess match in-between their location and ours. Explaining why my lips were locked with my daughter’s new housemate wouldn’t have only been a nightmare for me, but even worse for Audrey and Tina. Leadership isn’t only about business. It carries over into all aspects of one’s life and the worst thing I could do would be to put another person in such an embarrassing position, and risk their standing at the company at the same time.

  But damn, I sure wanted to continue. Her lips were so full and so soft. It was just hours ago this afternoon, but I could still smell her hair, taste her lips, and remember that feeling of her hand moving closer to my rock hard erection. I remember the way her soft, full breasts felt against my hard torso. That small shake she did when we first kissed. She was nervous. I can understand.

  But what I couldn’t understand is how I fell so quickly for her. How I wanted her so bad. I hadn’t felt that way with my first wife, or any woman ever. Tina brought plenty of her friends around the house all the time to play tennis, billiards, or swim in our pool. I never even looked out the window at them, and at least a quarter of them were those well-bred jet-set model types. Another quarter had half a million guys drooling over them on social media, but not this man. I couldn’t be bothered by any of them.

  Even at work we were packed with ad assistants and other administrative staff fresh out of college. Advertising is sales after all, and those girls worked hard and closed as many sales with their own merit as they did with their looks. Our clients were practically tripping over themselves to hire us for their new campaigns. Personally the girls just never did it for me. No girl did in fact, and it wasn’t just because I was against fishing off the company pier. Maybe I wasn’t ready to be with another woman…ever. I was becoming more and more sure of it based on my behavior. I couldn’t even say it was a conscious decision, or even a subconscious one, because I didn’t think about women and never had dreams or fantasies about any.

  Until her.

  And here I am in my home office chair, having changed into my loose fitting seaside clothes trying to limit the pain this hard-on is
causing me.

  She seemed so shy when I kissed her. I know she’s twenty-one, just like my Tina, but I also know she’s a lot less experienced. Tina’s been fortunate enough to see a lot of the world at her young age, and to also have a very open minded dad. I’ve always been there to guide her, never to control her.

  I know there have been guys in Tina’s life, but I’m not so sure about Audrey. It wasn’t like I could just call up her dad and ask, and I wasn’t about to ask her right now. But still I could wonder. Damn, was she a virgin? I had a close eye on social media, as it’s the backbone of many a good ad campaign. Watching kids these days I sometimes wondered how they were growing up so fast. Not Audrey. She seemed as innocent and pure as a summer breeze in the untouched countryside.

  But I was the autumn to her spring. I was forty-four, over twice her age. Adam and I had our daughters when we were both twenty-three and fresh out of college.

  I had a kid at twenty-three, but it wasn’t inconceivable to think Audrey was still untouched at twenty-one. I didn’t have some sort of virgin fantasy, but I definitely was having plenty of fantasies about her. Imagine if I was her first and only. I took another sip, almost praying for whiskey dick to alleviate the pain in-between my legs.

  I stare at my glass, my eyes fixated on the cherry. I tip the glass back again, everything going inside my mouth. I roll the cherry around over the tip of my tongue and then underneath. I hold the stem inside my front teach and pull the cherry back, detaching it. I drop the stem back inside the glass and continue moving that sweet cherry around in my mouth. It’s still in tact, just like I imagine Audrey. And it’s so sweet.

  I imagine my tongue playing with her clit just like that cherry. Burying my head in-between her legs and tasting her for the very first time, and the first time in her life.

  My chest is heaving, my pulse accelerating. I can feel my face getting hot as I bite down on the cherry, causing it to explode in my mouth. I lose control and drop the glass to the floor. The tip cracks sending it into a few pieces.

  “Oh!” I hear.

  My head darts towards the door and I see her standing there in the distance. She’s facing me in a long white T-shirt. It looks like one of mine. It’s way too big for her. I can see her nipples poking through the top, and I wonder if she has any panties on underneath.

  I don’t move, and neither does she. I just look at her. Take her in under the glow coming from the soft amber light of the incandescent bulb coming from my office.

  I motion with two fingers, calling her to me.

  She stands there, frozen. A few seconds pass, and she’s still staring at me…and then she comes. One foot in front of the other across the floor. The way that shirt moves across her body as she walks has me wanting to jump out of my chair and touch every part of her body right now.

  She enters the doorway and stops.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I, uh…just heard the glass break. Did you get cut?”

  “I’m okay. Thanks. What about you?”

  “I’m okay. I just forgot my backpack downstairs and came down to grab it so I could read my Kindle before bed.”

  “Not sleepy?”

  “Not at the moment. Maybe I have jet lag.”

  She told me earlier in the day she barely slept on the flight and we had her on the go all day. She should be exhausted, unless something’s on her mind that she just can’t get off.

  “I know the feeling from when I used to travel a lot for work.”

  “I can imagine,” she says. She’s just standing there, and I’m taking her in. Each and every inch of her beautiful body.

  “Would you like to have a seat?”

  “Um, sure,” she says.

  I expect her to go to the couch across from my desk, but instead she opts for the comfy chair next to mine.

  I’m trying to hide my raging erection underneath my desk, but I know it’s not working.

  “Audrey, about today.”

  “It’s okay Mister Buda, I mean Tamás.”

  “It’s not. I’m an adult and it’s my responsibility to watch after you while you’re here.”

  “Thank you, and I understand that, but even though you are older and more experienced and a man, I’m an adult too.”

  “You’ve got me there,” I say. “You are definitely an adult. It’s just that I want to take responsibility for my actions. I’m entrusted with your care, not the other way around.”

  “It’s okay. I’m having a great time so far, and I definitely know I’m in good hands.”

  She doesn’t say it like a Lolita pun, but the double meaning goes straight to my head, and I can’t help but imagine my hands all over her again.

  “Thank you. I’m glad you trust me, and about today…I just haven’t been with a woman in quite some time. I’m not making an excuse, it’s just…well you saw what happened.”

  “I felt it actually.”

  I’m dancing around the subject here and she’s addressing it straight on. Who’s supposed to be more mature right now? Am I using our age difference and my relationship with her dad as a legitimate reason to back off, or am I hiding behind an excuse?

  “Why haven’t you been with a woman? Has your wife been out of town?”

  Oh shit! She doesn’t know, but she’s curious. If there’s one thing I know about advertising and sales it’s that people make buying decisions emotionally and then justify them rationally. I can tell she’s becoming more invested emotionally, and now she’s doing the mental math to justify her feelings.

  “Actually, I don’t have a wife anymore.”

  “Oh no! I’m sorry, Tamás.”

  “It’s okay. It was for the best…for all parties involved.”

  “Well, I’m sure you’ll find someone soon. You’re quite the catch.”

  The only catch is me trying to catch my eyes from wandering across her body again.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, and it’s true.”

  I say nothing.

  “You haven’t started dating again?”

  “In order to date you have to have time, and I’m not one to date.”

  “So you’re not interested in finding love?”

  “That’s a powerful word.”

  “It is. The most powerful.”

  “And that’s why I don’t believe you can find it. I think it’s one of those things that finds you when you’re least expecting it.”

  “But you have to be available, right?”

  “Maybe, maybe not.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “You just did.”

  We both laugh at my smart aleck response.

  “Okay, another question. Were you drinking an Old Fashioned?”

  “I was. How did you know? Please don’t tell me you’re partying at college to the point where you know all the drinks.”

  “Not even. I’m still the shy and reserved girl you’ve known forever. It’s just that I watch Mad Men and I know they drink that on the show. And I see the ingredients needed to make one sitting out.”

  “Do you like that show?”

  “Yeah, it’s a throwback to a different time. I like how the men seemed more masculine back then, more decisive. Women were coming into their own during that time, and the show showed a lot of strong businesswomen. I like that. Strangely enough I find that women haven’t changed that much over time. It’s more the men.”

  “Not being as strong as they once were?”


  “But there are what…at least thirty thousand students at your college?”

  “Right about there, yes.”

  “And maybe half are guys?”

  “Less than that, but close enough for the sake of our conversation.”

  “And you haven’t met any out of those fifteen thousand?”

  She stands from her chair, moving closer towards me. There’s no hiding my raging boner now, as she slides in closer, albeit a bit clumsily, a
nd runs her finger along the top of my shoulders.

  “None like you.”



  I move my fingers along his shoulders and down onto his chest. It’s like I’m holding two tectonic plates in my hands.


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