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King George

Page 14

by Steve Sheinkin


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages of your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


  Adams, Abigail: advice on government; death of; letter to John Adams

  Adams, John: death of; Declaration of Independence and; election of; peace with Thomas Jefferson; quoted; reply to Abigail Adams’ advice; trip to France; walk with Samuel Adams

  Adams, Samuel: Boston Massacre and; escape of; “glorious morning” of; marching chant and; Paul Revere’s warning for; personal history of; Stamp Act and; state elections and; walk with John Adams

  Allen, Ethan: death of; FortTiconderoga and; introduction to; as prisoner of war

  American Revolution: casualties of; end of; expense of; first shot of; start of; turning point of

  American troops: casualties in; version of April 19, 1775

  André, John; Benedict Arnold and; capture of; theft of Benjamin Franklin’s belongings

  April 18, 1775

  April 19, 1775

  Armistead, James: Charles Cornwallis and; freedom granted to; as a slave; as a spy

  Arnold, Benedict: as British general; death of; escape of; Horatio Gates and; Peggy Shippen and; quoted; recovery of; reputation of; West Point and

  Attacks, surprise

  Attucks, Crispus: death of


  Bamford, William

  Bangs, Isaac

  Barker, John (quoted)

  Barrett, Amos

  Battle of Bunker Hill, The; British casualties on

  Battle of Saratoga, The

  Battle of Trenton, The

  Bear meat

  Blockheads, The (play)

  Bonhomme Richard (ship)

  Boston: British retreat from; Massacre; Tea Party

  Boston Massacre: Samuel Adams and

  Boston Tea Party


  Breed’s Hill: seizing control of

  Bridge fight

  British imports: boycott of; Tea Party and

  British troops: casualties of; compared to Continental Army; entertainment and; food and; retreat from Boston; southern strategy of; surrender of; surrender on Serapis; version of April 19, 1775

  Brown, Peter

  Brown, Tarleton

  Buckman’s Tavern

  Bunker Hill: battle of; British casualties on; seizing control of

  Burgoyne, John: bet on American Revolution; death of; as “Gentleman Johnny,”; new war plan and; as a playwright; as prisoner of war; quoted

  Burgoyne Surrender, The


  Casualties: at Battle of Saratoga; at Bunker Hill; at the North Bridge

  Clarke, Jonas

  Clinton, Henry

  Clinton, Henry: letters to Charles Cornwallis

  Colonists: tax and; Women’s rights and

  Common Sense (pamphlet)

  Concord: British march from; military supplies in

  Continental Army: compared with British troops; creation of; Declaration of Independence and; food and; hygiene and; need for powerful ally

  Continental Congress: Intolerable Acts and; meetings of

  Continental Navy: French ship donation

  Cornwallis, Charles

  Count de Grasse

  Count de Rochambeau

  Cresswell, Nicholas


  Davis, Hannah

  Davis, Isaac: death at North Bridge; introduction to

  Dawes, Billy

  de Berniere, Henry

  December 16, 1773,

  Declaration of Independence: approved by Congress; British reaction to; decision to sign; drafting of; introduction and main parts of; read to Continental Army; slaves and

  Delaplace, Captain

  Delaware River: crossing of; Henry Knox and

  Diamond, William

  Digby, William: quoted

  Dorchester Heights

  du Motier, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert. See Marquis de Lafayette


  Emerson, William

  Entertainment: British troops and; Deborah Sampson and; John André and

  Estabrook, Prince


  Feltham, Jocelyn



  Food: British troops and; Continental Army and; lack of


  Foster, Edmund

  France: Franklin’s trip to; as possible ally; U.S. Treaty with

  Franklin, Benjamin: Declaration of Independence and; feelings about independence; rescue of library; secret codes and; secret mission of; sickness and death of; surrounded by spies; theory of colds

  Fraunces Tavern

  French and Indian War

  French Army


  Gage, Thomas: as British Commander; quoted; secret orders of; sound judgment of; version of April 19, 1775

  Garrick, Edward

  Gates, Horatio

  “Gentleman Johnny.” See Burgoyne, John

  Germain, George: quoted

  German soldiers: as “Hessians,” ; rented by King George

  Gerry, Elbridge: hanging joke and

  Glover, John

  “Granny Gates.” See Gates, Horatio

  Green, William

  Green Mountain Boys

  Greene, Nathaniel: geographical advantage and; quoted

  Greenwood, John: and German sword; quoted

  Grenville, George: plan of

  Griffitts, Hannah


  Hale, Nathan: hanging of; story of

  Hamilton, Alexander: as architect of government; death of; debate with Henry Knox; Washington’s apology to

  Hamilton, William

  Hancock, John: death of; escape of; “glorious morning” and; as governor of Massachusetts; marching chant and; marriage of; Paul Revere’s warning for; Stamp Act repeal and; taxes and

  Harrison, Benjamin: hanging joke and

  Haynes, Josiah: death of; as oldest man to fight

  Hays, Mary Ludwig: as famous Molly Pitcher

  Heddart, Francis

  Henry, Patrick: death of; family life of; slaves of; speeches of

  Hessians: defined

  Hewes, George

  Howe, John

  Howe, William: Dorchester Heights and; plan to lead army from New York; Washington’s concern with

  Hull, William

  Hunter, Martin: quoted

  Hygiene: of Continental Army


  Imports: boycott of

  Intolerable Acts: Continental Congress and; defined


  Jefferson, Thomas: death of; Declaration of Independence and; peace with John Adams; as politician; slaves of

  Johnson, Samuel: slaves and

  Jones, John Paul

  July 4, 1776


  King George: Boston Tea Party and; new war plan of; rental of German soldiers; statue of; surrender and

  King Louis XVI: French and Indian War and; quoted; treaty with United States

  Knox, Henry: as cannon expert; debate with Alexander Hamilton; Delaware River and; emotions at end; as Secretary of War

  “Kos.” See Kosciusko, Thaddeus “Kos”

  Kosciusko, Thaddeus “Kos,”


  Lamb, Roger: quoted

  Lanterns: secret signal and

  Laurie, Walter

  Lee, Charles

  Liberty (ship)

  Livingston, Robert: Declaration of Independence and

  Log cabins: construction of

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: lantern signal and

  Lowell, John: Paul Revere’s warning for

  Loyalists: defined


  Malcolm, John

  March 17, 1776

  Marching chant: of British soldiers

  Marion, Francis

  Marquis de

  Martin, Joseph Plumb: as author; decision to enlist; quoted; as Steuben’s soldier; watch on water

  Meriam’s Corner

  Minutemen: defined; numbers of

  Molly Pitchers



  Mount Vernon

  Munroe, William


  Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier, A (Paine)

  Native Americans

  New Jersey

  Newman, Robert

  North, Frederick: quoted

  North Bridge: march on

  Northern Army


  October 7, 1777

  October 17, 1781

  October 19, 1781

  “Old Woman, The.” See Gage, Thomas

  Oliver, Andrew


  Paine, Thomas: death of; personal history of; writing talent of

  Parker, John

  Patriots: defined

  Pearson, Richard: quoted

  Pendleton, Edmund

  Percy, Hugh

  Phelps, Noah

  Pitcairn, John: quoted

  Poland: help from

  Poor, Enoch

  Prescott, Samuel

  Prescott, William: Breed’s Hill and

  Princeton: victory at

  Privateer: defined


  Queen Charlotte

  Quincy, Dorothy: Paul Revere’s warning for; quoted


  Rahl, Johann “The Lion,”

  Rawdon, Francis: quoted

  Reed, Martha

  Regulars: defined

  Revere, Paul: mission of; as silversmith; spy ring and



  Sampson, Deborah: service of; stage show of

  Saratoga: battle of

  September 3, 1783

  Serapis (ship)

  Seven Years War

  Sherman, Roger: Declaration of Independence and

  Shippen, Peggy: Benedict Arnold and; John André and

  Shippen, William: quoted

  Shurtleff, Robert

  Slaves: Declaration of Independence and

  Smith, Francis

  Smuggling: to avoid taxes

  Soldiers: deserting

  Somerset (ship)

  Sons of Liberty: birth of; gathering in Boston Harbor; tea party and

  Southern strategy: of British troops

  Spies: Benjamin Franklin and; in Boston; James Armistead; Nathan Hale and

  Stamp Act. See also Grenville, George: defined; repeal of

  Stamp agents

  Stormont, David

  Surrender: of British troops

  “Swamp Fox, The.” See Brown, Tarleton


  Tallmadge, Benjamin

  Tarring and feathering

  Taxes: Colonists and; on tea

  Taylor, Daniel

  Tea: tax on

  Tea duty

  Tea Party

  Thacher, James: quoted

  Townshend Acts: introduction of; repeal of

  Traitors: punishment for

  renton: battle of; march to


  Valley Forge: casualties at; march toward

  Van, Charles

  von Riedesel, Frederika

  von Riedesel, Friedrich

  von Steuben, Friedrich


  Waldo, Albigence: quoted

  Walker, Patrick

  Warren, Mercy Otis

  Washington, George: anger at troops; apology to Alexander Hamilton; death of; dreams of military heroism; introduction of; letter to Martha Washington; love poetry of; named Commander; plan to win; as President; right arm of; slaves of; winter of 1777,

  Washington, Lund

  Washington, Martha

  Weather: and historical events

  Weedon, George: quoted

  Wheeler, Richard

  White, Hugh: Edward Garrick and

  Wilkinson, Eliza

  Williams, Otho

  Women: lack of rights

  Wood, Sylvanus: quoted

  World Turned Upside Down, The (song)


  Yorktown: entrapment at; map of

  Steve Sheinkin

  During many years spent writing American history textbooks, Steve Sheinkin filled fat files with all the amazing stories and surprising quotes that texbook editors would never let him use. Now he is finally using all that material to write history books that kids will actually want to read. He has also written Which Way to the Wild West?, which relates the breathtaking adventure of America’s westward expansion, and Two Miserable Presidents, the amazing and terrible tale of the Civil War. Steve lives in Brooklyn, New York, with his wife and daughter.

  Tim Robinson

  Tim Robinson’s work has graced the pages of many children’s books and appears regularly in major newspapers and magazines. He lives in Croton-on-Hudson, New York, with his wife, Marguerite, and their two sons, Wyatt and Luke.


  1 pronounced like “draft”

  2 supply

  3 spark

  4 protective wall

  Text copyright © 2005 by Steve Sheinkin

  Illustrations © 2008 by Tim Robinson

  Flash Point is an imprint of Roaring Brook Press,

  a division of Holtzbrinck Publishing Holdings Limited Partnership.

  175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010

  All rights reserved

  First published as Staryteller’s History: The American Revolution

  by Summer Street Press, LLC

  Roaring Brook Press books are available for special promotions and premiums. For details contact: Director of Special Markets, Holtzbrinck Publishers.

  Front cover design by Danica Novgorodoff

  Jacket and interior design by YAY! Design

  eISBN 9781429931588

  First eBook Edition : May 2011

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data : Sheinkin, Steve.

  King George : what was his problem? / Steve Sheinkin. --1st Roaring Brook Press ed.

  First published: The American Revolution / written and illustrated by Steve Sheinkin. Stamford, CT : Summer Street Press, c2005, in series: Storyteller’s history. Includes bibliographical references and index.

  HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-1-59643-319-9 PAPERBACK ISBN: 978-I-59643-518-6

  1. United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Juvenile literature. 2. United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Anecdotes--Juvenile literature. I. Sheinkin, Steve. American Revolution. II. Title.

  E208.S49 2008



  First Roaring Brook Press edition: June 2008

  First Roaring Brook Press paperback edition: July 2009




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