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Forgotten Days (Fate's Intent Book 6)

Page 20

by Bowles, April

  “Sure it makes sense but when has that ever happened?”

  “Never.” Troy laughed sitting next to me, holding the reins. “But you can’t be too careful about those things. They’re unpredictable.”

  “I would have hated to be someone ordered to dig that! Doubtful they were like Adele.”

  Adele smiled to the truth and we entered through the gates, heading straight to the palace. The city was in a completely different state than what we expected to see. We found out along the way that the people were mourning the recent death of their King and now had to find out that they also lost their Princess because she was with us. I was sad for them.

  It didn’t fully sink in until I saw him. If the King were dead, that would now make Sedrik King, the one person I was hoping we could avoid but there he was. He was walking out to us with his strawberry blonde hair spiked around the King’s crown. He looked so young to be wearing it. He had to be our age, if not, a few years older. I don’t really remember but it was a surprise to see. I began to remember all the fun we used to have upon seeing him and it put a smile on my face.

  It wasn’t until he got farther down the steps that he actually noticed who we were.

  “Ruby? Jaylyn? I don’t believe this.”

  He quickly made his way down the stairs as we went up towards him and bowed.

  He laughed which I guess was a good mood for him to be in. “You know better. Come here.” He held his arms out and we rushed into them. “Look at you, all grown up. I never thought I would see you again.” He paused, feeling suddenly nervous. “Is she with you?”

  We looked at each other then turned our eyes down the stairs. I knew who he really wanted to see and Adele stood at the bottom, slowly stepping towards him.


  She smiled gently. “Hello, Sedrik. I’m sorry.”

  “Ah, don’t be.” Sedrik smiled bigger and hugged her. “I’ve missed you just the same. It’s good to see you. What are you doing here?”

  Adele backed off and looked at us on the steps. All our smiles faded because we were here to give bad news. “Sedrik, it’s your sister.”

  “You found her? Where is she?” Adele slowly shook her head as the only response she could get out and Sedrik’s face softened. It was like he immediately knew, losing his balance and falling back on the steps. “No. It can’t be.”

  Adele got down next to him with a low caring voice. “I’m sorry, Sedrik. I know how close you were.”


  “Bandits.” Ruby said while she looked over at Adele. “On her journey home.”

  Adele lightly nodded and knew it was the right thing to say. The truth would have only hurt more.

  Sedrik clenched his fist from the news and put it to his forehead. “I want to see her.”

  “I don’t think that’s—”

  “Show me!” He demanded as he stood up.

  His voice jumped her and she complied. “Very well.” She stood up and led him down the stairs to the storage cart behind the carriage.

  We followed but let him approach it at his own pace. He did but slowly. His steps were like he didn’t really want to or was afraid of what he would really see but his hand found the lid nonetheless and it was lifted.

  He only stared at her for about two seconds before his eyes closed and he turned his head away while lowering the lid. It was a sad sight and he needed comforting.

  Adele approached slowly and put her hand on his shoulder. “I know this is hard for you and you miss her but you have to stay strong for your people. You can’t falter now.”

  Sedrik nodded and walked to the head of the carriage with an emotionless expression. “I thank you for bringing her home. You are all welcome to stay for as long as you need.”

  “Thank you, Sedrik.” Zayden replied. “But I don’t think that’s—”

  “Of course we’ll stay.” Adele interrupted.

  Sedrik looked at her and smiled while Zayden instantly got mad and tried holding himself back from his changing eyes. I could feel it coming from him like he wanted to. I’m sure he didn’t know about her time with him but I was more concerned with Adele’s behavior. She most certainly remembered and was beginning to do what she always does. We were just the only ones that could see it.

  “Come.” Sedrik held out his hand to her and she took it. “Then I will show you to your room. You must be tired after your long journey.”

  She didn’t say a thing but they started walking up the stairs, unaware that we were left behind.

  “What just happened?” Zayden asked. “Did I miss something?”

  Ruby and I quickly followed up the stairs and took Adele by the arms to get her away from Sedrik. “Excuse us, Sedrik.”

  “We need to borrow her for a moment.” Ruby said. We brought Adele to the side and spoke quietly so our voices wouldn’t carry. “What are you doing, Adele? I know it’s great to see him again but you can’t be doing this.”

  “He was just showing us to our room where we should be resting until we make the long trip back.”

  “Maybe but we can see how he’s looking at you.” I said. “I know we had fun in the past but you have to remember that you can’t do any of that now. Zayden is here and he’s not interested in sharing you. You have to let Sedrik know that before things go too far. You know what Zayden can do to him and with him being King now, there would be consequences.”

  Now she was thinking more like herself and looked worried while gazing down the stairs at Zayden still standing at the bottom.

  Chapter 44


  Something felt foul about this whole situation and I was ready to find out what. “Do either of you see anything wrong with this?”

  “Okay, Zayden but first you have to relax a little.” Troy said.

  “I’ll relax once we’re out of here.”

  “They have a history but it’s not like you think.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Jaylyn told me about it. It was a long time ago. You just need to remember that you’re the one who married to her and make sure that he knows it.”

  I turned from him and walked up the stairs, eager and determined to do exactly that while Rift tried to keep up briskly at my heels.

  “Zayden. It’s good to see you.” Sedrik said upon my approach. “It’s been quite a long time.”

  “It has.”

  “And what a cute little pup you got there.”

  He leaned down like he wanted to touch him but Rift stayed well behind me.

  “Thank you but he doesn’t like anyone but me. Is there somewhere private we can talk?”

  “Of course.” He led me towards the palace doors passed the girls and into a private room, exactly how I intended this to go. “What is it you want to talk about?”

  “Adele. I know that you two had a thing in the past but I’m here telling you to stay away from her.”

  “Oh, I see. So, you and she are—”

  “She’s my wife!”

  “You’re wife!” He seemed surprised and maybe a little more than that too. “I see. Quite the interesting turn of events, wouldn’t you say? My sister leaves months ago to your kingdom to marry you, come to find out your heart has already been taken by the one that previously held mine. Now, you send her back to me dead and you get to keep the one that should have married me.”

  “I had nothing to do with your sister’s death.”

  “Oh, I’m over that.”

  He was cold and heartless like suddenly her loss didn’t matter but I didn’t act upon it. I just wanted to stick to the point. “I want you to stay away from Adele.”

  “That’s not a problem but will she stay away from me?”

  The look on his face was of mischief and deceit and I knew right away what he really wanted to say. “Are you saying that she’ll betray me for you?”

  “I’m saying she hasn’t done a very good job at keeping away from me yet.”

  He started to walk out of the
room but I followed. I wasn’t done and he would not walk away from me until I was. “Hold on. I came to you in hopes that you would respect the situation not try and take it from me.”

  “We’ll see who the one is doing the trying. She can’t resist me. It’s happened before and it will happen again. You’ll see and I can’t wait for it.”

  He walked out of the room and I was only heating with anger, trying to keep my eyes from changing. Rift was growling lowly and I walked out behind him still angry and my voice showed it. “Hey, Sedrik!” Sedrik turned around and I did the next best thing to taking his life. I punched him right in the face without warning.

  “Zayden!” Adele ran over post haste when she saw. “What has gotten into you? Are you all right, Sedrik? I’m so sorry.”

  She helped him to his feet and he put his hand to his lip. “He’s crazy! Hitting people for no reason.”

  Lying bastard. I took a step forward but Darius held me back and was probably the only one that could.

  “Zayden, that’s enough.” Adele said. “Come on. Let’s get that cleaned up.” She walked away with Sedrik and he turned his head back and gave me the most conniving murderous smile I’ve ever seen.

  “Let the games begin.”

  “What was that about?” Ruby asked.

  “I need you to keep a close eye on Adele. Whatever it takes. He’s up to something and I don’t like it.”

  Chapter 45


  We’ve only been here for what seemed like a minute and I couldn’t believe what has happened. I walked Sedrik to the kitchen and got a wet rag for his lip. “I’m sorry about that, Sedrik. I don’t know what got into him. Please don’t use force.”

  “I won’t but I think he’s mad because he knows about us.”

  I sighed quietly, knowing I was going to have some conversation like this. “That was a long time ago. What I have with Zayden may be different but it’s still special to me.”

  “I know. I can see it and I’m happy for you. I just wish it could have worked out with us. Why did you leave?”

  I sighed again, a little more loudly. “I don’t know. I was young. I guess I wasn’t ready for that kind of relationship.” I put the cloth down, ready to change the subject. “There. I think you will heal nicely.”

  “Thanks.” He said as he looked into my eyes. I had almost forgotten how pretty they were and he waited there until I looked away. “I’ll take you to your room.”

  He led me out of the kitchen through the dining hall and we took to the halls downstairs.

  “Here we are. You and the others can stay in this suite until you’ve gotten the rest you require. There’s plenty of room.”

  “Thank you and I hope you can forgive Zayden. He’s really not like that.”

  “I know. I’m sure he has a good explanation as to why he did what he did. I’ll see you later.”

  Chapter 46


  Ruby and I followed them down the hall and watched them stop at a room while we remained at the corner so they wouldn’t see us.

  She was doing it again. I couldn’t much explain it myself but she was always drawn to him for some reason like she would have done anything for him. There was a time when it was sweet but that time had long been over. Sedrik wasn’t who we remembered anymore and we were seeing it the moment he closed the door with Adele alone inside.

  “Hmm. This ought to be good.”

  He was setting her up for something. I just didn’t know what exactly yet and Ruby and I were not happy to see this side of him.

  He walked down the hall and entered another room and we came around the corner to go to Adele.

  “Hey, there you are.” I said, casually so she wouldn’t suspect that we were just basically spying on her.

  “Can you believe Zayden? What was that?”

  “I don’t want to interfere so maybe you should ask him.” Ruby said.

  “He has a good reason, Adele. You should hear what he has to say.”

  “Where is he? I think we do need to talk.”

  “We’ll go get him.” We turned and I walked out the door with Ruby back to Zayden.

  “What is she doing?” He asked.

  “She wants to see you.” I said.

  Zayden took a step forward, ready to go.

  “But before you talk to her, let us warn you that Sedrik has been filling her head with some stuff.” Ruby explained. “Be careful about what you say. I have a feeling she won’t believe you anyway.”

  Ruby turned and led Zayden to Adele while I stayed behind with Troy and Darius. “This is not going to go well.”

  “We shouldn’t be staying.” Darius said.

  I agreed. “But it looks like for now we are.”

  They both sighed. It was a bad idea to stay here. I just wanted to take Adele and leave but she wouldn’t have it. She was trying to be respectable because we just brought back his sister and it was probably the right thing but none of us liked it.

  Chapter 47


  I was eager to get her to see my worry and let Ruby take me right to her.

  “Be careful.” She whispered.

  I nodded and she let me walk in without her.

  I would have taken her advice to be careful but the second I walked in, Adele was right there to give me grief about hitting him. “Zayden? How could you?”

  “Would you let me explain? I have a good reason.”

  “You better.”

  “I know about your past with him and it was obvious he didn’t know about us. I simply pulled him aside to tell him that we are married and he is not to go anywhere near you.”

  Adele’s anger level only heightened. “You what?!”

  “You know what he said to me? He said it didn’t matter to him and that you would come around to him like you did before.”

  “He didn’t say that. I talked to him and he clearly understood about us. He wouldn’t try and get in the way.”

  “Do you hear yourself? He lied to you and he won’t stop until he gets what he wants and that’s you.”

  “Stop over reacting, Zayden. Nothing is going to happen. I love you.” She took my hands to get the point across but I wouldn’t see her way. I couldn’t after seeing how he reacted to this. “You should know that.”

  She kissed me and we hugged but I was still worried. Ruby was right that she wouldn’t believe me and I knew now that I had to get Adele to find out for herself—somehow.

  We spent the day concealed inside the room, not to make a bigger disturbance in a place that was trying to get back on their feet from the recent loss of their King. Servants were being assigned left and right and new duties were found, keeping the palace seeming all around busy. I’d rather stay out of it all and just go home but I knew that wasn’t an option yet.

  “Are you sure we can’t get some air, at least for a little while?” Ruby groaned, slouching with uncontrollable boredom in a chair.

  “And do what?” Adele asked.

  “Well, we could have been well on our way home by now but you just had to stay.”

  “It’s polite to. We brought his sister back dead. It would have been rude to just leave.”

  “Like we’ve seen him.” Ruby continued with her ongoing complaints and that voice that expressed it.

  “Fine!” Adele shouted. “Leave then! Go do something! You’re driving me crazy!”

  It was a good idea to at least go out into the city for a while and I was first to get up. “Do you want to come with us?”

  “No.” Adele sighed, laying herself back on the bed. “You can go. I’m going to stay here and take a nap or something.”

  “What are we doing?” Ruby asked.

  “It shouldn’t matter.” Jaylyn replied. “As long as we’re out of here.”

  Ruby agreed with a nod and we started heading towards the door.

  “We’ll be back shortly.” I said, giving Adele a simple kiss good-bye on the forehead.

  “Okay.” S
he yawned. “I’ll be here.”

  “Rift, come on.” He jumped right up and was ready to go.

  The palace was still busy and we just wanted to get out. I’ve had enough of the palace life and I was looking forward to doing something simpler. We took to the streets of the city and walked around to see the sites.

  Nindor wasn’t like Randal at all. I’ve been here only a couple times in my life but it’s been a while. The houses, shops and other various buildings were made out of a darker stone than our white marble and they all had similar green stone shingle roofs so it appeared to match.

  The weather was calm with just a light breeze but it was a warm breeze. People were outside, sitting in the shade and trying to cool themselves with paper fans and a wet rag. It seemed awfully quiet until we walked into the market, a part of town that seemed just a bit busier.

  Jaylyn got excited the moment she saw it, clapping her hands together and pulling Troy along by his arm. Food laid out for sale everywhere from the delicious fresh fruits and vegetables Lecca was known to provide to items that have been made by local shops. I’m sure she felt right at home but she was scrambling on what she wanted to get. “Oh, it all just looks so good!”

  I laughed. “Then I’d hate to douse your mood but we didn’t exactly bring money for this trip. It was just supposed to be a quick stop.”

  “That’s okay. I won’t need any money.”

  “Oh, no.” Ruby muttered.

  “Planning to steal something?”

  “What? Steal? No. Never steal. Just—legally obtain. Observe.” We watched her approach one of the fruit stands and smiled at the older gentleman tending to it. I couldn’t hear what was being said but watched her twirl one of her curls with her finger and laugh innocently. She was handed a small platter of freshly cut melon and smiled while she walked back over, eating off it. “See? That was easy!”


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