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Good Girls Ain't No Fun Boxed Set (The SIX romance and urban fiction volumes of the LOVE, SEX, LIES series)

Page 44

by Jessica Watkins


  Friday, March 12, 2010


  As soon as I got out of class, I called Roxie.

  During class, I received a text message from her saying to call her ASAP. Since then, my heart has been beating uncontrollably, praying that this wasn’t any bad news about Tim’s murder or the stick up itself.

  I still hadn’t heard anything from DeShawn; which might have been good or bad. It was a good thing that he wasn’t calling me threatening to retaliate because he thought that I set him up, but it was a bad thing that I didn’t know where his head was at. I just continued to call every now and then and leave messages about how worried I was about him, because I genuinely was.

  I had been so lonely since all of this went down. I didn’t have DeShawn anymore, and my crew had gone into hibernation. Benz and Scoop were from different sides of town than DeShawn and Tim, so there was no way that we could know what the word on the street was about Tim’s murder- whether there was anyone accusing anyone in particular for it and if there were any words of retaliation.

  We had to just wait and see.

  As I road down 94 East, Roxie finally answered.


  “Hey, girl. What’s up?”

  “Hey.” Roxie then sighed heavily. “I had a long talk with Benz last night.”


  “Sunday. I couldn’t understand why in the hell he was in such a rush to hit that lick. Plus, he’s been acting like he needs money so bad, but he is too scared to hit another lick because he is trying to stay low.”

  “He hasn’t heard anything about Tim’s murder?”

  “Nah,” she answered calmly. “But he finally told me that he had to stick up DeShawn because he owes Ross some money.”

  Benz bought his drugs from a guy named Ross the few times that he did cop. Benz was more so into non-drug hustles: robbing, credit card scams, etc. He only sold drugs when he was trying to make a lot of money fast.

  “Humph. Figures,” was all I could say. I knew it was bullshit in the air surrounding this stick up. Benz was in too much of a rush and was being way too sloppy.

  “How much does he owe him?”

  “Ten thousand.”


  “I know!”

  “Why so much?”

  “Ross fronted Benz some weight. Benz spent all the money thinking that he could just pay Ross back once he stuck up DeShawn.”

  If Tim’s murder wasn’t it for me, this definitely was. I couldn’t continue to hustle with stupid motherfuckers that act first and think later.

  “How the fuck does he blow that much money? And what the fuck did he spend it on?!”

  “I don’t know, girl.”

  “And why is he confiding in you all of a sudden?”

  Then, Roxie let out a frustrated sigh as if she regretted answering the question. “I’ve been fucking Benz.”

  “For how long?”

  “A few weeks.”

  “Are you moving weight for him too?”

  “I have.”

  I rolled my eyes into the back of my head. Roxie was being stupid. Benz never wanted to fuck with Roxie. Now all of a sudden they were beaus and she was moving his weight? I wasn’t buyin’ it.

  “What is wrong with you, girl? You got three kids! Jail time for tricking and jail time for weight is two different things! We always said we would never do anything that would keep us away from our kids.”

  I wasn’t paying attention to anything that Roxie was saying after that. It all smelled and sounded like bullshit. I couldn’t understand why Benz and Roxie kept their relationship a secret, and I couldn’t understand where Benz’s drug money disappeared to that fast without him producing a new car, new clothes, or a crib.

  Something wasn’t right.

  I was approved for an apartment yesterday, so once I got home, I had to tell my mother.

  “Moving where and when?” She was damn near laughing at me.

  I stood in the doorway of her bedroom looking at her as she sat on her bed watching television. She was barely looking at me. “I am picking up my keys on Monday. I will probably move in about two weeks. It’s a one bedroom in Beverly. I found a day care for Jordan in the area for when I go to school and work.”’


  “I found a job too.” I was lying about the job, but I had to tell her something. Otherwise, she would wonder where I would be getting the money from to pay my bills.

  “How did you afford security and first month’s rent?”

  Again, I lied. “I’ve been saving my child support, and Jordan’s daddy sent me a little extra money out of his school refund check so that I can move.”

  “I think moving is stupid, Star.”

  “I can’t live here forever.”

  “I want you to finish school. Being a single mother on your own isn’t easy.”

  “I’ll be okay.”

  My mother just sighed and shook her head. To make light of the situation, I climbed into her bed and began to kiss her cheeks repeatedly.

  She said through giggles, “Get off me, girl!”

  But I continued to kiss her. With love, I wanted to convince both her and myself that everything would really be okay.


  “About time you crawled from under Smith to come hang out with me!”

  I rolled my eyes at Vic as I entered her condo.

  I snuck out of work early today. Work was so boring when Lyric was away, so I took a half day and decided to peek in on Vic.

  “Zip it!” I fussed as I followed her to the back of her condo. “What were you in here doing?”

  “Nothing fun. DeSire is with her dad, so, to pass the time, I started going over my students’ transcripts so they can start applying for college.”

  Vic is a counselor at Kraton High, our old high school. She actually loves her job and takes academic counseling to the next level by being the students’ moral support as well. She feels this need to make sure that no student is going through what she went through during high school.

  “Soooo,” Vic sang with a very corny grin. “How is the beau’d up life treating you?”

  Though she was being corny, I couldn’t help but to be as corny and smile bashfully from ear to ear when she mentioned Smith. “It’s going wonderfully.”

  “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! That’s so cute.”

  “It’s almost too good to be true.”

  Vic looked at me curiously as she lay across her bed. “Why?”

  I sat near her at the foot of her bed. “Because of how devoted he is to me so soon and how we met each other. It’s all just so ironic and unrealistic.”

  “You never know why things happen the way that they do. They just do.”

  Vic was referring to Blood’s death. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I had also began to think that maybe his death was meant to lead me to happiness with Smith.


  “Blood’s family still hasn’t heard anything from the police about his body? No unidentified bodies in the morgue, or anything?”

  And just like that, I went from being happy to miserable. “No.” Then I sighed heavily. I hated to say it, because even thinking it was too much to bear. “Vic, it’s been seven months. They are never going to find his body.”

  “You don’t know that!”

  On cue, Vic sat up and held me. I forced back tears because I didn’t want to open the flood gates. I survived without Blood by pretending that he didn’t die because of me.

  Then, as if Vic was reading my mind, she whispered, “Tricey, it isn’t your fault.”

  Immediately, I dismissed the thought by waving my hand. “Vic, I made the call. Me; the woman he took care of and protected. I tricked him and made him think that he was coming to help me. He came so unselfishly and walked right into them niggas waiting with guns. I did that.”

  Vic began to rub my back slowly as she told me, “He would not have been able to live with himself if any harm would ha
ve come to you because you chose to protect him.”

  “Let’s talk about something else.” I was insisting as I wiped my face free of the few tears that escaped despite my stubbornness. “What’s been going on with you, missy? How has life been?”

  A few months ago, Vic finally decided to face the fact that she and Taij, her daughter’s father, will never be a family again. She also decided to embrace being sexy and single, and start back dating.

  As she smiled bashfully, I squealed. I loved the Vic that was single and worry free. Admittedly, back in 2008, she went a little too far with the “free” aspect of being single and was passing her coochie out all over town with little discretion. Since that was when I was knee deep in love with Amiel, I lived my life through Vic’s stories of good dick, thug loving, and booty calls.

  The following year, she got knee deep in church, so her stories have a lot less raunchiness in them. Good for her, but sad for me and my need to live my life through a single friend.


  I was so irritated.

  I had been having so much fun since I got to Jamaica. James and I blissfully spent the last two days doing nothing that required stress: drinking, partying, and fucking.

  And now this bitch waltzes into the dining room and snatches my brain out of vacation mode and straight back to a restless reality.

  I was standing at the bar getting drinks when I casually looked to my left and saw Raven walking through the dining room with suitcases. I didn’t even know this chick was coming! Suddenly, I went from no worries to panic mode. James and I hadn’t discussed Raven again since the day after they met, so I honestly didn’t know if they had been talking to one another or not. I called myself trusting James and ignoring that nauseous feeling in my stomach.

  At the moment, it was very hard to ignore it, because I wanted to be able to enjoy my vacation, not be anxious if James and this bitch were going to do anything that fucked up my relationship.

  Quickly, I took my drinks, exited the dining area, and began following the trail back to our room. I couldn’t figure out whether I wanted to go ahead and tell James that I saw Raven so that I could tell him straight up that I wasn’t in the mood for any bullshit, or just let it ride and see if he had sense enough to continue this lovely vacay with no issues.

  For a second, my mind was taken away from the bullshit. As I walked the path that lead through the courtyard of rooms, I noticed a crowd of about ten people surrounding the picture window of a room. I instantly knew that they had to be watching someone playing, so I skipped right on over to join the onlookers.

  To my surprise, there weren’t two or three people playing- there were four! Once I stood on my tiptoes to look over everyone’s head, I saw a woman giving head to a guy while another guy hit it from the back. A male-female-male threesome has never been of interest to me, but just watching it gave me chills. There was another woman who was the “fluffer”; rubbing chests, grabbing balls, etc., but they could have done without her because homegirl, taking it in the mouth and from the back, was handling it.

  I walked away and made it to my room quickly. James and I needed to get ready for tonight’s party in the disco on the resort thrown by Black Swingers Club. There was a hot line up of DJs, so I was excited about partying and dancing. And now, I was also anxious to see James and Raven’s response to one another.

  As I entered our room, James was nowhere in sight and the shower was running, so I quickly sat our drinks down, grabbed my cell phone, and tiptoed back out of the room.

  I needed to call Cory.

  In his queen demeanor, he answered in a very chipper, customer service like fashion, “What’s the T?”

  I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Girl, what are you doing calling me? Isn’t it like four bucks a minute?!”

  “Yes, it is, so shut up, because I have to make this quick.”

  “What’s the T? How is the vacay going?”

  “It was going great until Raven showed up.”


  “I knoooow! Why she gotta be here?! That bitch ain’t even no swinger!”

  “Maybe she wanna be.”


  “What’s the problem with you letting James hit that? You let him hit everything else?”

  “I don’t let him hit everything. I use discretion. Plus, the women that he or we sleep with are definitely in the lifestyle and at least have some respect of other people’s relationships! I see how she looks at James, and I ain’t goin’.”

  “You are overreacting. They have only seen each other once. Do you know what your problem is?”

  I regrettably asked, “What?”

  “Karma.” I groaned as Cory continued. “You are scared that all those skanky ass, slutty seeds that you have sown are coming back to haunt you.”

  “No! The difference between me and Raven is, regardless of my past indiscretions, my feelings were always in check. I never was out to take anyone’s man, and I was honest about my feelings when necessary.”

  “You still did your dirt and now you’re paranoid.”

  Cory was right. I had done my dirt. My closet is so full of ratchet skeletons. I have cheated on mates and even done my dirt in the lifestyle.

  “That was different,” I told Cory. “I have never pursued anyone else’s mate. I saw how James and Raven were looking at each other, and it wasn’t normal or innocent.”

  “But you can’t tell karma how to get you back. That bitch just gone get you back.”

  It didn’t take long for James to find out that Raven was in Jamaica. As soon we entered the club, he spotted her on the stage dancing with Phoenix.

  After that, it was as if his interest in anything else left the building. He didn’t acknowledge Raven directly, besides waving hello when their eyes met while she danced on the stage. Yet, afterwards, his mind was obviously elsewhere.

  I tried to redirect his focus after the party. The party in the disco left everyone in a good mood, so we decided to take the fun over to the nude side. After showering and changing, James and I met Phoenix, Melanie, and a few others at Melanie’s room. Then we walked over to the nude side together.

  The night air felt so good. Though it was still eighty degrees at such a late hour, the steaming temperature of the Jacuzzi made us sweat. Then the breeze from the ocean would gust over us and cool us off.

  I loved the atmosphere and anticipation that was in the air. We were drunk, happy, and sexually free. There was a lot of touching and flirting. James sat off the edge of the Jacuzzi in the nude. I jumped into the Jacuzzi and floated between his legs.

  The nude side was so packed that you would think that it was the middle of the day, rather than the middle of the night. The Jacuzzi, pool, and beach chairs were full of relaxed naked people with naughtiness all over their faces.

  As I floated and enjoyed the atmosphere, I felt James’ dick poking me in the back of the head. I giggled as I turned around to face him. I desperately wanted him to be himself again. It seemed like once he saw Raven, his excitement had converted to tension.

  I thought that maybe I could suck the tension out of him and revive his enthusiasm. So without asking, I put his dick in my mouth. I allowed my body to float, while holding onto the edge of the Jacuzzi with one hand and jagged his nine-plus inches with my other, wetting it massively with spit and sucking it slowly.

  I could hear catcalling and crooning from the others; yet, all of my attention was on James. I very much wanted his focus to return to us, because it was obvious to me that his mind was elsewhere.

  I feared where or who, though, regrettably, I already knew.

  I tried not to care. I hoped that his love and lust for me would overshadow whatever I was saw developing in his mind for someone else. Whether right now or later, I wanted to win. I pushed all doubt to the back of my mind and sucked his manhood aggressively. It turned me on to be manhandled, so I signaled to James to be aggressive with me, sliding him so deep into my thro
at that I gagged and allowed the saliva that came of it to ooze all over him.

  James saw the signal and complied. I would spit on his dick and he would say, “That’s it. More. Get it wet.”

  I was startled when I felt soft feminine hands on my ass.

  I heard James say, “It’s okay,” as I quickly turned to see who it was. I saw Phoenix standing behind me with a lustful and tantalizing grin on her face.

  In consent, I turned back around to my feast and put James’ dick back in my mouth. As I continued to suck James off, I felt my body left into the air. Phoenix lifted my legs and rested them on her shoulders. Now my ass was in the air and my pussy was directly in front of her mouth.

  The surrounding men howled in lust, and the women crooned with the same sound in their song.

  James used that moment to continue to play with my head. “Suck that dick, baby. Go deeper.” He would encourage me as I gagged slightly, “Yea, that’s it.” James’ aggression, along with Phoenix moaning into my pussy, set me on fire. I leaked into her mouth instantly. I fought the urge to cum as she licked my clit soft and fast while holding me tight around the waist.

  As soon as James grabbed my hair, my orgasm erupted. Phoenix could hear my moans and invited me to ride her face. She finger-fucked me while sucking my clit softly, flicking it at the same time with her tongue.

  I damn near died from the pressure of my orgasm forcing its way down.

  Every little detail was turning me on: the touch of Phoenix’s nails on my body, James’ deep sex sounds, and even the simple sound of the water splashing.

  James pulled my hair, fucked my face, and told me, “C’mon on, baby,” and with those words, I did, cumming everywhere. Surprisingly, Phoenix didn’t dodge my juices. She continued to suck as I screamed in pleasure. Impulsively, I ground against her face until I couldn’t cum anymore.


  Saturday, March 13, 2010


  After all of that, James didn’t even have sex with me. He claimed he was too drunk, but I knew what was up. He was smitten, and it wasn’t by me.


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