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Andor (The Dragon's Mate Book 1)

Page 12

by Dena Christy

  “Of course Rickman can drive you home. Just let him know when you are ready.” He inclined his head and turned away. She watched him walk away, disappointment settling inside her as her shoulders sagged. The evening that had started out with such promise was turning to ashes around her.

  She had her answer. She was going home.

  Andor walked to his study, resisting the urge to turn back and look at her walking away from him. It was hard enough letting it happen, he did not need to watch it too. He slung his jacket across his desk, and dragged his hand through his hair. Should he have spoken up? Should he have asked her to stay? He wanted her here, but only if it was her choice.

  He threw himself in his chair, and rested his chin on his hands. Of course she wanted to go home now that Kevin was no longer a problem. Her life had been disrupted enough without him making demands on her.

  He blew out a frustrated breath. Had he read more into their relationship than was there? This was all so new to him. He had never had to court a woman before. He was used to taking what he wanted, but with her he could not do that. Being with him had to be her choice, and he did not want to make a misstep and drive her away.

  There was a knock on his study door, and he raised his head. Had she changed her mind and decided to stay?

  That hope was dashed when Rickman walked inside. “I just wanted to ask if there is anything you need or if I can be off duty now.”

  “Lyssa is packing her things and will need to be taken home.” Andor folded his hands on top of his desk . He would not say anything more about it. Lyssa was leaving and that was all there was to it.

  “She’s not staying?”

  “She has decided that she wants to go home. It is natural that she would want to be in familiar surroundings now that she is safe. Kevin is no longer a danger, the cleaning crew has been through her home and there is no longer any evidence that he broke in. There is no reason for her not to go home.”

  He had hoped that she would stay longer, but that was not the case. He would find a way to make it work. She would not be as accessible in her home, but he could still see her. He knew where she lived and where she worked. He could go see her anytime he wanted.

  “What did you do? How could you fuck this up? You only have a little over a month until the Hunter’s Moon, and you don’t have time to screw around. It is going to be a lot harder to let her get her to know the real you if she isn’t here.”

  “I did not do anything to fuck it up. Kevin is no longer a problem and she wants to go home. I shall see her again." That was certainly true, but time was an issue. He could not afford to let things go at their current pace, but what choice did he have? He could not rush her, it might drive her away and he would never get to fall in love with him.

  “Do you want her to leave?” Rickman crossed his arms over his chest, and seemed to take root in the spot where he was standing.

  Andor glared at him. Why would he not let this go and just do what he was told? It was hard enough knowing that in a very short time she would be walking out the door without Rickman harping on it.

  “Of course not, but I can hardly force her to stay if she does not want to.”

  “Did you ask her to stay?”

  “I told her when she first came here that she could stay as long as she likes.” Was that not the same thing?

  “So you didn’t specifically say to her that you want her to stay. Why not?”

  “It has to be her choice. I made the offer of my home for as long as she needs it, and she no longer has the need to stay here.” He stared at his minion, willing him to shut up and walk away. He did not need Rickman picking over this like carrion over a dead animal.

  “Are all dragons this dumb when it comes to women?” Rickman rolled his eyes as he leaned his hip against the front of Andor’s desk. Andor curled his lip at him. His minion was treading on thin ice. “Look, I know that you are used to grabbing what you want, but you need to be smarter about this. Telling her she can stay as long as she wants is not the same thing as asking her to stay. She’s not a mind reader. Now that things are resolved with Kevin, your situation has changed. If you want her to stay, you need to ask her.”

  Was it really that simple? Just ask her to stay? A strange feeling went through him, one he had never felt before. For the first time ever, he felt unsure of himself. He had never before been a position to have to ask for what he wanted.

  “What if she says no?” He voiced the hesitation going through his head, and he expected Rickman to laugh at him. His minion had never seen him so vulnerable, and he hated it. But this was important, she was important and he needed help. Rickman understood modern women and he was the only one he could seek help from on this.

  “Then at least you’ll know. If you don’t ask, she’s going to leave. But if you talk to her, tell her that you want her to stay, there’s a chance that she will agree. Talk to her.”

  Rickman was right. Hiding here in his office, letting his fear of being vulnerable to her would not get him what he wanted. He stood and shrugged his shoulders back to ease the tension that tightened his muscles. He could do this.

  “Thank you, Rickman.” He didn’t wait for his minion’s reply as he strode out of his study.

  The further he went up the stairs the more his confidence grew. She only wanted to go home because he had offered her no alternative. Once he made it clear that he wanted her to stay, she would say yes. He may not know much about modern women, but she was putting out signals that there was more to what she felt for him than gratitude.

  He came to her bedroom door, which she had left open. She was slowly folding her clothes and putting them into her bag. She turned to him with a gasp when he stepped inside her bedroom. She held a shirt in her hand and she smiled when he stepped up to her.

  “I’ll be ready in a minute.” He said nothing as he took the piece of clothing from her hand and tossed it aside. “What are you doing?”

  The smile fell from her face, and Andor took both her hands in his.

  “You don’t need to leave this minute.” That was rather pathetic start, but he was warming up to this. The confidence that carried him up the stairs faded as soon as he stood in front of her. There was so much pressure to get this right. If he did not, she would be walking away from his home and perhaps out of his life. He had to say the right thing and unfortunately he did not have a script to guide him.

  “I know, but I don’t want to impose on you any longer. You’ve been so generous already. Now that Kevin is no longer a danger to me, there really isn’t any reason for me to stay.” A funny looked crossed her face as she looked into his eyes. It was now or never. He needed to tell her what was going through his head.

  “I want to spend more time with you, now that our only focus is on each other. There is something between us, surely you can feel it. You can leave if you want to and if that is your choice, I will not stand in your way. I am asking if you will stay here with me. Not because you need a place to hide, but because you feel what is between us."

  There. He’d said it. Now all he had to do was wait for her answer. Her face softened, and she pulled her hands out of his. His heart picked up its pace. This was it, she was going to say that she didn’t feel the same and that she wanted to go home. He braced himself for it, but she surprised him by putting her hand on his cheek.

  He took it and pressed a kiss to her palm. It was an encouraging sign when she didn’t pull away.

  “There is something between us and I feel it too. I’ll stay for as long as you want me to.”

  Relief flooded him. She felt what he did and she wanted to stay. He pulled her to him and he held her close.

  “You cannot know how happy it makes me to hear you say that.” He eased back and looked at her. She looped her arms around his neck.

  “I think I have a good idea, if it is the same happiness that is inside me. Now can you kiss me please?”

  Andor gave a little laugh as he dipped his head and did as
she asked.


  He wanted her to stay. Lyssa tightened her arms around his neck as his kiss deepened. She’d been prepared to leave, was ready to walk away from him and go on with the rest of her life. It was the last thing she wanted, but she’d been unsure if he felt the same attraction for her that she felt for him. Now she had her answer. He felt there was something between them and he wanted to explore it.

  She eased back on her toes and looked up at him. His silver eyes seemed so dark as his pupil devoured most of his iris. She could see his desire there, and she swallowed hard. Was she ready for this? Was she ready to take things further than a few kisses? She’d only just gotten rid of Kevin, was she ready to jump into another relationship?

  There was no comparison between Andor and Kevin. If she let her failure in her previous relationship keep her from him, then Kevin won.

  “Since I’m staying here, I don’t want to stay in this room anymore. If we are going to explore what’s between us I suggest we start in your bed.” The words were out before she gave much thought to them. She was being a lot bolder with him than she’d ever been with anyone else. She wanted him, and if anything, the past few weeks had shown her that life was too short to not reach out and grab what she wanted.

  “As you wish.” A shiver went down her spine at the gravelly depths of his voice. Was it even deeper now that his desire was so evident?

  Lyssa let out a startled gasp as he scooped her up in his arms and strode out of the room. She’d always thought she was too heavy for these sort of gestures, but Andor held her securely in the strong bands of his arms, and walk to his room without breaking a step.

  Once he was beside his bed, he let go of her legs and her feet came down to rest on the floor. God, she was so wet for him already and all he’d done was talk in that deep sexy voice of his and carry her into another room. That he’d done it all in a tuxedo only made him that much hotter.

  “You are overdressed.” He turned her around, and undid the zipper in the back of her dress. The dress fell away with a slither of silk fabric, and she turned to face him.

  “The same could be said for you.” She reached up and loosened his tie. Her hand shook as she worked on it. His hands stroke over her lace covered bottom, and he gave it a squeeze when the tie finally came free. She set to work on the fastenings of his shirt, when he took his hands off her body and pulled her hands off his shirt. He took each edge of the shirt where it was fastened, ripped it open and tossed it aside.

  “Oh my.” Lyssa’s voice came out in a whispered sigh when the shirt parted, and the magnificence of his chest was revealed to her. His shoulders were wide and roped with muscle, and tapered down to his trim waist. She drew a finger down the hard muscles of his chest, and followed the ridges sculpted in his abdomen. The smooth silk of his skin drew her forward, and she darted her tongue out to taste the muscle of his chest.

  He gave a low growl, and moved her back. His eyes darted down to her lace covered breasts, and she quickly reached behind her and undid the bra. From the look in his eyes, she was sure it would be the next article of clothing he would be ripping. While the notion of it was hot, this was her favorite bra.

  “Oh my.” He growled as his mouth pulled up at the corner. She gave a little laugh as his teasingly mocking her earlier words. His large hands came up and cupped her breasts. She shivered as his thumb skated around her nipple and the surrounding skin tightened until it begged for more of his touch.

  He put his hands on her waist and walked her back until the edges of his bed hit the back of her knees. She sank down on the bed and swallowed hard when his tanned, square hands reached for the fastening of his trousers. He undid them with economical movements, while keeping his eyes on her face. He pushed the dress pants down and she could see that Andor considered underwear optional as there was nothing between his skin and his trousers.

  He stood there for a moment, and she drank in the sight of him. He had the body of a magnificent animal in its prime. He was composed of hard muscle, which flexed and moved as he came over to join her on the bed. He lay beside her, and put his large hand on her belly, and moved it in slow circles as he leaned down to kiss her. Her eyes drifted shut as his lips moved softly on hers. For a moment she could hardly believe that this was real, that it was happening to her. He was so beautiful, he could have any woman he wanted and he’d chosen her.

  He pulled back and looked down at her, smoothing a hand down her cheek. “You are so beautiful. Thank you for giving yourself to me.”

  Before she could reply, he kissed her a again, a little more firm, a little less gentle than before. His hand moved up her stomach until he reached her breast. He molded her plump flesh as his tongue slid inside her mouth. Lyssa’s nipple tightened as she ran her hands up the smooth muscles of his chest and up around his neck. He eased his mouth off hers and moved his body so he was on his knees between her stocking clad legs. He dipped his head down and took a nipple in his mouth. He sucked on it as his hand drifted down her stomach, his touch soft and slow as his hand traversed her skin down to the waistband of her panties. He sucked a little harder on her as his fingers dipped under the elastic. Lyssa squeezed her eyes shut tight as she pressed her breast further into his mouth, and widened her legs.

  His hand rested on top of her mound, and he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to move it further. Her body ached for his touch, and her clit tingled in anticipation with his fingers only a breath away. She rocked her hips, hoping he would get the message and touch her where she longed to feel his caress. He pulled his mouth from her breast and looked into her eyes.

  “What do you want Lyssa?” His voice was a deep rumble in his chest as he looked down at her. She licked her tongue over her lips. “Tell me.”

  “I want you to touch me.” She gave her hips a wiggle and his middle finger moved a little closer, but not where she wanted it. She let out a frustrated breath. “Andor, please touch me.”

  He dipped his finger lower, moistened the tip with her juices and stroked it have her swollen clit. She let out a long, low moan as he caressed her. Pleasure raced through her body, and she rocked her hips against his hand.

  His hand eased away from her, and she opened her eyes and tilted her head to look at him. Why was he stopping? Did he want her to beg to keep touching her? Surely he wasn’t stopping?

  A glance down at his swollen cock told her that he had no intention of bringing this to a halt. He took her panties in his hands, and pulled them down her legs and off her body. Her shoes and stockings followed, and she lay before him on the bed, as naked as he. He moved back a little, opened her legs wider as he reared back and looked down at her. He moved his head closer to her center and she shivered when his breath skated along the inside of her thighs. She gave a whimper of anticipation as his lips came within a fraction of an inch of her bared and exposed flesh.

  The wait was killing her as her body clamored to feel the pleasure she knew he would deliver to her. Then his mouth was upon her, her wait was over and the magic he performed on her with his tongue had her hands clawing at the bedding beneath her.

  “Oh God, Andor.” Pleasure built inside her, and it was more intense and stronger than she’d ever felt. Her breath sobbed in and out of her body as he tortured her flesh with his tongue, bringing her closer to the precipice of pleasure, only to pause for a few moments. Just when she was about to scream in frustration, he sucked her clit into his mouth. She dug her heels into the mattress and the pleasure built. Higher and higher she climbed as he loved her with his mouth.

  She reached the height of her ecstasy and he didn’t stop. Her orgasm burst through her, and she cried his name as waves of the most intense pleasure went through her. She came harder than she’d ever come in her life, her body spasmed as it was slammed over and over with the gratification that he gifted her with.

  The spasms grew softer, gentler and she trembled as she looked up at him. He knelt between her thighs like a god of pleasure, and she wanted
him inside her. She wanted to feel him filling her as they became one.

  She reached for him, and used her eyes to tell him what she wanted. He didn’t appear to need the words. He took his cock in his hand and positioned it at her entrance. He pushed into her, sliding in slick and smooth. He filled her and her body stretched to accommodate his girth.

  He slowly lowered his body, so they were pressed together, skin to skin. She looped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist.

  He dipped his head and kissed her, slow and soft, as if he had the rest of his life to make love to her. Tears prickled at the corner of her eyes as a wave of tenderness swept through her. She eased her lips away and looked up at him.

  “Love me, please.” She looked up at him, and noticed that the skin on his face was pulled taught, and she realized that he was holding himself back for her sake. She didn’t want him to. She wanted him to take her with all the passion he had inside him. She rocked her hips against him, and he held himself back no longer.

  He pulled and pushed back inside her, creating the most delicious friction. He was so big, his muscles so strong that she felt tiny in comparison. There was a power to him that would have frightened her if he hadn’t shown her that he was worthy of the trust she placed in him.

  “Andor.” His name came out as a sigh upon her lips as his rhythm picked up its pace. His body moved in and out of her, his thrusts picking up speed and strength until she couldn’t speak at all.

  Her voice came out in breathy moans as the pleasure the friction he created spiraled higher and higher. Her muscles grew tighter until one hard thrust sent her over the edge.

  She sobbed his name as her orgasm broke and bathed every fibre of her body with ecstasy. Wave after wave went through her as he picked up his pace, getting closer and closer to finding his own fulfillment. She held him tightly as he found his pleasure in her body. He gave a shudder as a groan was ripped from him.


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