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Flawless 3: The Finale

Page 9

by Jade Jones


  Kimberlyn’s mouth hung open in shock as she stared at her ex-fiancé. “What the fuck are you doing out?” she asked. The last time Kim saw him he was being hauled to jail after assaulting her. Flashbacks of him trying to make her swallow her own engagement ring came to mind. Kimberlyn grew nauseous at the thought. Just the sight of Cool’s no good ass made her queasy.

  Cool gave a gold-fanged grin. “They let me off on a technicality.”

  “Bullshit. Yo’ ass was convicted of murder,” she spat. Kim would never forget the night he pushed her aunt Rita down, causing her to fall to her death.

  “Correction. I was acquitted for murder. I’mma free man, baby.”

  “How the fuck you find out where I live?”

  He shrugged like it was no big deal. “I got fam.”

  “Wh—how—You shouldn’t be here, Cool. Flat out. Period. Yo’ ass should not be here! I can’t believe you would show your face after that fucked up shit you did!”

  “So that fuck nigga could slide through, but I can’t?”

  “Nigga, were you watching me just a minute ago? How long have you been hanging around? What type of shit are you on?”

  Cool smirked and looked away. He wouldn’t tell her the length of time he’d been following her.

  “All I wanna do is see my son. I miss him. You took him away…got him callin’ that nigga daddy now. I should fuck you up. You gon’ get that nigga fucked up on this fuck shit. That mufucka know that ain’t his son. That nigga should feel less of a man.”

  “I don’t wanna hear it. I have a restraining order on your ass, so try it if you want to. And he’s not your son, Christopher. You know that shit—”

  “You know what? We need to sit down and talk ‘cuz I’m feelin’ some kind of way. Until I see a mufuckin’ paternity test that says otherwise he’s my seed. And next time you tell me that fuck shit I’mma put my mufuckin’ foot in yo’ mouth.”

  “I’mma need you to get the fuck off my property, bitch! ‘Cuz right now you actin’ just a like a bitch! Like you gotta fuckin’ tampon on! So do I need to go in the bathroom and get you a pad?”

  “I don’t know where you think you goin’ with this pussy fuck shit. But I ain’t no bitch. You must’ve forgot you fuckin’ with a real street nigga.”

  Kimberlyn went to close the door but he quickly put his foot in the way.

  “Move, Cool. I’m not ‘bout to play with yo’ ass. Get the fuck off my door!”

  “Bitch, does it look like I’m playin’?”

  “Fuck it. I’m calling the police then! Let them handle your stupid ass.”

  “Okay, call ‘em. You gon’ get they asses fucked up ‘cuz the law don’t mean shit to a nigga like me.”

  Kimberlyn turned and ran back in the house to get her phone.

  Cool ran after Kim and grabbed her up from behind. “Get the fuck off me! SOMEBODY HELP ME!” She tried to wrestle with him, and together they tumbled to the floor. Kim was able to slap him once but he grabbed her wrist before she could hit him again.

  Pinning her arms by her side, he snatched her boy shorts off, and licked her kitty. In the beginning, Kim tried to put up a fight but eventually she succumbed to the pleasure.

  “Cool, stop…St—ahhh….unhhhh!”

  Soon she went from struggling to grabbing his head and pumping his face. Cool’s head game had always been her weakness. She should’ve stopped him considering Desmond’s dick was just there twenty minutes ago. Fuck that. Serves his ass right for all the foul shit he’s done.

  Since his chain was in his way, Cool pulled it off and placed it beside him. “I missed it, baby.” He continued French kissing her honey pot. “You gon’ let me poke it,” he whispered. When Cool went to unbutton his jeans, Kim aggressively pushed him off.

  “Get the fuck off me. Yo’ ass shouldn’t even be here. After everything you’ve done to me, I should’ve shot your ass on sight.”

  “But instead you shot yo’ cum on my chin.” Cool chuckled before wiping her juices away. Kim’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment and he knew that he’d gotten to her. She hated that her body had once again betrayed her. Cool still somehow had control over her pussy.


  “You don’t miss a nigga?” he asked. “I know we been through a lot but can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t?”

  Kimberlyn met his sincere gaze…and in the back of her mind, she couldn’t help wondering if he was capable of setting her house on fire.


  After paying for her house repairs and Luke and Tiffany’s medical expenses, Apollo had been laying low at Liberty’s crib. They still hadn’t fucked yet, and he almost always slept on the couch. She never opposed because she enjoyed his company, and he liked being there for her.

  Liberty made him breakfast that morning: eggs, potatoes, fluffy biscuits, and crisp bacon. Once he ate good, he told her that he had some business he needed to handle. Liberty walked him to the front door and opened it—They were both surprised to find his old school sitting on flattened tires.

  “What…the…fuck?” Apollo couldn’t believe that Trip had enough balls to touch his shit. The bitch still had a warrant out for her arrest after crashing her car through Liberty’s house.

  Apollo read her message loud and clear: stay the fuck away from her girl.

  “Oh my God, Apollo. This was Trip. I know it! I am so, so sorry,” Liberty said. “I should’ve known better than to drag you in my mess—”

  “Nah, you good. Chill. It ain’t shit for real. I got AAA,” he told her, pulling out his phone. “Besides, it’s gon’ take more than some deflated ass Pirellis to scare a nigga off.”


  That afternoon Shayla called Kimberlyn to see what she was up to. They hadn’t chopped it up since she saw her creep out the club last week with Desmond.

  “Hello,” Kim answered in an exasperated tone. She had just gotten Cool to leave after several threats to call the police. She knew she hadn’t seen the last of him though. Cool was like her menstrual cycle—always popping up regularly and unwanted.

  “Hey. What’s up with you? Still laid up with the hubby?” she teased.

  “No, he left a few hours ago. What’chu getting into today? I could use some fresh air.” Kimberlyn needed to clear her head after Cool’s unexpected visit. What the fuck did he mean he was let off on a technicality? If she didn’t know any better she’d think his ass had escaped. Yet when she Googled the story she found out what he’d said was actual fact. Apparently, Rita’s autopsy showed that she suffered a fatal heartache. The blow to the head wasn’t what killed her. The evidence against Cool was inconclusive and the courts had no choice but to dismiss the trial.

  “Is everything okay?” Shayla asked.

  Kimberlyn wanted to tell her about Cool’s visit, but would’ve rather talked about it in person. “Yeah…let’s link up tomorrow night. Maybe hit a hookah lounge or something.”

  “Alright. That sounds like a plan.” All of a sudden, her phone beeped. “Hold on real quick. Someone’s on my other line.” Shayla clicked over. “Hello?”

  “Wus good. What’chu into?” Quay’s deep, sexy voice filled the speaker.

  “Nothing much. Chilling. You?”

  “Just got back in town this morning. I’m out and about right now. You should let me swing through and take you to get some lunch. Have you eaten yet?”

  “I had some fruit earlier,” she said. “What’d you have in mind? I am kinda hungry.”

  “Let’s go to Café Circa on Auburn Avenue.”

  “Okay, bet. I just need an hour to get ready. I’ll text you my address.”

  “You do that.”

  After disconnecting their call, Shayla clicked over. “Hello?”

  “You got good timing ‘cuz I was just finna hang up on your ass.”

  “You wasn’t ‘bout to hang up on nobody,” Shayla laughed. “Anyway, that was Quay. He wants to have lunch at Café Circa.”


  “Yeah—dude I met at Rose Bar—”

  “I know who he is, Shayla. But what are you doing getting comfy with buddy though? You know Romeo would flip.”

  “I’m not thinking about Romeo, and he ain’t thinking about me.”

  “Does he know you’re married?”

  “Ugh! Why the hell are you hating on me, K? I wasn’t doing that shit to you when you were trying to get chose last night! Don’t start that hypocritical bullshit!”

  “I’m not! It’s just something about that dude I don’t trust.”

  “You had no problem popping bottles with him in VIP.”

  “Look, I’mma drop it ‘cuz I see you getting touchy.”

  “Bye, K,” Shayla said with an attitude.

  After hanging up on Kim’s funny acting ass, Shayla showered, curled her hair, and threw on a baby blue maxi dress.




  Shayla figured her mom would answer the door until she remembered her parents had taken a mini-vacay in Savannah. Fastening her gladiator sandals, she grabbed her purse and headed to the front of the house. She assumed it was Quay, but much to her dismay it was none other than Dexter.

  “You just don’t get tired, do you?” Shayla asked, folding her arms.

  “Can we go inside and talk?”

  Shayla stepped outside her home and closed the door behind her. “No we cannot.”

  “I just wanted to apologize to you for that fuck shit back at ya job—”

  “You mean my old job,” Shayla corrected him. She could smell the liquor on his breath. It wasn’t even two yet.

  “I feel guilty about that shit—”

  “You should.”

  “I ain’t been sleepin’ the same. I miss you.”

  “Does Nina know you’re here?”

  “Fuck Nina. We ain’t ‘een been seeing eye to eye lately. I’m only with the bitch ‘cuz I feel obligated.”

  Shayla scoffed and folded her arms. “You are a real piece of work, Dexter.”

  He hadn’t been home in two days because whenever he was around her all they did was argue. But because she was carrying his baby he knew that he had to make it work. His father wasn’t a dead beat and he’d be damned if he would be one.

  “You shouldn’t even have come here after that shit you pulled—”

  “Shayla, I am sincerely sorry. I fucked up. I don’t know what got into me, man. I ain’t been the same since you left,” he admitted. “And you know if there’s ever anything you need, I got’chu.”

  “I don’t want shit from you but space. Matter fact, get the fuck off my property. I’m done talking.”

  Dexter was just about to say something when Nina pulled up in her silver Volkswagen. As soon as she saw her man talking to Shayla in front of her home, she hopped out angry as hell. Nina was so upset that she almost forgot to put the car in park.

  “Mothafucka, I knew it! So this is why yo’ ass ain’t been home?! So you could run back to this bitch?” Nina charged at them full speed and when she reached Dexter she shoved him.

  “Girl, relax,” Shayla said. “Don’t nobody want your—”


  Nina slapped the shit out of Dexter’s ex. The force of the blow was strong enough to split her bottom lip. Shayla grabbed her stinging cheek in surprise. She couldn’t believe Nina had actually put her hands on her.

  Shayla didn’t think twice before she punched Nina’s pregnant ass in the face. After she hit her, she immediately grabbed her by the hair and pummeled her skull repeatedly.

  Dexter grabbed Shayla up from behind, but she wouldn’t let go of Nina’s hair. Dex’s baby mama was dragged several feet as she was slung and punched simultaneously.

  “Bitch, you must not wanna have this mothafuckin’ baby!” Shayla screamed, while she continued her assault.

  “Aye, chill the fuck out, Shayla! Damn! She pregnant!”

  “I don’t give a fuck! Don’t fucking touch me!” she screamed.

  Dexter tried to pry her fingers loose, and once he finally did she attempted to kick Nina in the stomach.

  “Get the fuck off me, Dexter! Let me go! This bitch asked for this shit! Don’t fucking grab me! She asked for this shit!”

  All of a sudden, Quay pulled up in his red 2015 Mustang GT. He took one look at Dexter with his hands on Shayla and jumped out madder than a mothafucka.

  Quay shoved the shit out of Dexter when he reached him. Before he had a chance to retaliate, Quay punched his ass in the throat. Dexter stumbled backwards after the devastating blow. He didn’t even see the attack coming.

  Shayla jumped in surprise. Though she was grateful for Quay’s intervention, she didn’t expect him to fly off the handle.

  Pressing his forearm against Dexter’s neck, he slammed him up against the house’s exterior. Nina tried to grab Quay to keep him from hurting her man, but he pushed her hard.

  “Fuck off me, bitch.”

  Nina had to grab the railing just to keep from falling.

  “Pussy nigga, you got the right one,” Quay told Dexter. “You wanna put yo’ hands on somebody? Put them mufuckas on me?”

  Dexter struggled beneath him. His air pipe was crushed beneath the stronger man’s weight. Quay had him hemmed up like he was his son. The shit was rather embarrassing, considering the women present.

  “Quay, that’s enough,” Shayla finally said in Dexter’s defense. “You’ve made your point.”

  Dexter’s face swelled up and his eyes turned red. He couldn’t breathe. If Quay didn’t let him go soon he’d suffocate.

  Quay leaned in close to Dexter’s ear so no one would hear. “If I catch you ‘round my bitch again, I’ll personally have ya limbs cut off and distributed to ya friends and family.” He took shit a step further. “Then I’ll do the same to that bastard ass baby she carryin’. Don’t fuck with me.” When Quay finally turned Dexter loose he saw the fear in his eyes. Now he had made his point.

  Dexter and Nina left promptly, and together Shayla and Quay headed to his car. “What’d you whisper in his ear?” she asked once they climbed in.

  Quay ignored her question. “The nigga won’t be botherin’ you again. I can assure you that.”

  When they pulled off, Shayla’s phone rang. She expected the caller to be Dexter going off about the incident that just occurred. Surprisingly, it was Romeo. Shayla sent his wishy-washy ass to voicemail. She didn’t know that he had landed in Atlanta and wanted to spend time with her. All she knew was that he hadn’t been as committed to their relationship as he should have. Now it was time for Shayla to do her.


  The rooftop at Café Circa was where Shayla and Quay decided to dine. Fried chicken, waffles, and shrimp cocktails covered their wooden table, along with cranberry mimosas. Apart from his unexpected outburst back at her house, Quay was a cool dude with good conversation. He was mentally stimulating but he also had an edge to him. Although he claimed that he was a good guy, Shayla was sure that he possessed quite a few bad boy qualities.

  “So how many niggas you got sittin’ on the bench?” he asked. “I done already met two of ‘em. Yo’ fine ass just keep ‘em on standby, huh? Gotta nigga waitin’ to get called in the game—”

  Shayla laughed. “Whatever. It ain’t even like that. Dexter’s my ex. We’ve been over for a while but he still hasn’t gotten the memo.”

  Quay leaned back in his seat and studied Shayla. “Somethin’ you have got the niggas goin’ crazy...”

  Shayla blushed and looked away. She was afraid that if she stared too long she’d become lost in his pensive gaze. His eyes were a curious green-gray. Up until now, she hadn’t even noticed that they changed colors.

  Quay was handsome that evening in a burgundy graphic tee, black fitted jeans, a Gucci belt, and black Timbs. Sparkling on his left pinky finger was a stolen 14K solid gold ring.

  “You betta get them niggas in line now that I’m around,” Quay told her.

  “Oh, is that right?” Shayla laughed.

  “Hell yeah,” he chuckled, revealing his shiny bottom grill. “You betta ask a mufucka. I don’t play no games ‘bout mines.”

  Shayla raised an eyebrow at his comment. “On the contrary, I’m not yours.”


  Shayla knew she had to let him know the truth. Now was as good a time as any. Releasing a dramatic sigh, she ran a hand through her curled hair. It was only right that she be honest. “Quay, I have to tell you something.”

  “Wus good?” he asked.


  “So this why you can’t answer a nigga’s calls?” a familiar voice interrupted.

  Shayla and Quay simultaneously looked up at the angry man looming above their table. Romeo resembled a raging bull as he stood there with balled fists. It took everything in him not to snatch Shayla up by her hair and drag her ass out of the restaurant kicking and screaming. His father had raised him to never hit a woman, but right now he was tempted to backhand her. He couldn’t believe she would even entertain some nigga that wasn’t him. She’d obviously lost her mind.

  “What are you doing here?” Shayla asked, surprised. “How did you even know where to find me?”

  Quay scoffed and shook his head. “Must be a habit of yours, huh? Poppin’ the fuck up unwanted?”

  Romeo cut his eyes at Shayla’s lunch date. If he didn’t close his trap soon he would end up with a fork in his throat. “Pussy nigga, I wasn’t speakin’ to you. Learn when to keep ya fuckin’ mouth shut. It might be just be the one thing to save yo’ mufuckin’ life one day,” he warned. Romeo had no idea he was staring at the Felon who’d robbed him of over 2 million. Quay, however, knew exactly who Romeo was. It was pure coincidence that he landed his bitch though.

  Shayla tried to be slick by holding up her plate. “I’m having lunch. See?”

  Romeo didn’t appreciate her sarcasm or the blatant disrespect. “Do it look like I give a fuck?!” He viciously snatched the plate of food and tossed it on the ground. Nearby patrons shrieked in alarm at the sound of porcelain shattering. Romeo was definitely on one that afternoon.


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