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Flawless 3: The Finale

Page 14

by Jade Jones

  “Don’t tell me you’re leaving,” she whined.

  Apollo kneeled down by the edge of the tub. “Don’t want to, but I got to…”

  Liberty seductively bit her bottom lip as she grabbed a strawberry and rubbed it against her pussy. She then teased Apollo with the piece of fruit by rubbing it across his mouth.

  Apollo bit into the fruit, licking her fingers purposely in the process.

  “What if I don’t want you to go,” Liberty purred. Grabbing his hand, she eased it down into the water.

  A low groan escaped Apollo’s throat as she rubbed his fingers across her pussy. “Damn. Don’t do that…” he warned her. Apollo was torn. He had some shit he had to take care of, but he’d be damned if Liberty wasn’t making it hard on a nigga.

  “Get in…”

  “I can’t, baby.”

  “What do you have to do at work that’s so important?” she asked. “And when are you gonna tell me what you do for a living?”

  Apollo removed his hand from the water, and stood to his feet. “I’mma tell you everything in due time.”

  To be honest, he doubted he ever would. Liberty wouldn’t be able to handle the truth.

  “I’m starting to think you have a bitch,” Liberty pouted.


  Liberty twisted her mouth up at him. “Mmhmm.” She didn’t believe Apollo for a second. His fine ass probably had a gang of women at his beck and call.

  “Do me a favor,” he said. “Keep it wet fuh me ‘til I get back.”

  Liberty grinned seductively. “I don’t know…Depends on how soon you come back.”

  Apollo kissed her on the forehead, left the bathroom, and grabbed his gun. “Guess I better make it quick then.”


  Kimberlyn drifted in and out of consciousness following the blow to her head. During one of her blackouts, she noticed another man enter the room. He and Cool chopped it for a minute before he sold him some Kush and sent him on his way. Cool was trapping right out of the hotel room with her knocked out and tied up in bed.

  It was close to midnight when Kimberlyn finally came to again. Cool was snorting a line of coke, and didn’t immediately notice that she was awake. Kim didn’t know how his heart was able to stand his extensive drug use.

  Kim never wished badly on anyone, but she prayed Cool would just OD and die already. He was truly a waste of fucking oxygen. Oh my God. I hope my son is okay.

  “Shit. Look who’s up?” Cool smiled. The gold-fanged grin he gave made her nauseous. If anyone in life was capable of terrifying her, it was her ex-fiancé hands down. The nigga was crazier than Charlie Sheen on a coke binge.

  Kim gave a muffled response since the duct tape was still over her mouth.

  Cool was surprisingly kind enough to remove it.

  Kim cringed in pain. It felt like the top layer of her skin came off with it. “Cool, you have to let me go. I need to get home to my son,” she cried. “He’s probably all alone and scared.”

  “That lil’ nigga aight. He gotta daddy, remember?” he cackled.

  “Why do you insist on taking me away from everything I love?” Kim’s voice cracked with emotion as she spoke. “First Aunt Rita…now my son… Why can’t your ass just accept that it’s over? I’ve moved on, Christopher. Why the fuck can’t you?”

  “So you love that nigga? That’s what’chu tellin’ me?”

  Kimberlyn didn’t miss a beat. “You damn right I do. He’s a real man, and a real father. Look at yourself, Cool. Look at what the fuck you’re doing! Look at what the fuck you’ve become!” she yelled. “You’re a fucking monster! And on top of that, you’re a snitch! Your story never ends well, mothafucka. Niggas like you always lose! And if you kill me, I’ll die happy knowing that your blood ain’t running through my son’s veins.”

  Cool slapped the shit out of Kimberlyn so hard her bottom lip split. She didn’t give him the satisfaction of crying, even though it stung like a bitch.

  “You’re a fucking coward!” she spat. “I think them niggas you were locked up with turned you pussy! Is that it, mothafucka? Go ahead! Do what you want with me. I will never feel the same about yo’ stupid ass! I stopped giving a fuck about you well before Dez came around—”

  Cool grabbed Kim by her throat and threw her off the bed. Just hearing her mention the nigga’s name set him off. Apparently, Kimberlyn wanted him to hurt her.

  “Keep talkin’, bitch. I’mma beat’cho ass into comatose, then I’mma fuck you ‘til you bleed while you’re out.”

  Kim smiled, revealing her bloodstained teeth. “I don’t give a fuck. Do what you want.”

  Cool slowly removed his Hermes belt. If Kimberlyn wanted a beat down he had no problem delivering one.





  Cool whipped her ass with the expensive leather belt like a master to his slave. It struck her in the face, chest, and arms. “What the fuck you tryin’ to do, shawty? You tryin’ to piss me the fuck off?!” Without warning, he picked her up and threw her halfway across the room.

  The back of Kim’s head smacked against the corner of the desk, instantly knocking her out cold. Cool’s expression quickly turned from anger to sorrow. He felt regret when he saw blood pour out from a large gash.

  “Kim? Kimmy?” Cool slowly walked over to her motionless body and knelt down. Carefully turning her over, he placed his ear above her mouth and listened to see if she was breathing. “Damn. Damn. Dammit! What the fuck did I do? GOTDAMN! Look what’chu made me do, you stupid bitch!” Cool started panicking as soon as he realized he’d killed Kimberlyn.


  After wrapping Kim’s body up in hotel sheets, Cool quickly carried her to his car and placed her in the trunk. A few of the niggas hanging around outside watched with suspicious eyes. Cool wasn’t too worried about them talking. And if they did, he’d be long gone by the time authorities found out.

  Cool had a plug that was willing to chop up dead bodies and dissolve them in acid on some straight Breaking Bad shit. He figured that was how he’d dispose of her dead body. Cool didn’t want things to play out the way they did, but she’d pushed him. Now he had no choice but to skip town tonight.

  Hopping in the driver’s seat, Cool quickly started the car and burned rubber peeling out of the lot.

  Calvin had been staying a few doors down from Cool’s room. He also sold bud out of the hotel, but lately Cool had been stepping on his toes by stealing clientele. Although it was just a short-term thing, Cool had unintentionally made enemies. As soon as Cool’s car disappeared into traffic, Calvin pulled out his iPhone and called Apollo. He brought his shit from the best so they were all affiliated.

  Apollo was on the road when he answered. “Yo.”

  “Aye, you remember that nigga you was askin’ me ‘bout the other day? Fuck was his name? Cole? Kel?”


  “Yeah, well the nigga just pulled out the hotel I’m at. I’m finna text you the address. Hopefully you can catch him before he gets too far.”

  “Shit, that’s clutch. What kinda car he in?”

  “A white Acura. One of the newer models.”

  “How long’s he been there?”

  “Few days.”

  “Few days? Fuck you mean few days? Why the fuck you just now callin’ me ‘bout the shit?”

  “I just found out the nigga’s name earlier today. Had I known it sooner, I would’ve been put you on. You know that, Apollo. Anyway, I ain’t for sure, but I think that mufucka just put a dead body in his trunk before he pulled off.”

  Apollo’s heart sank to the pit of his stomach. Was he too late? “Fuck nigga, you betta pray to God I don’t slice yo’ throat open when I see you,” he threatened. Apollo hung the phone up on Calvin’s sorry ass before he could respond. If Cool did kill Kimberlyn Dez would be devastated.


  “Desmond? Desmond! Bitch, you hear me calling you! We need to talk!” Dana s

  They were in the parking lot of The Gardens housing projects when she approached him. That time her girl Monica wasn’t with her, only her terrible attitude as she glowered up at him.

  Desmond was there only to notify his soldier on what was going on. He wanted an army combing the streets looking for Kimberlyn. He wouldn’t rest until Cool was stopped.

  “What the fuck do you want, Dana? Yo’ ass been followin’ me?” Desmond stopped at his truck and turned around to face her. He couldn’t believe she wasn’t yet tired of the crazy baby mama façade.

  “Seems like that’s what I have to do to reach you since you don’t be answering my phone calls—”

  “Look, now ain’t the fuckin’ time, Dana. I’m handlin’ business.”

  “Well, when are you gonna have time? You made time to fuck me and Monica that day—”

  “Bitch, that shit was a one time thing. Don’t flatter ya fuckin’ self.”

  “Well, one time was all it took, nigga.”

  Desmond’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Fuck is you talkin’ ‘bout?”

  “I missed my period…”

  There was a momentary pause before Desmond spoke again. “Bullshit.”

  “It’s true, baby. We might be having another lil’ girl—or boy,” she added.

  “Bitch, you know damn well we don’t need no mo’ gotdamn kids. Yo’ old ass damn near thirty-five actin’ like you still in fuckin’ high school. If you really is pregnant, you handlin’ that shit ASAP! I ain’t finna play these games with you.”

  Tears filled Dana’s eyes as she listened to him tear her dreams apart. “So I’m good enough to fuck but I’m not good enough to raise your kids?! You ain’t shit, Desmond!”

  Ignoring her theatrics, he went to climb in his car, but she quickly jumped in front of him.

  “Don’t you fucking walk away from m—”

  Desmond wrapped a hand around Dana’s throat and slammed her against his truck. “I am so fuckin’ tired of yo’ simple ass it ain’t ‘een funny! Listen to me, and listen good, bitch. I could give a fuck about you or that baby you might not be carryin’.” Spit sprayed her face as Desmond yelled at the top of his lungs. Dana’s face swelled up more and more the tighter his grip became. She prayed someone came to her rescue, but the only people lurking around were crack heads and homeless men. Dana clawed at Desmond’s hands but it had little effect. If anything, he squeezed harder. Dez was choking the life out of Dana and he didn’t even know it. “I got more pressin’ issues to deal with than yo’ childish bullshit right now, so fuck off!”

  When Desmond finally released his hold, she dropped limply to the ground. He didn’t even bother checking her pulse as he hopped in his truck and pulled off.

  Dana was left there lying unconscious in the middle of a dark parking lot. Desmond hadn’t killed her. Unfortunately, some things were much worse than death…


  Quay gently rubbed Shayla’s feet, as they lay in her bed together like an old, married couple. Romeo would’ve flipped if he knew she was getting too cozy with the enemy.

  “You know what? To act so tough, you can be quite tender.”

  Quay chuckled, revealing his dimple. “What can I say? You bring out that side of a nigga.”

  “And what was all that talk during sex? About me being yours? Do you mean that?”

  “Shit, that goes without sayin’. When I put that dick up in you, you mine.”

  She went to remind him about her marriage. “Quay, you know I told you I—”

  Her sentence was cut off after his phone started ringing. “Hold that thought, bay. I gotta take this real quick.” Grabbing his iPhone, Quay disappeared inside her bathroom and closed the door behind him. In an attempt to drown out his conversation, he turned the faucet on.

  “Wus good?” he answered.

  An evil low-pitched snicker filled the receiver before a female spoke. “Quay, Quay, Quay… I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do with you…” Because he was the driving force behind the gang, she only communicated with him personally.

  “What the hell I do now?” he asked with an attitude.

  “Don’t think I ain’t hear about that lil’ stunt you pulled.”

  “Man, whatever. So I’m ‘posed to fall the fuck back just ‘cuz you gotta school crush on the nigga? Nah. Don’t work like that, bitch. My people’s told me he the reason my baby cousin lyin’ in the ground. I can’t just let that shit go.”

  “First of all, check your fucking ego!” Ava snapped. “And second, never bite the hand that feeds you. Don’t forget that I’m the reason ya’ll mothafuckas are eating. Not the other way around. You’ll do what the fuck I tell you to when I tell you to.”

  Quay didn’t appreciate her talking to him like he was a bitch. But he let her have it since she had a valid point.

  “What’chu need me to do?” Quay asked, exasperated. Working for Ava was like signing a contract in blood with the Devil.

  “I need you to get off your ass—since you sound like you laid up with his bitch.” There wasn’t shit that went down that Ava didn’t hear about. She kept her ears to the streets. “I want all their fucking trap houses picked the fuck off like an 80s slasher film,” she continued. “But keep Romeo alive. By the time I’m finished with them, I want his ass to be so washed up he has no choice but to come crawling to me on his fucking knees. Then I’ll make him lick the dog shit off my shoe just so he can stand on the block and sell my weed like the corner boy he should’ve been!” Ava smiled wickedly because that was the way it was supposed to be all along. She’d waited in the wake to their downfall for long enough, and now it was time to triumph. Her former business partners would finally feel the wrath of a scorned woman.

  “And what’chu want us to do with the nigga Dez?” Quay asked.

  “No more fuck ups,” she said. “Send him to heaven. Bury his mothafucking ass once and for all.”

  Ava disconnected the call and stared out her living room’s floor-to-ceiling windows. She could see the entire Los Angeles skyline from her Hollywood Hills mansion.

  All of a sudden, a pair of chocolate hands gently grabbed her shoulders from behind. “It makes my dick hard when you talk like a bitch. I don’t know what it is, but the shit turns me on,” Kent whispered. He pulled her body close against his so she could feel his erection.

  “You’d better stop before you get something started,” she giggled.

  Despite her treacherous reputation, Ava was a beautiful woman. Half-Alaskan and half-Polynesian, the 5”6 bombshell was breathtaking at first glance. She had an athletic figure, slanted hazel eyes, and long, wavy jet-black hair that stopped just inches above her curvy ass.

  “Maybe that’s what I want,” the 47-year old replied. Now that he was a happily divorced man, he could finally pander to the woman of his dreams. Even though he was over twenty years older than Ava, he loved her young, pretty ass.

  Kent Summers was a wealthy real estate tycoon, and the first man Ava had ever fell head over heels for. Tall, dark, and handsome, he reminded her a lot of Morris Chestnut. As a matter of fact, his fine ass was the reason she moved to the states to begin with.

  Kent met her on vacation, she gave him some, and he’d been smitten ever since. In the beginning, Kent spoiled her endlessly, but the minute his wife caught wind things became messy. Ava had no choice but to fall back, and she went on to meet Romeo and Desmond.

  After falling out with them, and with no one else in her corner, Ava reached out to Kent on a whim. Surprisingly, he was single and still interested. Kent knew all about her criminal activity and the risk it posed to his career, but he still funded her unlawful business. In just a few short months, Ava was able to rebuild the very empire that she’d lost. In return, Kent received half of all profits.

  Even swap, no swindle.

  Pinning Ava against the glass window, Kent hoisted her up and lifted her skirt. She wasn’t wearing any panties underneath.

  Ava wasted no time
as she unfastened his slacks. Anxiously tugging them down, she pulled his dress shirt out, and reached down his pants. Kent’s dick was so hard that it felt like a warm metal pipe. His balls tightened beneath her delicate touch.

  “Put it in me,” she breathed.

  Kent pulled his horse dick out and placed it in her hand to guide. “You put it in.”

  Ava led his anaconda towards her base and rested it on her pussy lips. “You love me?” she asked.

  “Would I be doin’ all this shit for you if I didn’t?”

  Pleased with his response, Ava slowly slid down onto his pole. He filled her up completely. “Unnh,” she groaned.

  Right there on the glass window, Kent fucked her into a state of euphoria. When he got bored with that position, he turned her around so that her back was facing him.

  Gripping a handful of Ava’s hair, he slid his dick in from the back. She tried to run by placing her hand on his leg, but he grabbed and bent it behind her back. She looked like she was under arrest as he fucked her senselessly. Kent had no intentions of busting until she came first.

  Ava’s cheek pressed against the cold glass as she helplessly took his strokes. “Nut on my dick,” he whispered. “Nut all over my shit.”

  Ava’s cream painted his dick as he went deeper and deeper. The wetter her shit got, the tighter he pulled on her hair. Finally, after several minutes of rough fucking, a shrill whimper escaped her throat. Ava cried out in ecstasy as a powerful orgasm shook her senses.

  Kent snatched his dick out, pushed the tip in her asshole and came deep inside. His warm semen seeped down the crack of her ass and inner legs before dripping on the marble floors. Kent would have the maid clean that shit up tomorrow. In his world, he’d pay to have his ass wiped.

  Ava turned around to face him. “I need to borrow your private jet this weekend. I think I wanna pay Atlanta a visit.”

  Kent stuffed his flaccid dick back in his pants. “I told you I don’t want you goin’ down there.”

  He’d become quite controlling over time. It was like he thought she was his property or something. Sometimes Ava felt like a child, bending to his every command. He doesn’t want me to go here. He doesn’t want me to hang out there. Damn. This nigga acts like he’s my fucking daddy, Ava thought.


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